PRINCE ALFRED HOSPITAL.-MEDICAL SCHOOL. Rules and Regulations for the Clinical Study and Training of the University Students of Medicine. The Hospital shall be open to students for Clinical work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. throughout the year. In order to obtain the certificate of hospital practice necessary to qualify for admission to the Final Examination for the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Master in Surgery of the University of Sydney, students are required to pass through the hospital curriculum of study and practice in the various departments, according to the following scheme and time table of Clinical work. The respective duties of all students, under the time table, shall be apportioned by the Medical Superintendent, and the necessary certificates will only be issued to those students who have shown punctuality, diligence, and efficiency in the performance of the duties assigned to them. The Registrar shall report in writing to the Medical Superintendent each month as to the work done in his department by each Clinical Clerk and Surgical Dresser, and the Medical Superintendent shall obtain reports from the members of the Honorary and Resident Medical Staff concerning the character of the work done by the students under supervision. The Medical Superintendent shall report to the House Committee upon the character of the work done by each fourth and fifth year student, at the first or second meeting after the end of each term. Students attending the Hospital shall be arranged by the Medical Superintendent in four divisions in each year, A, B, C and D respectively, and a list of the names thus appointed to the various departments shall be hung up in the Board Room and the Entrance Hall of the Hospital. C. Clinical Clerkship, General Medical Attendance optional. D. Clinical Clerkship, General Medical Attendance optional. It shall be the duty of each Clinical Clerk to take the history of every patient admitted to the beds placed under his charge within forty-eight hours of admission, and to make all needful periodical reports upon the progress, symptoms, treatment, and results of each case. It shall be the duty of each Surgical Dresser to take the history of every patient under his charge within twenty-four hours of admission, and to make all needful periodical reports upon the progress, symptoms, treatment and results of each case. OTHER HOSPITALS RECOGNISED BY THE UNIVERSITY AS PLACES WHERE STUDY MAY BE CARRIED ON IN CONNECTION WITH THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE. THE SYDNEY HOSPITAL. ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL. THE BENEVOLENT ASYLUM. THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN. THE GLADESVILLE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. Henry and Alfred Denison, Esqs. Thomas W. Smart, Esq. Thomas S. Mort, Esq.... 100 0 0 100 0 0 1,100 0 0 125 0 0 Towards an Organ for the Great Hall. For purchase of book, "Lepsius' Antiquities of Egypt and Ethiopia." For a Travelling Fellowship. Being the amount paid by him for the Library of the late Mr. Stenhouse, presented to the University. Scholarship-For the sons of Freemasons. Bequest-Property of the estimated value of £250,000, to be applied to the general purposes of the University. Towards an Organ for the Great Hall. Bursary or Scholarship. Bursaries. Scholarship-In the Faculty of Law. For establishing and maintaining a Library in the University. Annual Prize-For Mathematics. |