ENGINEERING-Challis Professor-1884-*William H. Warren, Wh.Sc., M. Inst. C.E. P. N. Russell Assistant Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering and Drawing-†S. Henry Barraclough, B.E. (Sydney), M.M.E. (Cornell); Assoc. M. Inst. Č.E. Assistant Instructor in Drawing, 1901, W. S. Boyd, B.E. GEOLOGY AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-Professor-1891-‡T. W. Edgeworth David, B.A., F.R.S. (New College, Oxford). Demonstrator-1898-W. G. Woolnough, B.Sc. WILLIAM HILTON HOVELL LECTURER IN GEOLOGY AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-T. W. Edgeworth David, B.A., F.R.S. (New College, Oxford). GREEK-Professor-1901-William John Woodhouse, M.A. (Queen's College, Oxford). HISTORY-Challis Professor-1891-G. Arnold Wood, M.A. (Balliol College, Oxford). LATIN Professor -1891-Thomas Butler, B.A. (Sydney). LL.B. LAW-Challis Professor-1890-Pitt Cobbett, M.A., D.C.L. (University College, Oxford), Dean of the Faculty of Law. EQUITY, PROBATE, BANKRUPTCY AND COMPANY LAW-Challis Lecturer-1890-G. E. Rich, M.A. LAW OF PROCEDURE, EVIDENCE AND PLEADING-Challis Lecturer1901-David Ferguson, B.A. LAW OF STATUS, CIVIL OBLIGATIONS AND CRIMES-Challis Lecturer -1890-F. Leverrier, B.A., B.Sc. LAW OF PROPERTY, CHALLIS READER-1901-J. B. Peden, B.A., LL.B. LOGIC AND MENTAL PHILOSOPHY - Challis Professor 1890 § Francis Anderson, M.A. (Glasgow). MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS-Lecturer-1883-Thomas Dixson, M.B., Ch.M. (Edin.) Member Inst. Civil Engineers, London; Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers; Whitworth Scholar; Society of Arts Technological Scholar. +Late Science Research Scholar of the Royal Commissioners of the Exhibition of 1851. Late Scholar of New College, Oxford, and late Member of the Geological Survey of New South Wales. Late Clarke Philosophical Fellow University of Glasgow. U 1 MATHEMATICS-Professor-1877-*Theodore T. Gurney, M.A. (St. John's College, Cambridge). 1887-E. M. Assistant Lecturers-1886-A. Newham, B.A. (St. John's MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE AND PUBLIC HEALTH-Lecturer-1883- MEDICAL TUTOR-1901-G. E. Rennie, B.A., M.D. (Lond.) METALLURGY-P. N. Russell Lecturer-1899-Basil W. Turner, A.R.S.M. MIDWIFERY-Lecturer-1897-Jas. Graham, M.D., Ch. M. (Edin.) MODERN LITERATURE Challis Professor-1887-†Mungo W. Assistant Lecturers-French and German-1889-Emil Lecturer-1889—§F. OPHTHALMIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY- PATHOLOGY-Lecturer-1901-Sydney Jamieson, B.A., M.B., Ch.M. PHYSICS-Professor-1899-J. Arthur Pollock, B.Sc. (Sydney). Demonstrator-1900-R. C. Simpson. PHYSIOLOGY-Professor-1883-T. P. Anderson Stuart, M.D., Ch.M. (Edin.), Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Demonstrator-1898-¶Herbert Hawker. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE-Lecturer-1901—**W. Camac Wilkinson, B.A. (Syd.), M.D. (Lond.), M.R.C.P. (Lond.) Late Scholar and Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Bell University Scholar. Late Professor of English Literature in University College, Aberystwyth, Wales; late Luke Fellow, University of Glasgow. Late Lecturer in Modern Languages at the University College of North Wales, Bangor. M.B., Ch.M., First Class Honours, University Medal; Scholar and Prizeman, Edin., 1884. M.B., Ch.M., First Class Honours, Ettles Scholar, 1880; M.D., Thesis Gold Medal, 1882, Edin.; late Assistant to Professor of Physiology, Edinburgh. Late Demonstrator in Physiology, University College, London. ** M.B. First Class Honours Medicine, University Scholarship and Gold Medal. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF SURGERY-Lecturer-1890Alexander MacCormick, M.D. (Edin.) PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE-Lecturer-1889-Chisholm Ross, M.D. (Syd.) SURGICAL TUTOR-1901-John Morton, M.B., Ch.M. SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DENTISTRY-1901-H. S. Du Vernet, D.D.S. (Phila.); W. Septimus Hinder, D.D.S. (Phila.); A. H. MacTaggart, D.D.S. (Phila.); A. C. Nathan, D.D.S. (Phila.), D.M.D. (Harvard); N. V. Pockley, D.D.S. (Phila.); R. Fairfax Reading, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.D.S. (Eng.) SURVEYING-P. N. Russell Lecturer-1890-George H. Knibbs, L.S., F.R.A.S. TUTOR TO THE WOMEN STUDENTS-1900-Isabel Margaret Fidler, B.A. Courses of Optional Lectures will be delivered during the year 1901 by the following Honorary Lecturers : Dr. F. A. Bennet-Diseases of the Skin. Dr. J. F. Flashman-Demonstrations in Psychological Medicine and Neurology. Dr. G. T. Hankins-Diseases of the Ear. Dr. P. Sydney Jones-The Ethics of Medical Practice. Dr. A. E. Mills-Diseases of Children. CURATORS OF MUSEUMS. MUSEUM OF NORMAL AND MORBID ANATOMY-Sydney Jamieson, B.A., M.B., Ch.M. MACLEAY MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY-George Masters. EXAMINERS IN MEDICINE. The Professors. The Lecturers. W. G. Armstrong, B.A., M.B., Ch.M. Fourness Barrington, F.R.C.S. (Eng.), M.B., Ch.M. (Edin.) Thomas Fiaschi, M.D. (Pisa.) G. T. Hankins, M.R.C.S. (Eng.) P. Sydney Jones, M.D. (Lond.) Stanhope H. McCulloch, M.B., Ch.M. (Edin.) The Hon. Charles K. Mackellar, M.B., Ch.M. (Glas.) F. Milford, M.D. (Heidelberg.) Arthur E. Mills, M.B., Ch.M. A. Watson Munro, M.D., Ch.M. (Edin.) The Hon. Sir Arthur Renwick, B.A., M.D. (Edin.), Kt. EXAMINERS IN SCIENCE. The Professors. The Lecturers. J. J. C. Bradfield, M.E. REGISTRAR AND LIBRARIAN, 1882-H. E. Barff, M.A. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, 1888-Caleb Hardy, B.A. HON. SECRETARY OF THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION BOARD-Professor Wood, M.A. CLERK, 1887-William S. Mayer. JUNIOR ASSISTANTS IN THE LIBRARY-W. J. Binns, B.A., K. Binns. AUDITOR, 1899-David Fell. YEOMAN BEDELL S. Craddock. OVERSEER OF THE UNIVERSITY PARK AND GROUNDS-Henry Goodhew. MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY. MEMBERS OF Abbott, George H., B.A., 1887, M.B., Ch.M. Abbott, Henry Palmer, B.A., 1893 Affleck, Ada C., M.B., Ch.M. Anderson (née Amos), Jeanie Cairns, Anderson, Francis, M.A.§¶ Armstrong, Margaret Jane, B.A., 1897 Armstrong, William G., B.A., M.B., Arnold, Edwin Charles, B.A., 1896 Aspinall, Arthur Ashworth, B.A., Atkins (née Kennedy), Annie Augusta, Superior Officer. CONVOCATION. Atkins, William L., B.A., 1893 Barff (née Russell), Jane Foss, M.A. Barnes, Edmund H., M.B., Ch.M. Barraclough, Samuel H., B.E., 1892¶ M.B., Ch.M. F.R.C.S., Barton, Edmund, M.A.† Barry, Alfred, LL.D.§ Barry, Hugh de Barri, B.A., 1898 Bates, (née Abigail), Eliza L., B.A., 1893 Bavin, Gertrude Lillian, B.A., 1898 Bavin, Thos. Rainsford, B.A., 1894, LL.B. Baylis, Harold M., B.A., 1883 Beardmore, Ada, B.A., 1896 Beardsmore, Emily Maud, B.A., 1894 Beardsmore, Robert Henry, B.A., 1895 Beaumont, Annie Holloway, B.A., 1898 Beegling, Daniel, B.A., 1885 Beehag, Samuel Alfred, B.A., 1886 Public Teacher. Fellow of the Senate. + Examiner. |