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college, if any is so granted, and if not then upon
land otherwise conveyed to and accepted by the
University in such trust; and

(b) it has been agreed by the founders that the entire
amount shall be so expended, if the University
so requires, within five years next after the first
payment on account of either of such endowments.

(ii) Endowment for building.


36. There shall be paid out of the Consolidated for building. Revenue, in aid of the building fund of every college so Ibid s. 3. incorporated, a sum or sums not exceeding in the whole twenty thousand pounds, nor more than has been from time to time actually expended by the college out of its subscribed funds for the purpose of building.

(iii) Endowment for principal.

pal's salary.

37. There shall be paid out of the said Consolidated Endowment Revenue annually, to such incorporated college in per- for principetuity, a sum of five hundred pounds for the use of and Ibid. s. 4. as a salary to the principal of such college or in aid of such salary.

as to such

38. Every such principal shall be entitled to the Conditions annual salary hereby provided for on the production of endowment. his own certificate at the time of each payment that he Ibid. s. 5. has during the period to which it relates performed the duties of his office.

Provided that he shall transmit to the Colonial Secretary once in each year a certificate to the like effect under the hands of such persons as are for that purpose appointed by the constitution or rules of the particular college.


out of New

39. Where any person selected to be the principal of Provision any such college is out of New South Wales at the time selected of his appointment no such certificate shall be required principal is until after he has actually entered on his duties, but he South shall be entitled to the salary, and the college to which Wales. has been appointed may receive the same accordingly 37, s. 6. for his use from the day of his embarkation for New South Wales.

18 Vic. No.



proceeds of

subscribed fund until

Provided that every principal shall actually enter on his duties within six months after such embarkation unless the Governor, upon being satisfied that unavoidable obstacles have intervened, thinks fit to extend that term to nine months.

(iv) Interest on subscribed fund.

40. Until the subscribed fund is required for the erection of college buildings as aforesaid, the interest or other proceeds accruing from the investment thereof, or expended in of the portion remaining unexpended from time to time, may be applied to the general purposes of the college as the governing body of such college may determine.


Ibid. s. 7.

Students of

Colleges to of Univer

be members

sity and attend lectures. Ibid. s. 8.

Division 3.-Government of students.

41. All students in any such college shall immediately upon entering therein matriculate in the University, and shall thereafter submit and be subject to the discipline thereof, and shall be required duly and regularly to attend the lectures of the University on those subjects an examination and proficiency in which are required for honours and degrees, with the exception, if thought fit by any such college, of lectures on ethics, metaphysics and modern history.


Reference to Act.

Title or Short Title.

Extent of repeal.

14 Vic. No. 31.. An Act to incorporate and endow The whole. the University of Sydney.

16 Vic. No. 28.. An Act to amend an Act intituled The whole. an Act to incorporate and endow

the University of Sydney.

17 Vic. No. 18.. An Act to enable the University of The whole. Sydney to purchase the Sydney

College with the land attached


18 Vic. No. 37.. An Act to provide for the establish- The whole. ment and endowment of colleges

within the University of Sydney.

22 Vic. No. 8.. An Act to amend an Act intituled The whole. an Act to provide for the establishment and endowment of colleges within the University of Sydney.

24 Vic. No. 13.. An Act to amend the Sydney Uni- The whole. versity Incorporation Act.

44 Vic. No. 22.."Ad eundem Degrees Act of The whole.


47 Vic. No. 17. . “University Extension Act of The whole.



All By-laws heretofore passed by the Senate and now in force are hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof the following By-laws shall be and are hereby declared to be the By-laws under which the University of Sydney shall henceforth be governed. Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to revive any By-law previously repealed, or to prejudice any matter already done or commenced under any By-law hitherto in force.


1. The election to the office of Chancellor shall take place 5-7-87 at a duly convened meeting of the Senate to be held in Lent Term.

2.-The Chancellor shall be elected for a period of three 5-7-87 years (except as hereinafter provided), to be computed from the date of election, but shall be eligible for re-election.

3.-In the event of the office of Chancellor becoming vacant 5-7-87 by death, resignation, or otherwise, before the expiration of the full term of office herein prescribed, the election of a successor shall be proceeded with at the next ensuing regular meeting of the Senate, and the Chancellor so appointed shall hold office until the Lent Term next after the expiration of three years from the date of such election.

4. The election of Vice-Chancellor shall take place annually 5-7-87 at a duly convened meeting of the Senate, to be held in Lent 64 V. Term, except as in cases otherwise provided by the Act of s. 11. Incorporation.

5.-The Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor shall be members 6-5-90 ex-officio of every Faculty, Board, or Committee appointed by any By-law or otherwise by the Senate; and at every meeting of any such Faculty, Board, or Committee, the Chancellor, or in his absence the Vice-Chancellor, or, in the absence of both, the Chairman shall preside, or in his absence a member elected for that sitting. The President at such meetings shall have a vote, and in case of an equality of votes, a second or casting vote.

NOTE.-The dates in the margin are the dates of the approval of the various By-laws by His Excellency the Governor in Council.

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