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Registrar at least fourteen days before the first day of the Annual Examinations.

3. The Exhibition shall be awarded to that candidate, of those who are allowed to compete, who shall show the greatest proficiency in the First Year Examination of the Arts course, provided he shall be deemed to have shown sufficient merit.

4. The holder, who shall at once proceed with his studies in the Faculty of Medicine, shall receive the sum of £40 per annum for five years; provided that he shall only continue to hold it on the condition that he is diligent and of good conduct, and that he passes creditably all the examinations of his course. In the event of illness of the holder causing prolongation of his course of medical study, the case will be subject to the special consideration of the Senate. The Exhibition is open to students of either The last award was made in March, 1897.



Founded in 1889 by a bequest of £200 from Francis Horner, Esq., M.A. Awarded for proficiency in Mathematics at the Matriculation Examination. It cannot be held with two other Scholarships in the University. In case of equality in order of merit in competition for the Exhibition, preference shall be given to a student matriculating direct from the King's School, Parramatta, or in the absence of a student from that School, to a candidate from Newington College, Stanmore. tenable for one year.

[blocks in formation]

Awarded to D. G. Stewart, Strickland being the holder of two Scholarships.
Awarded to W. G. Forsyth, Griffiths being the holder of two Scholarships.
Holder of two other Scholarships.

R. C. Roe did not comply with the conditions for holding the Exhibition.





The Bursaries at the disposal of the University have all been created (on the initiation of the late Dr. Badham, when Professor of Classics) by private foundations at a cost of £1000 each, together with a margin in some cases to ensure prescribed annual awards amounting to £50; and they are helped, on the part of the Senate, by an accompanying exemption from all lecture fees.

They were created for the purpose of placing the advantages of education in this University within the reach of students, who, whilst giving sufficient promise of benefit, would otherwise be excluded through the want of financial means. And in order to secure privacy as regards the poverty of the candidates and their friends, the nominations are directed to be made by the Chancellor alone.

Other bursaries in greater number have lately been created by the Government in connection with the Public School system, but the University is not concerned in their award, although the Senate has conceded to them a like exemption from fees, upon like conditions.

Some of the Founders indicate a preference for students from the country, but the majority are silent on this subject. In two, they "trust that the Senate will coincide in their opinion that except in cases where religion offers an insurmountable barrier, the bursar shall be required to reside in one of the Affiliated Colleges;" and in several, it is expressed that the bursaries are "to enable the recipient to reside in one of the Affiliated Colleges, or in some other place approved of by the authorities of the University from which he may attend the prescribed courses of lectures: " but in the great number, there is no corresponding expression. In practice, the Senate has abstained from imposing any restrictions as to residence, not only in the case of bursaries, but of the whole body of students, notwithstanding Section 18 of the Incorporation Act.

In some cases the founders contemplated full bursaries of £50 a year, as for students from the country, though without prohibiting divisions of the amount; but more generally they either expressly allow of awards of £25 a year, or other less sums than £50, or leave the matter open. And of late years the

absence of new foundations has created a necessity for extending the usefulness of the bursaries by frequent divisions into halves; and the Senate has granted the same exemptions from fees as in the case of full bursaries.

No bursary is subject to any distinction of creed or of position, except that in one case a preference is expressed, but not imposed, for a student belonging to the donor's own Church, and in another the nomination is confined to sons of a minister of religion, but without distinction of Church; in both of which cases the founder bestowed a second bursary without any restriction.

All the bursaries, except five, which were given by Mr. Thomas Walker, in July, 1881, were founded before women were admitted to the University, and they were ostensibly for men only. But Mr. Walker's bursaries were for both sexes, and his instructions required that women should participate. The practice has since been to observe no distinction of sex.

All the bursaries were founded before the introduction of Professional Schools into the University, except those of Mr. Walker, which were on the verge of such introduction and which referred to a past intention, and all appear to have contemplated only the established three years' course in " Literature, Science, and Art," according to the Foundation Act of 1850. On which ground, and for appropriate and independent reasons, they are not available for students in Professional Schools.

The total number of full bursaries is eleven, in addition to which two more will eventually be created by means of surpluses which are required to be accumulated for the purpose. This enumeration is exclusive of the Exhibitions of Mr. Watt and Mr. Struth, and of the Levey and Alexander Endowment for graduates, all of which are based on the bursary principle as to inadequacy of means.

The conditions on which the bursaries are conferred are:1. That the Chancellor shall have received satisfactory. assurance that the candidate's own means, and those of his parents, guardians, "or other friends" (as expressed in some of the foundations) are insufficient to enable him to bear the cost of attending the University without the assistance of a bursary.

2. That the candidate is qualified by education and capacity to benefit by the University course, with which view some of the earlier foundations required that the candidate should be examined by the Professor of Classics and (in some cases "or") the Professor of Mathematics and certified by them, or one of them, to be intellectually fit. But as the University bursaries are now ordinarily granted after the Matriculation Examination, or an equivalent at the Public Examinations, this stipulation has dropped out of use.

3. That the bursar, if not already matriculated, shall matriculate at the commencement of the next Academic year after his appointment, and shall come into his attendance on lectures as the Senate may direct; and that he shall be diligent, and of good conduct; and that he shall pass creditably at the annual examinations during his tenure of the bursary. 4. Subject to the above conditions, the bursary is held for three years, except when granted to undergraduates who have already gone through part of the three years' course, and have then become unable to finish their course without help, in which case the tenure is confined to the residue of the ordinary three years'



In 1874, debentures for £1000, at 5 per cent., were given by Mrs. Maurice Alexander for the endowment of a Bursary in memory of her late husband. The annual value is £35.


In 1876, debentures for £1250, at 4 per cent., were given by the Honourable John Frazer, M.L.C., for the endowment of a Bursary, of the annual value of £50, to be called after the name of his deceased son, John Ewan Frazer.


In 1876, debentures for £1250, at 4 per cent., were given by the Honourable John Frazer, M.L.C., for the endowment of a Bursary, of the annual value of £50, to be called after the name of his deceased son, Ernest Manson Frazer.


In 1876, the sum of £1000 was given by Fitz-William Wentworth, Esq., for the foundation of a Bursary, of the annual value of £50, to be called after the name of his deceased father, William Charles Wentworth, Esq.


In 1876, the further sum of £1000 was given by FitzWilliam Wentworth, Esq., for the foundation of a second Bursary, of the annual value of £50, to be called after the name of his deceased father, William Charles Wentworth, Esq.; but the founder directed that this sum should accumulate until it should reach £1500, that a second Bursary should then be established, and that the surplus should accumulate until the sum of £1500 should again be reached, when a similar result is to follow. This foundation reached the sum of £1500 in 1886, and a second Bursary was established accordingly.


This fund was established in 1886 by the setting apart of the sum of £500 from the last-named foundation, to accumulate for the establishment of a third Bursary in accordance with the directions of the founder. It amounted in April, 1901, to £1,046 7s. 1d.


In 1876, the sum of £1000 was given by Mrs. Burdekin for the foundation of a Bursary, of the annual value of £30, to be called the Burdekin Bursary.


In 1876, Government debentures for £1000, at 5 per cent., were given by Mrs. Hunter-Baillie for the foundation of a Bursary, to be called the Hunter-Baillie Bursary. The annual value is £40.


In 1877, Government debentures for £1000, at 5 per cent., were given by Mrs. Hunter-Baillie for the foundation of a Bursary for the sons of ministers of religion. In the deed of gift the Senate is declared to be the sole judge of who are to be considered ministers of religion. The annual value is £40.

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