12-RENWICK SCHOLARSHIP. Founded in 1877 by a gift of £1000 from Sir Arthur Renwick, B.A., M.D., for the encouragement of the study of Natural Science, including Comparative Anatomy. Awarded in the Faculty of Medicine for proficiency in the subjects of the First Year Examination in Medicine. £35, tenable for one year. Founded in 1877 by a bequest of £1000 from the Hon. George Allen. Awarded at the First Year Examination for proficiency in Mathematics. £30, tenable for one year. 14-BOWMAN-CAMERON SCHOLARSHIP. Founded in 1877, by a bequest of £1100 from Andrew Robertson Cameron, Esq., M.D. Awarded every third year for general proficiency at the Matriculation Examination. £50, tenable for three years in the Faculty of Arts. Founded in 1880, by a gift of £1000 from the Freemasons of New South Wales under the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England, for the endowment of a Scholarship in honour of the District Grand Master of the Order, John Williams, Esq. Awarded for general proficiency at the Matriculation Examination. Competitors must be the sons of Freemasons of five years standing of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales. E. C. G. Page did not comply with the conditions for holding the Scholarship. + C. S. Browne did not comply with the conditions for holding the Scholarship. If at any time there shall be no candidates for Matriculation eligible to compete for the Scholarship, or if any such candidates fail to show sufficient merit, it will be open to like competition at the First Year Examination. The Scholarship may be held in any Faculty. £50, tenable for three years, provided that the scholar shall so long faithfully pursue his studies in the University, and shall pass the Annual Examinations with credit. Applications for permission to compete for the Scholarship will be received not later than the last day for receiving entries for the Examination for Matriculation Honours and Scholarships. 1893 Strickland, T. P. 1899-Teece, R. N. 1896-Teece, R. C. 16-CAIRD SCHOLARSHIP. Founded in 1886, by a gift of £1000 from George S. Caird, Esq., for the encouragement of the study of Chemistry. Awarded at the Second Year Examination in the Faculty of Science, for proficiency in Chemistry. The Scholar is required to attend the theoretical and practical courses of instruction in Chemistry during the Third Year of the Faculty of Science. If there should be no suitable candidate at the Second Year Examination, the Scholarship may be awarded at the Third Year Examination, the holder being required to devote himself to research work in the Chemical Laboratory during his first post-graduate year. £50, tenable for one year. 1894-Simpson, E. S. 1898-Harker, George 1900-Heden, E. C., B.A. 17-AITKEN SCHOLARSHIP. Founded in 1878 by a bequest of £1000 from James Aitken, Esq., of Grafton, for a Bursary or Scholarship. Up to 1893 it was applied as a Bursary. It is now awarded as a Scholarship for general proficiency at the Matriculation Examination in the years in which the Bowman-Cameron Scholarship is not awarded. £50, tenable for one year. 1894-Dettmann, H. S. 1895-Griffiths, F. G. 1897-Horn, W. R. Bourne, Eleanor E., prox. acc. 1898-Todd, Frederick A. 18-JAMES KING OF IRRAWANG TRAVELLING SCHOLARSHIP. Founded in 1888 by a bequest of £4000 from William Roberts, Esq., of Penrith, for the Foundation of a Scholarship or Scholarships, in memory of the late James King of Irrawang, near Raymond Terrace. By the terms of the will, the choice of competitors and the decision of their respective merits are vested in the Senate, acting upon the advice of the Professors of Classics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Natural History. It has been decided that the sum shall be devoted to the foundation of a Travelling Scholarship, to be called the James King of Irrawang Travelling Scholarship, and to be awarded on the following conditions: 1. The Scholarship shall be awarded to a Graduate of not more than four years' standing, reckoned from his qualification by examination for his first degree. 2. The holder will be required to prosecute his studies or researches to the satisfaction of the Senate, in some approved place or places during the tenure of his Scholarship. 3. The amount of the Scholarship is £130 per annum, tenable for not more than two years. Candidates' applications should be in the hands of the Registrar at least three weeks before the first day of Lent Term of the year in which the Scholarship is awarded. 1892-Brennan, C. J., B.A. 1898-Chalmers, S. D., B.A. 1900-Nicholson, G. G., B.A. 19-JOHN HARRIS SCHOLARSHIP. Founded in 1887 by a gift of £1000 from John Harris, Esq., then Mayor of Sydney. Awarded for proficiency in Anatomy and Physiology at the Third Year Examination in Medicine. £40, tenable for one year. 20-COUNCIL OF EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP. Founded in 1889 by a gift of £300 from the Trustees of the subscribers to a Memorial of the late Council of Education for the foundation of a Scholarship to be called the Council of Education Scholarship. Competition for the Scholarship is to be confined to the sons of teachers or officers in the Department of Public Instruction. It is provided by the deed of gift that before any award is made the fund shall be allowed to accumulate until it shall reach such a sum as will provide a Scholarship of not less amount than those already established in the University. It is to be awarded at the Matriculation Examination for general proficiency, but only when the candidates show such proficiency as in the opinion of the Examiners will entitle them to the award of a Scholarship, and is to be tenable for three years. The fund in April, 1901, amounted to £490 15s. 6d. 21-SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS OF HER MAJESTY'S COMMISSIONERS FOR THE EXHIBITION OF 1851. Given by Her Majesty's Commissioners of the Exhibition of 1851, to be awarded to a student of three years' standing for the prosecution of study and research in some branch of Science with a view of developing the Manufactures and Industries of his country. £150, tenable for two years. 1892-Barraclough, S. H., B.E. 1893-Ledger, W. H., B.E. 1895-Watt, J. A., M.A., B.Sc. 1897 Strickland, Tom P., B.E. 22-FRAZER SCHOLARSHIP. Founded in 1890 by a bequest of £2000 from the Hon. John Frazer, M.L.C. £70. 1. The Scholarship is awarded upon the result of the Third Year Examination in History, combined with such further examination, or other test, as the Professor of History may from time to time determine. 2. Those students only are eligible who have just completed their Third Year, and who at the time of the election are qualified for the B.A. Degree. 3. One half of the Scholarship money will be paid to the successful candidate at the time of election. The second half will be paid to him (i.) on his passing an examination qualifying for the Degree of M.A., with Honours in History, within two years of the date of his election, or (ii.) on his having within the same period pursued for at least one year, to the satisfaction of the Senate, some other course of historical study or research. The Scholarship will be awarded in March to the student who shows most proficiency in the papers and essays set in connection with the Examination for Honours in the third year. The late Edwin Dalton, Esq., of Sydney, by his will in 1875, bequeathed his residuary estate, subject to a life interest on the part of his widow, and an annuity of £75, to the University to found "a Scholarship or Scholarships in commemoration of the late Dr. Woolley, its first Principal and Professor," desiring that the Scholarship or Scholarships so to be founded should "have reference to that branch of teaching or philosophy which the late Dr. Woolley chiefly inculcated." By the death of his widow in 1893 the University became entitled to the residuary estate, amounting to about £8000, subject to the annuity of £75. The following are the regulations which have been adopted by the Senate for the award of the Scholarship : 1. The Scholarship shall be awarded to a graduate in Arts of less than four years standing at the time of the award, reckoning from his qualification by examination for the B.A. Degree. 2. The Scholarship will be awarded by the Senate after report from the Professors of Greek, Latin, Modern Literature, Philosophy and History, who shall recommend to the Senate that candidate who in their opinion shows the greatest promise of success in further study of any one or more subjects falling under the heads of Language, Literature, History and Philosophy; provided that they consider such candidate to be of sufficient merit. 3. The holder will be required to prosecute his studies or researches to the satisfaction of the Senate at some approved place or places during the tenure of his Scholarship. |