submit a thesis upon some subject connected with the studies in the Department of Engineering, under the regulations in force for the time being. Candidates are required to hand in their theses to the Registrar not later than the first day of Lent Term. jects for the thesis are confined to the following :— The sub I. Civil Engineering, including Engineering Construction in Iron, Steel, Timber, Masonry, and Concrete. II. Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering. III. Railway Engineering, including Railway Location, Permanent Way, Locomotives and Rolling Stock and Railway Appliances. IV. Mechanical Engineering. V. Machinery, Mining and Ore Dressing, Machinery VI. The Smelting of Copper and Lead. VII. The Wet Processes for the Extraction of Gold and Silver. VIII. Coke and its by-products. 1901-Madsen, J. P. V., B.Sc. III. LECTURESHIPS. 1-WILLIAM HILTON HOVELL LECTURESHIP ON GEOLOGY AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. In 1877, certain tenements and land situated in the city of Goulburn were bequeathed by the widow of the late William Hilton Hovell, Esq., of that district, for the endowment of a Professorship or Lectureship in Geology and Physical Geography, in honour of her late husband. The present estimated value of the property is £6000. 1877.-Archibald Liversidge, Christ's College, Cambridge. 1882.-William John Stephens, M.A., Queen's College, Oxford. 1891.-T. W. Edgeworth David, B.A., New College, Oxford. IV. FELLOWSHIP. WENTWORTH TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIP. In 1862, the sum of £445 was given by W. C. Wentworth, Esq., to be invested and allowed to accumulate until it should reach an amount which, in the opinion of the Senate, would be sufficient for the foundation of a Travelling Fellowship, to be awarded upon certain specified conditions. The fund in April, 1901, was £2,239 11s. 7d. V. CURATORSHIP OF MACLEAY MUSEUM. In 1888, the sum of £6000 was given to the Senate by the Hon. Sir William Macleay, M.L.C., to provide for the services of a Curator for the collections in Natural History which he had presented to the University. The present Curator, nominated by Sir William Macleay, is 1888-George Masters. VI. *SCHOLARSHIPS. Awarded only when candidates exhibit a degree of proficiency satisfactory to the Examiners. No Undergraduate may hold more than two Scholarships at one time. Scholars are required to proceed with their studies in the respective Faculties in which their Scholarships are awarded. 1-UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS. Scholarships for general proficiency of the annual value of £50 were given by the Senate up to the year 1892 out of the Endowment Fund of the University. 1892-Hall, E. C. Rowland, N. de H. 2-LEVEY SCHOLARSHIP. Founded by Solomon Levey, Esq., by a gift of £500 (with accumulations), as an endowment for the education of orphan boys in the Sydney College. In 1853 the fund was transferred to the University of Sydney as an endowment for a Scholarship. Up to 1878 this Scholarship was awarded for general proficiency at the Matriculation Examination. It is now awarded at the First Year Examination for proficiency in Chemistry and Physics, both theoretical and practical, to a student in the Faculty of Arts or in the Faculty of Science. The names of holders of Scholarships before the year 1892 will be found in the University Calendar for 1900. 1892-Seale, H. P. 1893 Wood, J. P. 1894-Strickland, T. P. It shall not be awarded more than once to the same student. It is tenable for one year, and is of the annual value of £40. 1898-Madsen, John P. V. æq. 1895-Sandes, F. P. 1896-Woolnough, W. G. 1900-Whitfeld, H. E., B.A. 1897-Harker, G. BARKER SCHOLARSHIPS. Founded in 1853 by a gift of £1,000 (with accumulations) from Thomas Barker, Esq., for the encouragement of Mathematical Science. 3-BARKER SCHOLARSHIP, No. I. Awarded at the Second Year Examination for proficiency in Mathematics. £50, tenable for one year. 4-BARKER SCHOLARSHIP, No. II. Awarded at the Matriculation Examination, for proficiency in Mathematics. £50, tenable for one year. Strickland, T. P.. Waterhouse, G. A., prox. acc. 1901-Brearley, E. A. 1897-Boyd, W. S. Horn, W. R. Diethelm, O. A. A. seq. Mort, H. S. prox. acc. Stephen, H. M. DEAS-THOMSON SCHOLARSHIPS. Founded in 1854 by a gift of £1000 (with accumulations) from the Honourable Edward Deas-Thomson, for the encouragement of the study of Natural Science. 5-DEAS-THOMSON SCHOLARSHIP FOR PHYSICS. Awarded at the Second Year Examination to a student in the Faculty of Arts or that of Science for proficiency in Physics. • Awarded to D. G. Stewart, T. P. Strickland being the holder of two other Scholarships. R. C. Roe did not comply with the conditions for holding a Scholarship. The scholar is required to attend the courses of instruction upon Physics during his tenure of the Scholarship. £50, tenable for one year. 1892-Brearley, J. H. D. 1899-Madsen, J. P. V. 6-THE DEAS-THOMSON GEOLOGY SCHOLARSHIP. Awarded at the Second Year Examination in the Faculty of Science. Candidates must have attended the courses of instruction on Geology (together with Biology or Chemistry) of the Second year, and the scholar is required to attend the lectures and Laboratory practice of the Third Year in Geology and Mineralogy. £50, tenable for one year. Founded in 1857 by a gift of £1000 (with accumulations) from Sir Daniel Cooper, Bart., for the encouragement of Classical Literature. 7-COOPER SCHOLARSHIP, No. I. Awarded at the Second Year Examination for proficiency in Classics. £50, tenable for one year. 1892-Levy, D. 1893-Garnsey, A. H. 1895-Waddell, G. W. 1896-Whitfeld, H. E. 1897-Evans-Jones, D. P. 1898-Teece, R. C.† 1899-Robson, R. N. 1900-Todd, F. A. 1901-Not awarded. 8-COOPER SCHOLARSHIP, No. II. Awarded at the Matriculation Examination for proficiency in Classics. £50, tenable for one year. ⚫Newman did not comply with the conditions for holding a Scholarship. +R. C. Teece being the holder of two Scholarships could not retain the CooperScholarship. No. 1, which was not awarded. Awarded to B. P. McEvoy, R. C. Teece being the holder of two Scholarships. Awarded at the First Year Examination for proficiency in Classics. £50, tenable for one year. 1892-Garnsey, A. H. 1893-Hall, E. C.t Rowland, N. de H. 1894-Mitchell, E. M. Waddell, G. W. 1895-Whitfeld, H. E. } æq. 1896 Evans-Jones, D. P. 1897-Teece, R. C.‡ Walsh, J. J. 10-LITHGOW SCHOLARSHIP. Founded in 1864 by a bequest of £1000 from William Lithgow, Esq. Awarded for proficiency in French and German at the Matriculation Examination. £50, tenable for one year. 1892-Rowland, N. de H. (a) Whitfeld, Eleanor M. (a) 1893 Strickland, T. P. 1894-Ludowici, E. § Whitehead, Trixie 1895-Pilcher, N. G. S. 1896-Nicholson, G. G. 11-WIGRAM ALLEN SCHOLARSHIP. Founded by gifts of £381 in 1867 (with accumulations), and £500 in 1883, from Sir George Wigram Allen, for the encouragement of the study of Law. Awarded for general proficiency in the subjects of the Intermediate Law Examination. Candidates for this Scholarship are required to present themselves for examination in all the subjects of the Intermediate Examination, notwithstanding they may have previously passed in some of them in the Arts Course. £50, tenable for one year. C. S. Browne did not comply with the conditions for holding the Scholarship. R. N. Teece was the holder of two other Scholarships. E. C. Hall did not comply with the conditions for holding the Scholarship. necessary for holding the Scholarship. S. H. Harris did not comply with the conditions for holding the Scholarship. (a) Awarded for Latin and French. |