FOUNDATIONS. I. CHALLIS FUND. IN 1880, the late John Henry Challis, Esq., formerly of Sydney, bequeathed his residuary real and personal estate to the University, "to be applied for the benefit of that Institution in such manner as the governing body thereof should direct." The bequest was subject to a tenure until death or re-marriage on the part of his widow, and to the payment of various annuities, and also to a period of five years' accumulation after such death or re-marriage. By the death of the widow, in September, 1884, the University became entitled to the accumulated property in September, 1889. The assets are invested partly in England and partly in New South Wales, and all the specific bequests have been paid. The assets in England, amounting to £30,000, are retained by the Trustees until the expiration of certain annuities. Those in Australia amount to £245,200. By a resolution of the Senate passed in 1885, it was determined that the Challis Fund should be applied as a permanent provision of income for educational uses. From the income of the Fund a sum of £7,500 was applied for the payment of half the cost of the erection of a new Chemical Laboratory, and a further sum of £1,200 devoted to the erection of a marble statue of Mr. Challis, which has been placed in the Great Hall opposite to that of Mr. W. C. Wentworth. The income arising from the Australian assets is now devoted to the maintenance of seven Challis Professorships in the following subjects, viz., Anatomy, Biology, Engineering, History, Law, Logic and Mental Philosophy and Modern Literature; and three Challis Lectureships in Law. CHALLIS PROFESSORSHIPS. Anatomy, 1890-James T. Wilson, M.B., Ch.M. (Edin.) P Engineering, 1890-William H. Warren, M.I.C.E. Law, 1890-Pitt Cobbett, M.A., D.C.L. (Univ. Coll., Oxon.) Logic and Mental Philosophy, 1890-Francis Anderson, M.A. (Glasg.) Modern Literature, 1890-Mungo W. MacCallum, M.A. (Glasg.) History, 1891-G. Arnold Wood, M.A. (Oxon.) CHALLIS LECTURESHIPS. Equity, Probate, Bankruptcy, and Company Law, 1890-G. E. Rich, M.A. The Law of Status, Civil Obligations and Crimes, 1890-F. Leverrier, B.A., B.Sc. Law of Procedure in Civil and Criminal Cases, Evidence and Pleading, 1901-David Ferguson, B.A. Reader in the Law of Property, 1901-J. B. Peden, B.A., LL.B. II. THE PETER NICOL RUSSELL ENDOWMENT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING. In 1896, Peter Nicol Russell, Esq., formerly of Sydney, but now living in London, presented to the University a sum of £50,000 for the endowment of the Department of Engineering in the University. The conditions of the gift are the following: 1. That the Department of Engineering at present existing in the University, together with such additions as may be made thereto, shall be called the P. N. Russell School of Engineering. 2. That the University shall, out of the income to be derived from the sum of £50,000, afford both practical and theoretical teaching in the following subjects, in so far as such subjects relate to the School of Engineering-viz., Mechanical Engineering, Surveying, Mining, Metallurgy, Architecture, and such further instruction as the Senate of the University may deem necessary to give effect to the intention of Mr. P. N. Russell in connection with the P. N. Russell School of Engineering. 3. The University shall apply the income of the Fund in the maintenance of the P. N. Russell School of Engineering, but shall not charge such income with any proportion of the cost of the existing buildings, nor with the expense or any proportion thereof of service by ordinary attendants, nor with the expense or any proportion thereof of the Professorships of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, or the Challis Chair of Engineering. Other conditions of the Deed of Gift relate to the mode of investment of the principal sum, and provide that any unused surplus of income shall be added to the principal sum and invested as if it formed a part of the original donation. Under the second clause of the Deed of Gift above recited, a portion of the income of the Russell Fund has been devoted to the maintenance of the following offices: Assistant Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering and Drawing, 1897-S. Henry Barraclough, B.E. (Sydney), M.M.Ě. (Cornell), Assoc. M. Inst. Č.E. Lecturer in Surveying, 1890-George H. Knibbs, L.S., F.R.A.S. Lecturer in Mining, 1892-Edward F. Pittman, A.R.S.M. Lecturer in Metallurgy, 1899-Basil W. Turner, A.R.S.M. Lecturer in Architecture, 1897-John Sulman, F.R.I.B.A. Mechanical Instructor-Henry Blay. PETER NICOL RUSSELL SCHOLARSHIPS FOR Under the gift of PETER NICOL RUSSELL, Esq., for the Endowment of the School of Engineering at the University, the Senate has determined, with the donor's approval, to award one Scholarship annually, until further notice, for the encouragement of higher education in Mechanical Engineering, under the following conditions: 1. Every candidate must present evidence that he has satisfied one of the two following conditions:-(i.) That he has been engaged in an approved workshop for a period of at least one year, and has, in addition, obtained certificates of the following courses in the Sydney Technical College : (a) Applied Mechanics, First and Second Year Courses. (c) Mechanical Workshops, a two years' Course. or, (ii) that he has been engaged, under approved conditions, in the study of Practical Mechanical Engineering for at least three years, by apprenticeship or service in a mechanical workshop or drawing office, provided that one year at least shall have been spent in a workshop. 2.-The Scholarship will be awarded, after competitive examination held in the month of November, concurrently with the Senior Public Examination, and the holder will be styled the "Peter Nicol Russell Scholar." 3.-The subjects of Examination will be the following:- (6) Mechanical Drawing (250 marks). (c) Arithmetic, including the elements of Mensuration (150 marks). (d) Algebra, including the Progressions, the Binomial Theorem for a positive index, and the properties and use of Logarithms (150 marks). (e) Geometry, Euclid I.-IV., VI., XI., propositions 1-21, with easy deductions (100 marks). (ƒ) Trigonometry (150 marks). Optional subjects (as in the Senior Public Examination), two may be taken (a) English (150 marks). (b) Chemistry (150 marks). (c) Physics (150 marks). (d) Geometrical Drawing and Perspective (100 marks). (e) French (150 marks). (f) German (150 marks). (g) Latin (150 marks). (h) Greek (150 marks). Candidates must attain a certain standard in each of the Compulsory subjects. They will be allowed to take two, but not more than two of the optional subjects, and in these they must also attain the prescribed standard. Subject to this provision, the Scholarship will be awarded to the candidate who obtains the highest aggregate number of marks in this examination, provided that he shall have shown sufficient merit to enable him, in the opinion of the Examiners, to profit by the award of a Scholarship. 4.-The Scholar will be required to commence attendance upon the University Classes in the March following the award of the Scholarship to him, and he can only continue to hold the Scholarship so long as he shall be of good conduct, and shall attend regularly the courses prescribed in the University for candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and shall pass all the prescribed examinations. 5.-The Scholarship will be of the value of £75 per annum, and will be tenable for four years, under the conditions mentioned in the preceding paragraph. The payments will be quarterly, commencing on the first of April after the student commences his University course. 6. Those scholars who have, before entering upon their University course, qualified themselves for admission to the Department of Engineering by passing the Examination prescribed for that purpose, or who have in the Peter Nicol Russell Scholarship Examination passed in (i.) Latin and (ii.) Greek, or French or German, will be entitled, after completing the course to the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. Those who have not so qualified themselves beforehand will be entitled to certificates of their attendance and examination in individual subjects, and a certificate showing that they have held the Peter Nicol Russell Scholarship, under the prescribed conditions, for a period of three years-but not to any Degree. The candidates' names, together with an examination fee of £1 10s., and all the required certificates, must be in the hands of the Registrar of the University not later than the 26th of October, 1901, or the 25th of October, 1902, for the examination of that year. 1900-Vine-Hall, Roger 1901-Morris, L. C. THE PETER NICOL RUSSELL MEDAL. THE PETER NICOL RUSSELL MEDAL (value £20) is open to competition amongst Graduates in Engineering of not more than two years' standing. Candidates are required to prepare and |