PROMOTIONS AND PREFERMENTS. GAZETTE PROMOTIONS. Jan. 10. General Sir Peregrine Maitland, Lieut.-Governor of Upper Canada. Sir Thomas Plumer, Master of the Rolls, vice Sir W. Grant, resigned. John Gunning, esq. Surgeon Extraordinary to the King. Dr. G. Smith, Physician Extraordinary, and William Tudor, esq. Surgeon Extraordinary to the Queen. Jan. 17. Admiral Sir Richard Bickerton, Lieut.-General of the Marines, vice Sir R. Onslow, dec.-Admiral Sir George Hope, Major-General of the same. John Stockdale, esq. Standard-bearer to his Majesty's band of Gentlemen Pensioners, vice Thos. Nicoll, esq. resigned. Whitehall, Jan. 17. Rt. Hon. Sir John Leach, Knt. Vice-Chancellor of England, vice Sir Thomas Plumer. Downing-street, Jan. 19. Major-Gen. Sir John Keane, K. C. B. Governor and Commander in Chief of St Lucia, vice Major-General Seymour, dec. ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS. Rev. H. A. Pye, M. A. a Prebendary of Worcester Cathedral. -Gazette. Rev. W. Bradley, B. A. Friston V. with Snape annexed, Suffolk. Rev. C. Crook, M. A. one of the Chaplains to the Prince Regent. Rev. Wm. Buller, St. Vepe V. Norfolk. BIRTH S. 1817, Dec. 19. At Glenkindy, the lady of Sir Alexander Leith, a son and heir; and soon after, a second son, since dead. -26. The wife of Rev. Sir J. Reade, bart. of Moyne House, co. Clare, a daughter. 1818, Jan. 1. In Portland-place, the wife of Valentine Conolly, esq. a dau.-2. At Wooburn House, the wife of David Chambers, esq. a son. At Edinburgh, the lady of Sir Andrew Agnew, bart. of a son and heir.-4. At Bath, the wife of Dr. Percival, a dau.-5. The wife of Majorgen. George Cookson, a son. -The lady of Major-General Sir William Anson, K.C.B. Devonshire-place, a dau. - At Wheat hamstead, the wife of Rev. G. T. Prety man, a son.-7. At Brynbella, the lady of Sir John Salusbury Piozzi Salusbury, a son and heir.-8. At Micklefield Hall, the wife of W. V. Surtees, esq. a dau.-9. At Turvey House, co. Dublin, Right Hon. Alicia Lady Trimblestown, a son.-11. At Knock Drin. co. Westmeath, Right Hon. Lady Leving, a son.-12. At Leiston House, Suffolk, the lady of Lord Huntingfield, a son.-14. At Rougham, Suffolk, the wife of Rev. Montagu Wynyard, a son.-15. In Portland-place, Lady Liddell, a son.-18. The wife of John Bowyer Nichols, esq. of Red Lion Passage, Fleet-street, a dau.-20. At Norfolk House, St. James's-square, the Countess of Surrey, a son.-26. At Clapton, the wife of T. Forster, esq. a daughter. MARRIAGES. 1817, Dec. 24. At Portsmouth, Mr. Richard Loe, merchant, to Miss Kerr, niece of Mr. Edwards, of High-street. Lately. Rev. R. G. Andrews, M. A. head-master of Grantham school, to Jane Elizabeth, only dau. of Rev. John Wilson, vicar of Leighton Buzzard. Rev. T. Lessey, to Hannah Sandford, only dau. of Dr. Scobell, of Hallatrow. Captain Bowles, 81st reg. to the eldest daughter of Oliver Stokes, esq. of the county of Kerry. 1818, Jan. 1. James Hugo Greenwell, esq. of Bentinck-street, St. Marylebone, to Bridget, eldest dau. of Mr. Lloyd, of Harley-street, and grand-dau. of the late John Salmon, esq. of Holcombe, Somerset. Lieut.-Col. Brereton, Royal African reg. to Margaret Anne, widow of the late Major W. Whitmore, and dau. of the late J. A. Olton, esq. of Barbadoes. 5. Robert Robertson, esq. of Rotterdam, to Harriet Eleanor, niece of John Dixon, esq. of Cecil Lodge. GENT. MAG. January, 1818. 6. Capt. Duncan Grant, R. A. to Cecilia, fifth dau. of Diggary Ring Marshal, esq. of Truro, and widow of the late Capt. Bernard Wills, R. A. Mr. Jacob Valentine, jun. son of the Hebrew bard, to Miss Levy of Rathbone-place. At Edinburgh, Edward Poore, esq. nephew of Sir J. M. Poore, bart. to Agnes, third dau. of Sir J. Majoribanks, bart.M.P. 7. Gilbert Stuart Bruce, esq. his Majesty's Consul-General for the Canary Islands, to Mary, second dau. of - Nicholas, esq. of Queen-square. 8. Samuel Prior, esq. of Blackheath, late of Palermo, to Harriet, third dau. of T. Stansfield, esq. of Field House, New-cross. Capt. Charles C. Johnson, 85th reg. Light Infantry, third son of Sir J. Johnson, bart. of Montreal, to Susan, dau. of Rearadmiral Griffith, of North Brook-house, Hants. 13. Col. Ingless Fortescue, of Buckland Fileigh, Devon, to Mrs. Sarah Bridget. OBI OBITUARY. RIGHT HON. GEORGE ROSE. Jan. 13. Died, at his seat, Cuffnells, near Lyndhurst, in his 74th year, without a struggle, and with a serenity of mind which bespoke his being prepared for another and a better world, the Right Hon. George Rose, M. P. for Christchurch, &c. Of this eminent Statesman our Readers being already in possession of an authentic memoir (in Vol. LXXXII. Part I. p. 246), little farther notice of him is now necesHis whole life was active, laborious, and useful; and presented an instance of what may be accomplished by industry and integrity. He was up early and late, and, with a total disregard of amusement, was always and totally in his business. sary. His outset in life is said to have been in the capacity of a purser of a ship of war, where his abilities became known to the late Earl of Sandwich, by whom he was recommended to the Earl of Marchmont, whose patronage continued undiminished till the death of that venerable Nobleman, in 1794, when Mr. Rose became his executor, with a bequest of his large collection of books, manuscripts and coins. His first public situation was that of Deputy Chamberlain of the Tally Court of the Exchequer; and his diligence and abilities were displayed to great advantage in the year 1767, when he began to superintend the publication of the Journals of the House of Lords, of which im portant work 31 folio volumes were speedily completed. From that period he rarely failed to be employed in a public capacity, by successive Administrations. The late Mr. Pitt, in particular, had the highest regard for him; nor was the attachment of Mr. Rose to that illustrious man less sincere and ardent. Mr. Rose had considerable literary pretensions. Although neither a man of brilliant genius, nor an elegant writer, all his publications discover a neatness and perspicuity of style, much and profound research, and great powers of argument. As he wrote chiefly on matters of fact and business, his works partook of the manner and phraseology of a man of business. In addition to the literary publications before mentioned, it may be noticed that Mr. Rose was the author of the Dissertation on the Domesday book, in Nash's History of Worcestershire; and of the following tracts, "The proposed System of Trade with Ireland explained, 1785," 8vo. "Speech on the Corn Laws, 1814," 8vo. "Speech on the Property Tax," 1815, 8vo. In private life Mr. Rose was justly distinguished for his amiable qualities; and to his encouragement and exertions the Country is, in a great measure, indebted for the excellent system of Savings Banks, so very generally adopted. He possessed a most extensive knowledge of the financial and commercial affairs of the Country; and with a clear mind and accurate judgment combined an extraordinary degree of perseverance and assiduity in public business. On Friday, Jan. 23, his remains were interred in the family mausoleum under the Countess of Salisbury's Chapel, at Christchurch. Numerous applications were made by the neighbouring gentry for their carriages to join in the general procession; but this mark of respect was declined by the family. The high estimation in which this gentleman was held, and the severe loss the poor of the neighbourhood, as well as the country in general, have sustained by his death, will be long and sincerely regretted. LORD WALSINGHAM. Jan. 16. Died at Old Windsor, greatly lamented, Thomas De Grey Lord Walsingham. His Lordship was the only son of Sir William De Grey, several years Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, which situation he resigned in 1789, iu favour of Lord Loughborough, and was ennobled in the same year by the title of Baron Walsingham. The late Lord was born in 1748, and for a few years held the office of Under Secretary of State to Lord George Germaine, then Chief of the Colonial Department. He was afterwards one of the Lords of Trade and Plantations. In 1787 Lord Walsingham succeeded the Earl of Tankerville in the important and lucrative office of Joint Postmaster-General, which he held till 1794, when he resigned it, and was succeeded by the late Earl of Leicester. In the following year his Lordship was voted Chairman of the Committee of Privileges, and of the Committees generally, of the House of Lords, a situation not only of great trust and importance, but involving duties of a very laborious nature, principally with reference to the investigation and discussion of Estate, Naturalization, and certain other Private Bills, which almost uniformly originate in the House of Lords; the first description of which affect a very great portion of the landed property of the country, and which require the close personal attendance of the Noble Chairman every day, with few exceptions, throughout the Session; frequently 1 1818.] Lord Walsingham.--John Entwisle, Esq. quently from an early hour in the forenoon until late in the evening. In the discharge of these arduous and important duties, Lord Walsingham, during an interval rather exceeding twenty years, acquitted himself with the greatest credit and honour, and in a way to the perfect satisfaction of the various descriptions of individuals and parties concerned. The annual vote of re-appointment was always unanimous, and accompanied, more or less, with laudatory observations on the excellent conduct of the Noble Chairman, by more than one of their Lordships. The deportment and manners of Lord Walsingham were courteous, gentlemanly, and affable, calculated to conciliate the esteem and good-will of all those with whom he had communication. In consequence of a paralytic affection, with which he was afflicted about two years since, his Lordship resigned his situation as Chairman of the Committees his health was never afterwards re-established, nor was he able to attend in his place as a Peer; and in consideration of his long, faithful, and important services, their Lordships concurred, almost by acclamation, in a Bill for enabling the Crown to settle a pension of 2000l per annum on Lord Walsingham, with a moiety thereof in reversion, we believe, during the lives of his lady and daughters. His Lordship for several years held the office of Comptroller of the First-fruits and Tenths. Lord Walsingham married, in 1772, the Hon. Augusta Irby, sister of the present Lord Boston, by whom he had George, now Lord Walsingham, born in June, 1776, a Lieut. General in the army; and the Hon. Rev. Thomas De Grey, a dignitary of the church, and son-in-law of the Lord Bishop of Winchester; and also two daughters. JOHN ENTWISLE, ESQ. Dec. 16. Died, at Cadoxton-lodge, Glamorganshire, John Entwisle, esq. of Foxholes, in the county of Lancaster. This gentleman was the eldest son of John Markland, esq. of Ardwick (whose death, in 1799, at the venerable age of 83, was recorded in our Obituary Vol. LXIX, page 86), and was born on the 20th August, 1744, O. S. Becoming possessed in 1787 of the patrimonial estate of the Entwisles (which he inherited as the great-grandson of Bertie Entwisle, Esq. Vice-Chancellor of the County Palatine of Lancaster), he assumed the name and arms of that ancient and respectable family, and on fixing his residence at Foxholes near Rochdale, he rebuilt the mansion-house, and by many judicious improvements rendered the seat of his ancestors one of the most desirable in that part of Lancashire. Here, by acts of public utility, by the influence 83 of good example, the exercise of genuine hospitality, and of well-directed benevolence, he fulfilled the duties, and maintained the respectability of an English country-gentleman. Surrounded by a trading and most populous district, where a spirit of turbulence and insubordination frequently prevails, he laboured assiduously, for more than twenty years, in discharging the heavy and responsible functions of a magistrate for the counties of Lancaster and Chester, and the West Riding of Yorkshire, with a probity, uprightness, and impartiality, most honourable to his principles and character. Mr. E. was also a Deputy-Lieutenant for Lancashire, and served the office of HighSheriff of that county in the year 1798. As a man he claimed general respect and esteem-he was humane, friendly, and sincere; prompt in the forgiveness of injuries, and, wherever his voice and influence extended, zealous to promote peace and unanimity. Nor were these, occasional qualities only: they were deeply implanted in his breast, and never slumbered, when either public duty or private friendship called for their exertion. Whilst tolerant to the opinions of others, he cherished through life an habitual reverence for, and a firm and conscientious attachment to the civil and ecclesiastical esta-, blishments of his country; and viewed with regret those disorganizing attempts of later days, which, under the mask of reform, would wean the publick from their allegiance, and promote confusion, where God has commanded order. Advancing age and declining health prompted Mr. E. a few years ago to seek a milder climate, and, in despite of every tie that bound him to it, to leave a favourite residence, the privacy and retirement of which, various circumstances had recently conspired to lessen. But in that neighbourhood his active services, and the virtues that adorned his life will long be held in veneration; and as no human being can claim exemption from error, let those infirmities that shaded his character be judged with the same indulgence which he was ever prompt to extend to the heavier frailties of others. BARON THOMSON. The following character of this distinguished person is extracted from the Taunton Courier, April 24, 1817: The Right Hon. Sir Alexander Thomson, Lord Chief Baron of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer, as a lawyer, a scholar, and a gentleman, had few equals. He possessed the most refined taste, in the purest simplicity. He had a clear, vigorous, and comprehensive understanding, and a mind deeply imbued with elegant and useful knowledge. The urbanity of his manner was but the overflowing of the benevolence of his heart. In bis judicial capacity his knowledge was extensive and accurate, his penetration acute, his judgment sound, his impartiality undeviating, his attention vigilant, his eloquence simple and manły. In criminal cases his humanity and patience were equally admirable; in the discharge of that branch of his duty, few men who ever ascended the British Bench have rivalled, none has ever surpassed him. The sentences which he was painfully called on to pronounce on criminals, were specimens of an eloquence so correct, simple, sublime, pathetic, and affecting, that they frequently softened the hearts of the most obdurate, while they inspired all other hearts with veneration and love. Few men have died more universally regretted. In that profession to which he was so brilliant an ornament, the present generation, at least, must wholly pass away ere its members can cease to revere and cherish the memory of him who never lost an opportunity of evincing a courtesy, consideration, and kindness, towards every individual whom he had it in his power to oblige; and many of his decisions will through ages to come be regarded as adding new light to the stores of English jurisprudence. VIZIER ALLY. Among the deaths mentioned in the Calcutta Papers, we find that of Vizier Ally, once Nabob of Oude; but being deposed by the East India Company, he was subsequently, and in consequence of the treacherous murder of Mr. Cherry, and others, at Benares, confined for life in a room made to resemble an iron cage, in Fort William, where he lingered out an imprisonment of 17 years, three months, and four days. He died in May last, at the age of only 36. As a relation of the vicissitudes of fortune which this young man experienced, with the circumstance of his long imprisonment, may not prove uninteresting to the reader, we shall here subjoin it. Vizier Ally was the adopted son of Asufud-Dowlah, late Nabob of Oude. His mother was the wife of a Forash (a menial servant of low description, employed in India in keeping the metallic furniture of a house clean). His reputed father, Asufud-Dowlah, was a wealthy and eccentric Prince.-Having succeeded to the musnud (throne) of Oude by the assistance of the East India Company, he professed great partiality to the English. "Mild in manners, polite and affable in his conduct, he possessed no great mental powers; his heart was good, considering his education, which instilled the most despotic ideas. He was fond of lavishing his treasures on gardens, palaces, horses, elephants, European guns, lustres, and mirrors. He expended every year about 200,000/. in English manufactures. This Nabob had more than an hundred gardens, 20 palaces, 1200 elephants, 3000 fine saddle-horses, 1500 double-barrel guns, 1700 superb lustres, 30,000 shades of various forms and colours; several hundred large mirrors, girandoles, and clocks; some of the latter were very curious, richly set with jewels, having figures in continual movement, and playing tunes every hour; two of these clocks cost him 30,000l. - Without taste or judgment, he was extremely solicitous to possess all that was elegant and rare; he had instruments and machines of every art and science, but he knew none; and his museum was so ridiculously disposed, that a wooden cuckoo clock was placed close to a superb-time-piece which cost the price of a diadem; and a valuable landscape of Claude Lorraine suspended near a board painted with ducks and drakes. He sometimes gave a dinner to ten or twelve persons, sitting at their ease in a carriage drawn by elephants. His haram contained above 500 of the greatest beauties of India, immured in high walls which they were never to leave, except on their biers. He had an immense number of domestic servants, and a very large army, besides being fully protected from hostile invasion by the Company's subsidiary forces, for which he paid 500,000l. per annum. His jewels amounted to about eight millions sterling.Amidst this precious treasure, he might be seen for several hours every day, handling them as a child does his toys." Asuf had no legitimate children, and it was doubted whether he had any natural ones. He was in the habit whenever he saw a pregnant woman, whose appearance struck his fancy, to invite her to the Palace to lie-in; and several women of this description were delivered there, and among the number was the mother of Vizier Ally. Several children, so delivered, were brought up and educated in the Palace. The sprightliness of Vizier Ally, while yet an infant, so entirely engrossed the affections of the old Nabob, that he determined to adopt him. In conformity with this resolution, the youth received an education suitable to a Prince who was destined to succeed to the musnud. He is said, however, to have developed at this period a propensity to delight in the sufferings of the brute creation. The affection of the old Nabob towards his adopted sou still increasing, he lavished upon him every mark of regard. At thirteen his marriage took place. To give an idea of the splendour which attached to his youth, and from which he subsequently fell, the following account of of his nuptials is extracted from Forbes's Oriental Memoirs: "The wedding of Vizier Ally was celebrated at Lucknow, in 1795, and was one of the most magnificent in modern times. "The Nabob had his tents pitched on the plains, near the city of Lucknow; among the number were two remarkably large, made of strong cotton cloth, lined with the finest English broad cloth, cut in stripes of different colours, with cords of silk and cotton. These two tents cost five lacks of rupees, or above 50,000l. sterling; they were each 120 feet long, 60 broad, and the poles about 60 feet high: the walls of the tents were 10 feet high; part of them were cut into lattice-work for the women of the Nabob's seraglio, and those of the principal Nobility, to see through. His Highness was covered with jewels, to the amount, at least, of two millions sterling. From thence we removed to the shumeeana, which was illuminated by 200 elegant girandoles from Europe, as many glass shades with wax candles, and several hundred flambeaux; the glare and reflection was dazzling and offensive to the sight. When seated under this extensive canopy, above a hundred dancing-girls, richly dressed, went through their elegant, but rather lascivious dances and motions, and sung some soft airs of the country, chiefly Persic and Hindoo-Persic. "About seven o'clock, the bridegroom, Vizier Ally, the young Nabob, made his appearance, so absurdly loaded with jewels, that he could scarcely stagger under the precious weight. The bridegroom was about thirteen years of age, the bride ten; they were both of a dark complexion, and not handsome, "From the shumeeana we proceeded on elephants to an extensive and beautiful garden, about a mile distant. The procession was grand beyond conception; it consisted of about 1200 elephants richly caparisoned, drawn up in a regular line like a regiment of soldiers. About a hundred elephants in the centre had houdas or castles, covered with silver; in the midst of these appeared the Nabob, mounted on an uncommonly large elephant, within a houdah covered with gold, richly set with precious stones. The elephant was caparisoned with cloth of gold. On his right hand was Mr. George Johnstone, the British resident at the Court of Lucknow; on his left the young bridegroom: the English gentlemen and ladies and the native nobility were intermixed on the right and left. On both sides of the road, from the tent to the garden, were raised artificial scenery of bamboo-work, very high, representing bastions, arches, minarets, and towers, covered with lights in glass lamps, which made a grand display. On each side of the procession, in front of the line of elephants, were dancing-girls superbly dressed (on platforms supported and carried by bearers), who danced as we went along. These platforms consisted of a hundred on each side of the procession, all covered with gold and silver cloths, with two girls and two musicians at each platform. "The ground from the tents to the garden, forming the road on which we moved, was inlaid with fire-works; at every step of the elephants the earth burst before us, and threw up artificial stars in the heavens, to emulate those created by the hand of Providence; besides innumerable rockets, and many hundred wooden shells that burst in the air, and shot forth a thousand fiery serpents; these, winding through the atmosphere, illuminated the sky, and, aided by the light of the bamboo scenery, turned a dark night into a bright day. The procession moved on very slowly, to give time for the fire-works inlaid in the ground to go off. The whole of this grand scene was further lighted by above 3000 flambeaux, carried by men hired for the occasion. In this manner we moved on in stately pomp to the garden, which, though only a mile off, we took two hours to reach. When we arrived at the gardengate, we descended from the elephants, and entered the garden, illuminated by innumerable transparent paper - lamps or lanterns, of various colours, suspended to the branches of the trees. In the centre of the garden was a large edifice, to which we ascended, and were introduced into a grand saloon, adorned with girandoles and pendant lustres of English manufacture, lighted with wax candles. Here we had an elegant and sumptuous collation of European and Indian dishes, with wines, fruits, and sweetmeats; at the same time about a hundred dancing-girls sung their sprightly airs, and performed their native dances. "Thus passed the time until dawn, when we all returned to our respective homes, delighted and wonder-struck with this enchanting scene, which surpassed in splendour every entertainment of the kind beheld in this country. The affable Nabob rightly observed, with a littlé Asiatic vanity, that such a spectacle was never before seen in India, and never would be seen again. The whole expence of this marriage-feast, which was repeated for three successive nights in the same manner, cost upwards of 300,0001. sterling." When Vizier Ally was recognised by Asuf as his successor to the throne, great opposition was manifested by the old Nabob's family. He was, however, on the death of the latter, upheld by the English Government, and placed on the throne.An adopted child by the Mohamedan Law, is entitled to all the privileges of legitimate |