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10. Remarks, Moral, Practical, and Facetious, on various interesting Subjects. Selected from the Writings of the late W. Hutton, Esq. F.A.S. S. of Birmingham. 12mo, pp. 93. Nichols & Co. THIS useful and entertaining little volume is thus introduced by the judicious Compiler:

"The life of Mr. Hutton affords a remarkable instance of an individual surmounting, by the vigorous exertion of bis own faculties, the united evils of poverty and ignorance. Endowed with great natural acuteness, by industry and frugality he became a thriving tradesman, and raised himself to affluence; and though at an early age he had an aversion to letters, yet cultivating his understanding, as he advanced in life, by reading and reflection, he acquired such a fund of general knowledge as falls to the lot of few who enter on their

career under much more favourable cir

cumstances. His published works prove this fact: they also exhibit some curious

researches, and an extensive acquaintance with the history and topography of his native country; and they abound with traits of good sense, and with pertinent and useful remarks. He possessed much originality of humour, and had the talent of enlivening a barren topick with characteristic reflections and allusions, which can hardly fail to give entertainment, although the reader may not be particularly interested with the subject on which they are engrafted. It occurred to the Compiler of this little volume that a concise selection of such reflections and remarks as would bear

removal from the context, might be acceptable to the publick; and he indulges the hope that while it affords amusement, it may also occasionally impart a valuable maxim or a useful hint."

11. Letters respecting the Union of the Regular Clergy with Dissenters, in the Distribution of the Bible. By the Rev. John Ward, M. A. Vicar of Mickleover, Derbyshire. 8vo. pp. 138. Rivingtons.

THE subject treated of in these Letters has given rise to much able and spirited controversial writing on both sides of the question. The assailants have been powerful, and so have the defendants, and the victory may still be said to be suspended. Mr. Ward, in order to forward the good work of disseminating the Scriptures, would make common cause with the Dissenters in the honourable and Christian-like struggle to benefit their fellow-men in a matter which

supersedes all the petty interests of this world. In doing this, however, he is far from forgetting the respect due to our excellent Book of Common Prayer; and urges, with a zeal most creditably and laudably energetic, that, in the performance of the Church - service, the first importance should ever be attached to the proper and earnest delivery of the beautiful formulæ which it contains, and not, as is sometimes the case, exclusively to an ambitious display of oratory in a fine sermon. We heartily commend this feeling; and are the more gratified by hearing the precept from a Clergyman, as in him we can look for example also.

We confess our wish to avoid in

volving ourselves in the dispute about the properest mode of distributing the Bible; and therefore prefer giving our readers the following extract on the salutary effects of our Forms of Prayer

in divine service:

"Under this deep impression of Christian knowledge, and of brotherly kindness, did our wise and venerable Reformers compose, or rather prepare the way for the reception of, our own excel lent Book of Common Prayer. To those wise men of old, so honourably protesting against every corruption of which superstition was the chief promoter, we owe every grateful obligation for laying the foundation of our own most reasonable service. Abounding in every

qualification of good-will to all men, they drew from the fountain-head of divine knowledge those lessons, those commandments, those psalms, and every other extract from our holy book, which might most essentially tend to open and expand the closed intellect of man, cause him to see and appreciate the nature of his duty, and so by prayer and by praise, to elevate his hopes and his prospects of happiness in the unknown regions of bliss. And in this interesting scene of associated comfort, the Churchman was not to stand an idle and unconcerned spectator of the prayers and praises of some deputy or proxy in his service: he was to feel himself no absolute cypher in the midst of his brethren, in the great congregation; he was not to receive the whole of his edification from a sermon, however drawling or forcible may be its mode of expression. His motive had nothing of self or self-interest in the service enjoined; and in meeting with his mutually disposed brethren, his feelings broke forth in joyous exclamation, I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord."

distinguished by the appellation of Members' Prizemen, - and are denominated middle or senior Bachelors, accordingly as they belong to the second or third year of their Bachelorship. It were to be wished that the period allowed for composing were longer; as, if the subject be extended over much ground, he who would hope for success cannot for that time think with propriety of giving his attention to any thing else. This is a point deserving of consideration: a candidate for these prizes being, generally, at the time of writing, not many months removed from a Fellowship-examination. If the period were doubled, the hours cut off from the ordinary occupations of the day might, of themselves, be nearly sufficient for these exercises ; and the student be not so immediately compelled partem solido demere de die. As it is, he enters the lists for a Fellow'ship with a manifest disadvantage; and might, upon this account only, have to give way to an inferior man. - In some cases, where the merits of the competitors have warranted such a measure, a third prize has been awarded, of the like value with the others. This may,

We are sorry to be obliged to say of course, happen either in the middle,

that the work abounds in typographical errors.

or (as it did in the present instance) in the senior year. But one example has occurred, in which the same individual has been first of three in both years. The student was of St. John's College.The subject of the Dissertation before us, is The Origin and Nature of Hieroglyphics; and is, of all others, one which furnishes an ample scope for investi

12. Hieroglyphicorum Origo et Natura:
Prolusio in Curia Cantabrigiensi (in
Comitiis, quod aiunt, Maximis) III.
Kal. Jul. MDCCCXVI. recitata, cùm
primum tulisset Præmiorum, quæ ab
Academiæ Legatis dari solent quotannis
Senioribus, sic nuncupatis, Artium Bac-gation."
calaureis. Conscripsit Jacobus Bailey,
B. A. Coll. Trin. Schol. Cantabrigiæ,
typis ac sumptibus Academicis excudit,
Longman and Co.

WE mention this Prize Dissertation, as highly creditable to Mr. Bailey, and as it affords an opportunity of conveying the following article of academical intelligence, transcribed from Mr.Valpy's "Classical Journal."

"Among the various prizes instituted at Cambridge for the advancement of classical learning, are four (perhaps, the most important, so far as relates to original composition) of fifteen guineas each, given annually by the Representatives of the University in Parliament to two Bachelors of Arts of the second, and two of the third year's standing, for the best Dissertations in Latin prose, on subjects proposed by the Vice-chancellor and Heads of Colleges, somewhat (usually) within two months of the day of decision. The successful candidates are

13. Anacreontis Teii Carmina Latinè reddidit Gul. Jac. Aislabie, A.M. Subjiciuntur Anacreontis Epigrammata et Theocriti Anacreonticum in mortuum Adonin. sm. 8vo, pp. 47. Ridgway.

THE following short extracts may be considered as a fair specimen of this elegant little volume:

"In Cicadam.

O nimium felix! quæ, Rex velut, arbore


Exiguo gaudens rore, Cicada, canis.
Quot faciles horæ, quot terra benignior
Sunt tua; tu nulli, ruris amica, noces."
"Bibendum esse.

Fer calicem, puer, ingentem, sit plenior
Undæ sint cyathi quinque decemque
Absint clamores Scythico male more


Exhilarant lepidi carmina nostra joci." "Quis * " Dr. Johnson, in the Preface to his Dictionary, has on observation of a similar kind: 'The English language,' says the Doctor, while it has been employed in the cultivation of every species of Literature, has itself been hitherto neglected; suffered to spread under the direction of chance into wild exuberance; resigned to the tyranny of time and faction; and exposed to the corruptions of ignorance, and the caprice of fashion.""

"Quis commodus Sodalis. Non verè comes est, qui plenos ebibit haustus,

Rixasque et belli flebile narrat opus. Sed qui Musarum et Veneris citus inclyta


[let." Munera, lætitiam commemorare vaMr. Aislabie thus concludes a neat dedication to Earl Grey:

"Deus Optimus Maximus faxit ut serus in cælum redeas, et perstes diutissimè uti ab ineunte statim adolescentiâ cœpisti, Foxii immortalis eheu! quàm deflendi memor, et acerrimus libertatis, legum, religionis vindex."

14. A Practical Essay on Intellectual Education, with a characteristic View of the most approved Elementary Books of Instruction in the various Branches of Literature; and Strictures on the best Methods of Tuition. By William Jaques. 12mo, pp. 164. Hatchard.

OF the Author of this useful little Volume we are told, by himself,

"His personal experience has not been short, nor the sphere of his labours contracted; and to such advantages as arise from these, he may make honourable pretensions. As a Domestic Tutor formerly, and, at present, as a Daily Teacher in some of the first families,

and some of the most respectable Establishments for Young Ladies, he has had multiplied opportunities of maturing his views."

Mr. Jaques then modestly adds:

"If it shall appear that he has written with some discernment of time and circumstance, and with so much at least of originality as must belong to strictures, which, though they may not be always new, are yet the genuine growth of his own observation and experience, his particular object in composing the Work will be accomplished."

"The Work divides itself into two principal parts: the former treats of various subjects connected with Intellectual Education; while the particular object of the latter is, to give a characteristie list of the most approved Ele

mentary Books of Instruction in the various branches of Literature, accompanied with practical remarks, illustrative of the best methods of Tuition."

After many sensible observations on the first part of his subject, Mr. Jaques proceeds through the several branches of Science, with directions for the study of each.

For example, under "English Grammar," he observes,

"It is comparatively of late years that this study has risen to its present deserved estimation. Dr. Lowth, in the Preface to his Grammar, has a remark, that prior to his time the English language had been generally considered so simple in its structure, as really to require no previous course of study in order to an acquaintance with it; and that hence the writings of our best authors were often very inaccurate*. This observation of that acute and learned Grammarian gave rise, it is probable, to the increasing attention which has since been paid to this important subject. The change which has taken place in the language, both written and oral, is, however, obvious; even the conversation of educated persons is redeemed from those inaccuracies which blemish the pages of the writers of Queen Anne's time.

"As it is possible, however, to converse with accuracy, even where the grammatical principles that authorize and guide the construction are unknown, the design of the study of English Grammar is to put the pupil into possession of the reason of his own practice. In every stage of his progress through this branch of study, not only his memory, but his understanding, should be exerted. The laws of Grammar should be canvassed and thoroughly considered, that he may see them both in their own nature, and in their bearing on the language itself.

"The most useful Grammar is that of Murray, a Work which can scarcely be too highly praised; and which has realized all that could be wished in this department of Literature †."

+ "I shall have frequent occasion to refer to Mr. Murray's productions in the course of this Work; but I cannot help recording, at the mention of this his most valuable production, my unfeigned respect for him as an Author, and my congra tulations on the wide spread which all his Works on Education have deservedly received. There is not one of them which ought not be adopted in the school-room, and which has not answered, more or less, the excellent Author's design. He has certainly certainly been an unusual benefactor to youth, and through them to mankind at large. And, possessed as he is of so ample a share of public confidence, it is to be hoped that he will yet favour the world with further contributions to our stock of elementary books."

After some remarks on "the method of studying" the Grammar recommended, and a slight critique relative to "some of the sentences which Mr. Murray has inserted in his Exercises as erroneous," Mr. Jaques proceeds:


"The Student may enlarge his acquaintance with the subject of Grammar, by the studious perusal of the following Works:-' Harris's Hermes,' which, notwithstanding the animadversions of the Author of the 'Epea Pteroenta' on some portions of it, is, on the whole, a Work of the highest merit, rich in grammatical learning. Lowth's opinion is, that the subject of Grammar is fully and accurately handled in it, with the greatest acuteness of investigation, perspicuity of explication, and elegance of method. It is,' adds the Doctor, the most beautiful and perfect example of analysis that has been exhibited since the days of Aristotle.'-Dr. Lowth's 'Grammar' is

a highly interesting and valuable production; and although the most useful parts of his volume are advantageously incorporated into Mr. Murray's Work, yet there is so much of the true spirit of criticism in the Doctor's Grammar, that it will amply reward an attentive perusal. - Dr. Priestley's 'Grammar' may also be read with great benefit by the Student.-Dr. Crombie's 'Etymology and Syntax' furnishes many ingenious criticisms and illustrations. A Grammar lately published by Mr. Sutcliffe contains much original and important matter. As to the order in which the Works above enumerated should be read, it is not perhaps of essential moment. The Author recommends that in which they are arranged. But to complete the Student's knowledge of Grammar, it is necessary, that in addition to the foregoing, he read the following ingenious Work, - Epea Pteroenta, or Diversions of Purley, by John Horne Tooke. Another Work which may be mentioned in this connexion is, Bradley's 'Grammatical Questions, adapted to Murray's Grammar.' - But ample, and, indeed, indefinite in extent, as is the subject of general Grammar, it should by no means be overlooked, that the rudiments of English Grammar are very few, and consequently of easy attainment. We have seen that, prior to the days of Lowth, the study of the language was suffered to exact no special

attention in a course of education; we may now, perhaps, be verging to the contrary extreme, and are in danger of detaining our youth too long within the precincts of the elementary volume.

Of Dictionaries, that of Dr. Johnson is indisputably the best, and ought to be made the standard of orthography, for the reasons mentioned by Mr. Murray. The Grammar prefixed to it claims the attention of every student. -Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary, on a different plan from the Doctor's, is also a most useful and valuable Work."

We shall select one more passage :

"I shall close this characteristic view of elementary books with the notice of such Works as appear to me particularly adapted for the religious instruction of young persons.

" I entirely coincide with those writers on Education who have given it as their opinion, that the principles of our Holy Religion cannot be communicated at too early a period. For this purpose oral instruction, provided it be concise, simple, and affectionate, is to be preferred. A system is, however, desirable; and in order to this, I would recommend the early Catechisms for Children, composed by the amiable author of 'The Improvement of the Mind.' They are inserted in Dr. Mavor's Spelling Book, but may be had separately.

"To these may succeed the Church Catechism; in illustration of which Archbishop Secker has composed a volume of ' Lectures.'

"Mrs. Trimmer's 'Prints of the Scripture History,' accompanied with descriptions, are a pleasing vehicle of religious information.

""The Introduction to the Knowledge of Nature, and to the Reading of the Holy Scriptures,' by the same lady, is a useful little work.

""The History of the Bible, in Familiar Dialogues, by a Lady,' 4 vols. 12mo, has great merit. It combines solid instruction, with a manner and style pleasant to children.

"Murray's Power of Religion on the Mind,' is a work eminently calculated both to instruct and please: it is religion teaching by example.

"Murray's Selections from Bishop Horne's Commentary on the Psalms.' The piety and goodness which breathe through the whole of the Bishop's Exposition cannot be too highly praised; and Mr. Murray, in bringing it under


the immediate notice of the young, has conferred on them an essential advantage.

Mr. Wilberforce's 'Practical View of the Religious Systems of this Country,' is, in my judgment, peculiarly suited for the perusal of intelligent young persons. A reader of this Work must be good or bad in the extreme, who may not receive some advantage from such a composition *.'

"An early opportunity should be taken to ground pupils in the evidences of Religion; and in order to this, I recommend Porteus's 'Summary of the Evidences of the Christian Religion,' and Dr. Doddridge's Sermons on the Evidences of Christianity;' a Work which was greatly esteemed by Bishop Porteus, who directed it to be read by every candidate for Holy Orders.

"Gisborne's Familiar Survey of the Christian Religion, and of History as connected with Christianity, was written for the use of young persons during the course of education. It is a lucid, impartial, and interesting work.

"Beattie's Evidences of the Christian Religion,' is a book of standard merit, and may be properly put into the hands of young students, for whose adoption the author originally designed it.

"The following incomparable view of a series of works on the Evidences, is from the pen of that vigorous and masterly Writer, the Author of 'The Pursuits of Literature.' The reader is requested to mark the connexion.

"1. Mr. Jenyns's View prepares the mind to think worthily of the Religion which is proposed, and demonstrates that there is the highest reason to believe and to conclude that its origin is from above, and not from man.-2. Dr. Paley's view of the subject displays, confirms, and establishes the direct historical evidence and proof, with all the plainness and candour of which it is capable, and independent of the particular tenets of any church or sect.-3. and 4. Grotius and Dr. Clarke present to us the faith, doctrine, and evidence, in the form of propositions, with ample and learned illustrations, with force of reasoning, and with logical precision. -5. Mr. Locke has been peculiarly happy in representing the consonance of the Christian doctrine to reason properly understood; and its necessity, from the defects of all philosophy however distinguished.-6. Bishop Hurd, with the hand of a master, has opened a general view of the subject of prophecy, and freed it from the intricacies of spe

"The Pursuits of Literature,' p. 434, Fourteenth Edition."

culation; and has shewn its time, nature, end, and intent.-7. Lord Lyttelton has discussed the most illustrious instance of the conversion to this religion, in the person of St. Paul, a man of the highest natural talents, and of the profoundest reasoning and erudition; and he has accompanied the whole with remarks of weight and dignity, on the general subject of Revelation.-8. And lastly, to a mind disposed to view with calmness, humility, and reverence, the whole system of Providence, as far as it is permitted to man to view the work which God worketh from the beginning to the end,' Dr. Butler has unfolded the analogy or relation of the course of Nature to Religion, by which all things are found to proceed in harmony from Him who hath made nothing imperfect. I think this great performance of Butler's has peculiar force, when it is considered in the conclusion of our religious researches, and not as part of the original proof."

Our opinion of the Work will be seen by our copious extracts from it.

15. A Summary Method of Teaching Children to Read; upon the Principle originally discovered by the Sieur Berthaud, considerably improved; with an entirely new Arrangement, calculated to adapt it to the English Language. The whole illustrated by Nine Copper Plates. By Mrs. Williams. 12mo, pp. 300. Longman and Co.

WE cannot coincide with Mrs. Williams in the following apprehensions:

"A cursory glance over the titlepage," she observes, "will probably decide its fate with the majority of those into whose hands it chances to fall. The learned may condemn it as a weak and impertinent attempt to overthrow a system of education which has been handed down from father to son, and received the sanction of ages, and to substitute in its place a ridiculous project without any good foundation. Others may reject it as a mere nursery toy, too puerile for investigation: they consider reading a matter of course, and think it cannot greatly signify how children are taught; any common spelling-book will answer the purpose. Such anticipations are rather discouraging; yet it is evident that Miss Edgeworth and Miss Hamilton have not considered the improvement and happiness of the first years of human life beneath their attention; and surely no author need be ashamed of endeavouring to follow their lead, by pointing out a mode of instruction materially conducive to both."

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