my night as I had done my evening! It was like proposing to Margaret Roper to be a Duchess in the Court that cut off her father's head, and imagining it would please her. I have chosen to sit in my father's little dressing-room; and am now by his escrutoire, where, in the height of his fortune, he used to receive the accounts of his farmers, and deceive himself, or us, with the thoughts of his economy. How wise a man at once, and how weak! For what has he built Houghton? For his grandson to annihilate, or for his son to mourn over. H. W." I Mr. URBAN, May 14. CANNOT forbear expressing my surprize that any one, possessing the advantages of a liberal education, should think the conduct of Parliament unwise, in purchasing the Library of that late excellent scholar Dr. Burney; for certainly such a treasure has rarely been added to the public stock of Literature in this or any other country. One reason urged against it is, that as the collection principally consists of Greek Classics, it is useless to the generality of the publick; but surely a little consideration will correct this opinion; for, as we know prophane authors have been, and still are, used by the learned to illustrate a Book which we are all interested in having rightly interpreted, the New Testament; it is not a small or unimportant point to gain possession of the many and scarce editions of ancient authors which this Collection boasts, that our scholars may enjoy every advantage and assistance in their arduous task of illustrating the Sacred Writings. As well, therefore, might it be said that the Ocean, that grand and beautiful object, the source of so much opulence and comfort, is useless to men, because great part of them never saw it, or are actively engaged in the pursuits of commerce, as that this Library will not prove a public benefit because all are not capable of reading its volumes. Besides, I cannot think the public taste so bad, as to consider ancient Literature an unimportant study in another point of view; for does it not open the Historian's, the Philosopher's, and the Poet's pages to us? Does it not enlighten the understanding, enlarge the ideas, and render us better acquainted with mankind, and consequently better enabled to fulfil the duties of life? Surely, when all these advantages are considered, no one will venture to profess himself an enemy to Classical Literature, particularly when he also remembers how much and how materially it has advanced the progress of the Arts and Sciences. For my own part, I think the Gentlemen of the House of Commons have paid a high compliment to the good sense of the Country, in voting a sum for the purchase of this Library, at a time when they are expecting so soon to appear among their Constituents, and when they must depend, in a great measure, on the approbation their past conduct has obtained, for a return to their seats next Session. The literary world are now waiting with impatience for a Catalogue of this valuable Collection, and the sooner it is afforded the Publick, the greater will be the gratification, as curiosity is very highly raised, and the Nation has of course a right to know correctly what it has gained by the purchase. VERITAS. June 10. an Appendix to Mr. Stockdale Hardy's admirably-drawn character of the late most learned and respected Dean of Middleham, [see vol. LXXXVI. i. p. 217.] I have to request the insertion of the following elegant Epitaph, which now graces a neat tablet that has lately been erected at Stoney Stanton, to the memory of the truly worthy Dean. CLERICUS. "Underneath are deposited the mortal Remains of the Very Reverend ROBERT BOUCHER NICKOLLS, LL. B. Dean of Middleham, and Rector of this Parish. His Christian zeal and extensive learning were shewn by numerous publications in Defence of Religion; and a diffusive charity, the fruit of his faith, shone forth in his daily example. After a long life spent in the service of his Saviour, in whom alone he trusted for acceptance with God; he was removed by a short illness to eternal rest, on the 11th day of October 1814, in the 75th year of his age. This Monument was erected by his afflicted surviving brother, James Bruce Nickolls, of Alexandria, in Virginia, in grateful remembrance of his private virtues and public usefulness. "The memory of the just is blessed." Mr. Mr. URBAN, A LLOW me to make a few short observations on two of your Correspondents in your Magazine, p. 314321, who fill 13 columns of that book. It is greatly to be regretted that when two persons have the same object in view, they should quarrel because they may take a somewhat different mode to obtain the commonend. The venerable Society in Bartlett'sbuildings long ago adopted a plan for sending Missionaries to enlighten the minds of those in distant parts of the world, on whom the clear light of the Gospel had not shone. A Within a few years now past, a Society has been formed for the same purpose, and which has obtained so much larger funds than the original Society, as to be able to send a greater number of Missionaries than the other could do. Both these parties mean the same thing. Both profess the principles of the Church of England. What is there then to create a quarrel? Yet a quarrel is raised, and hard words are thrown. The younger Society say that, the Parent's means of promoting this laudable work not being sufficient to effect it, and it not seeming to have engaged their very deep attention, they, the younger Society, desire to give a more effectual assistance. Some ill-judging friends of the old Society are angry at this unsolicited assistance, and deny the necessity of it. It seems to me, Mr. Urban, that, if there was no necessity for assistance, the latter gentlemen have it in their power to convince the Publick of the truth of their assertion, and to confound those of their adversaries (so mistakenly, as I think, called) by giving to the Publick a full statement of what has been done by the Parent Society for obtaining this laudable end, from the time when it was first proposed, to the time of the institution of the new Society. By the way, is "Clericus Surriensis" a true son of the Parent Society? Would a true son of theirs call a scheme set on foot by them, Utopian-visionary? The more moderate "Constant Reader" asks some very pertinent questions; but I cannot agree with him that the Dignitaries of our Church should keep on the reserve, and not make themselves too cheap, lest their lustre should be impaired by too fre quent displays, by being over-busy. In the latter end of the century before the last, our Bishops were not afraid of making themselves cheap, or of being thought over-busy, by appearing frequently in the pulpit. That they would be attended to in these days, is manifest by the fullness of any church in which it is known that one of them will preach. I could extend these observations to other parts of your first Correspondent's letter; but I will not trespass more on your pages. A. Ζ. Your Correspondents, p. 281, give an account of Mr. North as a most worthy and excellent man; but they have forgot to tell those who did not personally know him, what was his situation in life *. Mr. URBAN, YOU Morton, May 21. OU have been very instrumental, by inserting poor Redmile's case, in procuring him a considerable sum, and thereby contributing to render his future life more comfortable. I have no right to ask any further favour; but, should it be agreeable and convenient to give publicity to the following, I think it might excite others, who are yet dormant. Yours, &c. SAMUEL HOPKINSON. To the Author of the statement of Thomas Redmile's case, of Morton. I am exceedingly grieved at the dreadful misfortune which has befallen Thomas Redmile. It was by mere accident I saw the paper in which the account appeared, and that stating Thomas Redmile to be the unfortunate person. I concluded, and hoped indeed, that it was a person unknown to me, as I could not recollect any man of the name in that part of the country. Being most anxious to learn if there was any mistake in the name, and not having strength to reach Smithfield, to make the necessary inquiries, a friend wrote to a relation, and has within these few days received an answer, with the melancholy tidings that it actually is my old servant and labourer -a man known only for his good qualities; bad ones he had none. I ean, moreover, state, that a more worthy, honest, or better creature does not exist. You may think me singular in being so particular, and fancy that I give to the man, and not to his neces * Mr. North was many years an eminent Grocer in Fleet-street and New Bridge-street; and had a country residence on Dulwich Common. sities; 1 sities; but I must answer, and in apportioning the trifle I have to give, it makes a considerable difference with me, whether I know the person or not. Having left that part of the country, I am not Quixote enough to believe myself capable of relieving every real object of charity. The objection does not hold with the present sufferer; he has a claim for having served me faithfully several years; and it is impossible for me not to take a livelier interest in his welfare than in that of a total stranger. I have, therefore, inclosed 21. for his benefit, and can only wish my circumstances would allow me to make the donation larger. I have to request my name may not appear, unless you think it would in any way aid the subscription. To you, Sir, I beg leave to offer my best thanks; as whatever sum may be ultimately realized, must mainly, if not wholly, be attributable to the pathetic appeal to the Publick, which you so hu manely drew up, and caused to be pubhave a due sense of the gratitude he owes you. I am, Sir, Yours, &c. I doubt not Redmile will ever Y OUR THOMAS HOGARD, 40, Stafford-place. Mr. URBAN, Furnival's-inn, June 3. Correspondent "Gaven Croom," p. 388, either did not read, or did not understand, the Case of Taylor in 1 Ventris 293, referred to by Blackstone in 4 Comm. 59. An Information was exhibited against Taylor for uttering divers blasphemous expressions horrible to hear, and which I cannot repeat. He was tried in the King's Bench before Sir Matthew Hale, and found guilty; and that Judge then observed, "that such kind of wicked blasphemous words were not only an offence to God and Religion, but a crime against the Laws, State, and Government, and therefore punishable in that Court: for to say Religion is a cheat, is to dissolve all those obligations whereby the Civil Societies are preserved: And that Christianity is parcel of the Laws of England; and therefore to reproach the Christian Religion is to speak in subver stated in Ventris, observed that in a MS. of Sir Matthew's, which he had seen, it was mentioned, " that Christianity came in here by external spiritual force and discipline, was introduced as a Custom, and is part of the Law." See 2 Strange, 1113. J. C. Mr. URBAN, SIR Jan. 17. Thomas Lyttelton, bart. Treasurer of the Navy (see p. 482 b.) was father of George Lord Lyttelton; but does not appear to have married any other wife than the sister of the late Lord Cobham. I find in p. 556, a long panegyric on Sir Adam Gordon, to all which, for aught I know, he had an undoubted claim; but not a word in the Gent. Mag. where I should have expected it, of information to the Herald or Ge nealogist. He was the heir and successor of Sir John Gordon, of Dal phollie, one of the latest of the Scots Baronets, having been so created Feb. 8, 1704: whether he were married more than once, I know not; but his last wife, whom he survived a few years, was the daughter of William Kinleside, formerly an Apothecary in the City, and afterward Treasurer of Bridewell and Bethlem Hospitals, and widow of Jukes Coulson, a great ironmaster, who settled upon her 800l. a year for her life. His first Living was Hinxworth, and afterwards Lord Chancellor Loughborough gave him West Tilbury and a Prebend of Bristol, which produced him about 800l. a year also: he spent much of his income upon his Parsonage, and made it so pretty a place that he obtained the thanks of his Archdeacon at Visitations; he died without issue, leaving two or three relations, among whom he bequeathed what he had saved out of his income, and one of whom inherits the title, if he shall think it prudent to claim it, the estate having long been totally severed from it. Mr. URBAN, sion of the Law." Taylor had Judg- IN ment; viz. to stand in the Pillory in three several places, and to pay 1000 marks fine, and to find sureties for his good behaviour during life. Sir William Lee, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 12 Geo. II. in the Case of the King against Bosworth, after giving Sir Matthew Hale's opinion, as 4 E. May 29. N Bonney's Life of Bp. Taylor, p. 274, he erroneously calls the Lord Conway of that day the ancestor of the Marquis of Hertford. In fact, the Seymours are not descended from the Conways, though enjoying the estates of the latter. The last peer of the Conway male line, was Edward Conway, Earl of Conway, Conway, &c. in the Peerage of England, and Viscount Conway of Killultagh, in Ireland: he died in 1683, leaving his estates in England, Wales, and Ireland, to his cousin, Popham Seymour, and his brothers, Francis and Charles Seymour, in succession, and their heirs male, on condition of taking the name of Conway. Popham died unmarried; and Francis, on succeeding to the estates, had the English title of Baron Conway, of Ragley, co. Warwick, revived in his person, March17, 1702; and the Irish dignity of Baron Conway and Killulta, co. Antrim, was added in 1703. This Lord was the father of the first Marquis of Hertford. Tradition says, that the only daughter of Edward Earl of Conway died on the day of her intended nuptials with Mr. Seymour, to the inexpressible grief of her father. Lord Conway sent for Mr. Seymour to his bed-chamber, and, after deploring the afflicting incident, told him, that, since it was the will of God to prevent an alliance which he had much at heart to see accomplished, he must still consider him as his sonin-law, and heir to his estates. His will was made according to this declaration, and Mr. Seymour inherited his extensive territories. Our Genealogists style the elder son of the Protector Somerset simply Sir Edward Seymour; but query, whether, as the son of a Duke, he was not entitled to the designation of Lord Edward Seymour? I am aware that the Dukedom was granted to the issue of the Protector's second marriage; but the issue of the first wife had a remainder (in failure of the male issue by the second wife) to the Dukedom. Yours, &c. BIOGRAPHICUS. Mr. URBAN, May 19. 10 many vague and contradictory accounts of the late commotion at Winchester have been spread through the Country, that I look with some anxiety for a full and correct narrative of a mutiny most aweful and alarming. In Polwhele's "Family Picture," published some years ago, there areallusions to anarchy of this description: "If dangers, at each turn, their steps await, [fate? Who, without trembling, would solicit Where, in a thousand shapes, disease is rife, [life? Who plunge them into such uncertain Who urge them, yet untravel'd, to pursue A novel path, a maze without a clue ? Who force them, 'midst the torrent of their tears, Unform'd, untutor'd, and of tender years, [wage talions rage, Far, far from home, where young batAnd, spurning discipline, with Doctors Dire war?" In a note, the author observes : "the anarchy to which I allude, is not intended as one of the characteristic features of a public school. But this part of the epistle was written at the time of a pretty formidable rebellion at one of our public seminaries. It is a curious fact, that, attempting to suppress an insurrection some years ago at Winchester, Dr. Warton was knocked down by his own Virgil flung SCRUTATOR. at his head." AN CATHEDRAL SCHOOLS. (Continued from p. 392.) Mr. URBAN, Crosby-square, June 1. N Enquiry into the History of Cathedral Schools will, I perceive, lead me into the mazes of research much beyond what I at first contemplated; and my references have already swelled to such an extent, that I am induced to depart considerably from my original design. For the present, therefore, my account of the Choristers will be limited to a very brief outline; and I shall reserve to a future opportunity a more extended History of the several Choral Establishments. ST. DAVID'S CATHEDRAL. The Choristers are six in number; chosen by the Canons and Organist. They wear a Scholastic habit, receive an excellent education in the College School, and have Lessons in Music from the Organist at his own residence. A great proportion, after completing their studies under the Bishop's superintendance, enter into Holy Orders, and many have risen to great eminence in the Church. DURHAM. This magnificent Establishment presents a striking contrast in the degree of attention bestowed upon the young members of the Choir. Their antient and well-endowed School has greatly declined; and the Singing-boys now receive a mere Charity-school education, and wear a corresponding dress. They however retain the privilege, derived from remote antiquity, of attending the Members of the Chapter after dinner, dinner, to read a portion of the Scriptures; and in this ceremony the boys belonging to the Choir take precedence of the Grammar scholars. On these occasions the Canon Residentiary addresses the young novices in Latin, though they are no longer taught to comprehend the purport of his exhortation. ELY. The Singing-boys of this Cathedral are sometimes admitted into the King's School as individuals, but no education, except in Music, is provided for them as Choristers. They are eight in number, and are now appointed by the Organist. This, how ever, is a modern regulation; for in the last century the election of a boy into the Choristers' School was a subject of interest and importance among the members of the Chapter *. EXETER. The Music School of this Cathedral is represented as being regulated in a manner at once liberal and judicious. The Choristers are ten in number; and the duty, in most instances delegated to the Music-master, of selecting the boys for the service of the Choir, is here performed by the Precentor himself, as enjoined by the Statutes. The Choristers wear Scholars' habits; and, by application to the Dean and Chapter, they have the benefit of a classical education, with the addition of writing and arithmetic. They are instructed by the Organist in singing from seven till nine every morning. The system adopted in favour of the Choristers at Exeter has been attended with gratifying success, both with respect to the performance of their immediate duty as Choristers, and their ultimate welfare as members of society. GLOUCESTER. The communication with which I have been honoured from Gloucester is equally satisfactory. "The Choristers of the Cathedral have a right of admission and instruction in the King's Grammarschool, and very frequently are of the numbers which are included in it. They are eight in number, so appointed by the Statutes of the Cathedral; and are usually admitted about the age of eight or nine, according as their voices recommend them, and their fitness for the Musical parts of our Cathedral service. They are chosen by the Dean and Prebendaries in Chapter assembled, and are generally * Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, vol. V. p. 359. removed when they cease to be useful in the Choir by their voices becoming too manly, or by their want of proficiency in the science of Music, wherein they are prepared and taught regularly and daily, commonly by the Organist or by his Deputy. "The parents of the boys often find it suit their purposes best, to request leave to have their children confined more to the learning of writing and arithmetic in other schools of the City; which permission is granted them, provided their attendance at the Cathedral is regularly observed, which it is, much to the credit of the Church, where the duty is performed equally well with that of any Cathedral which stands the foremost in this praise. "After their departure from the Choir, having had the benefit, if their parents please, of an education, or much assistance towards it, in Latin, Greek, Writing, Arithmetic, and Music, nothing hinders their going to the University; and in many Cathedrals this is a common practice, whence they frequently come back again in the capacity of Minor Canous, of which many very respectable instances may be adduced. The sons of Clergymen are thus very often put in training for the Church, and become in time useful members and ornaments of it. "In this Church there are no Exhibitions to either of the Universities." Gloucester was first made a Bishop's See by Henry VIII. and is governed by his Statutes. HEREFORD. This being one of the old Cathedrals for a Dean and Canons, was not disturbed at the Reformation; and the antient academical discipline and mode of life has been in a great measure adhered to by the members of the Choir. The Grammar-school, under the guardianship of the Dean and Chapter, is kept in a spacious building, known by the name of " the Musickroom," near the West end of the Cathedral Church. It was built upon the site of the old school, which was a beautiful piece of Architecture, of very high antiquity. In this school the Choristers receive gratuitous instruction, except writing and arithmetic, which they pay for. Many of them have taken Holy Orders, and have obtained good preferment in the Church. The Laymen, my Correspondent observes, have not been equally successful. Μ. Η. |