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THE AVERAGE PRICES of NAVIGABLE CANAL SHARES and other PROPERTY, in March 1818 (to the 26th), at the Office of Mr. Scorr, 28, New Bridge-street, London.Trent and Mersey Canal, 1530l. Div. 651. per annum. -Coventry Canal, 9501 Div. 441. per annum. - Stafford and Worcester Canal, 6201. ex Half Year Div. 181.-Oxford, 615l. Div. and Bonus 311. per annum. -Monmouthshire, 1271.-Grand Junction, 2251. 2301.-Lancaster, 211.-Kennet and Avon, 24l.-Thames and Medway, 291. 8s. to 311. 10s.-Commercial Dock, 791. - West India Dock, 2031. Div. 10l. per annum.-London Dock, 831. Div. 3/.-Sun Fire Assurance, 2061. Div. 81. 10s. -Globe, 130l.-Rock, 4l. 14s.-East London Water Works, 1011. Div. 31. per annum.-West Middlesex, 471.Grand Junction Ditto, 54/.-Drury-Lane Renters' Shares, 165l.-Original Gas Light 691. 651. London Flour Company, 11. 18s.





Stock 3 per Ct. Consols. Cons. Navy Ann. per Ct. 3perCt. Ann. Stock. Stock. Sth Sea Bonds.

3 per Ct. 4perCt. 5perCt. B Long Irish 5 Imp. Imp. | India So. Sea 3 perCt, India E. Bil E. Bills



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7 shut

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96 pr. 12 pr.

13 pr.




774 shut




96 pr. 12 pr.

16 pr.

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RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and Co. Bank-Buildings, London.


83 pr. 16 pr. 16 pr.

16 pr.

Printed by Nichols, Son, and Bentley, Red Lign Passage, Fleet Street, London.



[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed]

Miscellaneous Correspondence.

MINOR CORRESPONDENCE.--Corrections, &c. 290
Observations on a passage in Horace......291
Remarks on Life and Errors of John Dunton 292
Hints respecting the Scotch Distillery..... 293
Memoranda relative to Hungerford Family 295
Hoods should be worn over Surplices ibid.
On the Etymology of the Sign Bag o'Nails 296
Description of Hatfield in Hertfordshire...297
On Sculpture in England, to the Fifteenth

Century inclusive, as applied to Tombs 298
On Geography of North East of Asia; and

whether Asia and America are contiguous301 Reply to a Question respecting Marriages 304 Account of Earl's Shilton, co. Leicester... 305 Dr. Hall, Bishop of Dromore, vindicated ibid. Change of LL D. into D. C. L. at Oxford 306 Remarks on the Signs of Inns, &c.continued307 On the Frequency of Robbery and Murder 310 THE DETECTED, a Periodical Paper, No. III.313 On the Reply to the Archdeacon of Bath 314 On Defects in our System of Police, &c. 317 Strictures on Church Missionary Society. 318 Drainage of Bedford and adjoining Levels 321 Mr. Owen's" New View of Society"...... 323 COMPENDIUM OF COUNTY HIST.: Cheshire 325

Cornw.-Covent. 2
Derb. Dorchest.
Durham - Essex
Exeter 2, Glouc.2
Halifax-Hants 2
Hereford, Hull 3
Huntingd.-Kent 4
Ipswich1, Lancas.
Leices.2--Leeds 2
Lichfield, Liver.6
Maidst. Manch. 6
Norfolk, Norwich
N. Wales, Oxford2
Preston-Plym. 2
Sherborne, Sussex

Staff. Stamf. 2
Taunton Tyne
Wolverh. Worc.2
York 3. IRELAND37
Jersey 2. Guern. 2.


Review of New Publications. Barnabee Itinerarium 329; Clerical Guide 330 Sermons by Goddard, Warner, Lewis, &c. 332 Scenes in Europe, &c.; Frankenstein..... 334 Oxford Calendar; BlackburnonShipbuilding335 Yeatman on Poor; Carlisle on Old Age... 336 Humboldt's Travels to Equinoctial Regions ib. Milford's Tour through the Pyrenees, &c. 337 Edgeworth's Letters 338; Suffolk Garland 339 Century of Christian Prayers on Faith, &c. 341 Prs. Charlotte; Bridal of Isles; Reft Rob 342 Academic Errors 343; Letters on Singing 344 Epistolary Curiosities; Owen Felltham... 346


Grievances resulting from Copyright Act. 350


Historical Chronicle. Proceedings in present Session of Parliament356 Abstract of principal Foreign Occurrences..360 Intelligence from various Parts of the Kingdom, 364.-London and its Vicinity.....366 Promotions, &c;-Births, and Marriages 367 OEITUARY; with original notices of Messrs.

Annand, Pleasants, Williams, &c. &c. 369
Meteorological Diary, 382; Bill of Mortality383
Prices of the Markets, 383. - The Stocks, &c.334

With a View of HATFIELD in Hertfordshire, and of FARL'S SHILTON CHURCH,
in Leicestershire.


Printed by NICHOLS, SON, and BENTLEY, at CICERO'S HEAD, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-str. London, where all Letters to the Editor are particularly desired to be addressed, POST-PAID:


From VICINUS (see p. 200) we have been gratified by the following communication: "Though in transmitting to you the case of Thomas Redmile of Dyke, near Bourn, Lincolnshire, I had reason to expect some good might ensue; still, be assured, Sir, not an idea, no not the most distant, ever once glanced across my mind, of opening, by your means, a channel for such a rapid current of real benevolence- benevolence conferred in a way worthy of religion, satisfactory to individuals, and honourable to the nation. On Friday last I received by an anonymous Correspondent, on his own account, 25l. with a letter, which exalts the favour and increases the obligation. On Saturday, through the same, 51. for two gentlewomen; on Sunday, ditto, for Sir Thomas Hope, Duchess-street, Portman-square, 10l. expressing, at the same time, an earnest hope, that some respectable house in town, without delay, may be pointed out, to facilitate the intentions of the humane.-Will you, therefore, have the goodness to say Messrs. Hoare, Barnetts, Hoare, and Co. London; Eaton, Stamford; Thorpe, Bourn; H. Claypon, Boston; and Squire, Peterborough, have kindly consented to receive even the smallest donations for the reiief of Red mile and his family, to be disposed of under the sanction of a respectable Committee of Bourn and the circumjacent neighbourhood. -1 am, Sir, upon this occasion, both towards you, and to every one who may please to assist this poor, excellent, and unfortunate man, with due respect, VICINUS," - [Rev. S. Hopkinson, Vicar of Morton, near Bourn.]

H. S. N. having observed with painful sensations, the ludicrous and almost profane Epitaphs, sometimes engraven on our Tomb stones, transmits one from the Church-yard of St. Giles's, Cambridge, hoping, as that sacred edifice is now under repair, proper measures will be taken to obliterate such passages as may diminish the regard we ought to feel to the memory of a departed Christian: " Here mould'ring lies within this bed of [lust: A Virgin pure, not stain'd with carnal Such grace the King of kings bestow'd upon her [Honour. That now she lives with him a Maid of Her life was short, her thread was quickly spun, [was done: Drawn out, cut off, got Heav'n, her work This world to her was but a tragic play, She came and look'd, dislik'd, and went away."


EUGENIUS asks, Can any one of your numerous Readers point out a second instance in the United Kingdom of an individual and his wife, who have been married upwards of 56 years, have 12 children alive, the youngest of whom has attained the age of 40 years? It is presumed no subject in his Majesty's dominions can be at a loss where to look for the one illustrious instance alluded to. Q. D. C.

CLERICUS states the following question: "In the event of the Rector or Vicar of a parish being non-resident, and the Parsonage house allotted to the Officiating Minister rent-free, upon whom does the Landlord's Land Tax, the Income Tax, if in existence, and the Assessed Taxes, devolve for payment?"

J. M. M. says, that on his return to town from Hoddesdon, Herts, April 11, at noon, he saw the first Swallow; it was in full plumage.

L. L. is informed that Dr. Turton has at press "A Conchological Dictionary of the British Islands," in which the different species are described at large from specimens in his own Cabinet and those of his friends; and that, to facilitate the study of this engaging department of Natural History, English names will be attached to every species. It will also be accompanied with plates of every Genus or Family, and their subdivisions; together with an Explanation of all the scientific terms, and an Index for the pronunciation of scientific names. We cannot use the Inscription sent by "E. M. Crooked Lane," without a sight of " the enameled head."

The view of the antient Cross at Salisbury shall appear very soon.

H. I.'s Miscellaneous Extracts, and A. B. in our next; when we also hope to fulfil our promise to Messrs. HAWKINS, WEEKES, T. and M. P.

"In the Supplement for 1817, p. 631, the Duchess de Castries was Eliza, second daughter of Jeremiah Cogblan, esq. of Ardo, co. Waterford, and sister of the Countess of Barrymore.

"In p. 14, your Correspondent Driffieldis mentions, that John or George Aungier, or Hanger, purchased the Driffield estate in 1651; perhaps he could inform me of the exact name of this purchaser, to whom he was married, and the name of his successor in the estate of Driffield.

"P. 81. For Right Hon. Lady Levinge, read Hon. Lady Leviuge. For Lady Trimblestown, read Lady Trimleston. "BIOGRAPHICUS-CASSAN."


For APRIL, 1818.

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Mr. URBAN, N the

April 10.

" Classical Journal," No. XXXII. December 1817, pp. 383 -386, "Observations on a passage in Horace" are inserted, tending to prove, that in the latter part of his life at least, Horace had a house in Tibur, or a villa very near it.

The Writer of those observations unquestionably was set a thinking on the subject by the noble emendation of Nicholas Hardinge, esq. as recorded by Markland, 3 Carm. xxix. 5.

"Eripe te moræ, Ut semper-udum Tibur, et Æsulæ

Declive contempleris arvum," &c. But beyond the original hint itself, the Writer gotno light from any other source, and did his best to render the position probable by passages from Horace bearing on that point.

It was not till the middle of last month that he had the opportunity to peruse the first volume of Mr. Nichols's "Illustrations of Literary History," &c. In that Work he read with surprize and delight the long and varied disquisition (pp. 720-736) on the Tivoline residence of Horace; and now begs leave to state the fact, that he may stand clear of all imputation of wearing a critical plume not fairly acquired.

Nor can this question appear trivial by any means to the admirers of that great Poet. The localities of Horace are very closely connected with his personal history, and with the proper understanding of several of his works. 3 Carm. iv. 21.

Vester, Camœnæ, vester, in arduos Tollor Sabinos; seu mihi frigidum Præneste, seu Tibur supinum,

seu liquidæ placuere Baia." Such were his FOUR principal places, out of Rome, of favourite residence or delightful resort. The first was his Sabine Villa and estate in the Val

ley of Licenza, so accurately described and verified by Mr. Bradstreet in his publication called "The Sabine Farm." The second spot refreshed him in the dog-days; and to the fourth he repaired for its mild climate in winter. The third scene, long and early admired, from being often occasionally visited, became at last his most usual, if not regular, abode.

The late Mr. Justice Hardinge, in the pages of the "Illustrations of Literary History," above referred to, has contributed a very handsome quota to this curious point of classical debate; and the Ode to Septimius (II. vi.) in particular he has illustrated very beautifully *. But he seems not to have known in whatbook of Markland's the noble hint of his Father was first given to the publick. He sighs for the "Epistola Critica" of Markland to Hare (p. 728); but why had he not preserved in his own hands the Supplices Mulieres, &c. cum explicatione locorum aliquot, &c. ed. 1763? for there the conjecture and the explication of it (p. 258) may be seen. That very book, in the copy which he ought to have kept, on some shifting of his Arab's tent (Illust. Lit. Hist. i. 487) changed owners; and, coming into the North of England, has visited the banks, in succession, of the Wear, the Tees, and the Swale.

With your good leave, Mr. Urban, the story which Mr. Hardinge has told of his Father's critique, and its reception by our great Aristarchus, shall be laid before the Readers of the Gentleman's Magazine, for the sake of some very necessary correction in the Greek epigram with which it concludes:

* On this subject see more particuJarly, Mr. Nicholas Hardinge's Latin Poems, 1818, p. 222. EDIT.


"The scenery which the Poet here describes, as that which he exhorts Macenas to contemplate no more for a time, is the very scene for which he in

vites him to leave town, and visit him, who (it seems agreed) had a villa in Tibur, unless this Ode is to deprive him of it. How then would Mecenas cease to contemplate the udum Tibur, &c. by coming to it?

"My Father proposed (and Bentley approved) instead of ne, to read ut; and then to compress the semper-udum into single word, marking the perennial streams of the Tiburine scene.


"The manner of Bentley's approbation was characteristic of his wit, his memory, and his familiar habits, which tempted him to put a modern thought into Latin, or Greek, centuries old.

"Mr. Townshend, the first Viscount Sydney's father, and Mr. Hardinge's intimate friend, stated the remark and the correction to Dr. Bentley.

"Good,' said he, 'very good!-and sound; but that Hardinge is a King's man-is he not?-Those King's-men are bad fellows-not-one, or another, but all of them-except Hardinge-and Hardinge is a King's-man!'

"He immediately recollected an epigram of Phocylides, which he repeated laughing all the while:

Ὡς επε Φωκυλίδες· Αύριοι κακοι· 8x & [Προκλέης Λυριος.

μεν ὁς τε Παντες – πλην Πρόκλεις I have attempted the image in lish rhime:

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"I hate those Lyricks - they are trump'ry men

It is not one, or two, or nine in ten;I hate them all, Phocylides exclaim'd, Except that Procles, whom you just

have nam'd:

He's an exception to the worthless crew; And yet, that Procles is a Lyrick too.' "G. H."

Καὶ τόδε Φωκυλίδεω. Λέριοι κακοὶ, οὐχ ὁ μὲν, ὃς δ ̓ οὐ· [κλέης Λέριος. Πάντες, πλὴν Προκλέους· καὶ ΠροSuch must have been the Epigram which Dr. Bentley quoted with a fling at the King's-men of that day; and such, exactly, from Strabo, was it communicated by a Correspondent of the Museum Criticum (vol. I. p. 331), in publishing Porson's famous Letter

to Dalzel.

Qu. Is any thing more known of this Epigram in its intermediate his tory? or did it lie all the while in King's College, till, picked up by an Etonian, a friend of Porson's, it was flung, by the Professor's direction, at the head of Hermannus?

1. T.


Mr. URBAN, M. Temple, April 2. S the new Edition of "The Life and Errors of John Dunton," accompanied as it is by his "Conversation in Ireland," and Selections from his other Writings, will doubtless have an extensive circulation among your numerous Readers; a few remarks on the amusing and desultory pages of that eccentric Bookseller may probably be acceptable. They are principally taken from memorandums communicated by a truly respectable Divine, now resident in Ireland.

"The principal parts of Dunton's Writings were intimately connected with the Literary History of England and Ireland, with which (particularly the former) no man in his day was in some respects more conversant, as will appear from the perusal of the volume now republished; for in it will be found some particulars of almost every mau who had even the humblest share in letters, from the Author who wrote a book, to him who read it, printed it, licensed its publication, bound it, and adorned it with engravings. All this kind of information our Author, first as a Bookseller, and next as a Bookmaker, of long standing in London, had the best means and oppor tunities of acquiring. Amongst other particulars of his Life, Dunton gives an account of a Voyage he made to Boston in New England, wherein he pays particular attention to the state of Religion in the new Colony, and especially to the means then employed for converting the native Indians to the Christian Religion; a glorious undertaking, which, unfortunately for the cause of Christianity, was too soon laid aside. On his return from America, Dunton visited Holland,

and some parts of Germany. Not long

afterwards he visited Ireland, of which count of such parts of the country as fell he gives a lively and entertaining acunder his observation. This account was first printed in his 'Conversations in Ireland, which is a sequel to 'The Dublin Scuffle.' He landed in April 1698 in Dublin; of which City, what is said is curious, as it serves to let us into the history of many of its inhabitants of that which he gives of Ireland, is so interestday; but, in truth, the whole account

ing of itself, as would have justified the Editor in republishing it as a separate work, at a time when Irish History is become (particularly since the Union) a subject of so much investigation and research. Besides, what our Author says of the College of Dublin may not be uninteresting both to Fellows and Scholars not previously acquainted with it."


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