Entered as second-class matter, January 22, 1889 at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. 00 Per Year Single Copy 50 Ce Select Educational Institutions College of St. Elizabeth NEW YORK MILITARY Convent Station, New Jersey 45 Minutes from New York Catholic College for Women Standard College Preparatory Courses Saint Mary's School Boarding School for Girls Under the charge of the Sisters of St. Mary New fireproof building beautifully situated For catalogues address The Sister Superior CHEVY CHASE SCHOOL Residential school for girls. Senior high school, with two years advanced work beyond. Twelve-acre campus. Address CHEVY CHASE SCHOOL, Box N. FREDERIC ERNEST FARRINGTON, Ph. D., Headmaster, The Shipley School Faculty are specialists in preparing for Bryn Mawr and other colleges. Situation opposite Bryn Mawr gives special educational and social advantages. Supervised sports, modern gymnasium, school farm. The Principals, Alice G. Howland, Eleanor O. Brownell Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania CHESTNUT HILL A Preparatory School for Boys In the Open Country, 11 Miles North of Philadelphia T. R. HYDE, M.A. (Yale), Head Master SEVERN SCHOOL A country boarding school for boys. Ideal location on Severn River near Annapolis. Prepares for College, West Point and Annapolis. Exceptionally thorough work given and demanded. Students taught how to study. Water sports and all athletics. Limited to fifty. Catalogue. ROLLAND M. TEEL, Ph. B., Principal, Boone, Md. RUTGERS PREPARATORY SCHOOL RUTGERS PREPARATORY SCHOOL has maintained a continuous service for 160 years preparing boys of cultured families for college life and good citizenship. The equipment is complete and modern. Limited to 100 selected boys. Affiliation with Rutgers University offers many advantages. Catalogue and views. WILLIAM P. KELLY, HEADMASTER PRINCETON PREPARATORY SCHOOL J. B. Fine, Headmaster Preparatory for all colleges. Rapid progress. Limited number of pupils and freedom from rigid class organization. Excellent equipment. Special attention to athletics and moral welfare. New gymnasium. 53rd year. For catalog, address Box D, Princeton, N. J. ACADEMY CORNWALL ON HUDSON, N. Y. A famous preparatory school FOR CATALOGUE WRITE TO THE PRINCIPAL BORDENTOWN MILITARY INSTITUTE Thorough preparation for college or business. Eff cient faculty, small classes, individual attention. Bor taught how to study. Supervised athletics. 42nd year. Special Summer Session. Catalogue. COL. T. D. LANDON, Principal Drawer C-38, Bordentown-on-the-Delaware, N. J. NEWTON ACADEMY, NEWTON, N. J. A tary country school. Ben 10 to 16 preferred. 2 hours from N. Y. City. Beauti ful, high, healthful location. Thorough preparation for college or business. Home care. Discipline kind but firm. Horses and ponies for boys' use. Gymnasion All sports. Moderate rates. Catalog. PHILIP 8. WILSON, A.M., Principal The Illinois Military Schoo A mid-west school with a distinctive cultural atmosphere. Separate Junior and Senior Schools. Tr to Europe at end of year. For catalogue, addres Col. CLYDE R. TERRY Box 25 Aledo, Illinois Tennessee Military School Box 618 Sweetwater, Tenn. One of America's best schools. Fifty-second ye Satisfied patrons in more than forty States. Thorset work. Permanent faculty of experienced teac Write for catalogue. Col. C. R. ENDSLEY, Superintendent ST. JAMES SCHOOL care. FREDERICK E. JENKINS, Headmaste Box S. Faribault Minnesota Virginia Episcopal School LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA prepares boys at cost for college and univ Modern equipment. Healthy location in the m tains of Virginia. Cost moderate, made palu through the generosity of founders. For cat apply to REV. WILLIAM G. PENDLETON, D. D., Rectal Massie School A College Preparatory School for Boys, in the grass section of Kentucky, near Lexington, Th instruction, new equipment. Out-of-door sport catalogue, address: R. K. Massie, Jr., M. A., Headmaster Second Educational Section, Third Cover Page Select Educational Institutions INDIAN RIVER SCHOOL Preparatory School of Northern Ideals for boys 12 15. Each boy is supplied with and cares for his wn horse. Outdoor life. 12 miles south of Daytona. wo hundred acre ranch. Catalog on request. WAYNE E. CONNOR, (Princeton) Director BLUE RIDGE SCHOOL FOR BOYS select, accredited school of high standards, resultful ethods, and of sound principles and, ideals. Ideally cated in the "Land of the Sky." Junior Departent. Non-Military. For Catalogue, address J. R. SANDIFER, Headmaster. Brenau College Conservatory Select patronage 32 states; location, foothills Blue idge Mts. North of Atlanta. Standard A. B. course; pecial advantages in music, oratory, art, domestic cience, physical culture. 32 buildings. Outdoor sports; wimming, boating, horseback riding, etc. Catalog and illustrated book. Address: DUPONT CIRCLE Girls' School A select school for girls, overlooking famous reparation for College; Art; Piano, Violin and Voice; Ancient and Modern Languages; Secretarial; Athletics; Classic Dance, etc. lustrated Prospectus. Home life carefully regulated. Address Principal 1408 New Hampshire Ave., Dupont Circle, Washington, D. C. arrison Forest School for Girls Modern; Well Equipped School on a Country Estate the Beautiful Green Spring Valley near Baltimore. ocation Favorable for Outdoor Sports and Horseback iding. Intermediate, College Preparatory, or General ISS MARY MONCRIEFFE LIVINGSTON, Box 8, for out of town students. Write for particulars to New York Berlitz School, 80 West 84th Street. AMERICAN LABORATORY THEATRE DRAMATIC SCHOOL DEPT., R. Boleslavsky, Director Announce the opening of the Spring Term on Feb. 1, 1927. Course includes ballet, diction, voice production. fencing, Dalcroze eurythmics and special work in the technique of acting with MARIA OUSPENSKAYA, of the Moscow Art Theatre. Also technical rehearsals with members of the permanent company. For catalog, address: ELISABETH BIGELOW, Exec. Sec. 145 East 58th Street, New York City THE ORATORY SCHOOL Conducted by the Oratorian Fathers. Summit, New Jersey t. Catherine's School ST. MARY'S COLLEGE For GIRLS who wish a high standard church school in a delightful suburb of Richmond. CARROLL, IOWA Boarding School for Girls Accredited Academic Department. Separate onear Con.mercial Course. Two-year course in houseId arts for young ladies desiring to prepare them. Ives for successful home-making. Board, tuition d laundry, $250 per year. For further information, address Sister Superior ST. MARYS, KANSAS "TOM PLAYFAIR'S SCHOOL" Jesuit Boarding School for Boys Beautiful and healthful location at foot of famous Peaks of Otter in Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Work thoroughly accredited. Military training. Special emphasis on Character building. Rates only $500.00 for nine months session. For catalog address: COLONEL WM. R. PHELPS, M.A., Principal. HARCOURT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS College Preparatory and Principals: J Miss HARRIETTE MERWIN KENILWORTH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS A resident and day school for girls, from five to sixteen years or age. A thorough school with delightful home life, at the Nation's Capital. Kindergarten primary and intermediate courses. Educational advantages of Nation's Capital fully used. Sports and Recreation. Moderate Cost. For Catalogue, address KENILWORTH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 1862 Wyoming Avenue Washington, D. C. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Standard senior college for men. Also High Scher and school for smalle. boys. Write for catalog Ideally situated in the WINTER PLAYGROUND OF AMERI ROXBURY A Special Type of Boarding School. Sound Instruction by the Tutorial Method A. L. Sheriff, Headmaster Westminster Prepares Boys for College Upper and Lower School. Summer and Winter Se DISTINGUISHED PERIODICALS Since 1810 the Leonard Scott Publication Co. has been the Amer ican headquarters for the foremost British Reviews: The Nineteenth Century, Contemporary Review, Fortnightly Review, Edinburgh Re view, Quartely Review and Blackwood's Magazine. FOR DISTINGUISHED TASTES In their survey of literature and international affairs, these reviews are not surpassed by any other periodicals printed in the English language, and few, if any, approach them. If you are familiar with these publica tions, you will appreciate this statement; if not, a sample copy prove to you that our claim is a conservative one. 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