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be formed by a line to be drawn from Perle as far as Fremorsdorf, or by that which separates Canton of Tholey, from the rest of the department of the Moselle.

4. In the Department of the Sarre, the Cantons of Saarbruck and Arnwal shall remain to France,

neburgh Ochsenhausen, Knight of the Golden Fleece, Grand Cross of the Order of St. Stephen, Grand Eagle of the Legion of Honour, Knight of the Russian Orders of St. Andrew, St. Alexander Neusky, and as well as that part of the Canton of Lebach, St. Anne, of the 1st class, Knight Grand which is situated to the South of a line to be Cross of the Prussian Orders of the Blackdrawn along the confines of the villages of Herehenbach, Uebechosen, Hilsbach, and Hall and Red Eagle, Grand Cross of the Or- (leaving these different places, without the der of St. Joseph of Wurtzburgh, Knight of French frontier) to the point where, taken from the Order of St. Hubert of Bavaria, of that Querselle, (which belongs to France) the line which separates the Cantons of Arnwal and of the Gold Eagle of Wurtemberg, and Ouweiler, reaches that which separates those of many others; Chamberlain, actual Privy of Arnwal and Lebach; the frontier on this Councillor, Minister of State, of Confer-side shall be formed by the line above marked ont, and then by that which separates the Canton of Arnwal from that of Bliescastel,

ences, and for Foreign Affairs, of his Im5. The fortress of Landau having, prior to the perial, Royal, and Apostolic Majesty; and year 1792, formed an insulated point ju Germany, Count John Phillipe de Stadion Thann-France retains beyond her frontiers a part of the hausen and Warthausen, Knight of the departments of Mont Tonnerre and the Lower Golden Fleece, Grand Cross of the Order Rhine, in order to join the fortress of Landau and its district to the rest of the kingdom. The new of St. Stephen, Knight of the Russian Or- demarkation proceeding from the point where, ders of St. Andrew, St. Alexander Nensky, at Obersteinbach (which remains without the and St. Anne of the 1st class, Grand Cross French frontier), the frontier enters the department of the Moselle, and that of Mont Tonnerre, of the Pussian Orders of the Black and joins the department of the Lower Rhine, shall Red Eagle, Chamberlain, Privy Coun-follow the line which separates the Cantons of Weissenburgh and Bergzabern (on the side of cillor, Minister of State and Conferences to France) from the Cantons of Pirmasens, Dalm, his Imperial, Royal, and Apostolic Ma- and Anweller, (on the side of Germany) to the jesty; who, after exchanging their full point where these limits, near the village of Wohnersheim, touch the ancient district of the powers, found to be in good and due form, fortress of Landau. Of this district, which rehave agreed upon the following Articles: Article I. There shall be, reckoning from this date, peace and friendship between his Majesty the King of France and Navarre, on the one part, and his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, and his Allies, on the other part, their heirs and successors, their respec As to the Rhine, the Thalveg, or tive States and subjects in perpetuity. The high course of the river, shall form the boundary; the contracting parties shall apply all their cares to maintain, not only between themselves, but also changes, however, which may occur in the course as far as depends on them between all the States of the river, shall have no effect on the property of Europe, the good agreement and understand-of the isles which are found there. The posses ing so necessary to its repose.

Article II. The Kingdom of France preserves the integrity of its limits, such as they existed at the period of the 1st of Jan. 1792. It shall receive besides an augmentation of territory comprised within the line of demarkation fixed by the following article:

mains as it was in 1792, the new frontier shall follow the arm of the river Queich, which, in leaving this district near Queichheim (which rests with France), passes near the villages of Merlenheim, Kniltelsheim, and Beiheim (also remaining French) to the Rhine, which thence continues the boundary hetween France and Germany.

sion of these isles shall be replaced under the same form as at the period of the Treaty of Luneville.

6. In the Department of the Doubs, the frontiers shall be drawn so as to commence above La Ranconniere, near the Loell, and follow the crest of the Jura between Cerneaux Pequignot and the village of Fontenelles, so far as that summit of the Jura which lies about seven or eight miles to the north-west of the village of a Brevine, where it will turn back within the an

Art. III. On the side of Belgium, Germany, and Italy, the ancient frontier, such as it existed on the 1st Jan. 1792, shall be re established, the same commencing from the North Sea, between Dunkirk and Niewport, even unto the Mediter-cient limits of France. ranean between Cagnes and Nice, with the following ratifications:

7. In the Department of the Leman, the fron tiers between the Trench territory, the Pais de Vand, and the different portions of the territory 1. Ju the Department of Jemappes, the Canton of Dour Merbes-le-chateu, Beaumont and Chi- of Geneva (which shall make a part of Switzermay, shall remain to France the line of demarka-land), remain as they were before the incortion, where it touches the Canton of Dour, shall pass between that Canton and those of Boussu and Paturage, as well as, farther on, be tween that of Morbes-le-Chateau, and those of Binch and Thuin.

poration of Geneva with rance. But the Canton of Frangy, that of St. Julien (with exception of that part lying to the north of a line to be drawn from the print where the river of La Laire enters near Chancey into the Genevese 2. In the Department of the Sambre and territory, along he borders of Sesseguin, La Meuse, the Cantons of Valcourt, Florennes, conex, and S Ceneuve, which shall remain withBeauing, and Gedume, shall belong to France; out the las of France), the Canton of Regnier the demarkation, upon reaching this department,(with exception of that portion which lies easte shall follow the line which separates the foreward of a line following the borders of the Mnmentioned Cantons, from the department of Femappes, and from the rest of that of the Sambre and Mense.

3. In the Department of the Moselle, the new demarkation where it differs from the old, shall

raz, Bussy, Pers, and Cornier, which shall be without the French limits), and the Canton of La Roche (with exception of the places named La Roche and Armanay, with their districts), shall rest with France. The frontier shall føl

low the limits of those different Cantons, and the lines separating those portions which France retains from those which she gives up.

dencies shall belong, in full possession and sovereignty, to his Britannic Majestv.

Ärt. VIII. His Britannic Majesty, stipulating 8. In the Department of Mont Blanc, France for himself and his Allies, engages to restore to shall obtain the Subprefecture of Chambery his Most Christian Majesty, within periods af(with exception of the Cantons de l'Hospital, St.terwards to be fixed, the Colonies, Fisheries, Pierre d'Abigny, La Rocette and Montmelian), Factories, and Establishments of every kind the Subprefecture of Annecy, with exception of which France possessed on the 1st of January, that part of the Canton of Faverges, situated to 1792, in the seas, or on the continents of Amethe east of a line passing between Ourechaise rica, Africa, and Asia, with the exception, neverand Marilen on the French side, and Marthod theless, of the islands of Tobago, St. Lucia, and and Ugino on the opposite side, and which then the Isle of France and its dependencies, namely follows the crest of the mountains to the frontier Rodigrue and the Sechelles, all which his most of the Canton of Thones. This line, with the Christian Majesty cedes in full property and solimits of the aforenamed Cantons, shall constitute vereignty to "his Britannic Majesty, as also that the new frontier on this side.-On the side of part of St. Domingo ceded to France by the the Pyrenees, the frontiers remain as they were Peace of Basle, and which his most Christian between the two kingdoms of France and Spain, Majesty retrocedes to his Catholic Majesty, in on the 1st of January, 1792. There shall be full property and sovereignty. appointed on the part of both, a mutual Com- Art. IX. His Majesty the King of Sweden and mission to arrange their final demarkation, Norway, in consequence of arrangements entered Frauce renounces all claims of sovereignty, su- into with his Allies, and for the execution of the premacy, and possession over all countries, dis- preceding Article, consents that the island of tricts, towns and places whatsoever, situated | Guadaloupe be restored to his Most Caristian without the above stated frontier. The princi- Majesty, and cedes all the rights which he might pality of Monaco is replaced in the same situa- have to that island. tion as on the 1st of January, 1792.-The Allied Courts assure to France the possession of the principality of Avignon, the Venaissin, the County of Montbealird, and all the inclosed districts once belonging to Germany, comprised within the above indicated frontier, which had been incorporated with France before or after the 1st of January, 1792.—The Powers preserve mutually the full right to fortify whatever point of their States they may judge fitting for their safety. To avoid all-injury to private property, and to protect on the most liberal principles the possessions of individuals domiciliated on the frontiers, there shall be named by each of the States adjoining France, Commissioners, to proceed jointly with French Commissioners, to the demarkation of their respective boundaries. So soon as the office of these Commissioners shall be completed, instruments shall be drawn up, signed by them, and posts erected to mark the mutual limits

Art. IV, To secure the communications of the town of Geneva with the other parts of the Swiss territory on the Lake, France consents that the roads by Versoy shall be common to the two countries. The respective Governments will have an amicable understanding on the means of preventing smuggling, the regulation of the posts, and the maintenance of the roads.

Art. X. His most Faithful Majesty, in conse. quence of arrangements entered into with his Allies, engages to restore to his Most Christian Majesty, without a period hereafter fixed, French Guyana, such as it was on the 1st Jan. 1792. The effect of the above stipulation being to revive the dispute existing at that period as to limits, it is agreed that the said dispute should be termi, nated by an amicable arrangement, under the mediation of his Britannic Majesty.

Art. XI. The fortresses and forts existing in the colonies to be restored to his Most Christian

Majesty, in virtue of Articles VIII, IX. and X. shall be given up in the state in which they shall be at the time of the signature of the present treaty.

Art. XII. His Britannic Majesty engages to cause the subjects of his Most Christian Majesty to enjoy, in regard to commerce, and the security of their persons and properties, within the limits of the British Sovereignty on the Continent of India, the same facilities, privileges, and protection, which are at present granted to the most favoured nations. On this side, his Most Christian Majesty having nothing more at heart than the perpetuity of the peace between the two Crowns of France and England, and wishing to contribute, as much as in him lies, to remove' henceforward such points of contract bes tween the two nations as might one day alter a good mutual understanding, engages not to erect any work of fortification in the establishments to be restored to him, and which are situated with in the limits of British sovereignty on the Continent of India, and to place in those establishments only the number of troops necessary for the maintenance of the police.

Art. V. The navigation of the Rhine, from the point where it becomes navigable to the sea and back, shall be free, so as to be interdicted to no person. Principles shall be laid down at a future Congress, for the collection of the duties by the States of the Banks, in the manner most equal and favourable to the commerce of all nations. It shall be also enquired and ascertained at the same Congress, what mode, for the purposes of Art. XIII. As to the French right of fishery more facile comminication, and rendering nations on the grand bank of Newfoundland, on the continually le s strangers to each other, this dis- coasts of the isle of that name and the adjacent position may be extended to all rivers, that ip isles, and in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, every their navigable course separate or ́raverse diffe-thing shall be restored to the same footing as in rent States.

Art. VI. Holland, placed under the sovereign ty of the House of Orange, shall receive an increase of territory. The title, and the exercise of its sovereignty, cannot, under any circumstance, belong to a Prince wearing or designated to wear a foreign crown.-The German States shall be independeat, and united by a federate Jeague. -Independent Switzerland shall conti nue under its own Government. Italy, without the limits of the countries which shall return to Austria, shall be composed of Sovereign States. Art. VII. The Island of Malta and its depen



Art. XIV. The colonies, factories, and establishments to be restored to his Most Christian Majesty by his Britannic Majesty or his Allies, shall be given up, viz. those in the seas of the North, or in the seas and on the Continents of America and Africa, within three months, and those beyond the Cape of Good Hope within six months after the ratification of the present treaty.

Art. XV. The high contracting parties having reserved to themselves by the 4th Article of the Convention of April 23, the regulation in the

present Denitive Treaty of Peace, of the fate of the arsenals and vessels of war, armed and not armed, which are in maritime fortresses, surrendered by France in execution of Art. II. of the said Convention, it is agreed that the said vessels and ships of war, armed and not armed, as also the naval artillery, the naval stores, and all the materials of construction and armament, shall be divided between France and the country where the fortresses are situated, in the proportion of two-thirds to France, and one-third to the powers to whom such fortresses shall appertain, The vessels and ships which are building, and which shall not be ready for launching in six weeks after the present treaty, shall be considered as materials, and as such divided in the proportion above assigned, after being taken to pieces, Commissaries shall be mutually appointed to arrange the division, and draw up a statement thereof, and passports shall be given by the Allied Powers, to secure the return to France of the French workmen, seamen, and agents. The vessels and arsenals existing in the maritime fortresses which shall have fallen into the power of the Allies anterior to the 23d of April, are not included in the above stipulations, nor the vessels and arsenals which belonged to Holland, and in particular the Texel fleet. The French Government binds itself to withdraw, or cause to be sold, all that shall belong to it by the above stated stipulations, within the period of three months after the division has been effected. In future, the Port of Antwerp shall be solely a port of Commerce.

Art. XVI. The high contracting parties wishing to place and cause to be placed in entire oblivion the divisions which have agitated Europe, declare and promise, that in the countries restored and ceded by the present treaty, no individual of whatever class or condition shall be presecuted, harassed, or disturbed in his person or property, under any pretext, or for his attachment either to any of the contracting parties, or to Governments which have ceased to exist, or from any other cause, uniess for debts contracted to individuals, or for acts posterior to the present treaty.

Art. XVII. In all the countries which may or shall change masters, as well in virtue of the present treaty, as of arrangements to be made in consequence thereof, the inhabitants, both natives and foreigners, of whatever class or condition, shall be allowed a space of six years, reckoning from the exchange of the ratifications, in order to dispose, if they think proper, of their property, whether acquired before or during the present war, and to retire to whatever country they please.

Art. XVIII. The Allied Powers, wishing to give his most Christian Majesty a new proof of their desire to cause to disappear as much as lies in their power, the consequences of the period of calamity so happily terminated by the present peace, renounce, in toto, the suns which the Government had to re-demand of France, by reason of any contracts, supplies, or advances whatsoever, made to the French Government in the diferent wars which have taken place since 1792. -- His Most Christian Majesty, on his side, renounces every claim which he might make on the Allied Powers on similar grounds. In execution of this Article, the high contracting parties engage mutually to give up all titles, bonds, and documents relating to debts which they have reciprocally renounced.

Art. XIX. The French Government engages to cause to be liquidated and paid all sums which it shall find itself bound in duty to pay in countries beyond its territories, in virtue of contracts or other formal engagements entered into between individuals or private establishments,

and the French authorities, both for supplies and legal obligations.

Art. XX. The High Contracting Powers, immediately after the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty, will appoint Commissaries to regulate and effectuate the execution of the whole of the measures contained in Articles XVIII. and XIX. These Commissaries shall employ themselves in the examination of the claims mentioned in the preceding Article, of the liquidation of the sums claimed, and of the mode which the French Government shall propose for paying them. They shall also be charged with the giving up of the titles, obligations, and documents relative to the debts which the high contracting powers mutually renounce, in such way, that the ratification of the result of their labours shall complete this reciprocal renuncia


Art, XXI. The debts specially hypothecated in their origin on the countries which cease to belong to France, or contracted for their internal administration, shall remain a charge on these same countries. An account shall in consequence be kept for the French Government, commencing with the 22d December, 1813, of such of those debts as have been converted into inscriptions in the great book of the public debt of France. The titles of all such as have not been prepared for the inscription, nor have been yet inscribed, shall be given up to the Governments of the respective countries. Statements of all these debts shall be drawn up by a mixed commission.

Art. XXII. The French Government, on its side, shall remain charged with the repayment of the sums paid by the subjects of the above. mentioned countries into the French chests, whether under the head of cautionments, deposits, or consignments. In like manner French subjects, servants of the said countries, who have paid sums under the head of cautionments, deposits, or consignments, into their respective treasuries, shall be faithfully reimbursed.

Art, XXIII. The titulars of places subjected to cautionment, who have not the handling of the money, shall be repaid with interest, until the full payment at Paris, by fifths and annually, commencing from the date of the present Treaty.--With regard to those who are accountable, the payment shall take place, at the latest, six months after the presentation of their accounts, the case of malversation alone excepted. A copy of the last account shall be transmitted to the Government of their country to serve it for information, and as a starting point.

Art. XXIV. The judicial deposits and consignments, made into the chest of the sinking fund in execution of the law of the 28th Nivoise, year 13 (18th of January 1805), and which belong to the inhabitants of the countries which France ceases to possess, shail be restored within a year, dating from the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty, into the hands of the authorities of the said countries, with the exception of such deposits and consigaments as French subjects are interested in; in which case, they shall remain in the chest of the sinking fund, not to be restored but on proofs resulting from the decisions of the competent authorities.

Art. XXV. The funds deposited by the communes and public establishments in the chest of service and in the chest of the sinking fund, or any other government chest, shall be repaid to them by fifths from year to year, reckoning from the date of the present treaty, with the deduction of advances which shall have been made to them, and saving the regular claims made upon these funds by creditors of the said communes and public establishments.

Art. XXVI. Dating from the 1st of January, 1814, the French Government ceases to be charged with the payment of any pension, civil, nilitary, or ecclesiastical, pension of retire-| ment, or half-pay, to any individual, who is no longer a French subject.

Art. XXVII. The national domains acquired

for a valuable consideration by French subjects,

in the ci-devant departments of Belgium, the left bank of the Rhine and of the Alps, without the ancient limits of France, are and remain guaranteed to the purchasers.

Art. XXVIII. The abolition of the droits, d'aubaine, detraction, and others of the same nature, in the countries which reciprocally stipaJated it with France, or which had been antecedently annexed to it, is expressly confirmed. Art. XXIX. The French Government engages to cause to be restored the obligations and other titles which shall have been seized in the provinces occupied by the French armies or administrations; and in cases where restitution cannot be made, these obligations and titles are and

remain annihilated.

affixed thereto the seal of their arms. Done at
Paris, this 30th May, 1811.

| (L. S.) (Signed) The Prince of BENEVENT.
The Prince of METTERNICH.
(L. 8.)
(L. S.)

The same day, at the same time and place, the same Treaty of Definitive Peace was concluded-between France and Rus sia; between France and Great Britain; between France and Prussia; and signed, viz. The Treaty between France and Rus


For France by M. Charles Maurice Talleyrand Perigord, Prince of Benevent (ut supra); and Privy Counsellor of his Majesty the Emperor for Russia, by M. M. Count Rasomouifky, of all the Russias, Knight of the Orders of Si, Andrew, St. Alexander Newsky, Grand Cross of that of St. Wolodimir of the 1st class; and Charles Robert Count Nesselrode, Privy Couns sellor of his said Majesty, Chamberlain, Secretary Art. XXX. The suns which shall be due for of State, Knight of the Order of St. Alexander Newsky, Grand Cross of that of St. Wolodimir of all works of public utility not yet terminated, or the 2d class, Grand Cross of the Order of Leas terminated posterior to the 31st of December, 1812, on the Rhine, and in the departments depold of Austria, of that of the Red Eagle of tached from France, by the present treaty, Golden Eagle of Wurtemberg. Prussia, of the Polar Star of Sweden, and of the shall pass to the charge of future possessors of the territory, and shall be liquidated by the commission charged with the liquidation of the debts of the district.

Art. XXXI. All archives, charts, plans, and documents whatsoever belonging to the couptries ceded, and connected with their administration, shall be faithfully restored at the same time with the countries; or, if that be impracticable, within a period not more than six months after the surrender of the said countries. This stipulation is applicable to archives, charts, and plans, which may have been carried off in countries for the moment occupied by the dif

ferent armies.

Art. XXXII. Within a period of two months, all the Powers who have been engaged in both sides in the present war, shall send Plenipotentiaries to Vienna, in order to regulate, in a General Congress, the arrangements necessary for completing the dispositions of the present Treaty.

Art. XXXIII. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged within a fortnight, or sooner, if practicable.

In testimony whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

(L. S.) (Signed) The Prince of BÈNEVENT.
(L. S.)
The Prince of METTERNICH.
(L. S.)
J. P. Count STADION.

The Treaty between France and Great Britain:-

For France, by Charles Maurice Talleyrand Perigord, Prince of Benevent (ut supra); and for Great Britain, by the Right Hon. Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh, Privy Counsellor of his Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Member of his Parliament, Colonel of the Regiment of Londonderry Militia, and his Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, &c.-George Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen, Viscount Formartin, Lord

addo, Tarvis, and Kellie, &c. one of the 16 Scotch Peers, Knight of the most ancient Order of the Thistle, and his Ambassador Extraordina


and Plenipotentiary to his Imperial, Royal, and Apostolic Majesty; William Shaw Cathcart, Viscount Catheart, Baron Cathcart and Greenock, Counsellor of his said Majesty, Knight of the Order of the Thistle, and of several Russian Orders, General in his Armies, and his Ampassador Extraordiary and Plenipotentiary to his Majesty the Emperor of Russia; and the Hon. Charles William Stewart, Knight of the most Honourable Order of the Bath, Member of his Parliament, Knight of the Prussian Orders of the Black and Red Eagle, and of many others, and his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to his Majesty the King of Prussia.

The Treaty between France and Prus


The High Contracting Parties, wishing to efface all traces of the unfortunate events which have weighed heavily on their people, have agreed explicitly to annul the effects of the Treaties of 1805 and 1809, in as far as they are not already actually annulled by the present Treaty. In consequence of this declaration, His Most Christian Maje-ty engages that the decrees issued against French, or reputed French subjects, being, or having been in the service of his Imperial, Royal, and Apostolic Majesty. rial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, shall remain without effect, as well as the judgments which may have been passed in execution of these decrees.-The present additional Article shall have the same force and effect as if it had been inserted in the patent Treaty of this date. It shall be ratified, and the ratification shall be exchanged at the same time. In testimony whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed it, and

For France, by M. C. Talleyrand Perigord, Prince of Benevent, (ut supra.).—And for Prussia by M. M. Charles Augustus Baron Hardenberg, Chancellor of State to his Majesty the King of Prussia, Knight of the Orders of the Black and Red Eagle, and of many other Orders, and Charles William Baron Humboldt, Minister of State of his said Majesty, and Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to his Impe

With the following additional articles :


The Duchy of Warsaw having been under the administration of a provisional council established by Russia ever since that country was occupied by her arms, the two high contracting parties have agreed to appoint immediately a Special Com


mission, composed on both sides of an equal desirous to establish the mest amicable relations number of Commissaries, who shall be charged between their respective subjects, reserve with the examination and liquidation of their themselves a promise to come to an understand. respective claims, and all the arrangements rela-ing and arrangement as soon as possible, on their tive thereto.-The present additional article shali commercial interests, with the intention of ephave the same force and effect, as if iuserted ver-couraging and augmenting the prosperity of the in batim in the patent treaty of this date. It shali respective States. The present additional artibe ratified, and the ratifications exchanged at the cles shall have the same force and validity, as if same time: In testimony whereof the respective they had been inserted in those words in the Plenipotentiaries have signed and same, and aflix-treaty of this day. They shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at the same time. In faith of which the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed them, and affixed the seal of their arms.

ed thereto the seal of their arms.

Dated and signed as above.

Done at Paris, this 30th day of May, 1814. (L.S.) (Signed) The Prince of BENEVENT. (L. S.) ANDREW Count RASUMOUFFSKY (L.) CHAS. ROBERT Count NESSELRODE ARTICLES ADDITIONAL TO THE TREATY WITH GREAT BRITAIN, Article I. His Most Christian Majesty, parti Though the Treaty of Peace concluded at cipating without reserve in all the sentiments of Baste the 8th of April, 1795; that of Tilsit, of his Britannic Majesty relative to a species of the 9th July, 1807; the Convention of Paris, of Commerce, which is equally repugnant to the the 20th September 1808; as well as all the principles of natural justice, and the lights of the Convention and acts whatsoever, concluded since times in which we live, engages to unite, at a fu- the peace of Basie between Prussia and France, ture Congress, all his efforts to those of his Bri- are already virtually annlled by the present tannic Majesty, in order to cause all the Powers Treaty, the High Contracting Powers have neof Christendom to proclaim the abolition of thevertheless thought fit to declare expressly that the Slave Trade, in such manner that the said trade may cease universaily, as it shall cease definitively, and in all events on the part of France, within a period of five years, and that besides, pending the duration of this period, no grader in slaves shall be at liberty to import or sell them elsewhere, but in the colonies of the state to which he belongs.

Art. II. The British Government and the French Government will immediately appoint Commissaries to liquidate their respective ex pences for the maintenance of prisoners of war, for the purpose of coming to an arrangement on the manner of paying off the balance which shall be found in favour of either of the two powers. Art. 11. The prisoners of war respectively shall be bound to discharge, before their departure from the place of their detention, the private debts which they may have there contracted, or at least to give satisfactory security.

said Treaties cease to be utgatory for all their articles, both patent and secret, and that they mutually renounce all right, and release themseives from all obligation which might result from them.

His Most Christian Majesty promises that the decrees issued against French subjects, or reputed Frenchmen, being or having been in the service of his Prussian Majesty, shall be of no effect, as well as the judgments which may have been passed in execution of those decrees.

The present additional Article shall have the same force and effect, as if it were inserted, word for word, in the patent Treaty of this day. It shall be ratified, and the ratifications ex

changed at the same time. In faith of which the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed it, and affixed their seals.

Dated and signed as above.

Art. IV. There shall be on both sides, immeAMERICAN WAR.-But we are at war diately after ratification of the present Treaty, a yet. It is the Continent only which has removal of the sequestration which, since the year 1792, may have been placed on the funds, reve- got peace. We have a finger in the pye rues, debts, and all other effects whatever of the in Portugal, a collation in Spain, a high contracting powers, or of their subjects. tid bit in Sicily, and a good thumping war The same Commissaries mentioned in Art. II. shall employ themselves in the examination and with America as a standing dish.. This Jiquidation of the claims of his Britannic Majesty war promises to be to us, like the last laupon the French Government, for the value of bour of Hercules, the toughest of all. It property moveable or immoveable unduly confiscated by the French authorities, as well as for does not appear to be very easy for us the total or partial loss of their debts or other to get any foreign troops to fight for our property, unduly detained under sequestration since the year 1792.- France engages to treat money in that country. The distance to in this respect the subjects of England with the send horses, with their hay and straw, is Same justice that the subjects of France have experienced in England; and the English Go pretty considerable. When I first heard vernment wishing, on its part, to concur in of a camp of Russians being about to be this new testimony that the Allied Powers have formed in my neighbourhood, I destined given to his most. Christian Majesty of their de-them for America; but, it seems, from sire to remove entirely the consequences of the epoch of mi-fortune, so happily terminated by what I see in the newspapers, that they the present peace, engages on its side (as soon as

complete justice shall be done to its subjects,) to renounce the whole amount of the excess which may be found in its favour, relative to the maintenance of the prisoners of war, so that the ratification of the result of the labours, of the andersigned Commissioners, and which shall be adjudged to belong to the subjects of his Britannic Maje ty, shall render its renunciation Complete.

Art. V. The two ligh Contracting Powers,

are merely coming as a guard to the Emperor, and are to go home in their own fleet. That the object of the American war is, however, become rather serious, would ap pear from the Report of a speech of Sir JOSEPH YORKE, in the House of Com- · mons, Wednesday, the 1st instant, in the following words, as taken from the Courier

« AnteriorContinuar »