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man's servant, for his looking after the nag | have talked of the hardship upon the farand brushing the shoes of the wheat mer to pay such heaps of taxes. The hardgrower; upon the dog, whose teeth are ne- ship consists wholly in the trouble, and the cessary to protect the wheat grower's torment, and the humiliation for the baras; upon the stamps of the wheat- farmer does, and must get the amount of grower's lease, his receipts, and his notes the taxes back again from the bread-eater. of hand; upon the sugar, the coffee, the He may not do it for one year, or for two tea, the soap, the candles, the pepper, the years; but, upon an average, he must. salt, the very drugs, and a score of other The tax pursues the commodity to the things, used in the house of the wheat-mouth, as necessarily rivers find their grewer; upon the malt that makes the beer way to the sea. I view the wheat-grower necessary to keep his nerves steady amidst as a collector of money to be paid over to the bewildering of such an accumulation: the agents of the Government; and, if if the tax be collected upon all these, must others did the same, I am of opinion that it not be paid, at last, by those who eat the we should hear much less about the grasploaf, made out of the wheat? And if the ing disposition of the landholders and their wheat-grower gets little money for his tenants. I dislike the talk about that crop, is it not evident that he can have lit-" valuable class of men, the agriculturists,” tle money to pay to the Government in any as the farmers are now called. I do not shape whatever? Is it not, in other see any peculiar claim that they have words, evident, that if wheat, (generally to such an appellation. They till the the regulator of all other commodities) con- land for gain, just as a shoc-maker makes tinue to be of the present price, the inte- shoes for gain, and as a merchant, or marest of the debt cannot be paid? -Mind, nufacturer, carries on his business for reader, I am no advocate for law that is gain. I see no obligation that the comnow pending. I know, that the thing will, munity is under to the growers of wheat, and must, regulate itself. If, by importa- who sell it as dear as they can. They tions from countries where the land is are entitled to no special mark of legislamore fertile and less taxed than ours, tive favour; but, as they are the grand wheat were to become too cheap to make vehicle for the taxes, it is the height of it profitable to grow it here in the present stupidity to express wishes to make them average quantity, less would be grown an unproductive vehicle.-As very closely here; the capital, the labour, the means connected with this view of the corn subof all sorts, now used for the raising of corn, ject, I will here notice what has been said would, in part, be used for other purposes; about bringing round our CURRENCY and some of those who are now farmers to the standard of 1796; that is to say, would turn their hands to other employ- when gold was in free and general circuments. I see no harm in this. But the lation. How such an idea came into the thing is impossible. No such effort, it head of any one accounted sane, I am at pears to me, can be produced by importa- a loss to discover. We were told, that tions from abroad, the quantity being too peace, upon a firm foundation, would do small to be of any consequence. I think, the thing of itself. It is notorious that a that Mr. Coke, and the other advocates of light guinca will sell now for 26 or 27 the Bill, proceed upon erroneous notions of shillings in paper. But the worst, the the effect of importation. But, at the most foolish part of the conduct of those same time, they are by no means charge- who entertain the notion of restoring our able with injustice. Their endeavours, in currency to the standard of 1796, is, that fact, tend to the protection, not of the they allow, at the same time, that the pafarmer but of the fund-holder, and of per money is depreciated; and (now ob those who depend on the Civil List. serve) that this depreciation has had the Their endeavours, they being landhold-effect of raising prices.-Very well. It ers, are very disinterested, seeing that is depreciated, and it has raised prices. their inevitable tendency is to enable Keep this in mind, and then ask these the grower of wheat to draw money wise men, what would be the effect of "refrom the caters of bread, and to pay storing the currency to its former healthy it over to the Government.-I do not state."-These gentlemen, in their anxious know how it has happened, but no one ap- desire to restore guineas, overlook the intepears to me to have viewed the matter rest of the debt. But, is it not manifest, that in this its natural light. Some persons they ought to have this object continually



in their view, when they are talking upon the present paper-money. To pay these the subject of restoring guineas and lower-people their interest, therefore, in specie, ing prices? And is it not also manifest, would be to give them one-third more that, in whatever degree prices be lowered than is really their due; and, in the same for a permanency, the interest of the debt degree, it would be to do wrong to must, in reality, though not nominally, be those who have to pay that interest. augmented?-Now, then, what is the an- The same may be said with regard to all nal interest of this debt? I will not offices, pensions, grants, rent-charges, &c. plague the reader with any miserable de- which have originated since 1796.-But, tail about funded and unfunded, and re- as I said before, the thing is impossible.-deemed and unredeemed; but will state, The Chancellor of the Exchequer is reportin round numbers, that the debt re- ed to have said, that it was probable, that quires taxes to be paid to the amount the Government would not call upon the of about forty millions a year. Bank to pay in specic in six months after Suppose then, that wheat (to take that the signature of the definitive treaty of article as an instance) be now upon an peace. His answer was wise. It is really average of years, 277. a load, of five quar- very probable indeed, that the Bank will ters; the paper-money has, at the rate of not be so called upon.-Oh, dear! What exchange with Paris, depreciated one third curious things this glorious event in France below gold; and, of course, has raised will bring to light, and bring about! Very prices one-third. Bring the currency back probable indeed, that the Bank will not be to the standard of 1796, and the consc- called upon to pay in specie! This peace quence is, that wheat will be upon an avewill put many an one to his trumps! rage of years, 187. a load. Well, then, farmer Stiles, whose share of payment of interest of the debt is 277. a-year, and who, Mr. COBBETT. Thus, then, ends the liof course, used to pay a load of wheat, berty and independence of nations. Nora-year, must, upon the restoration of gui-way is to be free and independent, under neas, pay a load and a half of wheat a-year. the blessed domination of Bernadotte.This would make the farmer scratch his Poland is to he free and independent, unhead, I believe! It is as clear as day- der the happy auspices of Alexander, the light, that the restoration of guineas would, liberator. The knowt will free the misein reality, make the debt cost sixty mil- rable peasants, as, by the wholesome exerlions a-year instead of forty millions a-year. cise of dancing to it, their matted hair But, this is not all. The Civil List, offi- will be impelled to untwist. Italy is to cers of all kinds, pay, pensions, annuities, be free and independent, under German fixed stipends of every sort, leases, ground- legislation, the profundity of whose matchrents, rent-charges, must all become more less regulations has long astonished the expensive by one-third to those who have world. Saxony, the garden of Germany, to pay them. What a revolution would be is to be free and independent, under the here? What smashing, what work for measured discipline of Prussia and the salawyers and bill-framers! Besides, as to gacious policy of Austria. France is to be the justice of the thing, I am so certain free and independent, under the hereditary that it is impossible for it to take place rule of an erudite Bourbon, and the without the utter destruction of the paper, wholesome restraints of a Constitution, and the debt along with the paper, that it coming into life under the fostering ausdoes seem to me superfluous to talk about pices of 200,000 bayonets, wielded by the justice or the policy of it; but, for the congenial heroes, issuing from all the resake of those who may not be of my opi-gions, from the Adour to the Rhine.-nion as to this point, I will say a word or two as to the justice of such a measure, if it were practicable.The greater part, or, at least, a very considerable part, of the debt has been contracted since 1796; that is to say, since the Bank ceased to pay their bills in specie. Of course, those who have lent the Government this part of the money, have lent them paper-money of the same, or nearly the same value, with

Spain is to be free and independent, under Ferdinand the Seventh and the Spanish Constitution, both enlightened by the wisdom of ages and experience. Every expectation is answered, at least, every reasonable expectation. The people of Europe, to whom the appeal has been so loudly made, are become all that they could expect to be; all that it was meant that they should be. They are content."


Be it so. If they are, they deserve no land and Saxony, and all Germany and more than is actually accorded to them.- Italy, are behind you, who might, if they The question is, however, are they con- have foolishly expected any thing from you, teat? It is very possible that it may be that you have not granted, or any thing highly unreasonable in them not to rest except your own paternal sway over them; satisfied, for all that they could hope for if they have unreasonably looked for any will be given them. If they hoped for thing that has been left unaccomplished more, they must have been void of com- who might, in that case, form the diabomon sense. Unless they were the merest lical design of intercepting the return of children, it is for this they shed their your armies, in the certainty that their blood; it is for this they must have known unholy designs would have no military that they were shedding it. But, how- force, after that, to combat. I tremble ever that may be, they may have enter- for you. A start of the maddened people tained unreasonable expectations, or they destroys your sacred authority in one momay, by this time, repent of their mode- ment, which would have nothing more left ration. The moment is critical. They with which to support itself. Methinks may conceive it not too late to retrace I hear the cursed word liberty profaned by their steps, or to manifest their repen-vulgar tongues, and darting like lightning tance. The purpose of this paper is to from one end of the heaven to the other, alarm the Allied Sovereigns, as to the pos- and penetrating even your consecrated leture of affairs, and to shew them how gions. Down, in a moment, are tumbled auspicious the crisis is to that spirit of in- crowns, and coronets, and mitres, and a subordination, formerly miscalled the spi- sound sweeps from the face of the earth rit of freedom, should the madness of the all that ages have venerated and canonized. people still lead them to dream of liberty Such a moment never before existed! The and independence. In all the countries of work of the giants is accomplished by Europe, from the Ural mountains to the children! The force of Europe being conAtlantic, there are no forces of any conse-centrated in the heart of France, is shiquence to maintain the different regions in their happy possession of the liberty and independence for which they have so profusely shed their blood, except in the heart of France. Those troops which are left behind may not be depended upon, as the madness of misunderstood liberty and inde-terests of himself and of the French people pendence may, like a contagion, spread from the people into their ranks. A shoemaker in Germany may raise the cry, and it may be echoed from the Danube to the Dwina. An infuriate Jacobin in France may kindle the torch of discord, and occupation sufficient may be given to the 200,000 regenerators of Europe in that country, which, to render all things safe, they must not only conquer, as they have done, but finally crush. The cry of union, which infatuates the Italians, may lead them to chase the forrestieres, the strangers, over the Alps, to their Teutonic abodes. Alas! if such a moment as this were seized to unite the German name, to amalgamate the Italian population, to rouse the French spirit of revenge, what can be opposed to the mighty torrent that might thus inundate the States from the Baltic to the Mediterranean? Sovereigns, save the troops which you have assembled so successfully to restore liberty and independence to the world. See you not that Po

vered to atoms with a breath! Do not rely on the newly restored Monarch, for, either he may, which is not certainly very likely for a long while, identify himself with his country, and foolishly imagine what you well know is mere madness, that the in

are the same; or, which is more likely, and
which may be expected from his wisdom,
purchased by so much experience, he may
more profoundly penetrate into the true
nature of things, and clearly see that
France is his own, and made for him, and
for him to rule. But, in either case, he can
do you little service. Of the first sup-
position it is idle to speak, as then his
first wish and resolution must be to drive
you out of his territories. The second
supposition makes him indeed your's; but
he enters your camp alone, and leaves
France in array against you and himself,
while the world behind you is ready to
intercept your retreat.
I tremble for you,
august Potentates! Save yourselves before
the mad project be conceived. Dispatch
the instruments of your mild sovereignty
to the several countries to which you have
restored liberty and independence, by gra-
ciously conceding to them the boon of your
parental sway. Restrain the madness of
the people, who can be no judges of liberty

and independence, and who must be ig-ing off in their gains, which threatens very norant what is for their advantage, since shortly to destroy the source which has you know well how extensive the sway of so long afforded them an abundant harignorance is over the face of this obstinate vest, from which they have for so many globe, whose inhabitants will know nothing years derived the wages of prostitution. in spite of every effort to instruct them. A Their object, therefore, is to revive the wholesome vigour is necessary: break system, to give life to the horrid and down their obstinacy; crush their mad- abominable traffic, by which they were ness; make them love and revere you by enriched, at the expence of all that is dear the seasonable severity of your primitive to humanity.-It is gratifying, however, justice? Do not you see your danger? Is to observe, that the acts of the present it not imminent? Flee to meet it, or you government of France promise to secure are undone! You are on a hideous preci- to the French nation a long and uninterpice, and will not, I fear, see it in time. rupted repose; and that all the attempts Your enemies will be quicker of sight, if which have been made to injure that galyou are not prompt to take advice. You lant people, will have no other effect than will have no excuse for delay, as you are to overwhelm with confusion those who forewarned. See, the torch is going to be have so basely and enviously attempted to lighted! The cry is on the tip of the destroy and to degrade them.-The foltongue of the misled people! You will not lowing declaration of the King of France, know whom to trust in your greatest need. recently published, sufficiently shews, that The fire may seize your camp; the whoop he considers his own interests inseparable may be raised by your practised batta- from those of his people, and justifies the opilions people, refrain, refrain; take thank- nion, that the French, under his reign, may fully your liberty and independence. What long enjoy a considerable portion of happido you want more? you have all that you ness.--- "Louis, by the grace of God, King of deserve, if you expected more, or if" France and Navarre, to all those to you once had no further expectations. In "whom these presents shall come, greetthe one case, how unreasonable not to be ing:-On ascending the Throne of our content with the completion of your hopes! "ancestors, we have found our rights in In the other case, how could your love, and have given up our whole idiotic Expect more! Alas, alas, ye "heart to that sentiment manifested of old were mere beasts, and should be contented "by Louis XII. the father of his people, to be treated as such. Down on your "and by the good King Henry IV. Their marrow-bones to ask a blessing, or a par-" incessant application to the happiness of don of the anointed of God.-HORTATOR. "France shall mark our reign also; and "it is our most ardent wish that it may in






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PROGRESS OF THE FRENCH REVOLU-" its turn leave behind recollections worthy TION.-If we are to believe the prosti- "of being associated with the memory of tuted press of this country, France is again “those Sovereigns, whose first and noblest on the eve of being involved in all those "virtue was paternal affection.-Amidst scenes of anarchy and blood, which afflicted "acclamation, so unanimous and so soothher during the predominance of discordant "ing to our heart, with which we were factions-even while the Paris Journals accompanied from the frontiers of our are altogether silent as to the pretended Kingdom to the bosom of our capital, convulsions in that and other cities, the we have never ceased to consider the sipublic attention here is occupied with pri-" tuation of our provinces and of our brave vate letters from the French capital, in "armies. The oppression which crushed which are given minute details of alleged " France has left behind it many evils, by insurrections, of disturbances which ended "which we are keenly touched; our con-in bloodshed, and of symptoms in the state cern on account of them is profound, but of political opinion, which indicate the "their weight will be daily diminished; approach of some terrible revolutionary" all our care shall be directed to this point, commotion. It is easy to divine the mo- "and our highest pleasure will increase tives which give rise to these alarming" with the felicity of our people. Already reports. The newspapers engaged in pro- "an armistice, concluded in conformity pagating them, find, since the fever of" with the views of an enlightened and mowar, and the fervor of political strife sub- "derate policy, dispenses its benefits as sided, that there has been a dreadful fall-"the forerunners of peace; and the


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directed his particular attention to the proper organization of the army, and to the just rewards which are due to men who have procured so much glory to their country. In furtherance of the intentions of his Majesty towards these brave soldiers, the following has been made public:. "WAR DEPARTMENT.-ORDER OF THE

"Treaty, which is to establish it in a du"rable manner, is the most constant, as "well as the most important, object of our thoughts. In a short time, the clive, "the pledge of the repose of Europe, will "be displayed to the nations that require "it. The allied armies are beginning "to move towards our frontiers, and the "august Sovereigns, whose principles" DAY.-PARIS, MAY 15, 1814.-His "have been so generous in regard to Majesty has just determined on the orga

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us, are nobly desirous of closely unit-"nization of his army. After having heard ing themselves with us by the ties of a "the Council of War, he has issued an or"mutual friendship and confidence that "denance of the most favourable nature "shall never be broken. We know that

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possible, for establishing the new Mili66 some individual abuses have been com- tary Constitution; and he has less con"mitted, and that contributions have "sulted the finances of the State, than his "been levied upon the departments of our" justice, in rewarding honourable services, "kingdom since the conclusion of the armis-" and his affection for his brave troops."tice, but the just and liberal declarations" Inspectors-General, furnished with in"which the Allied Sovereigns have made "structions from the Ministers of War, "to us respecting these abuses, authorise" will depart to form the amalgamation of us to forbid our subjects to comply with "all the corps. It is important that all "such requisitions as are illegal and con-"such officers, who have rights to claim or "trary to the Treaty, which has stipulated" rewards to solicit, should appear under "for the general suspension of hostilities." their respective banners: the absence of "Nevertheless, our gratitude, and the" these officers, during this operation, will usage of war, require us to order all "lead to serious and irreparable inconve"the Civil and Military Authorities in our "niences. It is consequently necessary, "dominions to redouble their care and at- "that every military officer, of whatever "tention, that the valiant armies of the Al- “rank, should appear without delay, with "lied Sovereigns may be regularly and abun-" the corps to which he belongs, in order dantly supplied with all that is necessary for to lay the state of his services before "the subsistence and wants of the troops. "the Inspectors-General, and to obtain "All demands not comprehended in these "either his continuation in active service, "objects shall therefore be of no effect," the preservation of his full appointments, "and the sacrifices of the people will be the enjoyment of half-pay at home until "diminished. Frenchmen! you hear the replaced; or, finally, to be permitted to King, and he wished, in his turn, that "retire in consequence of the rights he reach him, and express your voice may may have acquired by new services since your wants and your desires; his shall "the month of January, 1814.-Those of"always attest the love which he bears “ficers who do not belong to any corps, "to his people. The largest cities, and "those of the staff without appointments, "the most obscure hamlets, all parts of his "and those who wish to be placed in re、 kingdom, are equally objects of his care, "giments, shall present themselves, ac"and he presses all his subjects at one and "cording to their choice, in the chief places "the same time to his heart. He does not "of the divisions or departments in which "think that he can indulge feelings too" there are Inspectors-General, to make "paternal for people whose valour, loyalty," representations of their services; those "and devotion to their Sovereigns, have "who prefer half-pay may retire to their "for ages constituted their glory and pros-" homes. -Every officer who, without ex"perity." LOUIS. press permission, shall remain at Paris Several ordonances have likewise been" eight days after the publication of the published in France, all tending, like the " present order, shall be held to have reabove proclamation, to promote tranquilli-"nounced his right.-The soldiers who do ty, and to prepare the people for the enjoy ment of the blessings of peace. Aware also, that France can never be great and powerful unless her troops are put upon a respectable footing, the King seems to have









not belong to the corps of the garrison "of Paris shall be immediately marched, "under the immediate direction of the "Commander of the place, to their re

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spective corps, or to one of the nearest

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