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of negociation, has, in truth been the sub-ed will not consider any thing in the notes transmitted to them, but those points which have a direct tendency to the works of pacification. They will likewise avoid en+ larging in protestations of their desire of peace, because, however natural it may be to do ourselves that honour, this desire may regulate the spirit of negociations, but not the progress of affairs, which ought to be treated according to established usages in their proper order, and in removing diffi. culties as they may occur.——) -It is with equal surprise and regret, that the under signed perceive that the notes which have been transmitted to them, had for their aim the rejection of a proposal, which had to them appeared, and which in fact is, the only proper one for conciliating the diversity of opinions which has arisen concerning the form of the negociations. In this state of affairs, they address themselves with confidence to the Mediator, to represent to

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ject of several conversations between the undersigned and his Excellency the Duke of Bassano; but the forms of a negociation could not be unalterably regulated by the Mediator and one of the Powers concerned in the negociation, to the exclusion of the other parties and the arrival of the French Plenipotentiaries having experienced some delay, the mode of negociation was touched upon by Count de Bubna, by virtue of orders which were addressed to him under date of the 17th of July, and the conferences in this respect did not lead to any result. The undersigned formally protests against the assertion, that the pretended concert established on this subject, was caused by the manifestation of the intention of Russia to open the negociations with a view of compromising Austria. His Majesty the Emperor would not have charged himself with the mediation between the Belligerent Powers, if he had not had con-him what it is impossible not to acknow fidence in their reciprocal good faith; and ledge, that the only overture which has achis penetration could no more be taken by tually tended to commence the negociation, surprise, than his impartial sincerity. was made by them. In fact, the contrariThe forms of negociation proposed to their ety of sentiment of the two parties, leav Excellencies the Plenipotentiaries of France ing the question undecided, and the opi could not have been unforeseen, as being nion of the Mediator, whatever weight his specified in the overtures made in this re- wisdom and enlightened knowledge may spect by Count de Bubna; and they are give him, not having been able to decide it, so far from being unusual in similar trans- the undersigned, influenced as much by de actions, that they were admitted as the ba-ference to the Mediator, as by the desire of sis of the negociations at Teschen, cited in support of the proposal made by the undersigned. The reasons which engaged him to prefer them at that time still subsist, and he renews his invitation to their Excellencies to adhere to them on their part, He avails himself of this occasion, &c. (Signed) The Count de METTERnich. Prague, Aug. 8, 1813.


smoothing all difficulties, have consented to adept entirely the mode which he had proposed, merely demanding that their proposal should be likewise admitted. This would then be one step forward, & for it would be unjust not to consider as such in a negociation the total sacrifice of the pretensions of one party to the other. They were authorized to hope that after this step on their part, taken in the form No. XXXVIII. Note from the Plenipo- desired by the Mediator, he would at tentiaries of France to Count de Meller-length have decided on giving effect to those nich. tomotives not less, founded on reason, than on

The undersigned Plenipotentiary from his Majesty the Emperor of the French, have received, together with the two notes, which his Excellency Count de Metternich, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, and Plenipotentiary of the mediating Court, bas done them the honour of addressing to them yesterday, the copies of those of the Russian and Prussian, Plenipotentiaries, Penetrated with the sacred obligation, which the nature itself of their mission imposes on them, that of banishing disoussion which does not tend to the realising the dearest hopes of nations, the undersign

custom, with which they have supported their proposal in the frequent official conferences that they have had with Count de Metternich on this subject. They nevertheless see that the allied Plenipotentiaries, without combating this proposal, without replying, do the considerations which have dictated it, and even without alleging any other reason than their own will, persist in their pretensions, and that the Plenipoten tiary of the mediating Court, ranges himself entirely on their side, although it can. not be dissembled, that the only motive he has been able to adduce in justification of

The undersigned have the honour, &c.
(Signed) GAULINCOURT, Duke of Vicenza.
Prague, Aug. 9, 1813.

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No. XXXIX. Nole from his Excellency Count de Metternich to the French Plenipotentiaries.:

this preference, has no longer any founda- | he has communicated to the undersigned, tion, since that the undersigned have ad- that which will assist in conciliating all mitted the form proposed by him.All minds; they will, no doubt, likewise rethe objections which could be made against mark, that the proposals made by the unthe mode which they have pointed out by dersigned, have on the contrary been a fresh their note of the 6th, will fall to the ground proof of their constant desire to remove all of themselves, if we reflect that it concili- difficulties in the way of peace, even when ates all pretensions, that it unites all the their adversaries appear to have renounced' advantages of the different forms, the au- it. They therefore renew the proposals thenticity of negociating in writing, with which they have not ceased to make, of exthe facility and celerity of a verbal nego- changing their full powers, in order inime-' ciation. It would be superfluous to at- diately to open the negociations, according tend to the strange assertion, that this mode to the form proposed by the mediating is unusual, as the most simple examination Power, without, however, excluding the of facts would be sufficient to destroy that form of conferences, in order to preserve objection. No person can be ignorant that the means of explaining themselves verbally. in the principal congresses of which history makes mention, in those in which, as at present, interests, equally complicated and various, were to be discussed at Munster, at Nemeguen, at Ryswick, this double form was always employed. Would not to refuse it at this present time be evidently to shew that the pacific intentions which so much pains are taken to announce, are not those which are actually meant? It is affected continually to instance Teschen, and to take for a rule that which has been an exception, and constantly to appeal to the result of this negociation, as if those which have been cited had had a less favourable issue, and as if they had not equally regulated the interests of sovereigns, and the tranquillity of states. Whatever it may be, we ask again for the motive which gives preference to a form which was solely followed under a circumstance where there was only one object to treat upon, and of which even the basis had already been settled beforehand. It is easy to judge, from the actual state of the question, who ought to be accused of the delays occasioned to the negociation, those who, by raising a pretension opposed to the received usage, reject a proposal which ensures to them all the advantages they desire, or those, who having on their side the usage universally followed, consent to adopt entirely the form adopted by the adverse party, and confine themselves to demanding, that a mode of treating, which in despite of all allegations to the contrary, can alone produce speedy results, should not be excluded. The undersigned flatter themselves, that these considerations will be so much the more felt by his Excellency Count Metternich, as it cannot have escaped him, that if the exclusive form of written negociations offer some advantages, it is not, at least if we may judge from the notes which

The Minister of State and for Foreign Affairs to his Imperial and Royal Austrian Majesty, Plenipotentiary from the mediating Court, yesterday delivered to the Plenipotentiaries of Russia and Prussia the Note of the 9th of this month, which their Excellencies the French Plenipotentiaries did him the honour of addressing to him. He has just received, in reply from Baron d'Anstett and Baron de Humboldt, the Notes of this day's date, of which the annexed are copies, and which he is desirous not to delay transmitting to the French Plenipotentiaries. The undersigned seizes this opportunity, &c.

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Prague, Aug. 10, 1813.


Nole from M. d'Anslell to Count de Metternich.

The undersigned has just received the Copy of the Note which the French Plenipotentiaries have addressed, under yesterday's date, to his Excellency Count de Metternich, Plenipotentiary of the mediating Court. It has not been surprised to see, that endeavours are made, on the last day of the negociations, to throw all the blame both on the Mediator and on the Plenipotentiaries of the Allied Powers. This proceeding is nothing novel. On the whole, all that this paper affirms to-day, has been refuted beforehand. But when the French Plenipotentiaries say, that our official notes have not been of the proper nature to conciliate men's minds, it will be necessary to

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remind them of the serious insult offered to Russia, in their Note of the 6th, to judge who has departed from received usagés in the conduct of a work, in which all that calmness and dignity ought to preside which are required in negociations of this kind. It is a new reason to convince the Plenipotentiaries of the Allied Powers, lowers, that the form by writing is the only admissible one, because the papers would be read, and such unjust charges recoil upon their authors. Finally, if the example of the Congress of Utrecht is so strongly insisted on, why then have not the French Plenipotentiaries judged it proper to adopt its preliminary forins, by causing their powers to be countersigned by the Mediator. This would have been effectively one step taken. But it is not for the u undersigned to discuss a question which directly concerns the mediating Powers, and he hastens to avail himself of this opportunity to renew, &c.

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(Signed) D'ANSTETT."

Prague, 29th July 10th Aug.) 1813.
Note from M. De Humboldt to his Excel.

lency Count de Metternich.

The undersigned Minister of State and Plenipotentiary of his Majesty the King of Prussia, has seen, by the Note of the French Plenipotentiaries, of the date of which his Excellency Count de Metternich, Minister of State and for Foreign Affairs, and Plenipotentiary of his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, has done hit the honour of communicating to him, by his Note of the same day, that the French Plenipotentiaries continue to decline the form of negociation which has been proposed to them by the mediating Court, and which those of Prussia and Russia were willing to accept.

what the undersigned thinks he has shewn
by his Note of the 7th of this month; he
would nevertheless enlarge still more on
this subject, were he not prevented by the
date of the Note of the French Plenipoten-
tiaries, and that of his reply to it. Forced
again to explain himself on the mode of the
negociations, on the very day when they
ought to have terminated, he thought it
seless to enter into a more ample detail.
That date, the continuance and the tenor of
the papers, which have been exchanged,
and the entire progress of the negociation,
equally dispense the undersigned from re-
plying to the different charges, direct and
indirect, which are contained in the Note
of the French Plenipotentiaries.—Ever
esteeming himself fortunate when he can
avoid replying to communications so little
adapted to conciliate men's minds, he con-
fines himself simply to renew to his Excel-
lency Count de Metternich the assurances
of his high consideration.
(Signed) HUMBOLDT.
Prague, 10th Aug. 1813. 3 of 7
(A true copy) (Signed) METTERNICH.

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No. XL. Note from the French Plenipo-
Atentiaries to Count de Metternich.

The undersigned, &c. have just received the Note which his Excellency Count de Metternich, &c. has done them the honour of addressing to them, to which is annexed that of the Plenipotentiaries of Russia and Prussia. They might begin by observing, that these Notes contain sundry imputations upon them, which, to say the least, are not accurate, such as that they demanded the form of the negociations of Utrecht, negociations which they have not cited, as they could not be ignorant that they took place without the intervention of a mediator; and that they refused to have the copy of their full powers attested by the' Plenipotentiary of the mediatory Power. But faithful to their resolution of setting aside every thing which might obstruct the progress of the negociations, they confine themselves with replying to assertions no less incorrect, but which are of much greater importance, contained in the said Notes.The Allied Plenipotentiaries


It is true that the French Plenipotentiaries have said, in their Note, that they entirely adopted the mode proposed, by demanding simply that their proposals should likewise be admitted. But it being evident that the form of transactions by writing, and some conferences had been proposed by Count de Metternich, as two forms entirely different and even opposite, in his Note of 29th July, it is clear that their union could not be effected without the mode of trans-ground the advantage of the form which acting by writing conjunctly with conferences losing its whole characteristic, and being in reality sacrificed to the other; which, in its turn, if the transactions by writing were joined to it, would no less prevent all the inconveniencies so clearly stated in the Note before cited. This is

they have proposed on the facility it gives for all the papers of the negociation to be read. Far from having it to be laid to their charge, that they wished to envelope themselves in a veil, as appears to have been intimated, they have rather shewn a desire for this publicity, because they have

the mediating Court, has the honour of transmitting to their Excellencies the Duke de Vicenza and the Count de Narbonne, Plenipotentiaries of his Majesty the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, a copy of the papers which they have just received on the part of the Plenipotentiaries of his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, and of his Majesty the King of Prussia, by which they declare to him that the term of the Armistice being expired, they consider the Congress united, met for the negociation of peace, as dissolved.It is with sincere regret that the undersigned sees, in consequence, his functions as a Mediator at an end, without deriving any other consolation from his fruitless endeavour to bring the pacification of the Belligerent Powers to a satisfactory conclusion, than that of not having on his part neglected any means to consummate so salutary a work.- -The undersigned embraces with avidity the opportunity of this last official communication, to offer their Excellencies the assurances of his high consideration,

not only adopted this form, but besides, in requesting some conferences for the purpose of adding the advantage of verbal discussion, they proposed that a protocol should be held, which might preserve the very words of each of the negociators. The passage which regards the date of the Notes, and which appears to prejudge the period at which the negociations should be terminated, does not seem to be a fresh proof of the fear which the Allied Plenipotentiaries appear always to have had of their being opened? The words, last day of the negociations, carry with them a very mournful reflection, by seeming to signify, that for this present all ideas of conciliation are renounced, while the Convention signed at Neumarkt, by establishing a term before which it is not permitted to denounce the Armistice, makes it by no means an obligation, nor does it otherwise in any manner announce, that when that time is arrived the negociations should cease. Will not the Mediator consider it his most sacred duty to concur in causing an interpretation to be rejected which would destroy the hope of a nearer approach to reconciliation, which the undersigned wish to hasten by all their efforts.The replies of the Al-Note from M. D' Anstell to Count de Mellied Plenipotentiaries do not even wish, still less refute, the reasons presented by the undersigned in their note of yesterday; they think they ought to insist with the Mediator, and request him with all the means placed in his power, by the part with which he is charged, to engage the Plenipotentiaries of Russia and Prussia to discuss the questions, instead of abruptly breaking them off, and in fine, to adopt the only proposal which can produce a happy result, as it excludes no means of conciliation, and assures to each party all the advantages it wishes to preserve.

-The un

(Signed) Count de METTERNICH. Prague, Aug. 11, 1813.


The final term of Mediation and the negociations opened at Prague having expired before the day of the 10th, the undersigned has express orders to declare formally, that his full powers cease from this moment.

-Being on the point of leaving this city, he could not do it without acquitting himself of the sacred duty of offering to the Count de Metternich, the expressions of his lively remembrance, for those marks of confidence and kindness, with which he has been pleased to honour him personally.

With regard to the impartiality, the dersigned flatter themselves that these ex-nobleness, the spirit of conciliation, and the planations will determine the Mediator to purity of principles, which his Excellency convince the Russian and Prussian Pleni- has, manifested in his quality of Mediator, it potentiaries that reason, the spirit of con- does not belong to the undersigned to anticiliation and a sincere desire of peace, are cipate the assurances which the allied on the side of those who defend the princi- Courts will render of them to Count de ples and usages of all times.They avail Metternich. He confines himself to renewthemselves, &c. ing to him those of his highest consideration.

(Signed) CAULINCOURT, Duke of Vicenza.
Prague, Aug. 10, 1813.
No. XLI.-Note from Count de Metternich

to the French Plenipotentiaries.
63 The undersigned Minister of State and
for Foreign Affairs to his Imperial and Royal
Austrian Majesty, and Plenipotentiary from

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(Signed) CAULINCOURT, Duke of Vicenza. L. NARBONNE.

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Prague, 11th Aug. 1813.

been opened under the mediation of his Im- | still remains for it; and they should have perial and Royal Austrian Majesty having expected that the Mediator would have expired with the day of the 10th August, used his whole influence to preserve to the the undersigned Minister of State and Ple- negociation moments which might bring nipotentiary to his Majesty the King of about the tranquillity of Europe. The un Prussia, is charged by express orders from dersigned, convinced of their not having his Court, to declare formally to his Excel-neglected any thing to fulfil the pacific inlency Count de Metternich, Minister of tentions of their August Master, of which State and for Foreign Affairs to his Majesty they have again given an instance, by rethe Emperor of Austria, that his full newing, in pressing terms, in their Note of powers, as well as his character of Pleni- yesterday, the most conciliatory proposals, potentiary, are now at an end. The un-unfeignedly regret, that there now remains dersigned, in consequence, would not lose a to them no other duty to fulfil, than to lay moment in requesting his Excellency Count before his Imperial and Royal Majesty the de Metternich to assure his Imperial Ma-Notes which have been addressed to them jesty how greatly his Majesty the King of by Count de Metternich. Prussia, whilst feeling the most lively and sincere regret, that the beneficent intention of the mediating Court has not been able to produce the desired result, is sensible of the fresh marks of interest and confidence which his Majesty the Emperor has been pleased to give him on this important occasion. These efforts, made with common accord, to give a lasting and solid peace to Europe, could not fail to add to those sentiments of friendship and attachment which both Sovereigns mutually feel; and his Excellency the Count de Metternich knows of how much value every thing which related to his sentiments is in the eyes and dear to the heart of his Majesty. The under signed avails himself of this opportunity to present to his Excellency Count de Metternich the expression of his most particular gratitude for all the proofs of kindness and confidence which his Excellency has personally shewn him; and begs him, at the same time, to accept the assurance of his high consideration.


HUMBOLDT. (A true copy) METTERNICH. Prague, 10th Aug. 1813, at midnight.

No. XLII.-Note from the Plenipotentiaries of France to Count de Metternich.

Prague, 11th Aug. 1813. The undersigned Plenipotentiaries of his Majesty the Emperor of the French, have received with the Note which his Excellency Count de Metternich has this day done them the honour of addressing to them, the copies of those which his Excellency has just received from the Russian and Prussian Plenipotentiaries. They have with pain, but without surprise, perceived by this communication the eagerness with which the Allied Plenipotentiaries. have seized the opportunity for depriving the work of pacification of the little time that


Extract of a Letter written to His Excellency the Minister at War, by General, Count Decaen, commanding the Catalonian Army.

Gerona, Oct. 7, 1813. Monsiegneur,I had ordered the General of Division, Lamarque, to march upon Olot Petit's brigade, composed of the 67th and 113th regiments, and a squadron of the 29th, in order to observe the movements of the Spaniards, who were said to have some designs upon La Cerdagne, or the frontiers of France.- General Petit manœuvred according to the instructions he had received. On the 28th September he was at Campredon; on the 29th he returned to Olot; on the 1st and 2d October he marched to the foot of the Grau and towards St. Privat, and took advantage of the presence of his troops, to exact payment of the contributions, and collect some requisitions for the subsistence of his brigade. The Spaniards, annoyed by those movements, approached Olot on the 2d, and took a position, in number from 3 to 4,000 men, upon the heights of Saint Privat.-General Petit reconnoitred them on the 3d,nd he resolved to attack them on the 4th, and drive them from his neighbourhood, which was executed with vigour and judgment. General Petit set out: from Olor at break of day; he arrived. about 7 in the morning, in presence of the enemy; he found him stronger than on the preceding evening; the regiments of Burgos, Tarragona, Ausonia, &c., crowned with two lines of infantry the mountains to the right and left of Saint Privat; a squa

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