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the Times and Courier, disfigured and mutilated, that any part of it is correct? Buonaparté has been accused of "mean

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But I cannot help thinking it strange that all these prisoners, and all these cannon, should have been taken from the French, without the Allies admitting that they had spiritedness," of "whining," and of a single man killed, or wounded, or a "cowardice," because he tells his subsingle prisoner taken. Lord Burghersh jects the extent of his losses, and does not states, that there was much hard fighting conceal from them the dangers to which the that the Allies were strongly opposed," country is exposed. But I would rather that the French made repeated attacks upon trust a man who tells me all the truth, them, and were repulsed with difficulty. however disagreeable that truth may be, Was there nobody but Frenchmen that fell than he who keeps back a part of it. The on this occasion? were the skins of the former, I am certain, knows how to prac Cossacks impenetrable to shot? or had the tise deceit the latter values himself upon holy charm, which every Russian carries being an honest man. It is from this view with him to battle, so miraculous an effect of matters, that I am inclined to believe on this occasion, that they neither lost leg the following account which Napoleon nor arm? But, reader, let me not deceive gives of the cause of the loss of his cannon, you; for I find, on again casting my eyes to be the true one:" In the midst of over the very "satisfactory and accurate" "the obscurity of the night, a battery of letter of Colonel Lowe, that I was mistaken the artillery of the guard, following the in supposing the Allies had neither killed" movements of a column of cavalry, which nor wounded. I say, I find I was mis-" was advancing to repulse a charge of the "was taken in this, because I have now disco- "enemy, lost its way, and was taken. vered, what had formerly escaped my no"When the cannoniers perceived the amtice, that " A Cossack orderly of General "bush into which they had fallen, and "Guiessenau, was shot by his (Blucher's) saw that they had not time to form their "side." I suppose this unfortunate Cos-battery, formed themselves in a squasack had either lost his holy amulet, or had neglected, in the morning, to offer up his prayers to St. Nicholas. He had certainly been guilty of some very great crime, that he, of all the thousands who had been exposed to the fire of the enemy, should be the only one that was slain. But, perhaps, Heaven intended by this to show how highly it favoured General Blucher, by di recting the shot, which was probably pointed at the hoary veteran," to the head or heart of the Cossack, whom it levelled with the dust. If Europe be "saved," says the Courier, "Blucher "will be placed in the first rank of her sa"viours!!" But let us now return to my Lord Burghersh. If we are to consider his Lordship's statement a faithful detail of what passed on the 1st instant, we shall be compelled to admit the power of the holy charms of the Russians. But if we do not; if we are to regard it as a mere partial account of the proceedings of that day, and that many things passed before him, things" which others, who saw them, viewed as matters of importance, and which were really so if, I say, his Lordship has told us only half the truth in one instance, how are we sure that he has told us the whole truth in every other ? Or rather, be lieving that he did transmit a full detail of these occurrences, how are we sure, when we find that detail, as I have found it in


"dron, attacked the enemy, and saved the horses and harness. They lost fifteen "men killed or taken prisoners.' reader will observe, that I have hitherto been speaking merely of the battle of the 1st. I shall notice what is said about the loss of both sides on the 2d, after I have stated my reasons for believing that Buonaparté was not personally engaged in the battle of Brienne, and that he afterwards drew off his troops from that quarter, not because they were routed, but because he had previously intended to do so. Burghersh does not say, in as many words, that the French Emperor took a part in the action. He merely states, that Buonaparté placed his army so and so, that Buonaparté continued the action with considerable ob stinacy, &c. All this we know he could have directed to be done, without leaving his head-quarters. Of the Russian general, Lord Burghersh speaks thus: "General "Blucher was present at the defence of this village, and contributed materially by his exertions in the repulse of the enemy."Here the person of Blucher is so completely identi fed with the occurrences of the day, that it is impossible to mistake his being present. But there is no such identity of Buonaparte; it is not said that he was present in any part of the action. If he had been on the spot, it cannot be believed that Lord Burghersh would have omitted noticing, and

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"engaged," and the votaries of these lying idols, who would hold it criminal were they to entertain a doubt as to the veracity, are ready to exterminate every man who ventures to differ from them in opinion on: this subject. With them the French bulletins contain nothing but " impudent false

that in the most pointed manner, a circuinstance so well calculated, as the defeat of Napoleon in person, to enhance the value of the victory. Besides, it appears from the French bulletin that he actually was not there. "On the 28th the "Emperor went to Montierender. On the 29th, at 8 in the morning, Gene-"hoods." Even our own official accounts "ral Grouchy, who commands the cavalry, "sent word that General Milhaud, &c.'

are rejected, or thrown aside, if they come in contact with their favourite journals. But Here we find him at a distance from leaving these groveling insects to enjoy the scene of action, and one of his Generals their fancied triumph, let us proceed, in the sending him word as to the movements of developement of the motives which induced the Allies; a step which would not have Buonaparte to withdraw his rear guard been necessary had he been there in person from before Brienne. We have already to observe them. It is no where said that seen that this was not because of a defeat, Buonaparté left Montierender until the 3d for at the close of the battle, as admitted instant, on the noon of which day we find he by Lord Burghersh," the enemy still held "entered Troyes."-But I shall be told that "the ground beyond La Rothiere, and was the fact of Buonaparte's personal presence is still in possession, at the dark, of the put beyond all doubt by the letter of Colo-"heights of Brienne." Even “next morn-. nel Lowe, who appears to have been" ing" (i. e. the morning of the 2d instant), a witness of the whole transaction, and, says his lordship, "his rear guard was in therefore, it was but natural to expeet" occupation of the position of Brienne," that he would be able to tell us something positive, something certain as to Buonaparte. "Colonel Lowe's detail "(says Sir C. Stewart) is so satisfactory, " and so accurate, from his having had the "advantage of being with Marshal Blucher in "the advance during the whole of the day."


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Let us see then what this very accurate Colonel, who saw every thing, says about the presence of Napoleon. He states, that Buonaparte, in person, it is REPORTED by the prisoners, led on the attack himself, at the head of the young guard, and had a horse shot under him.". So this is what Sir Charles Stewart calls satisfactory and accurate information. It is reported by the prisoners. Why not asserted by Colonel Lowe who was "in the "advance during the whole day," and could not fail to see Buonaparte if he led on the attack himself?"It is either true that Buonaparté led on the attack himself, or it is unlikely that Colonel Lowe was in the advance during the whole day.- -For the former of these states ments, we have only the report of the Colonel to whom it was reported by some prisoners: neither he nor Sir Charles Wilson say that they believe the fact. But for the latter we have the positive assertion of both these officers. The fair and rational conclusion, therefore, is, that Buonaparté neither led on the attack himself, nor was present during any part of the action. The Times and the Courier, however, will have it that Buonaparté was actively


Those who have been in the practice of
observing the military progress of Buona-
parté, must have remarked, that he has
been indebted for the greater part of his
victories, to his manœuvring, and the
promptness with which he executes all his
designs. In fact, he calculates more upon
the rapidity and variety of his movements,
than upon any other circumstance.
These he knows tend to embarrass his oppo-
nents, to deceive them as to his ulterior
views; and when he finds, as he com-
monly does, that he has bewildered then,
that he has drawn their attention from the
real object he has in view, he never fails
to turn this to good account. The advan
tages which Napoleon had gained on the
side of Brienne, prior to the 30th of Janu
ary, though very decisive in their nature,
seem to have been more the result of the
impetuosity and enthusiastic courage of his
troops, than of any regular plan of this
nature. They had driven the Allies from
several strong positions; but there were
still others which the vast accumulation of
force that every day brought to the Allied
army, rendered much more formidable,
and which Buonaparte, with his usual pe-
netration, appears to have very soon dis-
covered required something more than the
native enthusiasm of his raw undisciplined
soldiers to overcome. He, therefore, de-
termined on concentrating his army, and
effecting a junction of his different corps,
which at that moment occupied separate
positions, for the purpose of enabling hia


"be after such naughty tricks." But they could not conceal from the public, at least for any length of time, the fact as recorded by Buonaparte; neither could the attentive observer long remain ignorant, that the French rear guard had actually begun its march towards Troyes, before the allied army ventured, even with all its accumulation of force, to attack it. Napoleon foresaw that it was probable something might be attempted against this part of his army, and therefore he provided against it. We have seen what was the result. Not the defeat and dispersion of the enemy; no compelling them to abandon their positions; but, on the contrary, a complete repulsion of the main body of the united army of Russia, of Austria, of Prussia, and of Wertemburgh, acting under the immediate comnmand of their most celebrated Generals, and encouraged by the presence of the Emperor of Russia, the King of Prussia, the Prince Royal of Wertemburgh, and the never to be forgotten Prince Schwartzenburgh, who, in person, received, on this occasion, a sword from the Emperor Alexander, for the skill and talent he had “dis

to carry on operations in a quarter, where he had calculated upon acting with greater effect. That Buonaparte had formed this resolution prior to the battle of the 1st, appears to me clear from what is said in the official bulletin, which the reader will probably think with me, deserves as much credit as the 66 very satisfactory and accu"rate" letter of Colonel Lowe, of which we have already had so notable a specimen. "The 31st," says the bulletin, "wás em"ployed by us in repairing the bridge of "Lesmont, on the Aube, the Emperor in“tending to advance towards Troyes, to operate upon the columns which directed "their march by Bar-sur-Aube, and the "road of Auxerre upon Sens. The bridge "of Lesmont could not be repaired before "the 1st of February in the morning; a 66 part of the troops were immediately made "to file off." Here, then, it is distinctly stated, that Buonaparté had resolved on the 31st ult., if not before, to remove his headquarters to Troyes; to advance, not to retreat, as the Courier most impudently as serted. Not only had Napoleon adopted this resolution on that day, but he actually caused a part of his troops "immediately" played in bringing the troops under his "to file off."These were the troops who had, only two days before, defeated the Allies, after a whole day's fighting, and driven them beyond Brienne. Instead of filing off in consequence of having been themselves beaten by the Allies; instead of retreating before a victorious army, they were retiring of their own accord, in compliance with the orders of their Generals who had cut out work for them in another quarter. The circumstance of the other divisions of Buonaparte's army having been previously in advance towards Troyes, at once accounts for this one being called the rear guard. It is true, neither Lord Burghershi, Sir Charles Stewart, nor Colonel Lowe tell us any thing of the intention of the French Emperor, nor of the actual movement of his troops on the 31st January. But I have already shewn, that the dispatches of these officers, as they appear in the Gazette, are entirely silent as to every thing that occurred before the 1st instant. The most glorious victory" obtained on that day by the Allies was enough for them to think of. It gave them no leisure, even had they felt the inclination, to notice events which had proved glorious only to the enemy, and which they were not disposed to be the willing instruments of handing down to posterity. No, no; they knew the taste of "John Bull" better than


"orders to the brilliant situation" which
they then occupied.-Mark, reader, the
brilliant situation of troops, who had endea-
voured for nearly a whole day, but in vain,
to compel the rear guard of Buonaparte's
army to abandon its positions.But,
then, though the Allies could not, with
80,000 men, force this incorrigible rear
guard to move an inch, they took 75
"pieces of cannon and about 4,000 pri-
"soners" from them. We have already
seen, that it was not by fighting, but
by accident, that the Allies got possession
of a great proportion, at least, of these
cannon. We have also seen it positively
asserted by Buonaparte, that, at the termi-
nation of the battle of the 1st, "few pri-
"soners were made on either side.".
The affair of the 1st had created a pause in
the movement of the enemy's rear. But
after the action was over; early in the
morning of the 2d, it again began to file
off. His columns,' says Lord Burg-
hersh, " appear to have began their move-
"nent to the rear, about one in the morn-
"ing." "It successively took positions

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(says the French bulletin) to finish passing the bridge of Lesmont and rejoining "the rest of the army." It was at this critical moment that the Allies again resolved to renew the attack. They saw the rear guard separated from the main body


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"Paris, Feb. 12. (Telegraphic Dis

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of Napoleon's army; they observed its ex- which it appears, that the Allies entered posed situation, occasioned by the necessity that place on the 7th, in consequence of there was of changing its front, and of Buonaparté having left it the night before, contracting its files, in order to effect the and proceeded to Nogent. Troyes is about passage of a narrow bridge. Taking ad- 95 miles from Paris, and Nogent 70. The vantage of these circumstances, and while following French official bulletin, which part of the French division were actually has been confirmed by the arrival of Paris in position upon the bridge of Rosnay,' papers to the 15th instant, shows that Nait was "attacked by an Austrian corps poleon has again commenced offensive ope"which had passed behind the woods.' rations, and that these have been attended It cannot be surprising, then, if a part of with very considerable success. The enthe French division, which must have re-gagement took place near Chateau Thiery. mained on the Brienne side of the bridge of Rosnay; which must have been isolated" patch.) The day before yesterday, Feb. from the mass of the rear guard that had "10, the Emperor completely defeated a either crossed or was 66 in position upon "Russian corps near Sezanne. The Ge"the bridge." It will not, I say, appear "neral was taken, and his Staff, forty extraordinary if some of those troops" cannon, 6,000 men, all the caissons, which were surprised by the Austrian corps" the baggage and materiel. Yesterday, that had been concealed from view by the" the 11th, the Emperor completely dewoods, were taken prisoners, and that a "feated and put to rout the corps of Geconsiderable number of them were killed "neral Sacken, of whom he has taken 50 and wounded. The French bulletin states" pieces of cannon, and 10,000 men. their loss in the two days at from 2 to The negociations are still going on at 3,000 killed or wounded; and adds, "that Chatillon, whence dispatches were reof the enemy has at least been double." ceived from Lord Castlereagh, dated the Our dispatches, on the other hand, do not 10th. The Morning Post says, "that acknowledge the loss of a single man on the "Lord Castlereagh has recommended to part of the Allies; except, indeed, we ad-" his colleagues the measure of peace with mit, that the "orderly Cossack," who fell" Buonaparté, whose authority is most by the side of Blucher, ought to be consi-" unfortunately ascertained to be unshaken, dered a person slain in battle, and not by" and his means of carrying on the war the hand of St. Nicholas, as a punishment" ample enough to discourage the hope of for losing his holy amulet, or for having "breaking down or overthrowing his powimpiously neglected to offer up prayers to er;" ""that the allied powers have found that Saint. Which of the statements are to "the enemy much stronger than they exbe adopted as the most correct, the reader "pected; and that unless we become parwill be at no loss to determine, from what "ties, not only in the negociations, but I have already said. For my part, I can- " to the treaty which they are concluding, "to not refuse my assent to the leading facts" we expose ourselves to the charge of stated in the French bulletin, because that "being considered as the sole obstacles to statement appears perfectly open, natural, peace, and being left alone to bear the and consistent; whereas, on the other side," there is an obvious concealment of some of the most important results, which is sufficient, in my apprehension, to create doubt as to the truth of the whole.

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burdens of an exhausting war, which we might have closed with safety and ho"nour.' It is said by the Morning Chronicle, that the Morning Post is the government demi-official journal, as the Courier, which deprecates all intercourse OCCURRENCES OF THE WAR.- -Dis- with the "Assassin of one of the Bourbon patches have been received from Lord Burg-"Princes," is that which belongs to hersh, dated Troyes, the 8th instant, from Carlton House,

Published by G. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.

LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-street.'


VOL. XXV. No. 9.] LONDON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1814. [Price 1s.


SUMMARY OF POLITICS. "THE SCOURGE OF GOD."A Corres pondent, whose letter will be found in another part of this Number, has "taken me "to task," as it is called, upon the subject of my notions, relative to the charge against Buonaparté, that he is the " Scourge of "God." A charge, indeed, it is not, in my view of the matter; but, rather, an exculpation. This gentleman, who calls himself a constant reader, sets out with observing, though, I must confess, in a very moderate strain, that I do not understand matters of polemic divinity. He is very right; but, then, he should bear in mind, that I never pretended to understand them ; and, he must permit me to observe, in my turn, that to say that I am ignorant of what I am writing about, or have been writing about, is but an indifferent opening to an answer to my positions or my arguments. This subject, I am told by my correspondent, is not my fort; but, be it remembered, that I have never attempted to enter into it, except in cases, where our adversaries Kave mixed up religion with politics, and in such a way as made it impossible to separate them, in any commentary upon their writings. If divine right; or divine power; or divine authority, be introduced into a political discussion, it must make part of the subject on one side as well as on the other side. If the adversaries of our liberties will, in future, forbear to enrol Divine Providence on their side; if they will forbear thus to degrade, or endeavour to degrade the Deity, for the purpose of giving a sanction to the acts of tyrants, they will never find me introducing religion, or religious subjects, into the Register. But, as long as Napoleon, or any other despot, though more hypocritical than he, shall put forth his claims to obedience, upon the ground of his being upheld by God, so long shall I, as often as the case requires, endeavour to show the folly of all such claims. So long as there are men to call upon us to make war, to spend hundreds of millions of money, and to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives,


in the name of Divine Providence, it will be right and necessary to inquire into the probable share which Divine Providence has in the matter.So much for the general objection to the mixing of religion with po litics. It is not I who cause this unnatural mixture; but those vile men, who are con tinually dragging Divine Providence into the discussion.


My reasoning is, too, always, upon these points, hypothetical. I pretend to know nothing at all about the will of God in these political matters. merely take the positions of the adversary, and show, or endeavour to show, that they are false; or, that, if true, they make against, instead of for, the hateful and bloody cause of the tyrants of the earth, the enemies of human liberty and happiness. If, in doing this, I wound the prejudices of men, who have never thought for themselves; if I offend men, who will have it, that the Bible was dictated by God to be a rule to men, and yet, that men ought to be execrated for imitating the examples there given; men, who will have it, that Napoleon may have been an instrument in the hands of God to do certain things, and yet, that those who adore God, ought to execrate Napoleon for doing those things; men, who think, or pretend to think, that God sent Napoleon to Moscow, and that now, to punish him for going to Moscow, he is sending the Cossacks to burn Paris. If I offend men of this sort, I am not sorry for it; for, I am very sure, that such men are utterly incapable of thinking right upon any of the matters, with regard to which it is my wish to produce an impression on their minds. Such men, though they may talk about liberty, do not, and cannot understand what it means. They are the creatures of habit, of error, of passion; fit to make part of a rabble, but quite unfit for any thing beyond it.- -I now come to the particular points of my correspondent's letter. Certain writers having denominated Napoleon the "Scourge of God," and then imputed to himself the guilt, the infamy, of the acts committed in that capacity, I showed the inconsistency, the folly, the absurdity, of such notions. My corres

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