This Day is Published, BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, No. LIII-VOL. IX. FOR AUGUST, 1821. CONTENTS. I. Horse Germanicæ, No. XII. The Pilgrimage, a Drama, by the Baron la Motte Fouquè.-II. Ode on the Olden Time-Notes.-III. Morsels of Melody-No. I. The Invitation-No. II. The Separation -No. III. The Dreary Moor-No. IV. The Evening Lake-No. V. The Marble Heart-No. VI. The Evening Star. IV. Lamb's Translation of Catullus. - V. The Florida Pirate. - VI. On the Probable Influence of Moral and Religious Instruction on the Character and Situation of Seamen. No. II.-VII. Inch Keith Beacon. - VIII. The Invocation. IX. The Landscape.--X. The Wanderer of Connaught. -XI. Elegy on a Country Maiden.-XII. The Sons of Mooslim. -XIII. Sir Thomas Browne's Letters to a Friend. -XIV. The Plague of Darkness, a Dramatic Scene from the Exodus.-XV. The Last Plague-Notes.-XVI. On Psalm-Singing in our Churches, with some Observations upon the proposed "Additional Psalmody." -XVII. The Forgers.-XVIII. Works preparing for Publication. -XIX. Monthly List of New Publications.-XX. Monthly Register-Commercial Report-Appointments, Promotions, &c.-Births, Marriages, and Deaths. EDINBURGH: WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, NO. 17, PRINCE'S STREET, FDINBURGH; AND T. CADELL AND W. DAVIES, STRAND, LONDON. EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. No. LV. SEPTEMBER, 1821. VOL. X. Contents. The New-Forest Pauper123 | On Coplestone's Inquiry into the Doc Prospective Letter concerning Poetry 125 Notices of old English Comedies. No. trines of Necessity and Predestina- 192 I. Eastward Hoe Adventure in the North-west Terri- Sclavonic Traditional Poetry ~~~~~ 145 A Short Vocabulary of the Tim- 158 160 Letter from Bill Truck, inclosing "The 216 The Voyages and Travels of Colum- On Feldberg's Denmark 166 Tale XI. The Effigies ~ 168 cry against Maga The late Queenm 217 222 The King's Visit to Ireland 224 172 Epigram from the Danish of Thaa Ballad, by Professor Molbech Why are Poets indifferent Critics ? Gracious Rain A Mother's Dirge over her Child 186 MONTHLY LIST OF NEW PUBLI 188 ib. No. VII. The Pillow of the No. VIII. Come, Mary, to me! 189 ib. No. X. The Evening Invitation 190 No. XI. Absence ib. No. XII. The Wanderer's Adieu 191 EDINBURGH: WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, NO. 17, PRINCE'S STREET, EDINBURGH ; AND T. CADELL AND W. DAVIES, STRAND, LONDON, To whom Communications (post paid) may be addressed. SOLD ALSO BY ALL THE BOOKSELLERS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. JAMES BALLANTYNE & CO. PRINTERS, EDINBURGH. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, FOR AUGUST, 1821. CONTENTS or No. LIII.-(Being the last No. of Vol. IX.) I. Horæ Germanice. No. XII. The Pilgrimage, a Drama, by the Baron la Motte Fouqué.-II. Ode on the Olden Time. III. Morsels of Melody.IV. Lamb's Translation of Catullus. V. The Florida Pirate.-VI. On the Probable Influence of Moral and Religious Instruction on the Character and Situation of Seamen. No. II.VII. Inch Keith Beacon. - VIII. The Invocation. IX. The Landscape.-X. The Wanderer of Connaught. - XI. Elegy on a Country maiden.-XII. The Sons of Mooslim.-XIII. Sir Thomas Browne's Letter to a Friend. -XIV. The Plague of Darkness, a Dramatic Scene from the Exodus. XV. The Last Plague.-XVI. On Psalm-Singing in our Churches, with some Observations upon the Proposed "Additional Psalmody. XVII. The Forgers.-XVIII. Works preparing for Publication.-XIX. Monthly List of New Publications. - XX. Monthly Register, &c. * CONTENTS OF No. LIV.-(Being the first No. of Vol. X.) I. Epistle Preliminary.-II. The Steam-Boat. No. VI. (Voyage Third.) Tale 10. A Jeanie Deans in Love. Part Second. The Preparations. Part Third. the Coronation.-III. Account of a Coronation-Dinner at Edinburgh.-IV. The Voyages and Travels of Columbus Secundus. Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10. -V. Familiar Epistles to Christopher North, from an Old Friend with a New Face. Letter I. On Hogg's Memoirs.-VI. The Modern British Drama. No. I. The Fatal Unction; a Coronation Tragedy. By Lælius *** *, M. D.-VII. "Fifæana." No. I.-VIII. Characters of Living Authors, by Themselves. No. I.-IX. Essays on Cranioscopy, Craniology, Phrenology, &c. By Sir Toby Tickletoby, Bart. Chapters 1, 2, and 3.X. The Muses Welcome to the High and Mightie Prince James, &c.-XI Remark on Bishop Corbet's Poems.-XII. Ode on the King's Landing in Ireland.-XIII. A Welcome to his Majesty George IV. on his Arrival ir Ireland.-XIV. Excellent New Song, Composed and Sung by James Scott Esq. M. D. 19th July.-XV. Extempore Effusion, Sung with great Effec by Morgan O'Doherty, Esq. 19th July.-XVI. Sylvanus Urban and Chris topher North.-XVII. Continuation of Don Juan.-XVIII. An Expostu latory Round Robin from Fourteen Contributors.-XIX. The Finish. ***By publishing this extra Number, the Eleventh Volume will commence at the regular period in January. -THE Justice, in his elbow-chair, His tale in brief (though brevity ■ The needy wretch had strongly begg'd - This to the man in office seem'd The applicant of whom he spake, There was a sparkling in his eyes, Upright he stood, and unabashed, VOL. X. Though age so gently press'd him, he Thus maim'd, yet he, you still would say, With open front he stood a picture This thread-bare frock, uncouthly patch'd, But now its joyous gloss was gone Such was old Arthur Bromfield-such And wish'd it still, and had been able, Q " Born in the woods, up from a boy "Three years are gone since this befel;" "The ranger gave a bounty, when "Using my wits in works, of which "Revisiting my childish haunts, "And when the riper autumn came, "I cropp'd the whorts upon the moors, " And when it nigh'd to Christmas-tide, "Such were my shifts, poor helps they were Spake the Overseer : " His worship will "I've lived among the ranging deer, "Your house to me would be a prison ; "It cannot be," quoth the Overseer.The Justice nodded in assent, And said with mildness," That retreat, "Be't what it will, it suits not me,- He sought, and left the door. |