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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, and endowed by their. Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap piness."-DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE U. S.

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No. I.

Editor's Address to the Public, page 1. To
Patrons and Correspondents, Visit to Texas, 2
Emancipation in the British Colonies, British
Slavery in the West Indies, 7. Memorial from
Western Virginia, Do. to the General Assembly
of Virginia, 8. Colored Settlements in Canada,
A Sign, Mexican Treaty, The Horrors of the
Slave Trade, 10. District of Columbia, 11. An-
other Female Anti-Slavery Society, Cruelties of
West India Savery, 12. Description of a West
India Slave Whip, The Consumption of Slave
Produce, 13. Looking at the Soldiers, Tea Ta
ble Talk, 14. The Summer Skies, 15. Pros
pectus of G. U. E. 16.

No. II.

Petitioning Congress, John Quincy Adams,
17. Political Affairs of Mexico, 18. Mexican
Colonization, Thoughts on African Colonization,
Testimony against Slavery, Stores for the Pro-
ductions of Free Labor, 20. Decency, Further
Description of the Texas Country, 21. The
Union in danger, Canada Joint Stock Company,
23. Warner Mifflin, Letter from Canada, 25.
Immediate, not Gradual, 26. Affray in New
Jersey, A Pardon asked, New Anti-Slavery Pa-
per, Brief Notices, To Readers and Correspon-
dents, 27. Reasons for Flogging the Slaves,
Rice, Free Produce Stores, 28. Female Litera-
ry Association of Philadelphia, 29. The coming
Year, The Parting, 30. The Sugar Plumbs, 31.
Proposals for the Abolitionist, 32.

No. III.

Abolition of Slavery in the District of Colum
bia, Striking at the Root, 33. Political Affairs
in Mexico, Letter from Charles Stewart, 34.
Arnold Buffum, "the Hatter," and Rev. Joshua
N. Danforth, 35. Further description of the

Settlement, 58. Robert Douglass, jr., Liberal
Donation, New Anti-Slavery Society, Lectures
on West India Slavery, Latest Accounts from
Mexico, Free Labor Dry Goods Store, 5. "What
good can we do?" Wanted, Self distrust, Ladies
Anti-Slavery Society, 60. The Sold, 62. Slave
ry, Gloom, 63. Terms of Subscription, 64.

No. V.

Another Coadjutor, Prospectus of the Eman-
cipator, 65. More Anti-Slavery Periodicals,
New England Anti-Slavery Society, 66. Re-
view of three Lectures on British and Colonial
Slavery, &c. by George Thompson, 67. Reuben
Madison, 69. Slavery, 72. Richard Humphrey's
last Will, 73. Highly Important from England,
Town of Brazoria in Texas, Richard Brool e, 74.
Mexico, The Richmond Inquirer and Louisville
Public Advertiser, 76. Society at Green Plains,
Ohio, Another Philanthropic Association, 77.
Lament for Africa, The Tears of Woman, Son-
net, Memory, 78. Are you opposed to Slavery?
Extract from the Fifth Report of the Ladies As
sociation for Liverpool, &c. 79: Wilberforco
Colony, Mexico, 80.

No. VI

The Rev. Gen. Duff Green, Mexico, Culture
of Sugar Cane by Free Labor, Proceedings in
England, 81. Sentiments of the Colored People,
82. Wholesale Free Produce Store, An Old
Tar's Testimony, 83. Richard Brooke, 84. Re-
port made to the Pennsylvania Legislature, 85.
Slavery in Kentucky, Things in Richmond, Va.
88. Slave cases in Massachusetts, What would
be the consequence, Antiquities of Mexico, 89.
Review of three Lectures, continued, 90. Free
Labor, 92. Spring, The Marquis la Fayette, 93.
Evening Thoughts, Slave who hast been toiling,
Familiar Conversation, An Extract, 94. The

Texas Country, 36. Winter in Mexico, Jeffer Humming Bird, Fragment, 95. Institution for

son's Opinion, 38. Richmond Inquirer vs. Nul-
lification, 40. Anthony Bennezitte, Outlines of
a plan for the Abolition of Negro Slavery, 41.
Unblushing Avowals, 42. New Publications,
Slavery in Maryland, African Colonization, Ca-
nadian Colonization, A real Virginia Slavite, 43.
The Year, The District of Columbia, 44. Emi-
gration to Mexico, 46. The Shelter, Cæsar and
Clara, 47.

No. IV.

Errors of the Press, District of Columbia, Mexi-
can Colonization, 49. The Abolitionist, J. Q. Ad-
ams, Nullification, 52. Prejudice in Pennsylvania,
English Opinions of the Colonization Society, 53.
Movements in England, Slavery in the West In
dies and in the United States, 55. Manual La-
bor School for Colored Youth, Declaration of
the Garrison of Mexico, 56. Production of Free
Labor, 57. Colonization Society-trouble in the
wigwam, Anti-Slavery Periodicals, Wilberforce

Colored Females, New York Phoenix Society,
Slavery in St. Helena, Slavery in the World, 96.

No. VII.


British Colonial Slavery, Editor's Absence, 97.
The "Daily Intelligencer," 98. Convention of
People of Color, 99. Address of do. 100. The
Free Negroes and Slaves, Philadelphia Library
Kidnapper, News from Jamaica, Hayti, 102.
Company of Colored Persons, The Journal of
Commerce of the Island of Cuba, 103.
Peace-maker, 104. New Troubles, 105. Nulli.
fication and Slavery, Views from the South, 106.
The Canterbury Aff ir, 107. Do. do. Discussion
on Colonization, 108. The Negroe's Prayer,
Slavery, 109. Free Produce Society of Chester
County, Pa., 110. Beast's hunt men in Dema.
rara, 111.


Mexican Colonization, 113. Maryland Coloni-
zation, 114. The Texas Country, 115. Convention

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