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Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum.

bond. This change of life brought him more di-present family bereavement; for they had been rectly in contact with the world: it extended his there but a few days, when a party of traders duties, it strengthened his affection, and, in some came that way, bartered for the oldest boy, and measure, wore off his pre-existing aptitude to carried him off. Their destiny was unknown,gloom and despondency. his fate is equally so, as neither time nor circumWe need not relate the family events that trans- stance has ever disclosed to the parents any tidpired during his subsequent stay in this village.ings of their long lost child :-for him often did To him the current of worldly incidents had veri-they look at sunset and at sunrise,- often did they fied the truth of that sound moral sentiment, that listen in the stillness of the night, but his form change is an attribute of man:-the lapse of a never met their eye, and his returning footsteps few brief years found him a stranger west of the they never heard. Alleghany ridge, and situated in a little cottage on One of the family has now made his final exit the head waters of the Kenhawa river. This from the narrative: we will return to those that event happened but a few years after Col. Boone remain in prospect, and trace their vicissitudes in had forced the natives to relinquish their right of the land of the oppressor. Richard and Maria, as the country to the State government, and as they before mentioned, were separated several miles acceded to the stipulation upon the reluctant terms distant, principally to prevent them advising with of necessity, they often took opportunity to violate each other, and laying plans for their future esit, and commit reprisals on the unwary back-cape. They were vigilantly guarded by their woodsman." masters, who kept them at their constant tasks of Richard and Maria had now a young familyhoeing, planting, carrying wood, and other drudrising around them. A new country affords many incentives to bodily and mental exertion, which those in a more secure, and less remote situation, hardly experience: the exigencies of a family are In pursuing our history, it were useless to adonly supplied by toil and strict economy; and, vert to the more common events that must natuadded to this, their unexpected exposure in a fron-rally arise, for the picture may be filled up, but tier country called forth in Richard's mind, cannot be easily overwrought, when we imagine, every solicitude for safety as well as support.-that hunger, cold and abuse, with all the pains Very soon were his presentiments of danger brought to the test of reality. His home was broken up and its comforts all prostrated by ruthless hands. He, his wife, four sons and an infant daughter, were carried away, and exposed to a train of disasters, which, in comparison to the exigencies of our common lot, must be placed paramount in suffering and distress.

geries; for the most degraded of mankind are the most oppressive, when they move under the impulses of lawless power.

and privations resulting therefrom, are fully and emphatically implied in a consideration of the state in which we find the sufferers placed.

During the second summer of their captivity, the youngest boy, who still remained with the father, was taken of a slow disease, apparently induced by exposure and the want of a mother's care. No disposition was manifest by the mas The spoilers, three in number, were on horse- ter or his family to alleviate the pangs of infant back; and for several successive days they hurri-suffering. After the day's toils were over, Riched their prisoners forward, mostly through a wil-ard spent the long night in attention to his afflictderness country, and in many places without a ed charge, administering what comforts, and imtrack to direct their footsteps. One of the horses parting what relief was in his power: but the was appropriated to the service of carrying bag-only looked-for prospect of relief was in the friendgage, and the two youngest boys were placed only hand of death. In one of those watchful hours the back of the animal, and secured there, in the of the night season, he was interrupted by a fepeculiar way of the owners: the two elder boys male entering his dark hut, with a babe in her were urged forward on foot with no other assist- arms; who, to his astonishment and joy, proved ance than the weak pittance of help that the pa- to be the wife of his bosom, his forlorn, his afflictrents could afford, for Maria had to carry her in- ed Maria. She had been informed of the situation fant, and her husband a large burden of the spoil. of her boy, and with all the characteristics of a moThus situated, and enduring the hardships of hun- ther, whose affections had become more ardent by ger and the inclemencies of day and night, they being deprived of their object, had eloped from her were brought to a small settlement near the mouth master, equally regardless of the dangers of the way, of the Big Sandy river, where measures were taken and the penalty which was expected as the price of to locate the prisoners among the several families. || her disobedience. But little time was allowed to inHitherto we have seen our unfortunate little dulge in those spontaneous emotions that her unexband participating in each others company, and pected presence had given birth to; and still less to imparting such solace and sympathy as the exi- recapitulate the sufferings they had endured in each gencies of their state could suggest; and even others absence:---they were wholly engrossed in attheir interminglings of grief were a comparative tention to their little boy:-every scanty resource comfort, when all their other worldly comforts was brought into action, every endearment was had been taken away. But we now behold their used to palliate: the rising sun witnessed their parenlittle society broken up, and themselves subjected tal solicitude, but the short period of a few morning to the claims and caprices of different masters,-hours soon limited their exertions, and spread an intheir spirits not ignobly subdued by misfortune, creasing shade of terror over this interesting family but restrained into compliance as the ultimate dic-scene. Before midday their hut was surrounded by tate of necessity. her pursuers, and she was torn from her frantic husRichard, with the two younger boys, were pla-band, and from her sick boy, without the liberty of ced in the same family; Maria and her babe were taken about ten miles down the river to another settlement; and the two eldest boys made the third family division, being located together, a mile or two distant from their mother.

But even this was not the full measure of their"

taking an affectionate farewell. Richard in less than a week witnessed the consummation of his child's suffering:-he did the last sad and solitary rite, by enclosing its remains in a little casement made with his own hands, and burying it under a large forest tree. (Conclusion next month.)

Fiat Justitia Ruat Coelum.


We shall proceed leisurely with our notices of the state of things in Mexico. It is important, at this time, that the reader should be duly informed of the actual condition of the Gorernment. With this view, we insert the following article from the "New Orleans Courier," of a recent date.

the friends of liberty and order. Certain difficulties which had been apprehended had ceased to threaten; and the government of Pedraza had become more universally popular and successful than its warmest advocates had anticipated.

The roads between the capital and the sea coast were deemed safe, and, besides the convoy of a million of dollars which reached Tampico according to previous accounts, one of a much larger amount, (viz. $2,300,000,) was on the way, and expected there in a few days, while a third one of very considerable value might reach Vera Cruz about the first of March.

The elections had taken place in the State of Mexico and the Federal District, entirely in favor of the patriotic cause.

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We have been favored with the sight of an official communication made to F. Pizaro Martinez, Mexican Consul in this city, by Senor Gonzales, Secretary of State, under the new Mexican administration, bearing date the 10th of January, 1833. We extract the following passages, as not without interest in the present position of Mexican affairs: "The convention that has been entered into between the divisions under the command of their excellencies Don Anastasio Bustamente and Don Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, of which I transmit you copies, has happily placed a term to the evils of civil war. His Excellency Don Manuel Gomez Pedraza, in consequence of the same, took possession of the Chief Magistracy of the Repub-gree of influence in their respective sections of the lic, in the city of Puebla, and has since been recognized by all the authorities and corporations of this capital, and is in full exercise of the supreme

executive power.



These papers have exerted a considerable de

United States; and, until recently, both were loud in their denunciations of the advocates of universal emancipation. The editor of the latter, though

a lineal descendant of the celebrated William

Penn, (whose family name he bears,) read us some censorious strictures a few years ago. But as the people of Kentucky, as well as those of Vir

"The Republic, which has suffered all the evils of a disastrous and sanguinary war, and which anarchy threatened to annihilate, will again taste the sweets of peace, and give fresh impulse to all the branches of the public administration. His Excellency the President, who feels no other de-ginia, are beginning to see the evils of slavery, sire than that of beholding the complete re-establishment of the constitutional system, and of consolidating forever, public order and tranquillity, is employing all the means conducive to this end, not doubting but they will lead to the desired result, and that his efforts will be forwarded by Divine Providence.

"His Excellency also feels assured that all the agents of the Republic in the exterior, will, on their side, contribute to the establishment of its credit; and cause to disappear those unhappy prepossessions to which the state of inquietude which was seen to prevail there during the past year, may have given occasion. With this view, I am instructed to give notice to you of these events, that you may give due publicity to the same.

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and speak of them too, he seems inclined, like his prototype at Richmond, to cast about for an excuse to turn a summerset. He copied the following extract from the remarks of the late governor Miller, of South Carolina, on the defection of the Enquirer, some short time since:

"There was a time when, whatever appeared in that paper, (one of the most influential and widely circulated papers in the southern country,) might be considered as indicating the temper of the south. That time has gone by. We were wont to look upon Richmond as the West Point-the strong post on our frontier-mounted by the Enquirer, under whose battery we reposed with safe. Every well wisher to the prosperity of Mexico ty and security. But such is not the case now. must sincerely hope that the promises here held While our old men and women, and little chilout by the newly installed President, may be hap-dren, rested in safety by day, and in security by pily realized. From all we have heard of the cha-night, in defiance of southern interest, and southracter and talents of Senor Pedraza, we are led to augur well for the future. That circumstances should have obliged him to quit his country, and deprive it for a long period of the benefit of his services, is matter of regret; and yet we hope it will be no presumption on our part to say, that a residence of two years in the United States will not be without its beneficial influence upon his political views and character.

By the latest mails from the South, we have the following intelligence. It is copied from a Philadelphia paper

"Accounts have been received by private correspondence from New Orleans, conveying intelligence from the capital of Mexico to the 30th of January.

The state of the country is represented to have been at that date in a high degree gratifying to

ern feeling, the sentinel on the wall, with un. equalled perfidy, recreant and traitorous, turned his fire upon his own people, and as far as he could, spread desolation in his own camp. He is the survivor of Nat. Turner, and the confederate of Lundy and Garrison."

Shadrach Penn cannot swallow this! He censures gov. Miller somewhat unsparingly,—from which we infer that he, too, is about to join the ranks of the "Fanatics." O Public Opinion! how potent art thou! The sturdiest politicians bow before thee. At thy bidding, they assume the various hues of the chamelion—nothing too inconsistent-nothing too ridiculous—nothing too bad— and (may we not hope?) nothing too good, for them, if they have thy magisterial sanction!!

Fiat Justitia Ruat Colum.

Ladies' Repository.

Philanthropic and Literary,



tendency to open the eyes of the community to the enormity of the system in all its bearings. The Society is designated by the name of the Harrisville Free Produce and Anti-Slavery Society.' I have been directed, as its Corresponding Secretary, to write to thee, and endeavor to ascertain whether thee can furnish us with the follow

Calicces of plain patterns, Checks, Cotton Flannels, Table Diapers, Cotton Yarn, of pretty fine No's. We should like to be furnished with a list of the articles thee may have for sale, with the prices annexed. If we had this, we could tell better what we should wish to send for.

We lately mentioned that a Free Produce As-ing articles, viz. Brown and Bleached Shirtings, sociation had been organized, at the above named place. It is with pleasure we insert the following extract of a letter from the Corresponding Committee to a similar Committee of the Ladies' Free Produce Society, in Philadelphia. Orders accompanied this communication, for a considerable quantity of free cotton goods, which we are happy to learn will be supplied.


Your kind letter, dated 24th of 12th mo. came duly to hand, and to us was very acceptable, not only on account of the door which appears to be open for us to procure the conveniences of life free from the stain of our brother's blood, but acceptable also on account of the sympathetic and encouraging language which it holds forth.

Although there are a considerable number whose minds appear to be somewhat awakened to the subject, yet how few are willing to endure privations or to make sacrifices rather than in any degree to lend their aid to the odious system?|| It is consoling, however, that there are even a few, (and that number increasing,) to whom the sweets of the cane, cultivated amid sighs and tears, have become loathsome; and whom gorgeous apparel, purchased at the price of blood, hath become a burden too heavy to be borne. But

there appears to be too many, who even wish well to the cause, that seem to be, as it were, standing at a distance, in order to see what can be done by others. The number, here, who are prepared to join together in this important concern, is very small. Dear friends, let your prayers ascend to Heaven, on our behalf,-that, by a consistent walking, we may be enabled to evince to those, who are looking on, that we have espoused a righteous cause, and to show to all around us that there is no necessity of strengthening the hand of the oppressor, by partaking of those worse than stolen goods."

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ANOTHER PHILANTHROPIC ASSOCIATION. By the following extract of a letter, from its Corresponding Secretary to Lydia White, of Philadelphia, we find that another Anti-Slavery Society has lately been organized in the State of Ohio. These are, indeed, cheering news to the friends of our cause.

"Harrisville, Harrison Co. Ohio, 3d mo. 10th, 1833.


We are informed, through the medium of the 'Genius of Universal Emancipation,' that thou art engaged in the sale of dry goods, that have not been obtained through the labor of slaves. The object of this communication is, to get information on the subject, for the benefit of a Society, that has recently been formed in this place to promote the use of goods that have not come through the hands of oppression, and to diffuse such information on the subject of slavery as will have a


Any information thee may be able to give us on this (to us) interesting subject, will be thankfully received. We think thy undertaking a laudable one, and hope thee will be sustained."


That phantom ship whose form
Shoots like a meteor through the storm.

* * * * * * * * * *

Full spread and crowded every sail
The demon-frigate braves the gale.

There are probably few of our readers who have not heard of that superstition of the sailors, the Spectre Ship, the crew of which, as a punishment for their crimes, are compelled forever to navigate the seas, towards the South of Africa, and whose ill-omened appearance attends only the awakened wrath of "the Stormy Spirit of the Cape." In a note on the above lines from Rokeby, Sir Walter Scott, (the quenched Star of literature,) has introduced some fine lines by Dr. Leyden, with the following remarks:

"My late lamented friend, Dr. John Leyden, has introduced this phenomenon into his scenes of infamy, imputing, with poetical ingenuity, the dreadful judgment to the first ship which commenced the Slave trade.

Stout was the ship from Benin's palmy shore, That first the freight of bartered captives bore; Bedimmed with blood, the Sun with shrinking


Beheld her bounding o'er the ocean streams;
But ere the Moon her silver horns had reared,
Amid the crew the speckled plague appeared.
Faint and despairing on their watery bier,
To every friendly shore the sailors steer;
Repelled from port to port, they sue in vain,

And track with slow unsteady sail the main,
Where ne'er the bright and buoyant wave is seen,
Tostreak with wandering foam the sea weeds green,
Towers the tall mast, a lone and leafless tree,
Till self-impelled amid the waveless sea,
Where Summer breezes ne'er were heard to sing,
Nor hovering snow-birds spread the downy wing.
Fixed as a rock amid the boundless plain,
The yellow stream pollutes the stagnant main,
Till far through night the funeral flames aspire,
As the red lightning smites the ghastly pyre.

Still doomed by fate, on weltering billows rolled,
Along the deep their restless course to hold,
Scenting the storm the shadowy sailors guide,
The prow with sails opposed to wind and tide.
The Spectre Ship in livid glimpsing light,
Glares baleful on the shuddering watch of night,
Unblest of God and man!-Till time shall end
Its view strange horror to the storm shall lend."

Fiat Justitia Ruat Colum.

For the Genius of Universal Emancipation.

the gliding waves of the stream beside which the Angel of Justice stood leaning on her empty scabbard. She was watching with a calm eye the eager and untiring efforts of Philanthropy, as he strove to free the shackled limbs of a sad group who wept before him. He called on man to aid him in his exertions. He pointed to the threatening attitude of Justice, as she lifted up her stately

How long! shall injured Africa mourn! how long
Of wrongs yet unredressed complain! of wrongs
Unmerited, and unprovoked, wherefore,
On her oppressors head, will ever hang
A double guilt! How long in servile chains,
Must thousands of her daughters pine! how long,
How long, her sons in cruel bondage groan!
Must she, disconsolate, for ages mourn
Her degradation; see her strength consumed;
Her beauty fade to fill the "white man's"
She, who in years past, reigned a mighty queen,
Whose glory dazzled an admiring world?
In strength secure she sat, dispensing laws
To neighb'ring nations: from her happy shores,
The golden streams of art and science flowed,
Illum'ning benighted Europe. Oh how changed!
How is the mighty fallen! Great, indeed,
Has been her fall. Now ignorance and crime
Stalk, unrestrained, where once fair science beam-peated entreaties were again and again answered



The land is drenched with human gore, with

Of her own sons, untimely slain-slain too,
By brothers hands in civil strife, at will
Of white men waged, who thus to sate their thirst
For filthy lucre set a price on blood!
Shall it be ever thus? No, it cannot.
E'en now I see Freedonia's star appear!
O'er Africa, it has risen-soon the day
Will dawn; the sun arise; her light and strength
Return; in brighter lustre shining forth,
Increased, and heightened by her long eclipse.


For the Genius of Universal Emancipation.



brow and stretched out her hand with a stern glance towards the sun, whose setting was to be her signal. But prejudice and selfishness were strong in the human heart, and they to whom the earnest appeal was sent, gazed on idly for a few moments, and departed. Already the hand of Justice was extended to resume her blade, and her eye bent in lowering anger on the impenitent oppressor. Yet still the unwearied boy, with the passionate earnestness of approaching despair. steadily persisted in his exertions, though his eye at times grew dim, and his heart sick, as his re

by the same cold repulse. Then he called on woman. He pointed to her sister-sufferingdegraded-miserable-and stretching out her manacled hands to her for succor. The call was heard. Slowly, and with uncertain steps, and eyes half averted from the sad spectacle before her, woman approached him. Her heart was touched with the wrongs of the injured ones, but she felt that her arm was weak, and her strength powerless; and bowing down her head, she wept in pity and sorrow over the objects of her compassion. But her

aid was not in vain. The tears she shed rusted the chains on which they fell!—and the exulting shout of the young Angel, as he again snatched up the sword of Justice, rung like a victorious battle cry upon the ear of the oppressor.


Selected for the Genius of Universal Emancipation.


Oh, he is worn with toil! the big drops run
Down his dark cheek! hold-hold thy merciless

As pitiless as proud Prosperity

The Angel of Justice stood before the throne of the Most High. Father, said she, behold the creatures whom thou hast made. Lo! the children of earth have lifted up their hearts to oppres-O'er wearied nature sinks. The scorching sun, Pale tyrant! for beneath thy hard command sion, their hands are full of wrong and violence, and they have laden their brother with heavy fet. ters, that he might be to them a bondman forever. I called unto them-I warned them of the evil of their way, but they refused to hearken to my voice; give me, therefore, my sword, oh Father! that I may smite them from before thy face.

Oh not yet, my sister! exclaimed the pleading tones of a sweet voice:—and the young Angel of Philanthropy bowed himself beside her, and look. ed up from the midst of his fair curls with a face filled with beseeching earnestness. Not yet, beloved sister, said he, do thou unsheath thy sword for vengeance. I will descend to the earth by thy side, and plead with the erring one for his unhap py brother. I will win for thee an offering of penitence from the hearts of the guilty, and with thy blade break asunder the heavy fetters of the slave. The eyes of the beautiful boy were suf. fused with tears while he addressed her, and Mercy bent over him as he turned towards the heavenly throne, joining her appealing glance to his petition.

It was well nigh to eventime. The sunlight fell in yellow gleamings through the branches on

Darts on him his full beams; gasping he lies,
Arraigning with his looks the patient skies,
While that inhuman trader lifts on high
The mangling scourge. O! ye who at your ease
Sip the blood-sweetened beverage, thoughts like
I thank thee gracious God!
Haply ye scorn.
That I do feel upon my cheek the glow
of indignation, when beneath the rod,
A sable brother writhes in silent woe.

Robert Southey.

For the Genius of Universal Emancipation.

"Often does the memory of former times come
like the evening sun on my soul."
"We call back, maid of Lutha, the years that
have rolled away.' Ossian.

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Blessed memory! that double life! Who would pass from the reach of its cheering influence? Who so dull of soul as to wish to forget the past, with its fostered sorrows, but still glowing happiness? And now, while yon sun sends back his mellowed glory from the curtaining West, *This article was inserted, originally, in the like a visible gleam of memory's own bright G. U. E. some time since; but is now republishedness,-while yon glorious star, whose pure ra by particular request.

diance trembles on his departing footsteps, hangs,

Fiat Justitia Ruat Colum.

like a holy thought, on the brow of the pear- from thee; lest it compel thee to smile, while the ly sky, now is the time to unfold the pages || unfortunate descendant of Africa is loaded with of her wizard volume, and to live again the hours chains and stripes; lest it make thee willing to opthat have gone by. press thy fellow for a cup of coffee, a little sugar, molasses, or rice! Ay, and it may be, that while you are professing religion-that which requires us to 'do unto others as we would they should do unto us.' What is past we may have done in ignorance; even so that it hath been winked at-but God now commandeth all men every where to repent of this, as well as other wrongs. Whatever was done in that darkness may not be persisted in: the excuse is now taken away. See to it that || you go to work.

Friends of the Slave! amidst the memory of your own past hours of happiness, let them come stealing in the thought of his wretchedness. He to whom yon star brings no remembrances of unalloyed delight, whose destiny hath been ever one of unvaried sorrow. What is bright memory, or still brighter hope, to his clouded bosom? Oh, let it be yours to awaken these bright beams for future years. To strike the shackles from his limbs, that he may look back, with never dying rapture and gratitude, after the lapse of rolling seasons, to the wild bliss of that moment. That he may look forward with exulting delight on the brightening prospect before him, and forget in the joy of freedom and happiness, the injustice that so long crushed him to the earth.

From the Liberator.


ARE YOU OPPOSED TO SLAVERY! Are you opposed to slavery? then neither 'touch, taste, nor handle,' the price of blood. Do you ask, 'How can I do this, seeing many of the comforts of life are the product of their labor? Go to work—form Societies, pledging each member neither to buy, sell, nor use slave productions: get as many to join you in the effort as you can: and when it is seen that men are taking such a stand,

FREE LABOR will become as fashionable at the south as in our own state; and cotton, rice, sugar, molasses, &c. &c. will be furnished to equal the demand, produced by free men. Let the benevolent rich men, (and there is an occasional anomaly of the kind) establish manufactories to work none but free cotton-establish warehouses and stores for the sale of their goods and other free productions-and the poor will bear a proportion of the loss for awhile, should there be any, in purchasing at the small additional cost that may accrue thereby.

This is the way. Call the idea 'chimerical,' or what else you please—your conscience will hold you to its correctness.

Some of the articles, commonly produced by slave labor, are already to be had by a little trouble, with which the tears and blood of the oppressed are not mingled. And it is for us to call for them. We can get some sugar, molasses, coffee, a little cotton, and, perhaps, rice,-raised by free men. And should we fail to get enough, no matter at how low a rate the slave articles may be procured, do without.

But I live in the country; I can get none of these things unless such as were raised by slaves. Then it is time something was done. Stop where you are for humanity's, for conscience sake! Is oppression wrong? Is slavery an evil-a crime!Could you

"Have a slave to fan you when you sleep,
And tremble when you wake?"



"It is now five years since the LADIES' ANTISLAVERY ASSOCIATION was formed. Its object and its progress have regularly been brought before the friends and subscribers, to whom it owes its support.

The Committee have uniformly expressed their regret, and are on this occasion also compelled to do So, that they are not more effective in awakening and in strengthening an interest on the subject of Negro Slavery. Their power of aiding this important, this christian cause, is consequently very limited. There are many local impediments but as these are neither more, nor greater, than to the efforts of the Liverpool Ladies' Association; were recognised at its commencement, there is cause for disappointment that it has not been more successful. With this admission, however, the Committee would state, that the longer they continue in the work, the more they are satisfied they were right to engage in it; and they enter the united endeavors of Associations will become on another year with sanguine expectations that more and more efficient;-that, while individual Societies each lament their own incompetence, all may rejoice in the aggregate result produced.

There are two ways in which the efforts of one, that of collecting funds for aiding the imporLadies' Associations are chiefly directed;-the tant researches and investigations of the London Society; the other, that of spreading the authentic information obtained by that Society, along with some of the various publications which appear from time to time, exhibiting the subject in its true character. In the form of Delineations of

Slavery, Appeals, Remonstrances, Sermons, &c., minds deeply impressed with the subject, and sothere are many publications emanating from licitous to convey to others a sense of the responsibility with which a consideration of it should ever be accompanied. Merely to disperse tracts and papers of this nature is, indeed, a very humble of. fice, and appears a very inadequate means of promoting the desired object. But that it has been a useful auxiliary in the cause, is evident, from the extent of information now in the country, compared with that of which it was in possession three or four years since.


The man who secretes or partakes of stolen goods is ranked with the thief, and punished with the thief. Would you not secrete stolen property -and will you perpetuate slavery, by using the Though little has yet been realized as to the price of blood? Does your appetite rise in opposi- melioration of the condition of the Slaves, there tion to your better judgment, reason, and con- is, at the present moment, a prospect of improvescience, and reply What have I to do with ment, and of an alleviation of evils, which has the labor by which the articles I want are pro- never hitherto been afforded; arising from the orduced?' Hear not its depraved and guilty de-ders in council, recently sent out to the Crown mands, lest it drive thy opposition to slavery far Colonies, with directions for their early adoption."

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