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The Sixth Report' marks the progress of our traveller from the Illinois territory by Natchez to New Orleans, and from thence to Washington. He sets out by stating that, having travelled two thousand miles, since the date of his last report, he lamented to say there was not one spot, in the whole of that vast distance, in which either he or any man among his employers, could be induced to make a permanent settlement. 'The white population are the victims of demoralizing habits. The native Indians present of course nothing but a picture of mere savage life; and the poor negroes suffer even more than commonly falls to the lot of their oppressed and degraded" situation.'

At the landing place of Natchez on the Mississippi are about thirty houses, the greater part of which are whiskey shops and gambling houses; and in these, says our traveller, there is a degree of open profligacy, which I had not before witnessed in the United States.' Here too he observed fourteen large vessels called 'flats,' full of coloured people, particularly females, whom he concluded to be emigrants in search of a settlement. On a closer examination, however, these vessels proved to be freighted with human beings for sale, who had been collected in the several' States by slave dealers, and shipped from 'the warm and generous', soil of Kentucky for a market.


Natchez is so very unhealthy, that one fourth part of the population had been entombed in the church-yard, in the course of five weeks; yet an inhabitant of that town was about to challenge a stranger, for daring to say that his city was sickly to be sure (he added) five hundred people have died in a short time, but men do not live for ever, even among the Yankies. (New Englanders) -I say, Sir, that there is not a more healthy place in the world than Natchez.' p. 273.

New Orleans is described as being in a most flourishing state, in consequence, as Mr. Fearon supposes, of a free and unshackled trade. The general manners and habits are, however, very relaxed. The first day of my residence here (he says) was Sunday, and I was not a little surprised to find in the United States the markets, shops, theatre, circus, and public ball-rooms open. Gamblinghouses throng the city: all coffee-houses, together with the exchange, are occupied from morning until night by gamesters.'p. 276. Sunday seems to be considerately reserved for the more elegant sports. We know not that we can furnish a better spe-' cimen of the taste for public amusement than the following seductive advertisement. It is somewhat akin to gander-pulling,' and we cannot therefore wonder that the polished and humane Kentuckians, when they arrive at this place, are, as Mr. Fearon says,

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at the height of their glory, finding neither limit to, nor punishment of their excesses.'


"On SUNDAY the 9th inst. will be represented in the place where Fire-works are generally exhibited, near the Circus, an extraordinary fight of Furious Animals. The place where the animals will fight is a rotunda of 160 feet in circumference, with a railing of 17 feet in height, and a circular gallery well conditioned and strong, inspected by the Mayor and surveyors by him appointed.

"1st Fight-A strong Attakapas Bull, attacked and subdued by six of the strongest dogs of the country.

"2d Fight-Six Bull-dogs against a Canadian Bear.

"3d Fight-A beautiful Tiger against a black Bear.

"4th Fight-Twelve dogs against a strong and furious Opeloussas Bull.

"If the Tiger is not vanquished in the fight with the Bear, he will be sent alone against the last Bull, and if the latter conquers all his enemies, several pieces of fire-works will be placed on his back, which will produce a very entertaining amusement.

"In the Circus will be placed two Manakins, which, notwithstanding the efforts of the Bulls, to throw them down, will always rise again, whereby the animals will get furious.

"Admittance, grown persons one dollar; children, half-price.”— p. 277.

When we add, that Mr. Fearon witnessed gratis, from the window of his hotel, a conflict of more furious brutes, than those of the hand-bill, in which he supposed one of the parties to be dirked; and that he assures us these things are of every-day occurrence,' we shall be thought to have said enough of New Orleans. Our traveller concludes his remarks on it in a very Christian-like manner. 'Notwithstanding what has been said, to all men whose desire only is to be rich, and to live a short life but a merry one, I have no hesitation in recommending New Orleans.'-p. 281.

We find our traveller next at Washington: how he got there does not appear. Of this new capital of the United States, Alexandria, he says, may be considered as the port, Georgetown the residence of shopkeepers, and Washington the depôt for officeholders, place-hunters,' (again!) and keepers of boarding-housesnone of whom would appear to be in possession of too much of this world's goods.' Mr. Fearon's account of it is as meagre and disjointed as the straggling city itself. He makes some amends, however, by subjoining the following lines from Moore:

In fancy now, beneath the twilight gloom,
Come, let me lead thee o'er this modern Rome,
Where tribunes rule, where dusky Davi bow,
And what was Goose Creek once is Tiber now.

This fam'd metropolis, where fancy sees
Squares in morasses, obelisks in trees,
Which travelling fools and gazetteers adorn
With shrines unbuilt and heroes yet unborn;
Though nought but wood and

they see,

Where streets should run, and sages ought to be.'*

The inhabitants are described as being a century inferior to Boston, and half a century behind New York.' What engrosses the morning besides 'place-hunting,' we are not told, but 'conversation, tea, ice, music, chewing tobacco, and excessive spitting, it seems, afford employment for the evening.' 'At the chief tavern, most of the door-handles were broken; the floor of the coffee-room was strewed with bricks and mortar from the crumbling of the walls and ceiling; and the charges were as high as at the first hotel in London.' In Mr. Fearon's lengthy dissertation on the Congress, the lawyers, the judges, the caucus,+ &c. there appears to be little or nothing that could give pleasure to his employers, unless they found satisfaction in hearing that the worst degree of corruption which the inventive malice of the worst jacobin ever charged on the government of this country, is more than realized in the very citadel of pure republicanism, the focus of American virtue!

At Washington our traveller found a ' Mr. Hulme, a Lancashire cotton-bleacher,' and a great friend of Mr. Cobbett, who had just emigrated, self-banished,' perhaps, like his worthy precursor.‡ The purport of this honest gentleman's visit was to induce the congress to lay double duties on all British goods. (p. 295.) and it speaks volumes in favour of the disinterested love of li

* Epistle from Washington.

+ This Caucus mightily puzzles our traveller. He may find an illustration and example of it in that Committee, which, after dragging ' England's Pride and Westminster's Glory,' at an enormous expense, through all the mire of Tothill Fields, into the House over the way, has the modesty (like Mr. Fearon's transatlantic friends) to talk of the purity of election!

Since this was written, Mr. Hulme has obligingly furnished us with his history. It appears to be drawn up by Cobbett, for Hulme himself is said to be totally illiterate. He was brought up (he tells us) to farming-work, apprenticed at fourteen to a bleacher; set up for himself at a village near Lancaster, employed 180 people, and acquired considerable property. This he determined to remove out of the reach of those from whom it had been gained, and, therefore, emigrated with it to America, having first tried a variety of plans to bring about a revolution, or, in his own phrase, to effect a reform. His last exhibition was in Palace Yard, I was one of the delegates, (he says) whom Sir F. Burdett so shamefully abandoned.'

Of all the unnatural vipers who have sucked the nutriment of their country, and then turned to sting her to death, this is the most rank and poisonous. His language is that of an infuriate demon: the foam gathers round his mouth at the mention of a priest, and curses and execrations pour in full tides from his lips whenever the name of England occurs to him. We bless Providence for having put it into the heart of such a wretch to exhale his venom elsewhere.


berty which carried Mr. Fearon to America, that he declares, if he had been acquainted with this important object at an earlier period of his journey, he would have taken, individually, a very material concern in it.' He was now grown too familiar with the country, it seems, to expect any advantage from it.

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The Seventh Report' contains only two pages of description, and they are dedicated to Baltimore-a city which we are told, and, we believe, truly, occupies the foremost rank in deadly animosity towards England.' We are not surprized at this; for the inhabitants are not merely democrats, but furious Jacobins. A spirit of hostility towards England, however, is but too prevalent throughout the United States,-a spirit which is industriously kept up by the Cobbetts, the Emmetts, the M'Nevins, the 'Shamrock Society,' and, above all, by the editors of newspapers, who are generally Scotch or Irish rebels, or felons who have defrauded the gallows of its due. That hatred, however, would seem most unreasonable on the part of the native Americans, since their ancestors owed every thing valuable among them to the parent state. It was with English capital, and under the immediate auspices and protection of England, that the wild and desert woods and swamps of North America were first reclaimed. Their first implements, their first machines, their first cattle, their fruits and grain, were all derived from England; their children grew up in prosperity, maintained and fostered by a liberal and indulgent parent, who saw, with heartfelt satisfaction, her offspring increase. in strength and stature, and advance with firm aud rapid steps towards maturity-this is what Mr. Fearon is not ashamed to call the tyranny of the mother-country. It is not therefore to the declaration of Independence (as he appears to think) that the present flourishing condition of the United States is to be attributed. They flourished and were happy while English colonies; they have continued to flourish since their separation, and, we may add, in proportion to their adherence to their original institutions, and to their connection with that nation to which they owe their birth.

Mr. Fearon's excursion terminates at this point; and it is not a little tantalizing for those who have accompanied him through the whole of his travels, and witnessed the greediness with which he seized upon every opportunity of traducing the character and conduct of our best and bravest officers, to be carelessly told, just as he is about to return to England, that he really knew little or nothing about them. My knowledge,' he says, ' of the details of the war was extremely limited when I first landed in America.'-p. 374. Had this ignorance operated to check the flippancy of his censure, it would have been no disparagement of his modesty. He now, however, investigates the facts,' and learns


learns, for the first time, (what every child in this country could have taught him before he left home,) that the American ships were not only larger and stronger than those opposed to them, but that they were fought, in a great measure, by British subjects.'*_ p. 375.

The Eighth and last Report is chiefly occupied with criticisms on 'Birkbeck's Letters from Illinois,' and winds up with an opinion as to the description of British subjects who might be benefited by an exchange of country. The first class on his list are the extreme poor,' who, he says, instead of depending for subsistence upon charity soup, occasional parochial relief, and bowing with slavish submission to the tyrant of the poor-house,' would here have 'meat at least seven times in the week, and know no one who could make them afraid.' And this he writes from a city in which (as we learn from Mr. Bristed, p. 9.) one-seventh part of the population had subsisted on charity soup and private benevolence during the whole of the preceding winter! And this he writes too, with the perfect assurance that the extreme poor' who are thus 'to relieve themselves from slavery,' and 'to know no one who can make them afraid,' have no means of benefitting by an exchange of country, but by selling themselves to some brutal captain of a slave-ship, who will sell them in his turn to some more brutal planter, to flog for exercise or amusement.

His second class of persons, who might emigrate with probable advantage, are mechanics in branches of the first necessity; who, by prudence and economy, would advance their pecuniary interests though they might not enlarge their mental sphere of enjoyments. To these he thinks he may add the small farmer, though he warns him to be prepared against very many privations. Alas! not a few 'small farmers' have already been induced to try their fortunes in the woods and swamps of the new Eden, but soon found, to their cost, that they did not, to use Mr. George Flower's phrase, 'transplant well! As to farmers with a small capital of two or three thousand pounds or upwards, whom Mr. Birkbeck attempted to seduce as the most likely customers to purchase lots of his delightful prairie, we have their pleasing prospects depicted, and faithfully we doubt not, by a man to whom the very name of England is poison. For an English farmer, (says Cobbett in his Letter to Birkbeck†,') and more especially


See the accurate work of Mr. James on the Naval Transactions of the late war with America.

We were not quite correct, it seems, in ascribing Mr. Birkbeck's throwing up his farm, and railing at the government, to the raising of his rent, and the fall of prices. He had no such plea, it appears, for his angry invective, having sold the remainder of his lease for £2000. His spleen, however, like his downward movements' from a car

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