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lawful to carry out to the above colonies; in the fourth, of the duties to be paid on the fhip and cargo; and in the fifth, of the perfons entitled to this trade. At the end of each part, the ordinances, edicts, and regulations, are enumerated in a chronological order, which have been iffued fince the discovery of India down to this present time, relative to the objects treated of in the respective parts, and an appendix is added which contains several documents referred to in the work, and, among others, a report of the Board of Trade to the King, ftating, that in the year 1610, the operation of dulcifying or purifying fea-water, and rendering it potable, was performed before the Board.

"Hiftoria cronologica del Pueblo Hebreo, de fu Religion y gobierno, &c. por el DR. D. JOSEPH RIGUAL, presbitero: un tomo en 8°." A chronological and hiftorical Account of the Hebrew People, their Religion and Government, &c. by Dr. Jofeph Rigual, Prefbyter; one vol.

in 8vo.

"Hiftoria cronologica del Pueblo de Dios hafta el Nacimiento de nueftro Senor Jesuchristo, y Explicacion del Mapa geografico de la Tierra de Promifion, efcrito y delineado por F. JUAN PENALVER, &c. un tomo en 4°.' A chronological and historical Account of the People of God, down to the Nativity of our Lord Jefus Chrift, with an Explanation of the geographic Map of the Land of Promife, written and delineated by F. Juan Penalver, &c. The author of this work, a Francifcan monk, in order to give an exact description of the land of promise, examined it himself on five different voyages to that country, and has, upon the whole, acquitted himself well of his task. "Biblioteca nueva de los escritores Aragonefes, que floriéron defde et áno 1500. hasta 1599. por el D. D. FELIX LATASSA Y ORTIN, &c. tomo 10." A New Catalogue of the Arragonian Writers, who flourished fince the Year 1500 down to 1599, by D. F. Lataffa y Ortin, &c. Volume the firft.


"Carta Africana, que comprehende una exacta narracion de los terremotos, acaecidos en Oran la noche del 8. and 9. de Octubre del ano de 90, &c." An African Letter, containing a corre& Account of the Earthquake which happened at Oran, in the night between the 8th and 9th October, 1790, &c.

"Tratado de las fuentes intermitentes y de la caufa de fus fluxos y fuprefiones,

&c." A Treatife on intermittent Springs, and on the cause of their flowing and stopping, &c. by a Monk of the Congregation of St. Benedict of Valladolid; one Volume in 4to.


"Enfayo fobre la policia general de los granos, fus precios y efectos de la agricultura: obra traducida del frances; obfervaciones fobre ella y an analisis del comerio de trigo, &c." por D. TOMAS ANZANO. An Effay on the general Police of Grain, its Price, and the effects of Agriculture, tranflated from the French, with additional Obfervations on the fame, and an analysis of the wheat trade, &c. by D. Tomas Anzano.

"Enfayo economico fobre la monedapapel y fobre et credito publico: por D. JOSEPH ALONZO ORTIZ.” An economical Effay on Paper-money, and Public Credit, by D. Jofeph Alonzo Ortiz, 1 vol. in 4to. The author of this ingenious compofition treats of the origin, use, and differences of paper-money, of the inconveniences and advantages of this fyftem, and the precaution with which it is to be adopted. He has added a particular chapter on public credit and its decline, and interfperfed feveral just and appropriate reflections on public debt.

"Difcuffo fobre la verdadera libert ad natural y civil del hombre, traducido del tuliano," por D. VENTURA SALZAS, un tomo en 8°. A Difcourfe on the true Civil and Natural Liberty of Man; tranflated from the Italian by D. Ventura Salzas.


"Tratado completo de aritmética o método para aprender á contar por principios, por D. JUAN GERARD, Presby


A Complete Treatise on Arithmetic, &c. by D. Juan Gerard, Pref byter. This work, which appears to be very useful, especially for youth, 'who devote themselves to commerce, embraces all the different branches of simple arithmetic, and concludes with a table of all the coins and fpecies of money current in the principal ftates of Europe, and their refpective value in Spanish currency.

Tratado general y mathematico de reloxeria dividido en dos partes &c." por D. MANUEL DE CENELLA E ICOAGA, reloxero de camara de S. M. é individuo de la Real Soriedad de Madrid." A General and Mathematical Treatife on the Art of Watch-making, divided into two parts, &c. by D. Manuel de Cenella é Icoaga, Watch-maker to his majefty, and fellow of the Royal Society of Ma7 B 2


drid. This very interefting and ufeful work treats of all the branches of the art of watch-making, and explains the mathematical principles on which that art is founded, in a simple and luminous ftyle, and in a manner which reflects great credit on the talents of the author.


"Nautica laconica ó régimen de hallar la Longitud en el mar por los rumbos y variacion de la aguja, &c." The Nautical Summary, containing rules how to find the Longitude at Sea by the points of the Compafs and the variation of the Magnetic Needle, &c. The author purpoles in this fmall tract, an eafy method of finding the longitude at sea, the exactnefs whereof, however, appears at least doubtful.

"Memoria fobre los métodos de hallar la Longitud en el mar por las Obfervaciones Lunares, fu autor Alférez de Navio, D. FRANCISCO LOPEZ ROYO: feguida de un apéndice, por D. GaBRIEL DE CISCAR, Capitan de Navio de la Royal Armada." A Treatile on the Methods of finding the Longitude at Sea by Lunar Obfervations, by D. Francifco Lopez Royo, Enfign of the Navy; followed by an Appendix, written by D. Gabriel de Cifcar, Captain of the Royal Navy. This valuable work, printed by command, and at the expence of the king of Spain, is the refult of an inceffant application of its author, and of his wish to diffufe through the Spanish navy the atronomical knowledge he was poffelfed of, This compofition being the firft fruit of his uncommon genius, renders it the more a matter of fincere regret, that he was cut off by a premature death on the 30th April, 1799, on board the frigate La Afcencion, then stationed off Surinam. The new method here propofed will be found extremely useful on all occafions, where brevity is preferred to the niceft exactness, which is generally the cafe at fea.


"Enfayo practico de fimplificar el ef tudio de lenguas efcritas, hafta el grado de poder qualquiero aprenderftas por fi folo y en pocos dias verificado publicamente en efta corte fobre el edioma ingles para exemplo de todos los demas por el Coronel D. JOSEPH GONZALEZ TORRES DE NAVARRA, &c." A practical Effay to fimplify the Study of written Languages in fuch a degree, that every one may learn them without a Mafter, and in a few days, publicly proved in this place with the

English Tongue, as' an example of all the reft, by Colonel D. J. G. Torres de Navarra. This ingenious composition contains, in three fheets a Comparative Grammar in twelve tables, a Dictionary, and a dozen paffages, abftracted from the beft English writers, with a translation and grammatical analysis.


Enfayo de un Poema de la Poefia, dedicado al Exc. Sr. Principe de la Paz.' A poetical Effay on Poetry, dedicated to the Prince of Peace. This Poem is di vided into three cantos; the first of which explains the idea of verfification; the fecond treats of facred and dramatic poetry, and the third of the epopee and lyric poems.

"La cafa de Campo: Poema en verso Caftellano, traducido del Latin del P. VANIERE, &c." The Country-Seat, a Poem in Spanish Verfe, tranflated from the Latin of P. Vaniere.

"Poecias cogidas de Lope de Vega Carpio; con un difcurfo fobre la oda por MARMONTEL, &c. Select Poems of Lope de Vega Carpio, with a Discourse on the Ode, by Marmontel.

"Elementos de Poetica por el P. JEAN CAYETANO LOSADA, &c." Elements of Poetry by P. Jean Cayetans Lofada, &c. The author of this performance, intended for the use of young perfons, has endeavoured to explain in a correct and luminous ftyle the fundamental principles of the art of compofing poems, chiefly extracted from the works of Luzan. Cafcales, Batteaux, and Boileau, and illuftrated thofe principles by extras from the works of the best Latin and Spanish Poets.

"Pochas del Mtro. GONZALEZ, del órden de S. AGUSTIN; un tome en 8o." Poems by M. Gonzalez, of the order of St. Auguftine; one volume in 8vo. This volume contains all the lyric poems of that celebrated writer, who has defervedly obtained a 'diftinguifhed place among the favourite authors of the Spanish nation.

"Las naves de Cortés detruidas; canto épico, obra poftuma de D. NOCOLAS FERNANDEZ DE MORUTIN; ilustrado por el editor, con notas criticas." The Ships of Cortes destroyed; an Epic Poem, being a Pofthumous Work of D. Nicolas Fernandez de Morutin; with explanatory Notes by the Editor.


"Vifta de la Plaza de Mantua, sacada de la que prefentó Mr. L. B. Nolin, Geographo del Rey Chriftianiflimo á, S. M. Católica, &c." View of the Fortress of Mantua, copied from that which Mr. L. B. Nolin,

B. Nolin, Geographer to the moft Chriftian King, prefented to his Catholic Majefty, &c. This print represents a very correct and interefting view of the city and fortrefs of Mantua, and the Auftrian camp, during the last liege of the place, in confequence whereof it furrendered to the Imperial troops, under the orders of Field-marthal Lieutenant Kray.

"Tratado inftructivo y práctico del arte de la tinrura y regras, experimentadas y metodicas para tintar feda, lana, &c. Con 12 eftampas, que demuestran las operaciones de eftas obras; un tomo en folio." An inftructive and practical Treatife on the Art of Dying, and methodical rules, deduced from Experience, for dying Silk, Wool, &c. with 12 plates, reprefenting the operations defcribed in this work; one Volume in folio.

"Coleccion de estampas de afuntos caprichofos, inventadas y grabadas por D. FRANCISCO DE GOYA, &c." A Collection of Caricatures, invented and engraved by Francifco de Goya. The author of this interefting collection has very laudably devoted his talents for ludicrous and fatirical drawings, to ridicule fuch national prejudices, abfurdities, and extravagancies, as deserve the lash of pub. lic cenfure.

GENEALOGY AND ANTIQUITIES. "Memoria de la Real Academia de la Hiftoria fobre la infcripcion hebrea de la Iglefia de Ntra Sra. del Tranfito de la Ciudad de Toledo, &c." A Memoir of the Royal Hiftorical Academy, on the Hebrew Infcription of the Church of our Lady del tranfito, in the City of Toledo.


"Refumen de la vida de Sta. CASILDA, aboyada contra la enfermedad del Fluxo de fangre, efterilidad, caidas, &c. con algunos de fus milagros, &c." A Summary of the Life of St. Cafilda, the guardian Saint against the bloody Flux, Sterility, Falls, &c. with fome of her Miracles, &c.

"Vidas de Santos para todos los dias del ano, &c." The Lives of the Saints for every Day of the Year, &c.

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the Carthagenians and Romans, until the time of the Emperor Adrian.

AGRICULTURE AND HUSBANDRY. "Tiempo de la vendimia, modo de hacerla con utilidad y economia, &c." On the time of the Vintage; on the means of making it in an economical and useful manner, &c. One Volume in 4to. This ufeful work gives a very fatisfactory account of the mofl proper time and means of gathering the grapes, and of the most profitable method of making and preferving all forts of wine.

"La vendimia y agricultura de las Vinas, modo y tiempo de hacerla, con utilidad y economia con respecto al vino blanco y tinto, &c. un tomo en 4o. On the Vintage and Culture of the Vine, the moft proper method and time for the fame, its utility and economy in regard to white and red Wine, &c. One Volume in 4to. BOTANY.

"Fundamentos Botanicos de Carlos Linneo, que en torma de Aforifmos exponer la teoria de la ciencia Botanica, traducidos por D. ANGEL GOMEZ MARTIN Y ORTEGA,c." The Rudiments of Botany, of Charles Linnæus, which in the form of Aphorifins explain the theory of the Science of Botany; tranflated by D. A. G. Martin y Ortega.

"Flora Peruviana et Chileneis, five defcriptiones et icones plantarum Peruvianarum, et Chilenfium; Tomus 11. autoribus Hippolyts Ruiz et JOSEPHO PAVON, &c." highly valuable Peruvian Flora, &c. contains 257 defcriptions of plants, and 116 plates, reprefenting 203 non-defcript plants, in their natural fize, fhape and colours; among thefe plants are 9 non-defcript fpecies of the genus of Cinchona or true fpecies of the Peruvian bark-treefrom the mountains of Peru, of which the authors ftate to have received 6 drawings of as many new fpecies, which are to be published in the third volume. Among them is one fpecies, which by means of an incifion, gives a refinous, gummy fubftance, refembling the colour of lac, which may be of very confiderable ue in medicine as well as dying.

This fecond volume of the

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"Cafimiri Gomezii Ortegae, Botan. Profefforis primarii, pharmacop. et medicii Regii honorarii, &c. Novarum et variarum plantarum horti Reg. Botan. Madrid, defcriptionum decades, cnm non nullarum iconibus. This volume of Ortega's matterly defcription of the plants cultivated in the Royal botanical garden at Madrid, comprifes the 7th and 8th decades, and contains a confiderable number


of non-defcripts, as fatisfactorily defcribed as they are beautifully reprefented in the annexed plates.


"Tres cartas esféricas, que comprehenden las iflas Antillas, las de St. Domingo, Jamayca, Cuba, canales, viego y nuevo de Bahama y las coftas de todo el feno Mexicano, conftruidas de orden del Rey, &c." Three (pherical Charts, containing the Antilles, St. Domingo, Cuba, the Old and New Bahama Channel, and the Coafts of the whole Gulf of Mexico, drawn by command of His Majesty, &c. "Carta Geographica de la Provincia de Quito y paifes adjacentes, &c. publicada de orden de S. M." A Geographic Map of the Province of Quito, pub. lifhed by command of His Majefty. This valuable map is drawn according to the astronomical obfervations, made by the French academicians, and Meffrs. D., Jorge Juan, and D. Antonio de Ulloa, commiffioned to meafure the degree of the meridian, contiguous to the equator. "Mapa Nuevo de Extremadura, dividido en fus partidos, &c." A New Map of Eftramadura, divided into Diftricts, &c.


"Brere defcripcion de la ciudad de Jerufalen y lugares vecinos como extaba en tiempo de Chrifto, &c. con el viage de Jerufalen que hizo y efcribió FRANCISCO DE GUERRO, en que fe ve la differencia que hay en esta ciudad de acquel tiempo al de ahora, &c." A Brief Description of the City of Jerufalem and the Neighbouring Places, as they were at the time of Jefus Chrift, &c. with the Journey to Jerufalem, made and defcribed by Francifco de Guerre, which fhows the alterations made in that City fince thofe Days to our present time, &c.


VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Compendio de Obfervationes de un viagero Politico y Filofofo, dividido en tres partes, &c. Compendium of Ob. fervations of a Political and Philofophic Traveller, divided into three parts, &c. The ft. part of this well written compofition treats of the utility of travelling frit through the provinces of the kingdom in which we are born, and afterwards through Europe; of the origin of the arts, and of the economy of the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdom; the 2d. explains the duty of the traveller, his political fentiments, his philofophy, enquiries and knowledge, relative to agriculture, and the ufe made of its produc

tions for the purposes of the arts, trade, and commerce; and the 3d. treats of the mode of preparing and managing the natural productions of the different parts of the globe, and of preventing their diffolution and corruption.

"Viage á los bànos de Arnedillo con la análisis de fuo aguas termales, dado á luz por D. LUIS DE TRESPALARIOS Y MIER, &c." A Tour to the Wateringplace of Arnedillo, with an analyfis of its Waters, publifhed by D. Luis Tref palarios y Mier, &c. This work contains advice for travellers, relative to a journey to that place, to the best mode of taking the waters, and to the diseases, against which they may be used to advantage. The analyfis, made by an able chemift, fhows the component parts of the waters, whence an inference may be drawn, in what cafes they are likely to be most useful.

"El Viagero univerfal ó noticia del mundo antiguo y nuevo: obra recopilada de los mejores viageros, por D. PEDRO ESTALA, Prefbytero, &c." An Univerfal Collection of Travels, or Introduction to the Knowledge of the Ancient and Modern World, compiled from the best Travels, &c. by D. P. Eftala, Prefbyter. The numbers of this voluminous compilation, which have been published the course of last year, contain defc in tions of the United States of Ame ripCanada, and New Spain, or Mexico.rica,


"La Cifra : Opera jocola en dos Actos, par D. LUCIANO COMELLA," &c. The Wisher, a comic opera, in two acts, by D. L. Comella.

"Polixêna Tragedia en un Acto, facil de executarfe en qualquiera Cafa particular, por eftar arreglada para quatro Perfonas, y entre ellas una fola Mager." Polixena, a Tragedy in one act, which may be easily performed in any private houte, as it is contrived for four perfons, am ng whom is but one woman.

"Zenobia y Rhadamifto: Tragedia en tres actos, par D. GASPAR ZAVALA Y ZAMORA, &c." Zenobia and Rhadamitus, a Tragedy in three acts, by D. Gafpar Zavala y Zamora, &c.

EDUCATION AND MORALS. "Nuevo método para enfener la geografia â los ninôs, &c. par D. FERNANDO ROMERO DE LEIS." A New Method of inftructing Children in Geography, &c. by D. F. Romero de Leis. This method is the fame with that propofed and followed by P. Almeyda, a Portugutfe

Portuguese priest, who is faid to have taught a young man geography within five months, who had loft his eye-fight at the age of eight years. By way of appendix is added to the work the defcription of a new aftronomical machine, compofed under the direction of the faid Almeyda, and defigned to teach children aftronomy in an eafy and amusing way.

"Converfaciones Morales para la buena educacion, imprefas en dos colunas en efpanol y Frances, par el D. FRANCISCO FERNANDO DE FLORES, &c." Moral Dialogues tending to promote a good education; printed in two volumes, in Spanish and French.


"El Experimentado cazador y perfecto tirador, compuesto par D. J. M. G. N." The Experienced Hunter, and complete Markfman, by D. J. M. G. N. "Gazeta de los ninos ó principios generales de moral, ciencias y artes, acomodas a la inteligencia de la primera edad, par D. JOSEPH Y D. BERNABE CANGA ARGÜELES: ano primero." The Gazette for Children, or general Principles of Morals, Sciences, and Arts, adapted to the faculties of children, by D. J. and B. Canga Argüelles: first year. This well written work contains, befides the fundamental principles of dynamics, aftronomy, botany, natural hiftory, and agriculture, a variety of moral tales, and biographical sketches of illustrious and celebrated persons.

"Noticia de un catálogo de los manu

fcritos de cafa del Marques Capilupi de Mantua, compuesto por el abate D. JUAN ANDRES, a la qual accompana una carta del mifmo autor à fu hermano D. Carlos Andres, en que manifiesta la utilidad de femejantes catálogos, &c.". Account of a Catalogue of the Manufcripts in the poffeffion of the Marquis Capilupi of Mantua, compofed by the Abbé D. Juan Andres, accompanied by a letter from the fame to his brother D. Carlos Andres, wherein he fhews the utility of the like catalogues. This catalogue was printed at Mantua in the year 1797, and gives a full account of all the manufcripts in the poffeffion of the Marquis Capilopi. In the letter, annexed to the above performance, the author fhews the advantage to be derived from the publication of fimilar catalogues, as being the only means of communicating to the public a notice of the literary treafures, buried in the archives and libraries of noble and other private families.

"Pirotecnia entretenida ó arte de co heteria &c. un tomo en 8°." Pirotechnical Amusements, or the arts of Fireworks, &c. 1 vol. in 8vo. In addition to a great variety of prefcriptions for making all forts of fire-works, this work contains a very inftructive chapter on the compofition and force of gun-powder, and on the best method of restoring that which is damaged or fpoiled, and carrying gun-powder in general to a higher degree of perfection than what it has hitherto attained.

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The Numbers of the Monthly Magazine are always dated on the day on which they are published. The Number for January 1800 is dated February 1, 1800; and the Number for December 1799 is dated January 1, 1800, being the days on which thofe Magazines were refpectively published. Should any difficulty arife, however, from this mode of dating the Numbers, the Binder can attend to the Number of the feries; the prefent Supplement is Number 54, and the firft Number of the year 1800 will be Number 55. Thefe Numbers have advanced in regular order, 1, 2, 3, &c. c. from the commencement of the Magazine,

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