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pulpit eloquence fince the time of the Reformators a work which undoubtedly would prove highly useful and interefting. "Verfuch eimer metrifchen Ubersetzung des Propheton Jona, von P. H. GRANGAARD." 1798. pp. 96. Attempt towards a metric Tranflation of the Prophecies of Jonah. Mr. Grangaard exprelles, in the preface to his tranflation, the most tolerant fentiments, which do honour to his benevolent heart, and dif plays fuch charitable principles with regard to thofe who differ from him in their notions of God and divine worship, that we cannot but efteem him as a worthy teacher of the chriftian religion. He wifhes to promote by his work religious toleration, and a generous conduct towards thofe who deviate in their opinions from the established principles of the protestant church, and to diffuse a more general love for the reading of facred writ. We have great reafon to hope that he will attain the former object, but apprehend very much that he will not be fuccessful in carrying the latter point, as his tranflation is far from being elegant, and in many places very flat.

"Die Vifionen Habakuks, &c. &c. von G. C. HORST." 1798. pp. 188. 8vo. The Vifions of Habakuk, newly tranflated, with hiftorical and critical annotations. Together with a Treatife on the Prophetifm of the ancient World, efpecially of the biblical Prophets. Mr. Horit difplays a refined and correct judgment in uniting the expofitions of the best modern writers of the prophecies of Habakuk, combining with them many pointed obfervations of his own. He takes particular pains to unfold the characteristical spirit of the age in which Habakuk wrote, and the peculiar circumstances and individual relations under which the prophet appeared as an inspired poet among his nation. His tranflation is faithful, correct, and elegant. The annotations contain many obfervations which evince the tranflator's acuteness and erudition.

"Jefus,wie er lebte und lehrte; nach den Berichten der Evangeliften," &c. &c. 1799. pp. xii. u. 258. 8vo. Jefus, how he lived and taught; after the Accounts of the Evangelifts, &c. &c. The anonymous author was grieved to fee that it grows fashionable with many of the better claffes, and even with fome of the lower ranks who have heard fomething of the new philofophical principles which of late have been started, to fpeak of the founder or our religion in a thoughtlefs and con

temptuous manner, and to account it good breeding to fneer at the creed of our forefathers, without ever having enquired into the truth of it. He thinks it neceffary that the better informed should exert themfelves to counteract this abuse of the liberty of thinking, and to guide the impatient and prefumptuous fpirit of our times by reprefenting the principal fubjects of religion in a manner conformable to the new light which begins to diffuse itfelf irrefiftibly over all ranks. Urged by thefe confiderations, he made the prefent attempt to reprefent the hiftory of Jefus divetted of every thing that has a miraculous appearance, and to show how our Saviour could perform and teach what he did perform and teach, without the aid of fupernatural agency or influence. We are perfectly fenfible of the author's good intention, but do not think that his man. ner of relating the hiftory of Jefus will have the effect which he hopes to produce.

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"Chriftlicher Religions unterricht fuer die Jugend, von CH. FR. SINTENIS.' 1798. pp. 112. 8vo. Instruction in the Chriftian Religion for Youth. Mr. S. expounds in this volume, with great perfpicuity, the doctrines of Chrift, as recorded by the evangelifts, without taking any notice of the eftablished dogmas of the church. His ftile is indeed in many places rather flowery, and extremely lively, but nevertheless completely intelligible to readers of all claffes.

"Dr. F. V. REINHARD, vom Werth der Kleinigkeit in der Moral." 1798. pp. 292. On Micrology in Ethics. Micrology in ethics is defined by the venerable author, by attributing a falfe importance to things which are indifferent to morality, and bestowing upon them more attention than they deferve. The spirit of micrology difplays itfelf in expounding the moral laws, in deciding upon cafes of confcience, as they are called, in the life and actions of chriftians, and in those practices by which piety and virtue are to be acquired, nourished, and preferved; there exits confequently a hermeneutical, a cafuiftical, a moral, and an afcetic micrology. Mr. R. treats with great acutenefs and erudition on each of thefe different forts of micrology, and fhews in a very energetic manner how baneful is the influence which it has on the progrefs of genuine- chriftian virtue. To conclude from our own feelings, we may fafely af fert, that all thofe who have an opportu nity of perufing this little treatife, will efleem the worthy author, who, in a maf


terly manner, unites acuteness with elegance of diction.

"Lebensbet rachtungen beym Gedanken an den Übergang in die Ewigkeit, von CH. H. ScÜTZE." 1798. pp. 349. 8vo. Contemplations of Life, produced by the Idea of the Tranfition into Eternity. Memento vivere. Meditations on death always have been recommended as ufeful and neceflary; however, the author proves that they are not; producing a melancholy gloom in the mind, and militating against the whole destination of man. We are therefore to avert our thoughts as much from death as poffible, and, by a hopeful contemplation of our prefent and future life, to procure and to preferve wifdom and cheerfulness, conformably to the dictates of reafon and chriftianity. This theme has been excellently handled by the author, whofe manner of arguing is inftructive, lively, and convincing.

"Glaubens- und Sittenlehre des vernunftmäffigen und thätigen Chriftenthums, &c. &c. von Dr. J. G. ROSENMÜLLER." 1798. pp. 480. 8vo. The dogmatical and moral Doctrines of rational and active Chriftianity, expounded in a Series of Sermons. Vol. I. Thefe fermons of the celebrated Rofenuüller do indeed diftinguish themfelves neither by the novelty of their fubjects, nor by fublimity of elequence; but, neverthelefs, deferve being recommended on account of the great variety of important practical truths which they contain, and by the calm and dignified manner in which they

are executed.

"Predigten über Menfchenkenntnifs, von K. CH. von GEHREN." 1798. pp. xxiv. u. 359. 8vo. Sermons on the Knowledge of Man. A feries of fermons on the knowledge of man certainly is a novel phenomenon, and cannot but be highly acceptable to the active promoter of uteful knowledge. We muft further obferve, that thefe fermons diftinguith themselves not only by the novelty of the fubje& on which they treat, but also by the philofophic fpirit with which they are written. 4

JURISPRUDENCE. Having not met with a fingle publication, under this head, that deferves being noticed, we proceed to the article of

MEDICINE AND SURGERY. "Dr. I. C. STARK's Handbuch zur Kentnifs und Keilung innerer Krankheiten," &c. &c. 1799. pp. xlvi. u. 668. 8vo. Manual of the Knowledge and Cure of internal Difeafes of the human Body, &c. Sc. The worthy and learned au

thor of this work furnishes us in it with obfervations on the knowledge and cure of fevers, and, inflammatory and chronic cutaneous difeafes, founded upon the refults of his own experience at the sickbed, during a practice of more than 20 years. This volume, which contains only the first part of the author's pathologicopractical fyftem, is written in a more correct ftyle than his other publications, though we must obferve that he ftill makes ufe of a great number of French words.

"Bibliotheck für die Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshilfe, &c. &c. heraufgegeben von ARNEMANN." 1799. pp. 168. 8vo. Repository for Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery; by a Society of literary Men. No. I. If this Repofitory fhould prove as useful and interelting as Dr. A. promifes in the preface to ren der it—a task to which he is perfectly equal by his literary connections and great activity-it will rank high among t his brethren. It is to contain criticifin on all works belonging to the departinent of theoretical and practical medicine, furgery, juridical medicine and midwifery. The literary productions of Germany are to be its principal object; though thofe which are publifhed in foreign countries will not be excluded. The prefent number, which begins with the publications of 1799, is a promiling fpecimen of what we have to expect.

"Arzneywiffenfchaftliche Aufsätze, &c. &c. gefammelt von J. D. JOHN.' 1798. pp. 315. 8vo. Medical Tracts of Bohemian Literati, collected, &c. &c. In publishing this volume, the author intended to preferve from oblivion good me. dical tracts, which either were printed fingly, or are contained in voluminous works which are not of a medical nature; and we are inclined to think that the judgment with which the editor has made this felection, entitles him to the thanks of the medical world.

"Lateinifhes Lefebuch für studierende Jünglinge, &c.&c.von A. SCHLOSSER." 1798. pp. 326. 8vo. Latin Readingbook for young Students, efpecially for thofe of Surgery. This reading-book is extremely ufeful to the inedical and furgical tyro, and deferves being recommended. The first part contains exercifes in which the rudiments of the Latin language are explained by, rather too many, examples, a great number of which are taken from fubjects of the healing art.. The fecond part confifts of 125 stories, taken chiefly from ancient authors. The third part contains mifcellanies of natural history,

hiftory, hiftory and philofophy, relating to the ftructure of the human body. The fourth part contains a very appropriate extract from Celfus, calculated for the instruction of ftudents in furgery.

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Bemerkungen über das Nervenfieber, &c. &c. in den jahren 1796, 1797, u. 1798, von Dr. CH. W. HUFELAND.' 1799. pp. 199. Obfervations on the Nervous Fever and its Complications, in the Years 1796, 1797, and 1798. The principal object at which the learned author aims in this volume is, to defcribe the proceedings and the spirit of the Clinical inftitution at Jena, in the treatment of this difeafe; to furnish young practitioners with juft ideas and principles concerning the cure of this nervous fever, fo generally prevalent in our times; and, finally, to place the important doctrine of complications, which has been confused fo much by Brunonianifm, in a proper point of view, in which he, in our opinion, has been completely fuccessful.

"Von der Macht des Gemüths durch den bloffen Vorfatz, &c. &c. von J. KANT.” 1798. pp. 54. 8vo. On the Power which the Mind poffeffes to check difeafed Senfations by Means of mere Refolution. The venerable philofopher communicates in this tract his obfervations made upon himself with regard to diet, and relates inftances of his own life which are highly interefting, as they enable us to form an idea of the uncommon energy of his mind, and of the greatness of his genius.

MISCELLANIES. "Kleine Schriften zur Vnterhaltung, von G. G. FÜLI EBORN." 1798. pp. 248. 8vo. Mifcellanies for Amusement. Mr. F., who has a variety of knowledge at his command, and is as much at home in ancient literature as in that of modern times, has prepared in this volume mental food of various defcriptions, fuiting as well the palate of the lover of Greek philosophy, as that of the votary of the amorous and fportive muse.

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"Meine Freuden und Leiden als Gattin und Mutter, &c. &. von AMALIA WILL." &c. &c. 1798. pp. 415. 8vo. My Pleafures and Sufferings, in the State of a Wife and a Mother, &c. &c. This interesting volume is an excellent guide for the fair fex and ours. The obfervations which the authorefs makes on the rapid encrease of luxury, deferve the most ferious confideration. Her maxims con

cerning education and the treatment of domeftics, are not new, but revertheless highly important. The pfychological obfervations which this volume contains, poffefs more novelty than intrinsic merit. The tile is correct and lively, and the tout-enfemble extremely well calculated both for amusement and instruction.

"Erholungen, Heraufgegeben von BECKER. Band I. u. II. 1798, 8vo." Recreations, collected by Becker, Two tracts, contributed by Profeffor GARVE on Difappointed Expectations, and on the Beauties of feveral mountainous Districts; and two by ADELUNG on Northern Literature, render thefe volumes particularly interefting and instructive.

"ADELSTAN'S Jovialifch Politische Reife durch Italien, &c. &c. 1798. pp. 400; 8vo." Adelftan's Jovial Political Journey through Italy, during the Campaigns of Bonaparte. Adelftan, the hero of this bachantic excurfion to the vineyards of Italy, traverses all the revolutionary regions in a high jovial glee, and after having met with numerous ridiculous adventures, at last enters Rome. by the Porta del Popolo, abandoning himfelf at that revolutionized city, to the effufions of numberlefs pointed farcasms at the holy father and his adorers, and entertaining his readers with the lively fictions of his glowing fancy, and with caricatures of the most ridiculous and extravagant appearance. As for ourselves, we must confefs that the numerous flashes of genial humour, and the great variety af original characters with which we have met in this motely production, has afforded us no fmall degree of entertainment; but we do not pretend to maintain that there will be many readers who will relish the tendency of this fingular compofition.


"Mufarion, die Freundin weifer Gefelligkeit, &c. &c. von AUG. LINDE MANN, 1799. pp. 316; 8vo. Mufarion, the Friend of wife Sociability, and domeftic Pleasure. A periodical work for ladies. Number I. II. III. and poetry occupy the three first numbers of this periodical work, of which a number, confifting of fix fheets, is to be publifhed monthly. The principal object of the Editor feems to confift in the diffufion of virtuous principles, and in affording rational amusement to his readers. Mifs Melville in the fecond, and the fifters in the third number, are particularly caleulated to effect that laudable purpose.


Retrospect of the Progress of Spanish Literature during the Year 1799.

ON prefenting to our readers the last retrofpect of Spanish literature, we expreffed our concern, that, from the interrupted intercourfe with Spain, and the want of perodical Spanish publications, giving a critical account of recent literary compofitions published in that country, it was not in our power to do full juftice to the productions of Spanish genius and erudition, which we had to announce. We at the fame time expreffed a hope, that the brilliant fucceffes, obtained by the allied armies over the republican troops, would bring on a fpeedy reftoration of the former relations of amity and friendship between this country and Spain, whereby we might be enabled to establish a literary correfpondence, productive of more ample and more fatisfactory information, relative to the ftate and progrefs of Spanish literature, than we are able to draw from the fources of intelligence, which are open to us in the prefent fitua. tion of public affairs. In this hope, however, we have been unfortunately difap. pointed. Still

Mailed Mars doth on his altar fit; and still we are obliged, in a great meafure, to confine ourselves in our prefent retrofpect to the mere enumeration of the titles of recent Spanish publications, and to defer to better times the performance of the grateful tafk of analizing the peculiar merits of many an important work, of which, at prefent, we can only announce the existence. Yet however fcanty may be our prefent fources of information refpecting the actual state of Spanish literature, what little we know will bear us out in afferting, that it shares not in the general decay which withers the once proud honours of the Spanish empire. The department of botany has received two brilliant acceffions in the fecond volume of the Floria Peruviana, and two new decades of Ortega's highly valuable defcription of the plants, cultivated in the royal botanical garden at Madrid; and works of confiderable merit have been published in the departments of history, political economy, medicine, &c.


"Diálogo Chriftiano entre el Entendimiento y la Voluntad hecho, por D. RAMON TORBE, &c." A Christian Dialogue between the Understanding and the Will, by D. Ramon Torbé, &c.


"Vida alegre y Chriftiana, á Máximas para sufrit con ferenidad todo género de fucefos, &c. par D. FR. LOPEZ PORTILLO, &c. The happy and Chriftian Life, or Maxims for meeting with a ferene Mind, Events of every Defcription, &c. by D. Fr. Lopez Portillo, &c. The author endeavours to fhew, that we ought to make ourselves happy in every fituation wherein we are placed, however unfortu nate it may be, without envying the power-, fui and the wealthy.

"Dolores de Maria Santifima hiftoriados, por F. DIEGO DE SANTIAGO, &c." An historical Account of the Sufferings of the holy Virgin Mary, by F. Diego de Santiago, &c.

Reglas y Obfervaciones para entender las fantas Efcrituras, efpecialmente el libro del Apocalipfis crito por S. Juan, &c. por Dr. D. MANUEL ROSELL, &c.", Rules and Obfervations to facilitate the Understanding of the Holy Scripture, and efpecially of the Apocalypfe, written by St. John, &c. by Dr. Manuel Rofell, &c.

Sermones varios, por D. ANTONIO, PEREZ, &c." Sermons on various fubjects, by D. Antonio Perez, &c.


"Curfo completo de Anatomia del cuerpo humano, &c. por el Dr. D. JAYME BONELLO y el Dic. D. IGNACIO LaCABA, tomo 4° en 8°." A complete Courfe of Lectures on the Anatomy of the human Body, by Dr. Jayme Bonells, and Dr. Ignacio Lacaba, in 8vo. vol. the IVth. This volume of the valuable work contains the neurology, and part of fplanchnology. The neurology is divided into two sections, the first of which treats of all the parts of the brain and of the medulla ipinalis, and the fecond of all the nerves which arife in thofe parts. The fplanchnology, which is commenced in this volume, will be concluded in the fifth, which is to complete the whole work.

"Memorias fobre las enfermedades, que fe deben tener por lasteas: por D.. PEDRO BRUNEL, Cirujano da Camara y partero de la Reyna nueftra Senora : un tomo en 4°." Obfervations on fuch difeafes, as must be deemed lacteous Diftempers, by D. Pedro Brunel, Surgeon to the King, and Man-Midwife to her Majefty; one vol. in 4to.

"Divifion de las enfermedades, hecha 7 B legun

fegun los principios del fiftema de Brown ó Nofologia Browniana, con un Difcurfo preliminar fobre las nofologias y dos grandes tablas que prefentan la Claffificacion caufas y método curativo de las enfermedades, &c. por D. VICENTO MITJAVILLA." A Claffification of Difcafes, made According to the Principles of the Syftem of Brown, or the Brownonian Nofology, with an introductory Difcourfe on Nofologies, and two large tables which exhibit the Claffification and Caufes of Difeafes, with the method of curing them, &c. by Dr. V. Mitjavilla.

Prontuario Anatómico teorico-practico del cuerpo humano: primera parte; de los huefos del efqueleto de un adulto; por D. IGNACIO LACABA, Y D. ISIDORO DE ISAURA." A Manual theoro-practical of the Anatomy of the human Body; Part the First, treating of the Bones of a grown male Perfon; by Dr. Ignacio Lacaba, and Dr. Ifidoro de Ifaura. The first number of this valuable work contains nine plates, reprefenting, with the greateft exactnefs, copied from nature, the firft, the fubftances of the bones, and the other eight all the bones of the head. Each bone is reprefented, in every point of view, neceflary to understand its various parts, extenfion, and use.

"Carta fobre el ufo de los medicamentos aplicados al exterior para curar muchas enfermedades internas; efcrita en Frances por el DR. J. TOURDES, médico del exercito de Italia: traducida en Cattellano, &c." A Letter on the Ufe of Medicaments, applied externally, for the Cure of internal Difeafes, written in French by Dr. J. Tourdes, Phyfician of the Army of Italy; tranflated into Spanifh, &c. The author of this letter endeavours to prove, that medicaments externally applied are, in many cafes, fufficient for the cure of internal difeafes, and confirms the experiments and obfervations made on this fubject by the celebrated Spalanzani.

"Difertacion firico medica inédita fobre la pofibilidad de precaver las viruelas, fin que la Experiencia haya el mas ligero peligro, &c." A phyfico-medical Treatife on the Poffibility of preventing the Small-pox, without the Experiment being attended with the leaft danger, &c. The plan, propofed by the author of this treatife, yet unedited, having been carefully examined and enquired into by the univerfities of Salamanca and Valladolid, was declared by them to be altogether original; and they gave it further as their opinion, that if the caufe, which produces

the fmall-pox, fhould not be the fame which is pointed out by the author, yet his method cannot but be attended with the most advantageous refults, both for

mother and child.

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Preceptos generales fobre las operaciones de los partos, par D. JOSEPH VENTURA PASTOR, Cirujano que fué en esta corte, &c." General Rules and Obfervations refpecting the Operations of Midwifery, by D. Jofeph Ventura Paftor, late Surgeon in this Place, &c. This work contains a full explanation of the art of midwifery, and defcription of all the different fpecies of births, with obfervations extracted from the beft authors on this fubject, and a great variety of practical remarks. The whole is illuftrated by 24 plates, reprefenting, with the utmost exactnefs, the preternatural pofitions, in which the foetus appears at the time of its birth, and pointing out the moft proper manner in which it is to be extracted.


"Adiciones à la Practica univerfal forenfe de los tribunales fuperiores y inferiores de Efpana y Indias, por D. PE. DRO BOADA DE LAS COSTAS Y FIGUERAS, 2 tomos." Additional Remarks on the univerfal Practice of the higher and inferior Courts of Spain and India, by D. P. B. de las Coftas y Figueras; 2 vols.

"Practica é inftruccion de agentes y pretendientes, iluftrada y apoyada con leyes, decretos y Reales refoluciones, publicadas ahora, &c." Practical Inftructions for Solicitors and Claimants, illustrated and fupported by the Laws, Decrees, and royal Refolutions hitherto issued on this fubje&t, &c.


"Memorias hiftoricas fobre, la Legislacion y Govierno del Comercio de las Efpanoles con fus Colonias en las Indias occidentales, por D. RAFUEL ANTUNEZ, &c." Hiftorical Memoirs on the Legiftion and Government of the Trade of the Spaniards to their Colonies in the West Indies; one vol. in 4to. The author of this valuable and inftructive work, who is a member of the Council of India, has divided it into five parts. In the firft he treats of the ports authorized to carry on this trade, viz. Seville and Cadiz in Spain, and of thofe in the Canaries; in the fecond, of the ships employed in that trade; of their conftruction, tonnage, and other circumstances relative to the voyage to the faid iflands; of fleets and convoys; of advice-boats and packets, and of the register-fhips failing for Buenos-Ayres; in the third, of the cargoes which it is


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