The Monthly Magazine, Volumen 8

Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper, 1800

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Página 601 - Curfed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel. I will divide them in Jacob, and fcatter them in Ifrael.
Página 770 - Let the great Gods That keep this dreadful pother o'er our heads, Find out their enemies now. Tremble, thou wretch That haft within thee undivulged crimes Unwhipt
Página 594 - becaufe human judgment, though it be gradually gaining upon certainty, never becomes infallible, and approbation, though long continued, may yet be only the approbation of prejudice or
Página 929 - good to the Holy Spirit and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than thefe neceflary things : that ye
Página 666 - One to deftroy is murder by the law; And gibbets keep the lifted hand in awe. To murder thoufands, takes a
Página 748 - and as the difufe of the trial by Jury may tend to eftrange the minds of the people from that valuable prerogative of Englishmen, which has already been more than Sufficiently excluded in many
Página 879 - 1792 and 1798, containing a view of the Revolutions in that country from the capture of Nice by the French Republic to the expulfion
Página 776 - mind ; though they can only be derived from our ignorance of remote antiquity, and from our incapacity to form an adequate judgment of the divine
Página 639 - the borough of Dartmouth in Parliament. In the month of December, in the fame year, he was made Vice-Admiral of the Blue. It was on one of thefe promotions that Lord
Página 639 - on the 30th of December in the fame year. On the 24th of September 1787, he was advanced to the rank of Admiral of

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