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bountifully endowed with natural gifts, and requiring only the blessings of a just government, and an equitable administra. tion of justice, and the indulgent care and countenance of a humane and gracious

Prince. My son, Major Brownrigg, is charged with the banner of Kandy, to be laid, with my most respectful duty, at the feet of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent.



IN the expectation of being able to give our Readers the Speech of Louis XVIII. on the opening of the Legislative Session, we detained this sheet from the press to the latest moment compatible with our period of publication. It had been determined, that the Members were to have assembled on the 23d inst. for the verification of their powers, &c.; and the business of the 25th was to be preceded by a solemu mass of the Holy Ghost, at which his Majesty, with the Princes, Peers, and Deputies, were to have attended. This ceremony was to have taken place in the Metropolitan Church; after which the train was to proceed to the Hall of the Peers, where the King was to deliver a Speech from the Throne to both Cham bers, as is customary at the opening of our own Parliament. Circumstances, however, have occurred to overthrow that arrangement. The Duke of Otranto (Fouche) has resigned his office of Minister of Police; and his example has been followed by the entire Ministry.-The following has been given as the substance of the letter to the King with which Fouche accompanied his resignation ::-" that he was prompted by no views of ambition, but solely by a love of his country, in accepting of office at the critical period of his Majesty's return; that he was in hopes of consolidating his Majesty's throne by pursuing a system of Government congenial to the wishes of the people; but that he had been constantly thwarted in his endeavours by a baneful spirit of opposition existing in different Members of his Majesty's Family, whose influence had already been productive of infinite mischief, and, if suffered to prevail, must eventually bring on their own ruin, and that of his Majesty and the Nation; that he begs leave to resign the power confided to him by his Majesty; in the first place, because he can exercise it with no benefit to the Sovereign or to his Country, as long as this fatal influence is allowed to subsist; and, in the next, because he cannot affix his name to a Treaty so disgraceful to France as that which is dictated to her by the Allied Cabinet."-We know not what credit is due to this statement; but, that the total change above mentioned was unexpected, at least at the present moment, has been inferred from his Majesty's feeling himself under the necessity

of postponing the Session of the Legisla ture, which was to have been opened on the 25th inst. but has been suddenly deferred, by a Royal Ordinance, till the 2d of October, to give time, as the minor French papers say, for the formation of a new Ministry.

The tranquillity of France, and the security of its amiable Monarch, must greatly depend on the judicious choice of a new Administration; and speculation is, as usual, busy in assigning the va rious departments. No list of the new Cabinet has yet appeared which can claim the faintest character of authenticity; but all seem agreed, that the Duke of Richelieu will be the Prime Minister and Secretary for Foreign Affairs. To guard against any evil design that may be meditated by disappointed and infuriated malcontents, considerable bodies of the Allied troops are about to return to the neighbourhood of the capital. The veteran. Blucher is again in motion. He has retuned to Paris, rouud which city a cordon of not less than four Prussian corps d'armée are forming, and his head-quarters have been re-established at Versailles.

The funds (whether from the rumours of plots, or from some unfavourable impression as to the forthcoming Treaty, or from the strange appreciation by Frenchmen of the importance of M. Fouche to the prosperity of France, we know not), are still looking down. The 5 per cents. were on the 224 inst.' so low as 57 fr.

It is generally said, that a Treaty of Peace, between the Allies and France, has been signed, but would not be made public until the meeting of the two Chambers. In support of this belief, which gains daily more credit, may be quoted a Proclamation from the Prefect of the Lower Rhine, to the inhabitants of the department, containing these words: “Already do the bases of a solid peace seem to insure our happiness. The numerous armies which cover our provinces are preparing to depart. The charges of the war, which you have supported with so much resignation, are about to be alleviated; and France, restored entire to her legitimate Sovereign, is on the point of experiencing once more the blessings of a government conformable to the wishes of the Nation."

The South of France has been in a state of great agitation: at Nismes, Montpel

lier, Toulouse, and Marseilles, there have been violent tumults.

On the 1st of August, says a letter from Nismes, M. de Calviere, the person whom the Royal Commissioner had named, resumed the functions of Prefect, and 16 Protestants were massacred. They went about seizing them in their houses, and they cut their throats before their own doors. Many were massacred in the fields. The night between the 1st and 2d was the most cruel. M. de Calviere caused an order to be posted up, which seems to have somewhat calmed these pretended Royalists. On the 4th several country seats were set on fire. The peaceable citizens, the Members of the Urban Guard, have been again forced to flee, to save themselves from destruction. The Prefect sent an order to them to return, under the penalty of having the laws respecting emigration put in force against them. Those who returned into the town experienced either death or captivity. It is uncertain whether M. de Montealm or M. de Calviere is most guilty of allowing or causing the commission of all these horrors; but suspicion falls principally on the former, who is a Royal Commissioner, and whom it is said the King had, a considerable time ago, ordered to cease his functions. Nothing promises any security to the friends of order; for all the authorities, with the exception of two persons, are composed of the most timid and feeble men. The number of deaths is prodigious; but we have not an exact enumeration.-Horrors of the same kind are continued in the neighbouring towns.

A letter from Toulouse of the 17th August contains the following details" Gen. Ramel, who commanded for the King the department of the Haute Garonne, was assassinated by a mob at his house in Toulouse at ten o'clock yesterday evening. He had been forewarned by the Restaurateur, at whose house he had dined, that there was a plot in agitation against his person; and in consequence, notwithstanding his wishes to the contrary, several friends accompanied him to his door. Scarcely had they taken their leave, when a troop of furious wretches surrounded the General's house, uttering the most dreadful cries, amidst which the words A bas le General Ramel' were distinguishable. The General presented himself sword in hand, and said, What do you want with General Ramel? Here he is.' He was answered by new shouts, and was immediately surrounded and assailed by the vilest rabble; he was able, however, to effect his escape, after receiving, some thirty sabre and bayonet wounds, and a ball in the lower part of his belly, which penetrated his bladder. The General bad still some strength remaining;

he took refuge in a garret, and concealed himself under straw. The assassins, guided by the marks of his blood, followed him, discovered him, and fell again upon. him. He was saved from their hands, and transported to a bed. While the Surgeon was administering the assistance of his art, they returned to the charge,, fell again upon him like wild beasts, and never left him till they had glutted their rage, and given him more than eighty desperate cuts. He is since dead. Six persons were killed, and nearly a dozen wounded,"

The Abbé D'Esrigny, a Member of the Electoral College of Gard, was assassinated near his own house at Marvejols. It appears, that he might have recovered, had medical aid been afforded sooner; but the surgeon dared not leave a viilage at only a small distance from Marvejols, without an escort of 300 meu! The Abbé was therefore left 24 hours without assistance, and died in consequence.

The Prussians, it seems, continue to besiege and capture the French frontier fortresses. The town of Montmedy-Bas, below the fortress of Montmedy, was carried by assault on the night of the 11th inst. by the Prussian troops; and Longwy capitulated on the 15th. The Prussian troops who were at Dinant have received orders to march into France. It is observed, that the war was never carried on. with so much vigour along the whole of the frontier, from the Meuse to Strasburgh, as at this moment. The Prussians carried the lower town of Montmedy at the point of the bayonet; the works and the narrow streets were covered with killed and wounded. The upper town was attacked with the same vigour, and would, no doubt, speedily surrender..

It is said, that Marsha! Blucher has demanded two ships of war, in retaliation for those built by order of Buonaparte at Pillau and Custrin in 1806.


The most remarkable rebel, perhaps, in France, at present, is Barbanegre, who commanded at Huninguen. Gentleman, on the 15th ult. had the facetiousness to open a cannonade on the adjoining villages, in honour of the birth-dayof the Emperor Napoleon; and he afterwards carried his audacity so far, as to demand of the city of Basle a contribution of 500,000 francs !-Huninguen, however, has since been taken, and 3000 persons employed in rasing it to its foundations.

An article from Aix la Chapelle, of the 12th inst. states, that the Duke of Wellington has caused eight pieces of brass canuon, taken from the Enemy, to be delivered to Colonel Osterman, of the troops of Brunswick, in order to be employed iu the monument which it is intended to erect to the memory of the late Duke of Brunswick.

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Marshal Ney arrived in Paris some time ago, under the escort of two gens-d'armes. This small escort was sufficient to guard a man who possessed recently the highest rank in the army. Ney was conducted, in the first place, to the Prefecture of Police, and afterwards to the prison of Conciergierie, where he underwent an examination which lasted five hours.

A justificatory Memorial has been drawn up by M. Berryer, one of the principal lawyers in Paris, in favour of Marshal Ney, The chief point of defence rests upon two assertions; that the crime of the accused was not a premeditated one; that he did not join Buonaparte till part of his troops had deserted him, and that his conduct was then regulated solely by the wish to prevent the calamities of a civil war. The Memorial denies that Ney had received money from the King: but it alludes remotely to the strong expressions used by the Marshal, when, on taking leave of Louis XVIII. he said he would bring back the Invader in an iron cage. This language is ascribed to the enthusiasm excited in Ney by the goodness of the Sovereign.

Ney is allowed permission to see his wife and children. No day is yet,named for his trial.

Marshal Moncey has fallen into dis grace being the senior Marshal of France, he had been nominated to preside at the council of war appointed to try Ney. Under some trifling pretext (Ney being formerly his friend), he declined this honour. The King, to punish his contumacy, issued an Ordinance, in which he declares, that as Marshal Moncey's refusal can be attributed only to a spirit of resistance, the more culpable from the rank he held in the army, he sentences him to be cashiered, and to be imprisoned three months.

An adventurer, called Felix, who traversed many departments under the name of Napoleon Buonaparte, has been apprehended and imprisoned at Vienne. His face has some resemblance to the original, and he is about the same height.

The official Paris Gazette contains an Ordonnance for the creation of a Gendarmerie Royale of 18,000 men. The private letters state, that in and about Paris fo. reign troops are daily accumulating; and the more peaceable and orderly part of the inhabitants are not ill pleased to see them there; as it is very much apprehended that, were they withdrawn, there would be an immediate convulsion. police is not now what it was under Buonaparte. Thousands of persons from the rebel armies come and go at their plea sure; and the walls are scrawled over with most seditious expressions; one of the least offensive of which was as follows:


"Louis XVIII. Roi de France & de Navarre, par la grace de 900,000 baionettes etrangers." Louis XVIII. has consented to the total Abolition of the Slave Trade on the part of France.

While Lord Castlereagh was walking on the 5th inst. in the Champs Elysées, a led horse launched out against him with both his legs, and struck him on bis thighs, just above the knees. The contusion on one limb is considerable; but his Lordship is not likely to be confined by it much longer.

Count Regnaud St. Jean d'Angely, ExMinister of State to Buonaparte, &c. has left Paris for Havre de-Grace, accompanied by his son, to embark for the United States of America. He had been confidentially informed, that wisdom and prudence rendered such a voyage necessary.

The force of the allied troops now in the territory of France is said to be as follows:- Austrians, 250,000; Prussians, 250,000; Russians, 200,000; English, Hanoverians, &c. under the command of the Duke of Wellington, 80,000; Bavarians, Wurtemberghers, &c. 110,000; in all, 890,000. If we add the Staff Officers, and persons belonging to the retinue of the Sovereigns, the suites of the Generals and Officers, &c. &c. the number of the Allies in France will amount to near 1,000,000.


THE INAUGURATION OF THE KING.. Brussels, Sept. 21. Last evening the proclamation of the heralds, a salute of 101 cannon, and ringing of bells, announced the ceremony of this day. This morning at seven, the same salute was repeated. At half past nine, the StatesGeneral were assembled in the hall prepared for the purpose, to wait for his Majesty. At eleven the King left his palace, with a numerous and brilliant suite, His Majesty having taken bis seat upon the throne, delivered the following speech: "High and Mighty Lords,

"The day on which I behold States General, chosen from all the Provinces of the Netherlands, assembled round this throne, fulfils one of the most ardent desires of my heart. The intimate and solid union of these Provinces was, near three centuries ago, the object of a Prince, who, more happy than many of his ancestors, and his successors, had been educated in this country, and who was never denied to possess profound knowledge of its wants, and a sincere attachment to its interests. Charles the Fifth was convinced that the Netherlands, to be happy and independen, should not only obey the same Sovereign, but also be governed by the same general laws. He, however, was not allowed to dedicate his life to this salutary work; and instead of the union so much desired

desired by him, as well as by his disciple William I. it was necessary to submit to melancholy separation. At what `period were the results of this separation more shocking, more fatal, than in these latter years, and what generation has been in a higher degree than ours the witness and the victim of them? The supreme authority had passed into foreign hands; even the shadow of our political existence had disappeared, and the name of the Belgic people was effaced no less than their power. But our characteristic manners, good faith, respect for religious ideas, attachment to the, institutions and customs of our fathers, were preserved, and formed a scarcely visible, but durable boud of union between all these provinces. And thus it was, that immediately after these ever-memorable events, which permitted the establishment of the Belgic monarchy, its divers elements seemed voluntarily to present themselves, and in all the parts were seen a certain tendency to unite in one and the same centre. Now that this edifice, exists, it is we, High and Mighty Lords, who are answerable to our country and to posterity for its preservation. In the important duties which are my lot, I depend upon your co-operation and your patriotic zeal. Difficulties may arrive; but no really great work is free from them; and how can they alarm Belgium, to which Providence has granted such signal favours? Free from internal dissentions and agitations, my subjects have been able to give themselves up, without constraint, to their ancient industry. Commerce flourishes. Tranquillity reigns in the country as in the towns; the temples and public worship are every where honoured. The ease spread over almost all the parts of the kingdom, has served to animate and relieve those which have suffered by the effects of war; and one would even say that this war itself has burst forth in our neighbourhood only to render Brussels a witness of the courage of our defenders, and of their intrepid allies, to make the virtues of charity and beneficence shine there with a lustre hitherto unknown; in a word, to inspire us to cherish every where mutual sentiments, benevolence, confidence, and esteem. It is for you, high and mighty Lords, to cultivate these precious seeds! Let us never forged that concord is the best guarantee of the common security. Manifest, on every occasion, that desire of good, that devotion to the general interests of the kingdom, which characterize the enlightened patriot; and by the influence of your example, let the love of liberty, and of the institutions which protect it, be soon cemented in every heart. Happy will be then the monarchy of the Belgians, and happy the Sovereign, who, strong in their confidence and their

affections, shall guide them in the career of prosperity and of glory."

Count de Thiennes, President of the. first Chamber, made a suitable reply.—

As soon as the Sitting had been opened, his Majesty repaired with his sujte to the Place Royale, where he arrived at1 o'clock. The streets, filled with immense crowds, resounded with acclamations and cries of "Vive le Roi" The platform where the inauguration took place was richly adorned, a magnificent canopy of crimson velvet embroidered with gold was placed upon it, as well as elegantly adorned seats for the persons who attended this august ceremony. The Queen, and the Princesses Dowager of Orange and Brunswick, were at the balcony of an hotel opposite the platform. After the Oath (which was pronounced with an energy that did not escape notice), the solemn Declaration fixed by the 54th Act of the Constitution, was delivered in the two languages by the Presidents of the first and second Chambers. Then the King at Arms cried Long live the King!" which was fepeated by the multitude. Medais struck for the occasion were thrown among the people *; they are well executed, having on one side his Majesty's bust, with the inscription, Wilh. Nass. Belg. Rex. Luxemb. M. Dux." (William of Nassau, King of Belgium, Grand Duke of Luxemburg); and on the reverse, "Patr. Sal. Reg. et Ord. Solen. Sacram. Asserfa." (the public happiness confirmed by the solemn oath of the King and the States.) M. DCCC. XV.

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The procession then repaired on foot to the Cathedral. His Majesty wore the cloak of the ancient Sovereigns, a noble and magnificent costume.-A canopy was erected for his Majesty, while the principal personages of the monarchy were ranged in the choir, which was adorned with the famous tapestry so renowned that country, and which retain all splendour of their colours. After the Te Deum, the King returned to the palace; and having the Queen on his right hand, and on his left the Princesses of Orange and Brunswick, the Prince Royal, and his brother Prince Frederick, a little behind (the company d'elite of the city guard being placed opposite the palace, and the other companies on each side), his Majesty saw from a balcony, the troops of all arms file off before him; and this review was interrupted only by cries of "Long live the King," Long live the Queen." In the evening the city was brilliantly illuminated.

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*We bear, that 500 gold medals, 4000 silver, and 40,000 copper ones, were made for the occasion.



The affairs of Switzerland appear to be at length settled, by the re-admission of the Canton of Lower Underwald into the Confederation.


The Allied Sovereigns at Paris have strongly remonstrated with Ferdinand VII. respecting his past conduct to the Members of the Cortes, and those other of his deserving subjects who aided so much in the liberation of Spain. The last persons condemned by the Inquisitorial Tribunal of Ferdinand for being Liberales, have, in consequence, been lighter dealt with than any of those before condemned.

It appears, that a part of the Spanish army, under the command of the Conde de Abisfal, (O'Donnel,) lately entered France; although another division, under General Castanos, had withdrawn, in consequence of the representations made to the Spanish Commander by the Duke d'Angouleme the former, however, has since returned to Spain.


The Pope, we are told, has made some strong expostulations on the subject of the Piratical States to the Sovereigns at Paris; and observed, that, instead of desolating a fine country like France, they should unite their efforts to tame those scourges of Europe, and fosterers of the plague, which their superstition prevents their taking any precaution against.

King Ferdinand of Naples has issued a decree permitting the importation of corn. into the port of Naples free of all duties; and offering, in addition, a bounty of three carlines per bushel on all so imported.

The fortress of Gaeta has surrendered to the King of Naples.

An article from Naples in the Brussels Papers states, that a convention was concluded between the Allied Powers, on the 4th July, by which the Ionian Isles will be formed into an independent republick, under the protection of Great Britain. The Dalmatian or Ragusan Islands of Lissa, Melida, &c. in the Adriatic, lately occupied by the English, have been incorporated with Dalmatia, and taken possession of by the Austrians.


Letters from Gottenburgh communicate, that the Swedish Government had determined to allow the export of timber and deais, at the same duties by foreign as by Swedish shipping: this concession is regarded as highly advantageous.


By the Hamburgh Papers it appears, that a notification has been made to the Senate of that city, stating that England will exert itself to procure from France the res itution of those funds which Davoust stole from the Bank of Hamburgh.

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Austria and Prussia have sent circular letters for assembling the Diet of the German Confederation at Frankfort on the 1st, of November.


The Emperor of Austria has granted an asylum to King Joachim (Murat), within the limits of his dominions, with liberty to choose any town in Bohemia, Moravia, or Upper Austria, as the place of his resi dence; or, if he should think proper to live in the country instead of in towns of the said province, no objection will be made on the part of the Emperor. he is to engage on his honour (parole), in the presence of his Imperial Majesty, that he will not quit the Austrian dominions, without the express consent of his said Majesty; that he shall renounce the title of King Joachim, and adopt that of Count Lipona (an anagram of Napoli, Naples), and live as a private person of rank.

Jerome Buonaparte is permitted to reside with his wife at the castle of Elwangen, in the duchy of Wirtemberg. He is said to bave saved property to the amount of seven millions!

The German Papers contain a project for carving a new kingdom out of France for the Archduke Charles; to consist of the ancient Lorraine, Alsace, Franche Comte, and some other portions of territory; an including the fortresses of Besançon, Strasburg, Landau, Schlestadt, Befort, Verdun, Montmedi, Metz, Thionville, and other strong places, with a population of 3,500,000 inhabitants. Whether this project is merely imaginary, or is actually in contemplation, a short period probably will disclose.)


It is with much pleasure we announce the surrender of Guadaloupe, on the 10th of August, to a British military and naval Expedition fitted out in the West Indies under the command of Sir James Leith and Admiral Durhain. The principal article of the capitulation is, that the Governor (Admiral Count Linois), the second in command (General Boyer), and all the troops of the line, shall be sent to France as prisoners of war, to be at the disposal of the Duke of Wellington. This service was performed with very incon siderable loss on the part of his Majesty's forces the shipping got so near to the shore, that the troops were enabled to land under their cover, without loss; and in the attack only 16 men were killed, and Capt. Lynch, 63d foot, severely, Lieut. Reickards, 96th foot, slightly, and 47 men wounded. The enemy had about 200 killed and wounded, but no officer of distinction was among the number. Both in this and in the affair of Martinique, Sir James Leith appears to have conducted himself, in very critical circumstances, with admirable promptitude,spirit,and decision. COUN.

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