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" At six in the morning of the 27th, the enemy made two desperate attacks upon our position, the one on the right, the other on the left of the highest point of the Sierra: The attack upon the right was made by two divisions of the 2d corps, on that part... "
The Gentleman's Magazine - Página 358
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Annual Register, Volumen 52

Edmund Burke - 1812 - 850 páginas
...right was made by tuo divisions of the second corps, on that part of the Sierra occupied by the third division of infantry. One division of French infantry...it was attacked in the most gallant manner by the thirty-eighth regiru'iil, ni;<!ri the command of the Hon. Lieutenant-Col. Wallace ; and the forty-fifth...
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Cobbett's Political Register, Volumen 18

William Cobbett - 1810 - 700 páginas
...upon our position, the one on the right, the other on the left of the highest point of the Sierra. The attack upon the right, was made by two divisions of the 2d corps, on that part of.the Sierra occupied by the 3d division of infantry. One division of French infantry arrived at the...
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The Royal military chronicle; or, The British officer's monthly register ...

1811 - 724 páginas
...Extraordinary. — Kattlc nf Bitsaco. the id corps, on that part of the Sierra occupied by the ;><l division of infantry. One division of French infantry...the top of the ridge, when it was attacked in the moit gallant manner by the 88th regiment, undei the command of the Honourable Lieutenant-colonel Wallace;...
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Flower's Political review and monthly register. (monthly ..., Volumen 8

Benjamin Flower - 1811 - 648 páginas
...'<!d. corps, on that part of tlie Sierra occupied by the 3d division of infantry. One division of Frmch infantry arrived at the top of the ridge, when it was attacked in the most gallant manner by the C3th regunent, under tin: command of the Hon. Lieut.-Colonul Wallace ; mid the 45th regiment, under...
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A Treatise on the Defence of Portugal: With a Military Map of the Country ...

William Granville Eliot - 1811 - 322 páginas
...right was made by two divisions of the second corps on that part of the Serra occupied by the third division of infantry. One division of French infantry...arrived at the top of the ridge, when it was attacked by the 88th, 45th British, and 8th Portuguese regimerits, directed by Major-General Pictotr, who commanded...
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The Edinburgh Annual Register, for 1808-26, Volumen 3

1812 - 724 páginas
...upon our position, the one on the right, the other on the left of the highest point of the Sierra: The attack upon the right was made by two divisions...it was attacked in the most gallant manner by the With regiment, under the command of the Hon. Lieutenant-Colonel Wallace, and the 45th regiment, under...
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The Edinburgh Annual Register, Parte 2

1812 - 726 páginas
...upon our position, the one on tlie right, the other on the left of the highest point of the Sierra. The attack upon the right was made by two divisions...division of French infantry arrived at the top of the rklgc, when it was attacked in the most gallant manner by the 811th regiment, :nuler the command of...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1812 - 822 páginas
...right was made by two division* of the second corps, on that part of the Sierra occupied by the third division of infantry. One division of French infantry...It was attacked in the most gallant manner by the thirty-eighth rcyiliu-ut, under the command of the Hon. Lieutenant-Col. Wallace ;-aud tiie forty-filth...
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The Edinburgh Annual Register, Volumen 3

1812 - 722 páginas
...upon our position, the one on the right, the other on the left of the highest point of the Sierra: The attack upon the right was made by two divisions...the 2d corps, on that part of the Sierra occupied bf the 3d division of infantry. — One division of French infantry arrived at the top of the ridge,...
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Monthly Review; Or New Literary Journal

Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1812 - 572 páginas
...second corps on that part of the Serra occupied by the third division of infantry. One division of the French infantry arrived at the top of the ridge, when it was attacked by the 88th, 45th British, and 8th Portuguese regiments, directed by Major-General Picton, who commanded...
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