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" Ceres' shrine; For dull to humid eyes appear The golden glories of the year ; Alas! a melancholy worship's mine. I hail the goddess for her scarlet flower ! Thou brilliant weed That dost so far exceed The richest gifts gay Flora can bestow, Heedless I... "
The Gentleman's Magazine - Página 154
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volumen 34

1799 - 796 páginas
...paf's'd thee, in life's morning hour, (Thou comforter of woe) Till forrow taught me to confefs thy pow'r. In early days, when Fancy cheats, A various wreath I wove, Of laughing fpring's luxuriant fweets, To deck ungrateful lore : The rofe or thorn my numbers crown'd, As Venus...
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The Spirit of the Public Journals: Being an Impartial Selection ..., Volumen 2

Stephen Jones, Charles Molloy Westmacott - 1799 - 432 páginas
...pafs'd thee in life's morning hour, Thou comforter of woe! Till forrow taught me to confcfs thy pow'r. In early days, when Fancy cheats, 'A various wreath I wove, Of fmiling Spring's luxuriant fweets, To deck ungrateful Love; The rofeor thorn my numbers crown'd, As...
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The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany, Volumen 1

366 páginas
...I pafs'd thccrin life's morning hour (Thou comforter of woe,) "Till forrow taught me to confefs ihy power. In early days when fancy cheats, A various wreath I wove ; Of laughing fpring's luxuriant fweets, To deck ungrateful love : The rofe, or thorn, my numbers crown'd, AS Venus...
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The Metrical Miscellany: Consisting Chiefly of Poems Hitherto Unpublished

Maria Woodley Riddell - 1802 - 248 páginas
...brilliant weed That dost so far exceed The richest gift gay Flora can bestow ; Heedless I pass'_d thee in Life's morning hour (Thou comforter of woe) 'Till Sorrow taught me to confess thy pow'r. In early days, when Fancy cheats, A various wreath I wove Of laughing Spring's luxuriant sweets,...
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The Metrical Miscellany: Consisting Chiefly of Poems Hitherto Unpublished

Maria Riddell - 1802 - 484 páginas
...brilliant weed That dost so far exceed The richest gift gay Flora can bestow ; Heedless I pass'd thee in Life's morning hour (Thou comforter of woe) Till Sorrow taught me to confess thy pow'r. In early days, when Fancy cheats, A various wreath I wove Of laughing Spring's luxuriant sweets,...
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The Metrical Miscellany: Consisting Chiefly of Poems Hitherto Unpublished

Maria Riddell - 1803 - 286 páginas
...woe) Till Sorrow taught me to confess thy pow'r. In early days, when Fancy cheats, A various wreath 1 wove Of laughing Spring's luxuriant sweets, To deck...Love ; The rose or thorn my numbers crown'd, As Venus smil'd, or Venus frown'd, But Love, and Joy, and all their train are flow'n, And I will sing of thee...
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The Spirit of the Public Journals

1805 - 436 páginas
...pafs'd thee in life's morning hour, Thou comforter of woe ! Till forrow taught me to confefs thy pow*r. In early days, when Fancy cheats, A various wreath I wove, Of fmiling Spring's luxuriant fweets, To deck ungrateful Love : The rnfe or thorn my numbers crown'd,...
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A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland ..., Volumen 5

Horace Walpole - 1806 - 492 páginas
...pass'd thee in life's morning hour, Thou comforter of woe, Till sorrow taught me to confess thy pow'r. In early days, when fancy cheats, A various wreath...love: The rose or thorn my numbers crown'd, As Venus smil'd, or Venus frown'd, Rut invi' and joy and all their train are flown E'en languid hope no more...
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A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland ..., Volumen 5

Horace Walpole - 1806 - 426 páginas
...pass'd thee in life's morning hour, Thou comforter of woe, Till sorrow taught me to confess thy pow'r. In early days, when fancy cheats, A various wreath...deck ungrateful love : The rose or thorn my numbers crown 'd, As Venus smil'd, or Venus frown'd, But love and joy and all their train are flown } E'en...
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A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland ..., Volumen 5

Horace Walpole - 1806 - 544 páginas
...brilliant weed That dost so far exceed The richest gifts gay Flora can bestow. Heedless I pass'd thee in life's morning hour, Thou comforter of woe, Till sorrow taught me to confess thy pow'r. In early days, when fancy cheats, A various wreath I wove, Of laughing Spring's luxuriant sweets,...
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