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Ross, 20th ft.; Hon. W. Blaquiere, half-pay Birmingham fencibles; H. G. Barry, 15th ft.; T. Browne, 69th ft.; L. de Watteville, Watteville's reg.; J. Lambert, 1st reg. foot guards; J. W. Gordon, royal African corps; M. Head, 13th light dragoons; J. Fuller, Coldstream reg. foot guards; M. Power, 32d ft.; A. Gordon, 67th ft.; T. G. Montresor, 22d light dragoons; M. C. D. Griffith, 1st reg. foot guards; R. Darling, 51st ft.; W. H. Campbell, 31st ft.; J. F. Kelly, Ist reg. foot guards; G. Horsford, 18th ft.; R. Marriott, 24th ft.; L. MacQuarrie, 73d ft.; S. Gibbs, 59th ft.; and H. Taylor, Coldstream reg. foot guards-to be Colonels in the Army.

Lieutenant-Colonels Sir R. T. Wilson knt. 20th light dragoons; M. Lord Aylmer, Coldstream foot guards-to be Aides-deCamp to the King.

Majors W. Armstrong, 65th ft.; J. Kearney, 2d dragoon guards; E. J. O'Brien, half-pay Princess Charlotte of Wales's fencibles; J. Cooke, half-pay 28th dragoons; T. Forster, half-pay York hussars; C. De Vogelsang, Roll's reg.; J. Duns. more, half-pay late 10th garr. batt; J. D. Morgan, half-pay 5th ft.; J. Le Mesurier, half-pay 17th ft.; R. Gore, half-pay York fusileers; A. Stewart, half-pay 4th ft.; Hon. D. G. Hallyburton, half-pay Corsican rangers; Hon. J. Ramsay, half-pay Clanalpine fencibles; J. F. Brown, 28th ft.; J. A. Farqnarson, 25th ft; G. Robertson, Canadian fencibles; R. Owen, half-pay 5th garr. batt.; Hon. H. A. B. Craven, half-pay independents; W. Campbell, 78th ft.; C. Macquarie, 42d ft.; C. Hill, 50th ft.; J. M'Dougal, half-pay 27th ft.; A. G. Norcott, 95th ft.; G. Evans, 2d West India reg.; C. Bruce, 39th ft.; N. Green, half-pay 35th ft.; J. F. Fitzgerald, 60th ft.; C. Hicks, 24th ft.; D. Macbean, 89th ft.; J..Shortall, late royal Irish artillery; R. Legge, late royal Irish art.; R. Crauford, late royal Irish art.; A. Macleod, 59th foot; M. J. Dusaure, chasseurs Britanniques; A. C. Zweiffel, Meuron's reg.; D. Rattray, 1st ft.; W. Carden, 25th light dragoons; C. Tudor, royal waggon train; J. Erskine, 48th ft.; A. B. Clifton, 3d dragoon-guards; W. Marlay, 3d West India reg.; and E. Missett, half-pay 8th garr. batt. to be Lieutenant-Cols. in the Army. Captains C. Keane, royal art.; R. Buckner, royal art.; H. Evelegh, royal art.; A. Maclachlan, 69th ft.; W. Parke, 2d ft.; A. Rumpler, 60th ft.; C. De la H. Bouverie, 60th foot; G. Braun, 60th ft.; R. S. Brough, royal art.; C. C. Bingham, royal art.; G. Muttlebury, 69th ft.; R. Kelly, 47th ft.; J. Dyer, royal art.; J. Miller, 68th ft.; G. W. Barr, 32d ft.; T. Caffin, 5th West India reg.; D. B. Davies, 100th ft.; A. Bredon, royal art.; R. W. Mills, 45th ft.; J. Marsden, 11th ft.; W. H. Ford, royal engineers; H. Edgar, 23d

ft.; F. W. Mulcaster, royal engineers; T. Murphy, 5th West India reg.; S. G. Adye, royal art:; R. O'F. Friend, 41st ft. and A. Clarke, 40th ft.; -to be Majors in the Army.

Staff-To be Aides-de-Camp to the King, Col. H. Davies, 22d light dragoons; Col. D. Pack, 71st ft.; Col. Lord R. F. H. Somerset. 4th dragoons; Col. G. Wilson, 39th ft.; Col. F. W. Buller, Coldstream guards; and Col. R. Ross, 20th ft.

Admiralty-office, July 31. This day, in pursuance of the King's pleasure, the following Flag-officers of His Majesty's fleet were promoted; viz.

Adınirals of the White - Skeffington Lutwidge, esq.; Geo. Montagu, esq.; Right Hon. Geo. Lord Keith, K. B.; Jas. Pigott, esq.; Right Hon. Wım. Lord Radstock; Thomas Mackenzie, esq.; and Sir Roger Curtis, bart.-to be Admirals of the Red.

Admirals of the Blue-William Young, esq.; Right Hon. James Lord Gambier; Philip Patton, esq.; Sir Charles Morice Pole, bart, John Leigh Douglas, esq. William Swiney, esq.; Charles Edmund Nugent, esq.; Charles Powell Hamilton, esq.; Edmund Dod, esq.; Sir Charles Cotton, bart.; John Thomas, esq.; Jas. Brine, esq.; Sir Erasmus Gower, knt; John Holloway, esq.; and Geo. Wilson, esq. -to be Admirals of the White.

Vice Admirals of the Red-Sir Charles Henry Knowles, bart.; Hon. Thos. Pakenham; Rob. Déans, esq.; Jas. Hawkins Whitshed, esq.; Arthur Kempe, esq.; Smith Child, esq.; Thos. Taylor, esq. Sir John Thomas Duckworth, K. B.; Sir Robert Calder, bart.; Hon. Geo. Cranfield Berkeley; Thos. West, esq.; Jas. Douglas, esq.; Peter Aplin, esq.; Henry Savage, esq.; Bartholomew Sam. Rowley, esq.; Sir Richard Bickerton, bart.; and Geo. Bowen, esq. -to be Admirals of the Blue.

Vice Admirals of the White-Robert Montagu, esq.; John Fergusson, esq Edw. Edwards, esq; and Sir Johu Borlase Warren, bart. and K. B. to be Admirake of the Blue.

Vice Admirals of the White-Edward Tyrrel Smith, esq.; Sir Thomas Graves, K. B.; Thomas Macnamara Russel, esq.; Sir Henry Trollope, knt.; Sir Henry Edwyn Stanhope, bart.; Robert M'Douall, esq.; Billy Douglas, esq.; John Wickey, esq.; John Fish, esq.; John Knight, esq.; Edw. Thornborough, esq.; Sampson Edwards, esq.; Geo. Campbell, esq.; Henry Frankland, esq.; Arthur Phillip, esq.; and Sir William Geo. Fairfax, knt.--to be Vice Admirals of the Red.

Vice Admirals of the Blue-Sir James Saumarez, bart. and K. B.; Thos. Drury, esq.; Albemarle Bertie, esq.; Right Hon Wm. Earl of Northesk, K. B.; James Vashon, mirals of the Red.


Vashon, esq.; Thos. Wells, esq.; and
John Laugharne, esq.; Wm. Hargood,
Sir Edw. Pellew, bart.-to be Vice Ad-esq.; Geo. Gregory, esq.; John Ferrier,

Vice Admirals of the Blue-Sir Isaac Coffin, bart.; John Aylmer, esq.; Sam. Osborn, esq.; Rich. Boger, esq.; John Child Purvis, esq.; Theophilus Jones, esq.; Wm. Domett, esq.; Wm. Wolseley, esq.; John Manley, esq.; Geo. Murray, esq.; John Sutton, esq.; Rob. Murray, esq.; Hon. Sir Alex. Cochrane, K. B.; and John Markham, esq. to be Vice Admirals of the White.

Rear Admiral of the Red-Charles Stir ling, esq. to be Vice Adm. of the White. Rear Admirals of the Red-Henry D'Esterre Darby, esq.; Edward Bowater, esq.; George Palmer, esq.; Wm. O'Bryen Drury, esq.; William Essington, esq.; John M'Dougall, esq.; James Alms, esq.; Eliab Harvey, esq.; Sir Edmund Nagle, knt.; John Wells, esq.; Rich. Grindall, esq.; and Geo. Martin, esq. -to be Vice Admirals of the Blue.

Rear Admirals of the Red-Sir Richard John Strachan, bart. and K. B.; Sir Wm. Sidney Smith, knt.; Thos. Sotheby, esq.; Nathan Brunton, esq.; Wm. Hancock Kelly, esq.; John Schank, esq.; and Hon. Michael De Courcy-to be Vice Admirals of the Blue.

Rear Admirals of the White-Wm. Bentinck, esq.; Paul Minchin, esq.; Philip D'Auvergne, Prince of Bouillon; and John Hunter, esq. to be Vice Admirals of the Blue.

Rear Admirals of the White-Francis Pender, esq.; Wm. Albany Otway, esq.; Geo. Lumsdaine, esq.; Sir Samuel Hood, bart. and K. B.; Henry Nicholls, esq.; Herbert Sawyer, esq.; Davidge Gould, esq.; Sir Rich. Goodwin Keats, K. B.; Rob. Devereux Fancourt, esq.; Sir Edw. Buller, bart.; Hon. Rob. Stopford; Mark Robinson, esq.; Thos. Revell Shivers, esq.; Francis Pickmore, esq.; John Stephens Hall, esq.; and John Dilkes, esq. -to be Rear Admirals of the Red.

Rear Admirals of the Blue-Wm. Lechmere, esq.; Thos. Foley, esq.; Charles Tyler, esq.; and Rob. Carthew Reynolds, esq. to be Rear Admirals of the Red.

Rear Admiral of the Blue-Rob. Watson, esq.; Rt. Hon. Alan Hyde Lord Gardner; Manley Dixon, esq.; Geo. Losack, esq.; Wm. Mitchell, esq.; Geo. Hart, esq.; Thos. Bertie, esq.; Rowley Bulteel, esq.; Wm. Lake, esq.; Isaac Geo. Manley, esq.; John Osborn, esq.; Edm. Crawley, esq.; Charles Boyles, esq.; Sir Thos. Williams, knt.; Thos. Hamilton, esq.; Sir Thomas Boulden Thompson, bart.; and Geo. Countess, esq. to be Rear Admirals of the White.

And the undermentioned Captains were also appointed Flag-officers of His Majesty's fleet, viz.

esq.; Rich. Incledon Bury, esq.; Robert Moorsom, esq.; Sir Charles Hamilton, bart.3; Hon. Henry Curzon; Lawrence Wm. Halsted, esq.; Edw. Oliver Osborn, esq.; Sir Harry Neale, bart.; Sir Joseph Sidney Yorke, knt.; Hon. Arthur Kaye Legge; Francis Fayerman, esq.; Right. Hon. Geo. Earl of Galloway; Thos. Francis Fremantle, esq.; Sir Francis Laforey, bart.; Philip Charles Durham, esq.; and Israel Pellew, esq. to be Rear Admirals of the Blue.

The King has been pleased to appoint Benj. Hallowell, esq.; Geo. Johnstone Hope, esq.; the Right Hon. Lord Amelius Beauclerk; and James Nicoll Morris, esq. to be Colonels in His Majesty's Royal Marine Forces, in the room of Wm. Hargood, esq.; Rob. Moorsom, esq.; Sir Charles Hamilton, bart.; and the Hon. Henry Curzon-appointed Flag-officers of His Majesty's fleet.

War-office, July 25. His Majesty has been pleased to promote the following Officers of the Royal Marines, as undermentioned; viz.

Colonel--Andrew Burn, to be a MajorGeneral in the Army. Captains-Paul Hunt; Ephraim Bomford; B. Dickenson; Geo. Wolfe; and Wim. Barry-to be Majors in the Army. War-office, Aug. 4. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned Officers of the East India Company's forces, to take rank by Brevet in His Majesty's Army in the East Indies only, as follows:

Colonels J. Richardson, H. Oakes, E. Trapaud, D. M'Neile, T. Marshall, C. Reynolds, W. Kinsey, T. Bowser, B. Close, H. Stafford, J. Morris, P. Powell, R. Phillips, R. Bruce, H. C. Palmer, R.. Blair, A. Kyd-to be Major Generals.

Lieutenant Colonels N. Carnagie, J. Horsford, J. Gordon, T. S. Bateman, R. Bell, T. Clarke, W. H. Blachford, м. Grant, J. Baillie, W. Williamson, A. Disney, J. Brunton, J. Cuppage, R. Lang, H. P. Lawrence, H. White, G. Martindell, C. Rumley, G. S. Brown, W. D. Fawcett, and H. Woodington-to be Colonels.

Captains P. Littleton, J. M. Stewart, G. Eagle, M. Macnamara, W. Sturrock, A. Fraser, J. Anderson, J. D. Sherwood, L. B. Morris, R. Berrie, T. Hill, G. Fuller, G. Mason, T. Maran, R. Spottiswoode, F. Drummond, A. Macleod, E. W.Butler, G. Hickman, N. Cambridge, D. H. Dalton, G. Pennington, A. Campbell, H. Jacques, A. Green, M. Macleod, A. Maxwell, J. Mouat, R. Stevenson, D. Robertson, J. M. Johnson, J. Meiler, Sir T. Ramsay, J. Taylor, R. Hetzler, C. Brown, H. Greene, A. N. Mathews, W. Hopper, T. Anburey, and T. Wood-to be Majors.



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31. In Hill-street, the wife of George Baring, esq, a son.

Lately, At Addington, Scotland, Lady Harriet Mitchell, sister to His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, a dau.

In Bloomsbury-square, the wife of Peter Blackburn, esq. a dau.

Lady Harriet Bagot, a son.

In Upper Grosvenor-street, the wife of Horace Beckford, esq. of Stapleton, Dorset, a son.

At Stoke Rochford, the wife of Edmund Turnor, esq. a son.

Aug. 1. At Brighton, the wife of the Hon. Edward John Turnour, youngest son of the Earl of Winterton, a dau. still-born.

4. At Henham-hall, Suffolk, Lady Rous,

a son.

In Duchess-street, Portland-place, the wife of Dr. Crotch, of twin daughters.

5. At Clanville-lodge, near Andover, the wife of Brownlow Mathew, esq, a son. 8. At Ramsgate, Lady Frances Buchapan Riddell, of Riddell, a son.

At Edinburgh, Lady Anne Wharton Duff, a dau.

11. At the house of John Ley, esq. St. Margaret-street, Westminster, Lady Frances Ley, a dau.

At Dalhousie-castle, the Countess of Dalhousie, a dau. still-born.

14. At Oatfield-house, East Lothian, Mrs. Wallace, a son.

At Louth, the wife of Rev. T. H. C. Orme, a son.

18. At Wear-house, near Exeter, the lady of Sir J. T. Duckworth, a son.

At Exeter barracks, Lady Isabella de Chabot, the lady of the Viscomte de C, major in the 9th light dragoons, son of Comte de Tarnac, a son, Her ladyship is fourth sister to His Grace the Duke of Leinster.

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July A T Swindon, Wilts (under the 10. sanction of the High Court of Chancery) the Rev. George Garlick, of Painswick, to Miss Smith, dau. of the late John S. esq, of that place.

16. Robert Marriot, esq. of Brook-hall, Northamptonshire, to Dorothy, 2d dau. of George Appleby, esq. of Barrow, co. Lincoln.

23. Mr. Robert Hesselwood, manager of J. K. Pickard's, esq. lead-works in Hull, to Miss Firth, dau. of Mr. F. of Patrington.

25. By special licence, John Henry Smyth, esq. eldest son of the Right hon. John S. of Heath, to Sarah Caroline, secoud dan. of the late Henry Ibbetson, esq. of St. Anthony's, Cumberland.

26. Rev. John Beresford, eldest son of the Hon. and most reverend his Grace the Lord Archbishop of Tuam, to the only daughter and heiress of the late Robert Horseley, esq, late of Bolam, Northumb.

30. Mr. Wm, Mortimer, surgeon, to Miss Mansel, dau, of the late Robert M. of Glamorganshire, esq. and cousin of the present Bishop of Bristol,

31. John Downe, esq. eldest son of Ri chard D. esq. banker, of Bartholomew. lane, to Anne, eldest dau. of Thos. Mor timer Kelson, esq.

Paul Methuen, esq. of Corsham-house, Wilts, to the eldest daughter of the late Sir Henry Paulett St. John Mildmay, bart.

Rev, Robinson Elsdale, 2d master of Manchester free grammar-school, to Marianne, eldest dau. of Rev. Wm. Leeves, rector of Wrington, Somerset.

Lately, Rev. John Whittington, rector of Cold Aston, Gloucestershire, to Elizabeth, relict of John Reincker Kater, esq. of Bristol.

Thomas Ovey, jun. esq. of Mount Pleasant, Reading, to Eliza youngest dau, of M. Slater, esq. of Walworth.

Sir Wm. Pole, of Shute-house, Devon, bart. to Miss Charlotte Frazer.

Edward Stracey, esq. of Parliamentstreet, to Miss Brooksbank, heiress of the late Win. B. esq. of Beach, co. Chester.


At Edinburgh, Dr. Brewster, to Julia, youngest dau. of the late Jas. Macpherson, esq. M. P. of Bellirico-house, Scotland.

At Stone, co. Glouc. Gec. Bourne, esq 85th foot, late of Skendleby Thorpe, co. Lincoln, to Mrs. Bulkeley, only dau, of the late Win. Paty, esq. of Bristol.

Rev. Rich. Dods, rector of Fleet, Lincolnshire, to Miss Stanger, of Fleet.. Rev. Edw. Whitby, to Mary, 2d dau. of the late Benj. Way, esq. of Denhamplace, Bucks.

21. At Sir F. Baring's, Lee, Kent, the Rev. D. Prothero, rector of Landilo wife of Tho. Road Kempe, of Herstmon-Carmarthenshire, to Miss Watkins, dau.

ceaux-castle, Sussex, a son and heir.

24. At Rolleston, Staffordshire, the lady of Sir Oswald Mosley, bart, M. P. a dau.

of of Highway, near Swansea. Rev. Thos. Slater, rector of Wilby, Notts, to Miss Luck, of Overstone.

Lieut.-col. Pierce to Miss Lester. Rev. W. C. Clack, rector of Moretonhampstead, to Miss Naylor, of Coombe Royal, Kingshridge, Devon.

Rev. B. Lumley, rector of Dalby, Yorkshire, to Miss Bennett, dau. of the late John B. esq. of Barton, Lincolnshire.

Martin Diederich Rucker, esq. of Upper Thames-street, to Sarah, 2d dau. of J. Evans, esq. of Walworth.

Mr. C. Holder, of Nailsea, to Miss Cary, dau. of M. Cary, esq. of Kingston, with a fortune of 30,000l.

Lieut.-col. Walsh, to the widow of C. Hopkins, esq.

J. C. Winder, esq. of East Lenham, to Frances, dau. of the late Rob. Harrison, esq. of Acton-hall, Charing, Kent.

Rev. E. W. Ingram, rector of Stanford, Worcestershire, to Miss J. Onslow, 21 dau. of the very reverend the Dean of Wor


Henry Patterson, jun. esq. to Anna eldest dau: of Sir Thos. Turton, bart. M.P. Rev. Charles Mosey, rector of Southwick, Hants, to Charlotte, eldest dau. of Francis Fownes Luttrell, esq.

Richard Curran, esq. eldest son of the Right hon. John P. C. master of the rolls in Ireland, to Mrs. Wiysel, of York-place. The Hon. Thos. Mullins, 2d son of the Right hon. Lord Ventry, to Mrs. Archer, dau. of Mrs. Reader, of Brunswick-square, and widow of the late Major-gen. Archer: August 1. Wm. Bolland, esq. of the Middle Temple, to Elizabeth, third dau. of John Bolland, esq. of Clapham.

2. Rev. Edw. Allen, son of Wm. A. esq. of Lewisham, to Anne, the youngest dau. of John St. Barbe, esq. of Blackheath.

Rev. John Cholmeley, rector of Brandiston, Norfolk, to Selina Eliza, third dau. of Richard Puller, esq.

Rev. Wm. Hammersley, vicar of Cheswardine, Salop, to Constantia, second dau. of the Rev. Dr. Davenport, rector of Bardwell, aud minister of Sapiston, Suffolk.

4. Lieut.-gen. Sir David Baird, bart. K. B. to Miss Preston Campbell.

6. At Woodford, Michael Henry Perceval, esq. to the eldest dau, of Sir Charles Flower, bart.

Robert Foster Grant, esq. to Mary Slade, only dau, of Nathanael Dalton, esq. of Stranks-house, Somersetshire.

9. At Snarestone, George Moore, jun. esq. of Appleby, to the only dau, of John Drummond, esq. of Snareston-hall, Leicest,

John Clarke, of Wigston-hall, co. Leic. esq. to Catharine Martha, eldest dau. of Thomas Baddeley, of Newport, Salop, esq. 11. At Barton under Needham, Staffordshire, George Birch, esq, of Blakenhall, to the only dau. of Thos. Cockayne, esq. of Ickleford-house, Herts.

13. At Little Horsted, Sir George Clark, bart. of Penniwick, to Maria, second dau.

of Ewan aw, esq. and niece of Lord Ellenborougn.

14. At Northfleet, Benj. Sharpe, esq. of Fleet-street, banker, to Anne, eldest dau. of Benj. Kennet, esq.

At Aldenham, Herts, ...... Story, esq. to Mrs. Amherst, widow of the late John A. of Kent, esq. and one of the daughters of Caleb Lomax, esq.

15. At Ufford, Suffolk, Christopher Armstrong, esq. to Sarah, second dau. of Rev. Jacob Chilton, rector of Eyke.

At Godmanchester, Huntingdonshire, at 2 o'clock P. M. by the Rev. Simon Lepseker, Mr. Jonas Lazarus, silversmith and jeweller, of Lincoln, to the beautiful and accomplished Miss Rosceia Nathan, dau. of Mr. M. I. Nathan, silversmith and jeweller, of the former place. The marriage ceremony was performed in Mr. Nathan's garden, in the presence of a numerous company of Jews and Christians (at least 200 persons), under an elevated canopy supported by four youths. A band of musick, playing a grand martial air, preceded the bridegroom, who was attended by the bride's father and grandfather: some minutes after, they were followed by the bride (veiled), attended by her mother and grandmother. Four green wax tapers were burning during the ceremony. The bride was led several times round the bridegroom; and the ring was put on the forefinger of her left hand, where it remained till the next day, and was then placed on the usual finger appropriated for that purpose. At the conclusion, a glass was handed round to the happy couple and their relations, out of which they all drank; it was then laid under the bridegroom's feet, and by him stamped to pieces. After the ceremony a large party of their friends sat down to a handsome dinner provided for the occasion.

16. J. Egerton, esq. of Gray's-inn, to Mrs. Forbes, dau. of the late Col. Sir John Cumming, and widow of Arthur Forbes, esq. Evelyn John Shirley, esq. of Eatington, Warwickshire, to the only dau. of Arthur Stanhope, esq.

18. Mr. Robert Wm. Herring, of Fleetstreet, to Miss Morgan, dau. of Mr. John M. of Ludgate-hill.

John Guise, esq. of Lower Grosvenorplace, to Maria, 2d dau. of the late Rich. Westmacotť, esq.

19. Hon. Philip Sydney Pierrepoint, youngest son of the Earl Manvers, to Georgina, only dau. of the late H. G. Browne, esq. of Imley-park, Northamptonshire, and widow of the late Pryce Edwards, esq. of Talgrath, co. Merioneth,

21. Rev. Benj. Maddock, B. A. to Miss Walker, dau. of the late Rev. Dr. W. of Leicester.

27. Visc. Falmouth to Anne Frances, eldest dau. of Henry Bankes, esq.


ALTHOUGH recollection swells with many circumstances highly interesting to a parental heart, they will chiefly be "kept and pondered there," till that heart shall cease to beat, and the tender intercourse, which has been interrupted by death, shall be renewed in a state of bliss; where will be no more sorrow or separation. Only such incidents will, therefore, here be recorded, as may have an useful or instructive tendency. And one of those incidents occurred when the youthful subject of these brief memoirs was not more than five years old, proving that the principles of Religion cannot too soon be implanted. "For, whom shall we teach knowledge?" says the Prophet: "Whom shall we make to understand doctrine? even them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts." Isaiah xxviii. 9. Having done something which his tender mother (who is now a Saint in heaven) judged deserving of punishment, she gently corrected him; at the same time telling him "that, by the fault, he had offended his Heavenly Father." Soon afterwards the child was missing; and his mother and aunt became somewhat alarmed respecting his safety: when the latter (without his perceiving her) discovered him, in one of the most retired places he could find, prostrate upon his knees, with his little hands uplifted in a most earnest manner, in the act of devout supplication to God to pardon. When about the same age, while walking with him in the fields, a dead hedge-hog was observed near the path, which greatly excited his wonder and curiosity. After giving him some information concerning its former habits and economy, I concluded by observing, "that it probably owed its death to a persuasion, very generally received, that hedge-hogs sucked the teats of cows while lying down in their pastures." Inmediately on hearing this (before I had expressed my own disbelief of the circumstance) he began, with a small stick which he had in his hand, very attentively to examine the mouth of the dead animal; cautiously asking, at the same time, whether it had attained its full growth? On being told that I never saw one larger in my life, he exclaimed, "Why, Papa, it is impossible! for look at the size of the poor thing's mouth, and look at the size of the teats of a cow. Its mouth would hardly take in one of my fingers: while the teat of a cow is as thick as my wrist." Then, plaintively commiserating it, he said, "Poor creature! poor creature !

if upon that charge thou hast been killed, thou hast suffered most unjustly *." The reader will conclude the little Naturalist was caressed and commended for his observation. May thousands of ill-judging men learn wisdom from this child, and spare, in future, a persecuted, harmless species of animals, physically incapable of committing the wrongs imputed to them! On the contrary, they are beneficial to man; being destructive only of slugs and noxious reptiles, which secrete themselves by day in banks and hedges, and at night sally forth to devour the fruits of the garden or the labours of the field. The same accuracy of observation distinguished the dear boy throughout his short and innocent life. Nor did any one ever converse with him without being frequently astonished, and always delighted. Of Natural History and Agriculture he was particularly fond: and a respectable gentleman, of extensive knowledge and experience in husbandry, near the place where he was at school, declared-" that he had often been taught something by him worth remembering, relative to land or crops, sheep or cattle, whenever his little favourite became his companion round his farm." The concern evinced by that gentleman and his family at the melancholy disaster which befel him, was of no common kind. Indeed, all who knew him felt a tender interest in his fate. When first taken to school (being then not quite ten years old) his indulgent friends had supplied his box with a plentiful stock of dainties; which, he was told, were to last him a long while. But, before I left him, he came and whispered this request in my ear: "Papa, will you give me leave to divide my cake and gingerbread among my schoolfellows? In a few minutes they were thus disposed of, without reserving for himself the smallest portion. On embracing and quitting him, "Some natural tears he dropt, but wip'd

them soon,"

and entered, with all the vivacity and sweetness of disposition which were so péculiar to him, into the sports and amusements of his new companions. At the first vacation, when he came home from sehool, he one day said to me--"Father, I shall be obliged to you if, in future, you will not let me be a parlour-boarder: for I think the little distinctions and indulgences I receive make my schoolfellows envious. Indeed, I am sure they do not like me so well as they would if I were treated just as they are; and I do

* This sentiment and remark will apply to some communications lately inserted in the pages of the Gentleman's Magazine on this subject, GENT. MAG. August, 1810,


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