The Gentleman's Magazine, Volumen 80,Parte 2;Volumen 108

F. Jefferies, 1810
The "Gentleman's magazine" section is a digest of selections from the weekly press; the "(Trader's) monthly intelligencer" section consists of news (foreign and domestic), vital statistics, a register of the month's new publications, and a calendar of forthcoming trade fairs.

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Términos y frases comunes

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Página 368 - In varying cadence, soft or strong, He swept the sounding chords along : The present scene, the future lot, His toils, his wants, were all forgot: Cold diffidence, and age's frost, In the full tide of song were lost ; Each blank, in faithless memory void, The poet's glowing thought supplied : And, while his harp responsive rung, 'Twas thus the latest minstrel sung.
Página 214 - I myself thought good to imitate the Italian fashion by this forked cutting of meate, not only while I was in Italy, but also in Germany, and oftentimes in England since I came home...
Página 98 - God is faithful, who will not suffer" us " to be tempted above that" we " are able ; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that " we
Página 512 - It is surely a particular hardship, that I should not get bread in my own country (and it is too late to go abroad) after having acquired the reputation of excelling in the most useful art known to mankind; while every one who excels as a Player, Fiddler, Dancer, &c. not only lives in affluence, but has it in their power to save a fortune.
Página 528 - ... for twenty years, might be supposed to have left some unrecorded memorials of his existence behind him. We found many persons in the village who could repeat some of his lines, and none who were not acquainted with his
Página 131 - To which are added, Notes from the Spanish and French Versions, and two Appendixes, by the English Editor; the first, an Account of the Archipelago of Chiloe, from the Description Historial of PF Pedro Gonzalez de Agueros; the second, an Account of the Native Tribes who inhabit the Southern extremity of South America, extracted chiefly from Falkner's description of Patagonia.
Página 441 - When Shall We Three Meet Again t When shall we three meet again ? When shall we three meet again? Oft shall glowing hope expire, Oft shall wearied love retire, Oft shall death and sorrow reign, Ere we three shall meet again.
Página 154 - Ceres' shrine; For dull to humid eyes appear The golden glories of the year ; Alas! a melancholy worship's mine. I hail the goddess for her scarlet flower ! Thou brilliant weed That dost so far exceed The richest gifts gay Flora can bestow, Heedless I pass'd thee in life's morning hour— Thou comforter of woe— Till sorrow taught me to confess thy power.
Página 368 - The pitying Duchess praised its chime, And gave him heart, and gave him time, Till every string's according glee Was blended into harmony. And then, he said, he would full fain He could recall an ancient strain, He never thought to sing again.
Página 358 - At six in the morning of the 27th, the enemy made two desperate attacks upon our position, the one on the right, the other on the left of the highest point of the Sierra: The attack upon the right was made by two divisions of the 2d corps, on that part of the Sierra occupied by the 3d division of infantry.

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