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is our duty to love our brethren, our poor brethren, and to endeavour to set them in such a position as that the industrious and prudent may obtain the necessaries of life. It cannot be

done in this country. The enormous national debt, the exceedingly expensive government, and the national church incubus, with other irrational laws made by rich men (which have the effect of grinding the poor, whether framed for that express purpose or not)-form such a national burden, which directly or indirectly, must always press upon the shoulders of the producing classes, as extinguishes all national hope of their ever, unless by some radical revolution, being enabled to gain a fair day's wages by a fair day's work. Such at least is the conviction of all the intelligent men who have seriously devoted their attention to this subject. The conviction is general. It prevails over the whole country, for hundreds and thousands are emigrating from England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, who never would leave their native land unless forced to do so by the pressure of circumstances. And the conviction deepens daily and yearly. From the port of Liverpool alone, for one part of this year, there is an increase of ten thousand above the enormous emigration of last season. These go out on their own expenses. This is impossible in the case of our poor brethren. Hence the necessity for an emigration society, under the management, and supported by the liberality, of the church.

According to our 5th proposition, it is proposed to locate the emigrants in colonies, that they might enjoy the advantages of church fellowship themselves, and act as missionaries to their neighbours.

If we are not misinformed, this plan of missions, or one very similar, has been advocated by Brother Campbell, as preferable to that in use among all the sects, with the exception of the Moravian brethren. Would that he

might see it his duty to give our proposed attempt at realizing his own ideas, the powerful aid of his voice and pen.

No doubt this plan of colonizing must be far more expensive than merely to assist the brethren to pay their passage out. By so doing we should doubtless improve the temporal condition of our poor brethren, as the churches in America might be induced, for Jesus' sake, to prepare homes, and find employment for their emigrating brethren, before they were fairly entered into a new country, and used to a new mode of life. Indeed, were such a scheme to meet the general approbation of the brethren, we should do all in our power to forward it.

But would not this take from the scheme its missionary character? And ought not we of the reformation

the sect of the Nazarenes―to be as zealous as others in that good work? We have no missions. This is a reproach. Let us roll it away, and doing so, at the same time show our love to the brethren.

According to proposition 6th, it is proposed to form our society upon the model of the Potters'. We have given a brief statement of the principles of that society in our first article, and those who wish for further information, may order from their booksellers "The Emigrant's Advocate," a weekly-or "Evan's Guide," a monthly— publication: both are very low in price, and valuable in matter.

We believe that the plan is susceptible of improvement-that it is not advisable to put all and sundry upon the land-that the colonists in general should work at their various trades, and only be employed in agricultural operations in the busy seasons. But in the weekly payment of small shares by those who desire to emigrate in the reservation of lands for sale

in the repayment of all the expenses of location in annual instalments of produce or money, by the colonists, we see much to approve of.


colonists are preserved from the degra- calculated to awaken, the following reflections dation of pauperism, and the share- spontaneously arose to the mind holders are insured against loss; notwithstanding its timely and distinct an1st. The extreme smallness of the meeting, while the church has an ever increas-nouncement in the BRITISH MILLENNIAL HAR

ing fund to carry out the charitable and Christian scheme.

We shall conclude this present article by noting an objection or two that has been brought against the scheme by brethren whom we highly respect. One brother asks if our own large cities would not be better fields for evangelizing purposes than the back woods of America? To which we reply-first, that the largest cities in the world will soon be in the back woods of America. This we believe will be admitted: well, then, is it not of the utmost importance that these cities, in their very formation, should be leavened with pure and primitive Christianity. This is a gospel hardened country. The ears of the people are so shut by various causes against the truth, that we might almost as well preach to stocks and stones. One principal cause of this wilful deafness is the indifference with which all parties view the sufferings of the poor. Hence our scheme would be the means of opening the ears of thousands, and probably increase forty-fold the number of our members so that instead of lessening, we should augment the number of our brethren even in this country —for there is a scattering, and it tendeth to increase.

BINGER, was mush calculated to bring a damp over the mind, particularly of those who did attend, and who had, some of them, come from a considerable distance. It will be best known

to the absentees themselves whether they can, in every instance, render a satisfactory reason. This circumstance was also calculated to impress us with our own insignificance as a body; the imposing spectacle of more popular diviand trying to the faith when we call to mind sions of the professed Christian community, whose anniversary gatherings, in some instances, can scarcely find a covert under the of preachers to foreign parts, the annual intelsame roof, and who can send out whole legions ligence of whose operations are far more voluminous than even the Acts of Apostles altogether! When shall it be that we shall exhibit such an appearance, and do such an amount of

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work? But we must look a little under the surface, and not be discouraged. These splendid appearances of popular sects, do they not owe their popularity to the very fact of the great amount of worldliness which enters into their composition, and tinges all their operations the most ancient, the most splendid, and the most popular of them all still being the holy apostolical Church of Rome itself! Are we then to despond because few and small, in comparison of such? No, verily! Are we not intelligently confident of standing more perpendicular than any of them on the apostolic platform, and that we are seeking to advance Christ's cause by a stricter attention to the only authorized plan of doing it — to have the approval of heaven, or to be attended with legitimate success? Are we not conscious of knowing the truth in its simplicity, which saves and that makes men free? Are we not reformers of the right school, who seek a restoration of original Christianity in spirit and truth?

But it is said the plan is utopian-Well, if we be worthy of such a name, it bethat is, as we understand it, impracticable. To this objection we will speak in our next.

D. L.




NO. I.

DEAR BROTHER On returning from the meeting held at Sunderland 29th, 30th, and 31st May, and allowing the excitement to abate which the scenery of a strange place, and personal interviews with brethren beloved, are

comes us not, though few and small, to shrink from the responsibilities which such a name implies; but to consider it our highest honour and privilege to be used as instruments in bringing about such a restoration as the congregation of God, long held a captive in Babylon, and despoiled of her purity, requires-humiliating to think of, up to this late period of the 19th century. And let us draw encouragement from the fact that the Most High, in effecting his purposes, is pleased often to use an instrumentality, though by the wise of the world

"Deemed weak, subverting worldly strong And worldly wise, by simply meek."

2nd. For our encouragement, our meeting, though small, was very harmonious. Nothing was said but what the law of love and brotherly

kindness dictated; nor any thing resolved to be done, but by perfect concord and unauimity -while a tender solicitude was evinced by all to avoid the presumptuous error of legislation and domination on the one hand, and isolation

and self-willed independency on the other, by either individual members or congregations.

3rd. Another encouraging circumstance lay in the fact, that the brotherhood at large seem to be fully alive to the scriptural bearing and utility of unity and organization, as the letters which were read bore evidence from almost every locality, as well as the reports from district associations already formed, and all of which were responded to so heartily by the brethren present: so much so, indeed, that on anticipating the next general meeting, agreed to be held at Nottingham, it was thought by all present, that it would chiefly, if not altogether consist of delegates or messengers from the different local district associations, most likely then to be in existence, encircling the entire brotherhood in Great Britain and Ireland.

4th. But still it is matter of regret that our chief organ of periodical intelligence, the BRITISH MILLENNIAL HARBINGER, labours from too straitened a circulation, barely yielding as much as defrays the necessary outlay for paper and printing, without any remuneration to our much respected Brother Wallis for the conducting of it. But while he is still willing to make such a sacrifice for the good of the cause, it is too much to oblige him to suffer loss in addition to his non-pay service, against which, in part, to indemnify him, a distinct pledge was given by brethren attending the Chester meeting in 1847, a considerable balance of which remains still unpaid which may he from inadvertence, or not considering that it would be needed. It is expected that the slightest hint to this effect will be sufficient to awaken attention, and lead to a fulfilment of all our respective pledges. And, better still, to stir up the brethren in every locality, to use their utmost effort to procure for the HARBINGER a more extensive patronage, which, to be allowed to drop, we certainly would look upon in the light of a most severe calamity.

In conclusion, we would observe that the preparation made for the meeting by our brethren of Sunderland-the place chosen, the notification given to the public for Wednesday evening, and which succeeded so well in calling out so large, respectable, and attentive an audience, to hear the apostolic gospel so faithfully propounded by our Brother King, of London, and Brother Wallis, of Nottingham-together with the Christian kindness and hospitality shown to the strangers-were all such as could be desired, worthy of imitation, and not soon to be forgotten.

J. D.


DEAR BROTHER-I seize the first leisure moment I have had since my return, to drop you a line expressive of my views and feelings on anticipation of our future hopes and prospects the retrospective of our late meeting, and in in the great cause of reformation. I have no doubt you are as pleased as myself with the review of the Sunderland meeting, which breathed forth the spirit of peace, love, concord, and zeal, as fully manifested (though the meeting was small) by the spirit of the brethren who were able to attend, and by the numerous letters from the several churches, declarative of their unity in the principle on which these annual meetings are founded, and their hearty concurrence in the duty and necessity of maintaining a "long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether," for the evangelizing of the world, and the building of one another up in our most holy faith: to which great ends our general meetings will, I feel persuaded, powerfully promote, together with the immediate pleasure and sympathy enjoyed in each other's presence, and the extension of personal acquaintanceship.

I do entirely approve of the course adopted by the churches in Fifeshire, and its success so far should encourage the other churches to follow on in the same path. Let a church or a number of churches in a district appoint suitable persons as evangelists, whose duties, being confined to their own immediate locality, will involve less expense than if a wider sphere were given to their labours: for not only will travelling expenses be saved, but the parties engaged as evangelists, not being withdrawn from their business or ordinary employment, will not require to be supported. But while these considerations are urged, at present, in favor of the plan of local evangelists, it must be admitted that the labours of an earnest and efficient general evangelist or two would be most important. There are many of our church weak both in point of number and talent, and in very many perhaps no one qualified for the evangelical office could be found. If, now, we had a general evangelist, to such churches he should be sent, and not to those churches where gifts more abound. But, for the present, is there not a possibility of having this work done without a general evangelist? It has occurred to me and a few others, that all we want for the management of a committee, for the purpose the performance of it is, a general fund under of defraying the expenses of occasional visits of the most prominent of the local evangelists, to committee and general fund will, I trust, such churches when necessary. This general receive the attention of the brethren at our next meeting in Nottingham, unless, in the meantime, some better way of effecting this very important object may be suggested.

J. K. T.


DEAR BROTHER-After we returned from the co-operative meeting, we placed before our brethren the resolution respecting the conntry being divided into district associations, and they passed a resolution approving of the suggestion. Subsequently Brother Perkins and myself were delegated to see the brethren at Leigh and Whittle, which we did last Lord's day, when a resolution was passed forming ourselves into a district association, Brother Turner being requested to write to the brethren at Liverpool and Ashton, to invite them to join with us for mutual help and district co-operation. Wigan, June 13th, 1849.

T. C.

DEAR BROTHER--I send you a copy of a letter which has been sent to the churches in this district, to show you that we are a little on the move in the right direction.

"At the late meeting in Sunderland it was unanimously agreed to recommend the formation of the various churches in this country into district associations. According to that request the churches of Wigan and Leigh, and by letter from Whittle, met at Leigh on Lord's day, June 11th, 1849, to consult upon the best means of carrying out such a desirable object; and being unitedly agreed that a co-operation of the churches would tend greatly to promote Christian union and brotherly love, as well as give a better opportunity to the brethren to carry out the principles of the Christian religion, it was unanimously resolved--

"1. That the above churches be formed into the Lancashire District Association.

2. That the churches at Ashton and Liverpool be invited to unite with us in the above

[blocks in formation]

PAYMENT OF PASTORS. DEAR BROTHER-Some little time since I replied to some remarks by Brother J. G. Lee upon paying of pastors. I undertook to demolish his argument in favor of such an anti-Christian practice, by showing that he had mistaken the Greek word translated "honor," which word he affirmed to be what it was not. Now I fully perceive that if Brother Lee is correct as to the word, the argument stands, and pastors must be paid. But, as I then affirmed, the word is timè, and therefore our brother is wrong. You may say, "Well, he has not denied it, and therefore why write again ?" be

cause, having made such a mistake, Brother Lee is bound, in your pages, to admit it. Your readers who know not Greek are, by his mistake, prevented from concluding the important question before us. The man who prints error, and allows it to remain uncorrected when he has discovered its character, commits a high offence; and I, therefore, write to require Brother Lee to relieve those who cannot decide for themselves, by saying he was mistaken. Should Brother Lee neglect to do so I must call upon you, Brother Wallis, as one deeply interested in the contents of your pages, to declare who is right. I do not mean as to whether pastors should be paid, but as to what the Greek word is, which in our common version (1 Tim. v. 17) is translated "honor."

I trust you will understand that in calling for this admission on the part of Brother Lee, I am not seeking a personal triumph — I ask it not as a thing due to me. It may not be long before either in speaking or writing I mistake as extensively; but I demand it, that your readers may not be deluded.

As Brother Lee is near you, perhaps you can show him this. Should it then produce the requisite admission, that will suffice; should it not, I shall thank you to place it in the next HARBINGer. D. KING.

DEAR BROTHER WALLIS-I dare say you recollect my stating to you, a few days ago, when you were at my house, that I had abridged my arguments concerning the payment of pastors, by erasing matter which would have demanded four additional pages of the HARBINGER, and therefore encroached too much on your limited space. This matter I shall send to you for insertion in the August number, as it contains an analysis of all the arguments FOR and AGAINST the payment of pastors, and a dissertation on the etymology of the various passages referred to. The brethren will then be able to judge concerning the "high offence" I have committed, and the extent to which I have been "deluding" them. The subject so far as I am concerned, will then be at rest. Your's sincerely,



JN accordance with the desire and resolution of the Glasgow meeting, Brother King has produced eleven stereotyped tracts, others being soon expected. No. 1 is by Brother Campbell, proving by the New Testament alone, that immersion is the only Christian baptism. No. 2 is designed to prove the same truth from the testimonies of the learned, and contains a valuable selection from ancient versions, and from Christian and Pagan writers, amply sufficient to silence those who talk of the "meaning of the Greek." No. 3 is the " Origin of the

Clergy," from the Christian Baptist. No. 4 is on the "Design of Baptism," selected from the Rice debate. No. 5 is on Election. No. 6 is an exhibition of a Christian church attending to the original order of things, of which very many thousands have been circulated. No. 7 is entitled "Are you a Christian?" showing what constitutes a Christian, and what a Christian is called upon to attend to. No. 8, on Faith and Obedience, was formerly printed by Brother Wallls, and is well fitted to present to those who know their duty, but do it not. No. 9, on Repentance and Conversion, sweeps away Calvinism, and clearly exhibits the way into the kingdom. No. 10 shows that Infant Baptism is not from heaven, being a masterly production by Brother Lawson, of Newburgh. No. 11 exhibits the false ground upon which men build their hope of salvation. Brother King will send to order, carriage free, a few hundreds of the above to any part of England and Scotland. For information concerning price, &c. direct to him, 71, High-street, Camden Town, London.

We cordially recommend these Tracts to the notice of the churches, and hope they will be extensively circulated among the people.


IN answer to questions 3 and 5, respecting the materials of the spiritual building, the foundation of which Paul, the architect-masterbuilder, laid—which is Jesus Christ, I beg leave to say that the querist of No. 5, appears to have mistaken the Apostle, if (as he intimates) he supposes that Paul warns not to build with any of the six specified kinds. This appears to be the meaning of the Apostle, that in building this temple, every one take heed with what materials he builds, for a day of fire is coming to try every man's work, of what sort it is; that gold, silver, or precious stones, will not suffer by it—nor he who built these on the foundation suffer loss, in his work being burnt. But wood, hay, stubble, are combustible materials, and he who builds these even on a sure foundation, will suffer loss in his work being consumed.

“If any man's work abide, he shall receive a reward" the gold, the silver, and precious stones wil be jewels in his crown (see 1 Thes. ii. 19; 2 John i. 8.) "If any man's work be burnt he shall suffer loss," &c.-lose all his labour, and he himself, the builder, or minister in these things, must undergo the same trial by fire, that burns up all his showy, frothy accumulation of greatness in the Lord's house. I fear much of the great building in Zion now is wood, hay, and stubble, and will, in the end, be consumed like chaff; these are much more easily gained than the gold, the silver, or the precious stones which are scarce, and seldom met with. In a great house there are

vessels of both kinds, as Paul says, 2 Tim. ii. 20. It is one of the comforting promises to the church, that her foundation shall be laid and garnished with precious stones, Isaiah liv. 11; and John in vision saw this fulfilled, Rev. xxi. 18, &c. All the wood, hay, and stubble, which the builders had collected together, making a great show of numbers converted, without regard to the character of the materials they build with, shall be utterly consumed, Mal. iv. 1; not the lively stones, or such as were "fitly framed and compacted together;" these grow up into a “holy temple in the Lord.”

S. S.

QUERY.-What did Christ mean, Mat. x. 23, if they persecute you in one city, flee ye to another, &c.? J. E. — These directions were given by Christ to his disciples, when he was sending them forth to proclaim among the Jews the approaching reign of Messiah, by the influence of which their theocracy would be overthrown. He informed them that in the pursuit of their work they would be as sheep among wolves; and therefore, as their commission extended to the Jews only, and not to the Gentiles or the Samaritans, he commanded that when they were persecuted in one city they must immediately flee to another. These directions are not applicable to any members of a family who embrace the truth, though opposed and even persecuted by their relatives. The wife who is so treated, is commanded by meekness, affection, and obedience, to win the unbelieving husband; and the same command is applicable, we conclude, to the husband. (See 1 Cor. vii. 10-24.)

J. W.

QUERY.-What were the fruits of repentance required by John, Mat. iii. 9.? J. E.-The Jews at this period had entirely forsaken and corrupted the law of Moses: yet they were vain, self-conceited religionists. John exhorted them to lay aside all their uninspired traditions and personal conceits: or, in other words, they were to cease to do evil, and learn to do well, by obeying the command now sent to them in mercy from God, and by which they could ob tain the remission of their sins. Those who refused obedience, rejected the counsel of God against themselves (Luke x. 30, Mat. xxi. 3132.) Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all who obey him.


J. W.

THE ruthless hand of death has again visited the congregation of disciples of Jesus in Nottingham. On the 1st ultimo, Brother William Marriott, one of the deacons of the church, after five months' gradual decay of physical strength, during the last of which he was confined to his bed, fell asleep in Jesus, aged 55 years within five days. Our deceased brother

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