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And the proud meaning of his look
Was changed to mortal fear.

His heart was broken-crazed his brain-
At once his eye grew wild-
He struggled fiercely with his chain,
Whispered, and wept, and smiled;
Yet wore not long those fatal bands,
And once, at shut of day,
They drew him forth upon the sands,

The foul hyena's prey.

That Mr Bryant's poetry may be seen in all its fine varieties, we quote three other compositions, inspired by love and delight in that benignant, bounteous, and beauteous Nature, who all over the earth repays with a heavenly happiness the grateful worship of her children. One of them, "To a Waterfowl," has been long and widely admired, and is indeed a gem of purest ray serene, of which time may never bedim the lustre. The others are new to usand "beautiful exceedingly."


And there do graver men behold
A type of errors, loved of old,
Forsaken and forgiven;
And thoughts and wishes not of earth,
Just opening in their early birth,

Like that new light in heaven.


Ay! gloriously thou standest there, Beautiful, boundless firmament! That, swelling wide o'er earth and air,

And round the horizon bent,
With thy bright vault and sapphire wall
Dost overhang and circle all.

Far, far below thee, tall old trees
Arise, and piles built up of old,
And hills, whose ancient summits freeze

In the fierce light and cold.
The eagle soars his utmost height,
Yet far thou stretchest o'er his flight.
Thou hast thy frowns-with thee on

The storm has made his airy seat, Beyond that soft blue curtain lie His stores of hail and sleet; Thence the consuming lightnings break, There the strong hurricanes awake.

Yet art thou prodigal of smiles

Smiles sweeter than thy frowns are

When, as the garish day is done,
Heaven burns with the descended sun,
'Tis passing sweet to mark,
Amid that flush of crimson light,
The new moon's modest bow grow bright, Earth sends from all her thousand isles
As earth and sky grow dark.

Few are the hearts too cold to feel
A thrill of gladness o'er them steal,
When first the wandering eye
Sces faintly, in the evening blaze,
That glimmering curve of tender rays
Just planted in the sky.

The sight of that young crescent brings
Thoughts of all fair and youthful things-

The hopes of early years;
And childhood's purity and grace,
And joys that, like a rainbow, chase
The passing shower of tears.

The captive yields him to the dream
Of freedom, when that virgin beam
Comes out upon the air;
And painfully the sick man tries
To fix his dim and burning eyes
On the soft promise there.

Most welcome to the lover's sight
Glitters that pure, emerging light;
For prattling poets say,
That sweetest is the lovers' walk,
And tenderest is their murmured talk,
Beneath its gentle ray.


A shout at thy return; The glory that comes down from thee Bathes in deep joy the land and sea.

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Oh, when, amid the throng of men,
The heart grows sick of hollow mirth,
How willingly we turn us then
Away from this cold earthy
And look into thy azure breast
For seats of innocence and rest!

All who have read this article will agree with what Washington Irving has said of his friend-that his close A-Yeobservation of the phenomena of naиляючите, and the graphic felicity of his details, prevent his descriptions from Ромни ант от MATA ever becoming general and common


place; while he has the gift of shedWhither, midst falling dewading over them a genuine grace that

While glow the heavens with the last steps

Far, through their rosy depths, dost thou pursue ing ont, Todtnt Thy way? solitary war fuq saw blot Vainly the fowler's eye B Might mark thy distant flight to do thee wrong 1

As, darkly painted on the crimson sky, Thy figure floats

Seek'st thou the plashy brink

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Of weedy lake, or marge of river wide,

Or where the rocking billows rise and sink

There is a Power whose care

Teaches thy way along that pathless coast

The desert and illimitable air

Lone wandering, but not lost. All day thy wings have fanned, At that far height, the cold thin atmosYet stoop not, weary, to the welcome land, Though the dark night is near. Hoa

Soon shalt thou find a summer home, and

reste way to sumily & 97ig And scream among thy fellows; reeds

Thou'rt gone-the abyss of heaven Hath swallowed up thy form; yet on my Deeply hath sunk the lesson thou hast And shall not soon départ, biri ove He, who, from zone to zone, og Guides through the boundless sky thy certain flight,

descriptive writings, he says, are es

sentially American. They transport us, he adds, “into the depths of the so

lemn primeval forest, to the shores of

the lonely lake, the banks of the wild nameless stream, or the brow of the rocky upland, rising like a promontory from amidst a wide ocean of foliage, while they shed around us the glories of a climate fierce in its extremes, but splendid in all its vicissitudes." We object now but to the last part of this elegant panegyric. There are no fierce extremes in Mr Bryant's poetry. That his writings " are imbued with the independent spirit and the buoyant aspirations incident to a youthful, a free, and a rising country," will not, says Mr Irving, be the "least of his merits" in the eyes of Mr Rogers, to whom the volume is inscribed; and in ours it is one of the greatest; for we, too, belong to a country who, though not young-God bless her, auld Scotland! -hath yet an independent spirit and buoyant aspirations, which she is not loath to breathe into the bosom of one of her aged children-CHRISTOPHER





In the long way that I must tread alone, Will lead my steps aright


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Picked up near the Parliament House about a twelvemonth ago, and now

first published without Authority.

In our last conversation at

House, it was unanimously agreed to set aside all the Old Theories of Government; and the New Principle I then laid down was so entirely approved, that there can be no occasion that I should enforce it by any new arguments. But, at your request, I am willing to put those I then urged into some form on paper, that they may be for constant reference; and you seem to think they will have an authority, when known to proceed from me, that will wonderfully recommend them to Whigs of every generation.

The difficulties hitherto attending all Governments have been so appalling, and the results so uncertain, that rather than continue in the old train, it was admitted that it would be even preferable that "Chaos should come again," that we might take the chance of what that utter confusion might produce. There were accordingly advocates for bringing things to this crisis: But I shewed satisfactorily that this has been sufficiently tried in the system of Conciliation, in which all parties yielding up something, brought a very heterogeneous mass into the political cauldron. But the result has not been quite agree able to the tastes of any. Governments formed on this plan have been found to resemble those cheap-soup repositories established by the humane; receptacles of unknown con tributors, where the beggar made his wry face, and cursed the donors. Still it was evident that there was something new in this Principle, that rendered it worth an experiment, and undoubtedly it led to the valuable discovery of the Only True One, which I have had the honour to develope fully to your satisfaction. For taking from Conciliation the necessity of reciprocity, or, according to a new diction, adapted to the peculiar circumstances of the times, keeping the reciprocity all on


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one side, and pushing this a little further, the entire New Principle of Yielding was put forth and established as an undeniable truth, that will do honour to its enlightened patrons and this intellectual age.

You were instantly and forcibly struck with the simplicity of the plan; and saw at once that the Art of Governing was in fact but the Art of being Governed; that it resembled the genius of the subtle Carthaginian-" Nunquam ingenium idem ad res diversissimas, parendum atque imperandum, habilius fuit." You were in truth delighted, and with a praiseworthy zeal set about your various schemes to procure an opportunity to put the grand discovery to the test of practice. In doing this, you did not forget that the Principle itself, so complete is it in all its parts, would be most effective; and so it proved; for you had but to give a glimpse of your scheme, and give promise largely, and you instantly came into power, as you, with great propriety, expressed it, with extreme unwillingness, by " yielding to the public opinion."

You are now established in office, and in confidence I promise you, that if you strictly follow the rule I have laid down for you, you shall not lose your reward.---You have begun well-for this Principle, simple as it is, yet requires discretion of choice in the outset. For as it mainly depends on, or indeed consists in, being governed, it is evidently a matter of no small importance to choose well your Governors. In this respect I am satisfied-I cannot bestow too much praise on your selection. For, had you chosen among the Great, the Wealthy, the Good, the Wise, you would have had to contend against a formidable numerical strength, ever in perpetual warfare with these orders. And while they would have been weak to protect you, they might have been

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powerful to supplant you, by bringing into play those qualities in which they manifestly excel, and you do not. But you have chosen those who will be content to let you keep your places, while you are content to let them really govern; so that you have all the advantage, without the trouble or responsibilities that have been hitherto annoying to every administration.

Whilst other Governments, in their weakness or ignorance, have appealed to the "Sense of the People," you have more wisely appealed to the Non-sense of the People; by which you have secured to yourselves an overwhelming majority. You have nicely calculated that the numerical strength lay neither in the very wise nor very good. Indeed, that the profligates, the irreligious, the reckless, the ruined in fortunes, the bankrupts in fame, are ever the most active, and that it will not do to leave them as adversaries. This party, therefore, you saw, were, atallevents, to be attached to you; and if once attached to you, that they should be strengthened; you therefore judiciously set about schemes, the effect of which has been, or will be, to make the numerical strength of this your party beyond question the chief population of the country. You saw that in London alone there is a moving and movable mass, under the direction of "The Movement," of some thirty thousand profligates, scoundrels, ruffians, desperates, ready for any work. It was therefore with you a great object to adapt the work to their natures, and you have given them hopes they know well how to appreciate. You have formed them into a sort of bodyguard that you can call up at a moment's notice. They boast themselves the Grey's Own, and wear the tri-color as their badge of Ministerial favour. These you have so well trained, that you can send them in a body, should occasion require, to overawe Majesty, itself, not only to the foot of the throne, but to put the throne at their foot so that you have, by this one able manœuvre, turned the object of others' fear into substantial means of your own safety. Nor is there danger of their deserting you, until you desert the New Principle; for long will it be

ere there will remain nothing for them to demand, or for you to yield. And should you occasionally wish to retard their progress, you have but to commit some legislative follies, in finance or otherwise, and they will be quite delighted by your paying a deference to their suggestion, and yielding the points which you only mooted to give up. In fine, the more you consider this noble principle in all its bearings, the more will you be delighted with its facility and security of operation. The choice of your Governors, then, is made. In this you have shewn great tact. You have only never to forget who and what they are-and your places are secure, till you are saturated with all the good that place can give. Your only business is now to know what your Governors (whom you must be sure to designate "The People," and, on particular occasions, the "Sovereign People,") really require or demand at your hands.

I will not deny, that this will bring you into closer contact with some low and despicable wretches than your pride can well stomach. I can even foresee, that you may be called up in the dead of night by a radical tailor, who chooses to transact public business with you; and if you do not confirm his account of your conversation, he will not hesitate to call you liar before the world, to shew his familiarity with you. But you are too politic not to let your pride sleep, though you may not be allowed for a paltry hour or two that luxury; and you will recollect, that a tailor and a master-tailor are two different things; and that though, to mark his insignificance, aristocratic insolence, in its foolery, may have designated him the ninth part of a man, it is not necessary he should be a split vote, but in this renovated age a most respectable plumper. But to be serious. Being of the character I have described, your Governors will require you to encourage the largest licentiousness; and in order to put into their hands that power at which they aim, they will demand of you to annihilate the Old Constitution-indeed, that for many reasons must be knocked on the head, as thoroughly inconsistent with the New Principle. But you have

long since prepared the way for this yourselves for you have been vilifying it these forty years, and have sufficiently thrown contempt upon all former acts of legislation that might stand in your way, by declaring to the people they were made by a corrupt Parliament, and with out their consent. You will therefore find little difficulty in setting aside what you please; you have well sneered away the "wisdom of our ancestors," and all will necessarily go with it. Thus, with regard to the Constitution, you have half done for that already-Reform will wellnigh do the rest, or even the agitation of it will wonderfully strengthen your hands, by making your Governors omnipotent. They will require you, in their love of "Liberty, civil and religious," and in their hatred of the useless restraints of religion particularly, to insult, to bully, and, if you can, finally to crush the Clergy. There may be many ways of doing this-by vilifying them, by bidding the Bishops set their houses in order," for they "shall die and not live;" or an effectual way may be found, if you can starve them out, or encourage others to do it. Any out rage against them you must wink at, and make it a plea to annihilate their tithes, and for a while, as long as they are subservient to you and the People, dole out to them a scanty pittance, that shall make them complain. Then you may punish them for contumacy; or, should you not be able to proceed in this work with the desired despatch, you must, while the patronage is in your hands, fill the Church with creatures of your Thus will you be able, or it will be your own fault, (admitting the familiar phraseology,) to Burke the Constitution and to Bishop the Church-and your fame will reach to the ends of the earth.


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In your hands, then, the very name of the Constitution will soon become a farce. You can then make an unconstitutional use of the King's name, that "tower of strength," to delude any that may be yet under the influence of old prejudices; and this will be a master-stroke. You must make Majesty as much a puppet as possible, and play antics to please your mobs, at your pulling the strings. You must keep the King, therefore,

in utter ignorance of the wishes, the fears, and remonstrances of those called the good and the wise; you must besiege his ear, that nothing but absolute whiggery have access to it; in short, excuse the expression, you must ear-whig him. You must make him believe the noise of the rabble is the voice of the people; and I see no great harm if you make the people your god, and pronounce the "Vox populi" to be the "Vox Dei." You must persuade him, that the protest of the Peers is "the whisper of a faction;" accommodating him to the present tastes and ulterior views of your Governors, you must tempt him (bribes may be found even for kings) to put on the Citizen-king; in imitation of the French, you must teach him to Philippize." And should he, in his sagacity, discover that the French nation will not allow (for strange things will happen) poor Louis-Philippe to have a will of his own, you may have an opportunity of pointing out that he may still be at liberty to meddle with the wills of other people.

It is very evident you will not have much difficulty but with the King and the Aristocracy; therefore divide and govern, "Divide et impera"separate them by all means. You must, as occasion shall require, bring them both into contempt, threaten the one, and keep the other secluded from every influence but your own. I am truly happy to observe, that you fully persuade yourselves that you will not thereby endanger the existence of the monarchy, and wisely see, that even though large masses of your followers and panegyrists, and governors too, will urge you to its destruction, finding the coronation oath in the way of their views, you will be able to satisfy them by an act of Parliament that shall annul that objectionable oath; you will thus not only remove the difficulty, but reduce the power of the Crown to your own management, while the name and office may still remain. The Crown, it is true, may hesitate, but you have an able advocate in the Lord Chancellor; he tells you he "knows himself to be honest," you can doubt it therefore no longer. He may literally keep the King's conscience, and that entirely to himself, and not be burthened with a double

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