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"SIR-I am sorry for the scrape my disappearance has got you into. On shaving myself last night, I cut my chin very severely, and had nothing at hand to stop the bleeding. On getting up very early to proceed to Westminster, I took my trunk down stairs and put it into a boat, but recollecting I had left my dressing case, I returned for it as gently as I could, for fear of disturbing the house. It was so dark at the time, that I find, in mistake, I had put on some clothes which did not belong to me. On landing at Westminster, I was unfortunately arrested at the suit of a scoundrel of the name of Clutchit, and sent off to this place. I herewith return you the things contained in your pockets; and would return the habiliments themselves, but just at present have no change of wardrobe. Yours respectfully. ABRAHAM REEVE."

Sam was now complimented and apologized to, on all hands; and though Mr Clutchit spoke in no very kindly terms of the unhappy Abraham, owing, perhaps, to the manner in which he was spoken of in the note, Sam, who was now in the highest spirits, said, as they went out of the office together,

"He's not a bad fellow that same dentist-he has saved my neck from the gallows, and I'll be hanged if I don't pay his debt. But I say, Clutchit, only think what would have become of me if he had been drowned on his way to Westminster!" "Ah, my dear sir, you know nothing about the law. But come, we must talk on business. I have not yet seen Sir Harry, but have a note from him -that he expects us both to dine with him on board his yacht to-day, which is lying at Blackwall. You had better go and arrange matters with him in a friendly way, while I draw out the deeds, and make all right."-" Just as you please," said Sam, "but in the meantime, my toggery is not just what I could wish, and my purse"-" Say no more, say no more. One can get every thing in London." And in the course of an hour, Sam found himself well dressed, with two or three shirts and other articles in a carpet-bag, and fifty sovereigns in his pocket, for which he gave the lawyer his note, Rejoicing in his recovered liberty. and anticipating a comfortable din

ner and quiet bottle once more, he presented himself on board the Tartar at 4 o'clock. Sir Harry was delighted to see him, introduced him to some friends who were on board, and in the happiest mood possible the whole party sat down to dinner. But Sam's hilarity was doomed to be of short duration. Before he had time to swallow the first mouthful, he perceived that the vessel was in motion. Sir Harry assured him they were only going a trip to the Downs to see the fleet, and would be back the next day; and Mr Holt, who never took long to accept a friendly invitation, professed his happiness at the prospect of the voyage. But a dinner on board a little yacht of fifty tons, and in his nice parlour at Bastock Lodge, were very differen things. A slight swell of the rive made her motion very uneasy, and lurch which emptied a plateful o scalding pea-soup into Sam's lap, and diverted the point of his fork from it original destination-a kidney pota toe-to the more sensitive kidneys of his leeward neighbour, made hin half repent his nautical expedition When they had left the comparative smoothness of the river, and entered upon the open sea, which was hea ving under a pretty tolerable breeze Sam's feelings were of a very dif ferent nature from those of pleasure After various ineffectual attempts to enjoy himself below, he felt that the fresh air was absolutely necessary to his comfort, and rushed upon deck Here he was quite bewildered. The night was not entirely dark, but a dim lurid gloom spread itself al round the heavens, and even so un practised an eye as poor Sam's saw that there was a storm in the sky. It the meantime, the wind blew fresher every minute, and the Tartar skim med on the top of the waves one moment, and the other, sunk so instantaneously into the hollow of the sea, that Sam laid himself down upon the deck, partly to repress his sick ness, and partly, perhaps, to conceal his fears. Meanwhile, mirth and revelry were going on below, and even the sailors appeared to Sam to be much less attentive to the vessel than the exigency of affairs demanded. From time to time our friend lifted up his head, to satisfy himself whether the sea was becoming more


rough, and laid himself down again with an increase of his alarm. At last he caught an indistinct view of some large dark object, heaving and tumbling in the waters; he kept his eye as steadily fixed on it as his sickness would allow, until he saw that it was a ship of large size: "I say, coachman!" he said to the man at the wheel, "mind your reins; there's a London waggon coming down hill, fifteen mile an hour!" The man, whose ideas were as thoroughly nautical as Sam's were terrene, paid no attention to his warning; but still Sam's eyes were fixed on the approaching object, and he cried out, in the extremity of alarm," Drive on, drive on, or pull to the side of the road; or, by, we shall all be spilt!" His exclamations produced no effect, and the ship drew rapidly near. He saw her as her huge beam rose upon the crest of a wave, and sank yawning down again, till her null was entirely hid; but each time she rose, he perceived that she had greatly shortened the space between them. Sam cried out to the steersman, " You infernal villain, why don't you get out of the way? Do you not understand what's said to you, you tarry, quid-chewing abomination! See, see, she's she's on on us us!-she's

on us!" He heard the dash of her bows through the foam, and while the bellying of her sails above sounded like thunder, a hoarse voice was heard through the storm, crying, "Luff-luff uff-luff;" and the helmsman, now thoroughly awakened to his danger, turned the wheel, but it was too late. A scream, wild and appalling, burst from the crew, who were on deck, and the next instant a crash took place; the little vessel shook as if every plank were bursting, and Sam found himself battling with the waves. He soon lost all consciousness of his situation, and how long had elapsed, he did not know; but when he came to his recollection, he found himself in a warm bed, while a gentleman in naval uniform was holding his pulse, and several other persons anxiously looking on. "It's of no use, I tell you," said Sam, with a rueful expression of countenance. "It's of no use-I'm a changed man. Yesterday I was nearly hanged, now I'm entirely drowned; and what's to hap

pen next, Lord only knows. The last time I slept in Bastock, I had never been forty miles from home, but now I suppose I'm at the other end of the world."-"Keep yourself quiet, sir, you are in good quarters," said the gentleman who held his pulse. "You are on board his Majesty's ship Bloodsucker, 84, bound for the Mediterranean. Take this composing draught, and keep yourself quiet for a few days, and I have no doubt of your soon recovering your strength." And accordingly, in a very few days, Sam was able to go upon deck. By the ease and jollity of his social disposition, he soon made himself a favourite with the mess.. On his first emerging from his cabin, he gazed with breathless astonishment at the prospect which presented itself-magnificent hills at an amazing distance, and a vast extent of level country, rejoicing in the sunshine. "Pray, sir," said Sam, to a tall romantic-looking gentleman in black, who was admiring the same scene, "what county may we be opposite now? Is it any part of Hampshire, sir?"-" Hampshire!" repeated the gentleman, thus addressed,"These are the mountains of Spain. These hills were trod by Hannibal, and the Scipios, by the Duke of Wellington, and Don Quixote. This is the land of the Inquisition and liquorice. Yonder is Cape Trafalgar; there, in the arms of victory and Sir Thomas Hardy, fell heroic one-eyed Nelson! That is Cape Spartel. Hail Afric's scorching shore, hot-bed of niggers! See! we open the Pillars of Hercules! These mighty portals past, every step we'll be on classic ground

or water."

Long before this rhapsody was concluded, our friend had betaken himself to another part of the ship, and did not appreciate the eloquence and enthusiasm of the classical chaplain of the Bloodsucker. It is not to be supposed that Sam was a willing encounterer, all this time, of the perils of the deep. Frequent and anxious were his enquiries as to the possibility of his return. He was assured that at Gibraltar there was no doubt of his getting a homeward vessel, but till then, he had better accommodate himself to circumstances. Accordingly, with right good-will, he set himself to enjoy as many comforts as his position would afford. The purser, being luckily a stout individual, furnished him with a wardrobe; and the wine being good, the mess pleasant, and the sea calm, Sam's only drawback from his felicity was his absence from Bastock Lodge. On casting anchor off St Rosier, they ascertained from the pratique boat that the yellow fever was so virulent on shore, that the deaths averaged nine a day; so, without the delay of a moment, all sail was hoisted again, and with a favourable breeze the Bloodsucker pursued her way to Malta."

Here, at last, Sam was lucky enough to get information of the sailing of a Sicilian sparonara bound for Catania, from which he was assured he could not fail to catch the regular passageboat home. With many adieus and cordial invitations to the officers to beat up his quarters at Bastock Lodge, Sam betook himself to the St Agata, with every prospect of a favourable voyage. The passengers consisted principally of invalided officers and soldiers, and Sam had the deck to himself. As night was coming on, a vessel about the same size as the St Agata hove in sight, and, in passing, made a signal of distress, and begged some water, as their casks, they said, had all leaked out. "Oh, give the poor devils some water," said Sam, as soon as he understood what they wanted. "Thirst is a horrible thing especially of a morning after dining out." The strange vessel sent its barge; but no sooner had the crew got on board, than at the whistle of the vil lain who had mounted first, eight armed men started from the bottom of the boat, and, after a slight struggle, in which they shot two sailors, and threw the captain overboard, they gained possession of the St Agata, and secured all the passengers below. After being kept in confinement a long time, and sparingly fed on bread and water, they were landed one moonlight night, and marched into a dark cave among the rocks on the sea-shore. Sam's meditations were by no means of a pleasing cast. "Don't you think it a very hard case, sir," he said to the officer who was chained to his wrist, and whose strength, after a severe fever in Malta, was scarcely able to support him under the treatment of

his captors-" Don't you think it a hard case on a middle-aged man like me, that I should be moved about all over the world against my will, leaving the nicest cottage in England, and a lot of good fellows-to be first suspected of murdering somebody else, and then most likely to be murdered myself?"-"The last," replied the invalid, "we shall all undoubtedly be, as we are in the hands of the Greeks."-" Of the Philistines, you mean," said Sam-" but it's all the same." While carrying on this melancholy conversation, they were suddenly startled by a great deal of firing, mixed with screams, and the. other outcries which attend an onslaught. "Mercy on us all!" said. Sam, "what the devil is to come next?"-" They are most probably murdering some other prisoners," replied his companion; "it will be our turn soon."-" Then, I'll take my oath, they shan't kill me like a sheep. I'll have a tussle for it, and if I get a right-hander on some of the scoundrel's breadbaskets, I'l make them know what it is to bully a free-born Englishman." In a short time, advancing steps were heard and our bold Briton, supporting his companion to the mouth of the cave. stood in as Crib-like an attitude as his unencumbered hand could assume; and resolved to knock down the first man that entered. They had not been long in this situation, when they perceived that their place of confinement was left unguarded, and they were still more surprised, on proceeding a little way in front, to perceive the dead bodies of several of their captors, already partly stript, while further down upon the beach they saw a large body of Turks forcing many of the unarmed natives on board of some vessels close on shore. While congratulating themselves on this prospect of escape, and while they continued gazing on the scene before them, they were suddenly surrounded by a fresh body of Turks, and, without a word spoken on either side, they were conducted down the passes of the rocks, and conveyed on board. "Worse and worse," sighed Sam, whom this last disaster reduced to complete despair-" It is my firm belief I'am not Sam Holt of Bastock, but have changed places with the wandering Jew.-Jack Thomson's pro

Sam's imagination to conceive. While he was taking this survey, the old gentleman his conductor, bending to the very ground before the magnifico with the pipe, apparently directed his attention to Rosy Sam. Without casting his sublime eyes on so insignificant an object, the great man ordered the dragoman to discover who the stranger was. A young man now stept forward and addressed our friend in French,..

phecy is fulfilled, every bit of it!"-
But poor Sam's lamentations were
of no avail. On the third day, they
were taken out of the vessel, and
conveyed to shore. The unfortunate
invalid with whom Sam had been
chained so long, appeared so ill after
landing, that he was released from
the fetters; and what became of him
Sam never discovered. Our friend,
whose dress was of the most hetero-
geneous nature, consisting of what-
ever articles he could pick up-for,
in all his misfortunes, his wardrobe
was the first to suffer was ranged
along a wall, in a magnificent build-He next spoke to him in English,

ing, along with about forty others of
all ages and countries. Many peo-
ple, in strange dresses, with towels,
as Sam expressed it, round their
heads, passed and repassed 1 them,
looking narrowly at each. At last,
an old white-whiskered man, point-
ing with his finger to the still portly
figure of our friend, entered into a
conversation with the person who
had conducted them to the place,
and in a few minutes Sam was taken
out from the rest, and the old gentle-
man beckoning him to follow, walked
majestically out of the building. Poor
Sam, who now felt himself to be a
very different being from what he
used to be, presiding over his well
filled table at Bastock Lodge, fol
lowed in the most submissive man
ner imaginable. His conductor pau-
sed at the door of a very stately
edifice, and said a few words, which
Sam did not understand, to a group
of lounging domestics. Immediately
three or four of them rushed forward,
and seized violently hold of Sam, and
carried him into the hall. There
they let him stand for a few minutes,
till the old gentleman who had pre-
ceded them, and who had gone into
an inner apartment, returned and
spoke to them in the same language
as before. Again they hurried Sam
forward, and at last when they came
to a pause, the astonished Squire of
Bastock had time to look round him.
Seated on a low, richly covered ot-
toman, was an old white-headed man,
long pipe in in his mouth; ; near
him were several others, but evi-
dently his inferiors-while, a little
way from the raised floor on which
they were sitting, was a multitude of
soldiers, in such a uniform, and with
such arms, as had never entered into


No, no no parley vous," said Sam, who knew just enough of the sound to guess what language it was.

and said he was ready to report Sam's answers to the dignitary on the

" ) I say," said Sam, who had now recovered a little of his confidence from hearing his mother tongue once more, "who's the old covey in the dressing-gown? He seems a prime judge of tobacco."

The person alluded to scowled and said something to the interpreter, who turned to Sam and said, -" His Highness, the Reis Effendi, says you are a dog, and if you speak till you're spoken to, he will tear your tongue out, and cut off both your ears."

"He's cursedly polite-but did you say he was the Rice Offendy?-ask him if he hasn't a brass gun upon wheels that kills sea-mews at a hundred and fifty yards."

The interpreter, probably not understanding Sam's language, or willing to screen him from his Excellency's anger, said a few words, and promised obedience on the part of Sam,

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The conversation went on. “The Reis Effendi wishes to know if you have any particular wish to be strangled?"

"Tell the Rice, that with his permission I would much rather not, but am just as much obliged to him for his kind offer."

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"His Highness wishes to know if you have any objections to be beautifully dressed, well treated, made rich, and have eight wives supported for you at the Sultan's e


"Tell him," said Sam, quite delighted, "that he is a jolly old cock; that I accept his offer with all my heart; but as to the wives, I can't think of more than one, or two at the very most."

"Will you turn Mussulman to obtain all these advantages?"

"Musselman? Aye, to be sure, I'm a devil of a fellow at all sorts of fish."

"Will you wear the turban, and swear by the prophet?"

"Turban? Yes-Lord bless you, what does it signify what a man wears? and as to swearing, 'gad I'll outswear you all for a hundred."

On the dragoman relating the result of the conversation, his highness deigned to cast eyes on the new believer, and at a nod several men stept forward and threw little jars of rose water over his face and person; and immediately he was hurried into another apartment, stript by five or six zealous attendants, forced into a warm bath which was

richly perfumed, and after being rubbed and anointed, he was clothed in the splendid flowing robes, and ornamented with the glitteringjewels of a Turkish Basha. When he came into the anteroom, through which he had already passed, he recognised the old gentleman who had brought him to the palace, and beckoned him to come near.

" I say, old boy, what can be the meaning of all this? Are ye all mad, or only drunk?" The old man, bowed, and almost prostrated himself, but answered nothing. "O, I see how it is," continued Sam. "Whereabouts is the dragsman? He's no great hand at English, poor devil, but he is better than none."

The dragoman appeared, and bend. ing obsequiously, said, "What is it your lordship's pleasure to do with your slave?"

"Pooh, lordship nonsense, man. I say, Draggy, he's a comical old shaver, that Rice Offendy; and fought-rather shy of answering us about the gun; for my own part, I think it's a lie of Jack Thomson's."

"Your lordship is too complaisant to your slave."

"Perhaps I should be if I had him; but we have no slaves. I have a servant, a d-d old canting scoundrel, called Trusty Tommy; but pshaw! you know nothing about these things. Now, can you tell me what they want me to do, for surely all this scrubbing and dressing can't be for nothing?"

"Your highness's escort is now, I believe, at the door. You are about

to proceed as ambassador from the Sultan of the World to the Pacha of Albania. Your highness is decorated with three tails."

"The devil a tail have they left me at all-not so much as a jacketI feel for all the world as if I were in petticoats. Well, you say I go as ambassador to some gentleman in Albania. Is it a long journey ?"

"Yes, it will be some time before your highness's return."

"For I was thinking," continued Sam, " it would be as well, before I go to-to-how many wives did you say I was to have kept for me by the sultan ?"

"There were eight destined to. rejoice in your highness's smiles."

"The devil there were! But where do they hang out? They are,. perhaps, ugly old frights."

"Beautiful as angels in Paradise. But the sultan's orders are imperative. Your highness must not delay a single moment, but leave every thing till you return."

"Well, well, what must be, must." And Sam mounted a magnificent Arab, which was standing at the door, and set off with a large retinue of splendidly dressed warriors, while another interpreter rode close by his side. As he left the gate of the city, an officer stopt the cavalcade, and, with all due formalities, delivered a packet into the ambassador's hand. The interpreter told him to lay the packet on his head, for it was the firman of the sultan. In a short time the cortège passed on, and Sam had ample time to moralize on the mutability of fortune. Long before the journey was over, he was intimate with every man of the escort; and when, at length, on entering the Albanian territory, all, except four, left him, they took leave of him with so much appearance of regret, as evidently shewed how much they liked their commander.

One day in riding down the side of a gentle valley, they came, at a winding of the rude track they were pursuing, upon a large body of horsemen-and as they were immediately surrounded, they had no alternative but to mention who they were, and submit. On the interpreter inform ing them that his master bore a com. munication to the Pacha from the Sultan, they drew back with the utmost respect, and fell into the line

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