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In this case, however, he was perhaps alarmed orchards, rich with fir and pomegranate-trees for the culpability of his wishes; for the Abbé and every sunny fruit-shrub. From the banks de Sade himself, who certainly would not have of the lake the road winds into the hills, and been scrupulously delicate, if he could have the church of Arquà is soon seen between a proved his descent from Petrarch as well as cleft where two ridges slope towards each other, Laura, is forced into a stout defence of his and nearly inclose the village. The houses are virtuous grand-mother. As far as relates to the scattered at intervals on the steep sides of these poet, we have no security for the innocence, summits; and that of the poet is on the edge of except perhaps in the constancy of his pursuit. a little knoll overlooking two descents, and conHe assures us in his epistle to posterity that, manding a view not only of the glowing gar when arrived at his fortieth year, he not only dens in the dales immediately beneath, bef had in horror, but had lost all recollection and the wide plains, above whose low woods of m image of any "irregularity.") But the birth berry and willow, thickened into a dark mass by of his natural daughter cannot be assigned earlier festoons of vines, tall single cypresses, and de than his thirty-ninth year; and either the me- spires of towns are seen in the distance, a mory or the morality of the poet must have stretches to the mouths of the Po and the res failed him, when he forgot or was guilty of this of the Adriatic. The climate of these volano slip. The weakest argument for the purity of hills is warmer, and the vintage begins a week his love has been drawn from the permanence sooner than in the plains of Padua. Petrar of effects, which survived the object of his pas- is laid, for he cannot be said to be buried, in a sion. The reflexion of Mr. de la Bastie, that sarcophagus of red marble, raised on four pilastvirtue alone is capable of making impressions ers on an elevated base, and preserved from us which death cannot efface, is one of those which association with meaner tombs. It stands ce every body applauds, and every body finds not spicuously alone, but will be soon overshadowed to be true, the moment he examines his own by four lately planted laurels. Petrarch's fountbreast or the records of human feeling. Such ain, for here every thing is Petrarch's, spring apothegms can do nothing for Petrarch or for and expands itself beneath an artificial arch the cause of morality, except with the very weak little below the church, and abounds plentifully and the very young. He that has made even a in the driest season, with that soft water wh little progress beyond ignorance and pupilage, was the ancient wealth of the Euganean bilis cannot be edified with any thing but truth. would be more attractive, were it not, in some What is called vindicating the honour of an in-seasons, beset with hornets and wasps. No ther dividual or a nation, is the most futile, tedious, coincidence could assimilate the tombs of Pe and uninstructive of all writing; although it trarch and Archilochus. The revoluticus of crp will always meet with more applause than that turies have spared these sequestered van sober criticism, which is attributed to the mali-and the only violence which has been offered cious desire of reducing a great man to the common standard of humanity. It is, after all, not unlikely, that our historian was right in retaining his favorite hypothetic salvo, which secures the author, although it scarcely saves the honour of the still unknown mistress of Petrarch. **)

They keep his dust in Arqua, where he died. [p. 41. St. 31. Petrarch retired to Arquà immediately on his return from the unsuccessful attempt to visit Urban V. at Rome, in the year 1370, and, with the exception of his celebrated visit to Venice in company with Francesco Novello da Carrara, he appears to have passed the four last years of his life between that charming solitude and Padua. For four months previous to his death he was in a state of continual languor, and in the morning of July the 19th, in the year 1374, was found dead in his library-chair with his head resting upon a book. The chair is still shown amongst the precious relics of Arquà, which, from the uninterrupted veneration that has been attached to every thing relative to this great man from the moment of his death to the present hour, have, it may be hoped, a better chance of authenticity than the Shaksperian memorials of Stratford upon Avon.

Arquà (for the last syllable is accented in pronunciation, although the analogy of the Eng lish language has been observed in the verse) is twelve miles from Padua, and about three miles on the right of the high road to Rovigo, in the bosom of the Euganean hills. After a walk of twenty minutes, across a flat well-wooded meadow, you come to a little blue lake, clear but fathomless, and to the foot of a succession of acclivities and hills, clothed with vineyards and

⚫) Azion disonesta are his words.

*) "And if the virtue or prudence of Laura was inexorable, he enjoyed, and might boast of enjoying the nymph of poetry." Gibbon. Perhaps the if is here meant for although.

the ashes of Petrarch was prompted, not by batt but veneration. An attempt was made to rub the sarcophagus of its treasure, and one of the arm was stolen by a Florentine through a rent wish is still visible. The injury is not forgotten t has served to identify the poet with the country where he was born, but where he would not be A peasant-boy of Arquà being asked who Pe trarch was, replied, "that the people of the par sonage knew all about him, but that he knew that he was a Florentine."

Mr. Forsyth was not quite correct in saying he had once quitted it when a boy. It appear that Petrarch never returned to Tuscany a he did pass through Florence on his way in Parma to Rome, and on his return in the ver 1350, and remained there long enough to furn some acquaintance with its most distinguished the aversion of the poet for his native co habitants. A Florentine gentleman, ashamedd was eager to point out this trivial error is eff accomplished traveller, whom he knew and re spected for an extraordinary capacity, extensive erudition, and refined taste, joined to that en ging simplicity of manners which has been so fre quently recognized as the surest, though certainly not an indispensable, trait of superst genius.

Every footstep of Laura's lover has been xiously traced and recorded. The house in which of Arezzo, in order to decide the ancient co he lodged is shown in Venice. The inhabita troversy between their city and the neighbouring Ancisa, where Petrarch was carried when sever months old, and remained until his seventh year. have designated by a long inscription the where their great fellow-citizen was born. A tablet has been raised to him at Parma, in the chapel of St. Agatha, at the cathedral, because he was archdeacon of that society, and was only snatched from his intended sepulture in their


church by a foreign death. Another tablet with

a bust has been erected to him at Pavia,
count of his having passed the autumn of 13 In
that city, with his son-in-law Brossano. The po
litical condition, which has for
ges precluded the
Italians from the criticism of the living, bas c

centrated their attention to the illustration of he dead. The tablet at Parma is as follows:

D. O. M.

Francisco Petrarcha

Parmensi Archidiacono.

Parentibus præclaris genere perantiquo
Ethices Christianæ scriptori eximio
Romanæ linguæ restitutori
Etrusca principi

Africa ob carmen hac in urbe peractum
regibus accito

S. P. Q. R. laurea donato
Tanti Viri

Juvenilium juvenis scnilium senex

Comes Nicolaus Canonicus Cicognarus
Marmorea proxima ara excitata
Ibique condito

Dive Januariæ cruento corpore
H. M. P.

Sed infra meritum Francisci sepulchro
Summa hac in æde efferri mandantis
Si Parma occumberet

demy owed its first renown to having almost opened with such a paradox; it is probable that, on the other hand, the care of his reputation alleviated rather than aggravated the imprisonment of the injured poet. The defence of his father and of himself, for both were involved in the censure of Salviati, found employment for many of his solitary hours, and the captive could have been but little embarrassed to reply to accusations, where, amongst other delinquencies, he was charged with invidiously omitting, in his comparison between France and Italy, to make any mention of the cupola of St. Maria del Fiore at Florence. The late biographer of Ariosto seems as if willing to renew the controversy by doubting the interpretation of Tasso's self-estimation, related in Serassi's life of the poet. But Tiraboschi had before laid that rivalry at rest, by showing, that between Ariosto and Tasso it is not a question of comparison, but of preference. The lightning rent from Ariosto's bust The iron crown of laurel's mimic'd leaves. Before the remains of Ariosto were removed [p. 42. St. 41. from the Benedictine church to the library of Ferrara, his bust, which surmounted the tomb, laurels melted away. The event has been rewas struck by lightning, and a crown of iron corded by a writer of the last century. The transfer of these sacred ashes on the 6th of June 1801 was one of the most brilliant spectacles of the shortlived Italian Republic, and to consecrate the memory of the ceremony, the once faIn face of all his foes, the Cruscan quire; mous fallen Intrepidi were revived and reformAnd Boileau, whose rash envy. [p. 41. St. 38. ed into the Ariostean academy. The large pubPerhaps the couplet in which Boileau depre-lic place through which the procession paraded jates Tasso may serve as well as any other was then for the first time called Ariosto Square. pecimen to justify the opinion given of the The author of the Orlando is jealously claimed armony of French verse. as the Homer, not of Italy, but Ferrara. The mother of Ariosto was of Reggio, and the house by a tablet with these words: "Qui nacque Luin which he was born is carefully distinguished dovico Ariosto il giorno 8 di Settembre dell' anno 1474." But the Ferrarese make light of the accident by which their poet was born abroad, and claim him exclusively for their own. They posses his bones, they show his arm-chair, and his inkstand, and his autographs.

Extera morte heu nobis erepti.

Or, it may be, with demons. 2: The struggle is to the full as likely to be with [p. 41. St. 34. emons as with our better thoughts. Satan chose he wilderness for the temptation of our Saviour. ind our unsullied John Locke preferred the resence of a child to complete solitude.

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A Malherbe, à Racan préférer Théophile,
Et le clinquant du Tasse à tout l'or de Virgile.
Sat. IX. 176.




Hic illius arma,

Hic currus fuit....... The house where he lived, the room where he died, are designated by his own replaced memorial), and by a recent inscription. The Ferra rese are more jealous of their claims since the animosity of Denina, arising from a cause which their apologists mysteriously hint is not unknown to them, ventured to degrade their soil and climate to a Baotian incapacity for all spiritual productions A quarto volume has been called forth by the detraction, and this supplement to Barotti's Memoirs of the illustrious Ferrarese has been considered a triumphant reply to the "Quadro Storico Statistico dell' Alta Italia."

The biographer Serassi, out of tenderness to the eputation either of the Italian or the French Boet, is eager to observe that the satirist recantd or explained away this censure, and subsequently allowed the author of the Jerusalem to e a "genius, sublime, vast, and happily born for the higher flights of poetry." To this we will add, that the recantation is far from satisfactory, when we examine the whole anecdote as reported by Olivet. The sentence pronounced against him by Bohours, is recorded only to the confusion of the critic, whose palinodia the Italian makes no effort to discover, and would not perhaps accept. As to the opposition which the Jerusalem encountered from the Cruscan academy, who degraded Tasso from all competition with Ariosto, below Bojardo and Pulci, the disgrace of such opposition must also in some measure be laid to the charge of Alphonso, and the court of For Leonard Salviati, the principal and nearly the sole origin of this attack, was, there can be no doubt, influenced by a hope to acquire the favour of the House of Este: an object which he thought attainable by exalting the reputation of a native poet at the expense of a rival, then a prisoner of state. The hopes and efforts of Salviati must serve to show the cotem- white vine, were amongst the most approved The eagle, the sea-calf, the laurel, and the porary opinion as to the nature of the poet's im- preservatives against lightning: Jupiter chose the prisonment; and will fill up the measure of our first, Augustus Cæsar the second, and Tiberius indignation at the tyrant-jailor. In fact, the an- never failed to wear a wreath of the third when tagonist of Tasso was not disappointed in the the sky threatened a thunder-storm. These sureception given to his criticism; he was called perstitions may be received without a sucer in to the court of Ferrara, where, having endeavoured to heighten his claims to favour, by pa hazel-twig have not lost all their credit; and a country where the magical properties of the negyrics on the family of his sovereign, he was in his turn abandoned, and expired in neglected Brough The opposition of the Cruscans was to a close in six years after the commencement of the controversy, and if the aca

For the true laurel-wreath which Glory weaves
Is of the tree no bolt of thunder cleaves.

[p. 42. St. 41.

*) "Parva, sed apta mihi, sed nulli obnoxia,
sed non
Sordida, parta meo sed tamen ære domus."

perhaps the reader may not be much surprised | parison of the object with the description provvy. to find that a commentator on Suetonius has taken upon himself gravely to disprove the imputed virtues of the crown of Tiberius, by mentioning that, a few years before he wrote, a laurel was actually struck by lightning at Rome.

not only the correctness of the portrait, but the
peculiar turn of thought, and, if the tera my
be used, the sexual imagination of the descripar
poet. The same conclusion may be deduced fr
another hint in the same episode of Musićica.
for Thomson's notion of the privileges of farm
ed love must have been either very prim
or rather deficient in delicacy, when he
his grateful nymph inform her discreet Dans
that in some happier moment he might peri
be the companion of her bath:

Know that the lightning sanctifies below. [p. 42. St. 41. The Curtian lake and the Ruminal fig-tree in the Forum, having been touched by lightning, were held sacred, and the memory of the accident was preserved by a puteal, or altar, resembling the mouth of a well, with a little chapel covering the cavity supposed to be made by the thunderbolt. Bodies scathed and persons struck dead were thought to be incorruptible; and a stroke not fatal conferred perpetual dig-ter. nity upon the man so distinguished by heaven. Those killed by lightning were wrapped in a white garment, and buried where they fell. The superstition was not confined to the worshippers of Jupiter: the Lombards believed in the omens furnished by lightning, and a Christian priest confesses that, by a diabolical skill in interpreting thunder, a seer foretold to Agilulf, duke of Turin, an event which came to pass, and gave him a queen and a crown. There was, however, something equivocal in this sign, which the ancient inhabitants of Rome did not always consider propitious; and as the fears are likely to last longer than the consolations of superstition, it is not strange that the Romans of the age of Leo X. should have been so much terrified at some misinterpreted storms as to require the exhortations of a scholar who arrayed all the learning on thunder and lightning to prove the omen favourable: beginning with the flash which struck the walls of Velitræ, and including that which played upon a gate at Florence, and foretold the pontificate of one of its citizens.

Italia, oh Italia! [p. 42. St. 42. The two stanzas, 42 and 43 are, with the exception of a line or two, a translation of the famous sonnet of Filicaja :

"Italia, Italia, O tu cui feo la sorte." Wandering in youth, I traced the path of him, The Roman friend of Rome's least mortal mind. [p. 42. St. 44.

The celebrated letter of Servius Sulpicius to Cicero on the death of his daughter describes as it then was, and now is, a path which I often traced in Greece, both by sea and land, in different journeys and voyages.

"On my return from Asia, as I was sailing from Egina towards Megara, I began to contemplate the prospect of the countries around me: Egina was behind, Megara before me; Piraus on the right, Corinth on the left; all which towns, once famous and flourishing, now lie overturned and buried in their ruins. Upon this sight, I could not but think presently within myself: Alas! how do we poor mortals fret and vex ourselves if any of our friends happen to die or be killed, whose life is yet so short, when the carcasses of so many noble cities lie here exposed before me in one view."

-And we pass The skeleton of her Titanic form. [p. 42. St. 46. It is Poggio who, looking from the Capitoline hill upon ruined Rome, breaks forth into the exclamation: “Ut nunc omni decore nudata, prostrata jacet, instar gigantei cadaveris corrupti atque undique exesi."

There too the goddess loves in stone. (p. 42. St. 49. The view of the Venus of Medicis instantly suggests the lines in the Seasons, and the com

"The time may come you need not fly." The reader will recollect the anecdote bes the life of Dr. Johnson. We will not leav Florentine gallery without a word on the ka It seems strange that the character disputed statue should not be entirely denet at least in the mind of any one who has sarcophagus in the vestibule of the Basin i St. Paul without the walls, at Rome, where a whole group of the fable of Marsyas is seen a tolerable preservation and the Scythian whetting the knife is represented exactly in s same position as this celebrated masterpen. The slave is not naked: but it is easier t rid of this difficulty than to suppose the li in the hand of the Florentine statue an ins ment for shaving, which it must be, if, as la supposes, the man is no other than the bare of Julius Cæsar. Winkelmann, illustrating a w relief of the same subject, follows the upta of Leonard Agostini, and his authority have been thought conclusive, even if the revea blance did not strike the most careless abiert

Amongst the bronzes of the same princere lection, is still to be seen the inscribed t copied and commented upon by Mr. Gibbon r historian found some difficulties, but did me sist from his illustration: he might be re hear that his criticism has been thrown away an inscription now generally recognized to forgery.

-His eyes to thee upturn,
Feeling on thy sweet cheek! [p. 43. &t. S
Οφθαλμοὺς ἐστιν.

"Atque oculos pascat uterque suos."
OVID. Amor. lib

In Santa Croce's holy precincts lie.

[p. 43. St This name will recal the memory, nat egy those whose tombs have raised the Santa (rat into the centre of pilgrimage, the Mecca of y but of her whose eloquence was poured over illustrious ashes, and whose voice is now as as those she sung. CORINNA is no more: with her should expire the fear, the flattery at the envy, which threw too dazzling or too dar a cloud round the march of genius, and forlad the steady gaze of disinterested criticism. Whe have her picture embellished or distorted, # friendship or detraction has held the pencil: * impartial portrait was hardly to be expect from a cotemporary. The immediate voe her survivors will, it is probable, be far from affording a just estimate of her singular capac The gallantry, the love of wonder, and the pe of associated fame, which blunted the edge censure, must cease to exist.-The dead have sex; they can surprise by no new miracles; the can confer no privilege; Corinna has ceased be a woman-she is only an author: and it s be foreseen that many will repay themselves former complaisance by a severity to which the extravagance of previous praises may perhaps give the colour of truth. The latest posteri for to the latest posterity they will assur descend, will have to pronounce upon her var productions; and the longer the vista through

shout, and the applause was continued for some moments. The lot did not fall on Alfieri; and the Signor Sgricci had to pour forth his extemporary common - places on the bombardment of Algiers. The choice, indeed, is not left to accident quite so much as might be thought from a first view of the ceremony; and the police not only takes care to look at the papers beforehand but, in case of any prudential afterthought, steps in to correct the blindness of chance. The proposal for deifying Alfieri was received with immediate enthusiasm, the rather because it was conjectured there would be no opportunity of carrying it into effect.


Here Machiavelli's earth return'd to whence it (p. 43. St. 54. The affectation of simplicity in sepulchral inscriptions, which so often leaves us uncertain whether the structure before us is an actual depository, or a cenotaph, or a simple memorial not of death but life, has given to the tomb of Machiavelli no information as to the place or time of the birth or death, the age or parentage, of the historian.

ch they are seen, the more accurately minute | tor Alfieri," the whole theatre burst into a 1 be the object, the more certain the justice, the decision. She will enter into that existze in which the great writers of all ages and tions are, as it were, associated in a world of ir own, and, from that superior sphere, shed ir eternal influence for the controul and conation of mankind. But the individual will adually disappear as the author is more disetly seen some one, therefore, of all those om the charms of involuntary wit, and of y hospitality, attracted within the friendly cles of Coppet, should rescue from oblivion ose virtues which, although they are said to e the shade, are, in fact, more frequently illed than excited by the domestic cares of ivate life. Some one should be found to poury the unaffected graces with which she adornthose dearer relationships, the performance whose duties is rather discovered amongst e interior secrets, than seen in the outward anagement, of family intercourse; and which, deed, it requires the delicacy of genuine affecon to qualify for the eye of an indifferent spector. Some one should be found, not to celeate, but to describe, the amiable mistress of open mansion, the centre of a society, ever tried, and always pleased, the creator of which, vested of the ambition and the arts of public valry, shone forth only to give fresh animation those around her. The mother tenderly affeconate and tenderly beloved, the friend unboundlly generous, but still esteemed, the charitable itroness of all distress, cannot be forgotten by Lose whom she cherished, and protected, and d. Her loss will be mourned the most where e was known the best; and, to the sorrows of ery many friends and more dependants, may e offered the disinterested regret of a stranger, ho, amidst the sublimer scenes of the Leman ke, received his chief satisfaction from conemplating the engaging qualities of the incomarable Corinna.

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Here repose


There seems at least no reason why the name should not have been put above the sentence which alludes to it.

It will readily be imagined that the prejudices, which have passed the name of Machiavelli into an epithet proverbial of iniquity, exist no longer at Florence. His memory was persecuted as his life had been for an attachment to liberty, incompatible with the new system of despotism, which succeeded the fall of the free governments of Italy. He was put to the torture for being a "libertine," that is, for wishing to restore the republic of Florence; and such are the undying efforts of those who are interested in the perversion not only of the nature of actions, but the meaning of words, that what was once patriotism, has hy degrees come to signify debauch. We have ourselves outlived the old meaning of "liberality," which is now another word for treason in one country and for infatuation in all. It seems to have been a strange mistake to accuse the auther of the Prince, as being a pander to tyranny; and to think that the inquisition would condemn his work for such a delinquency. The fact is, that Machiavelli, as is usual with those against whom no crime can be proved, was suspected of and charged with atheism; and the first and last most violent opposers of the Prince were both Jesuits, one of whom persuaded the Inquisition "benchè fosse tardo," to prohibit the treatise, and the other qualified the secretary of the Florentine republic as no better than a fool. The father Possevin was proved never to have read the

Angelo's, Alfieri's bones. [p. 43. St. 54. Alfieri is the great name of this age. The talians, without waiting for the hundred years, onsider him as "a poet good in law."-His meaory is the more dear to them because he is he bard of freedom; and because, as such, his ragedies can receive no countenance from any of their sovereigns. They are but very seldom, and but very few of them, allowed to be acted. t was observed by Cicero, that nowhere were he true opinions and feelings of the Romans so clearly shown as at the theatre. *) In the autumn of 1816 a celebrated improvisatore exhibited his talents at the Opera-house of Milan. The read ing of the theses handed in for the subjects of his poetry was received by a very numerous audience, for the most part in silence, or with langhter; but when the assistant, unfolding one of the papers, exclaimed, "The apotheosis of Vic-book, and the father Lucchesini not to have

The free expression of their honest sentiments survived their liberties. Titius, the frlend of Antony, presented them with games in the theatre of Pompey. They did not suffer the brilliancy of the spectacle to efface from their memory that the man who furnished them with the entertainment had murdered the son of Pompey. They drove him from the theatre with curses. The moral sense of a populace, spontaneously expressed, is never wrong. Even the soldiers of the triumvirs joined in the execration of the citizens, by shouting round the chariots of Lepidus and Plancus, who had proscribed their brothers, De Germania non de Gallis duo triumphant Consules, a saying worth a record, were it nothing but a good pun.

understood it. It is clear, however, that such critics must have objected not to the slavery of the doctrines, but to the supposed tendency of a lesson which shows how distinct are the interests of a monarch from the happiness of mankind. The Jesuits are re-established in Italy, and the last chapter of the Prince may again call forth a particular refutation, from those who are employed once more in moulding the minds of the rising generation, so as to receive the impressions of despotism. The chapter bears for title, "Esortazione a liberare la Italia dai Barbari," and concludes with a libertine excitement to the future redemption of Italy. "Non si deve adunque lasciar passare questa occasione, acciocchè la Italia vegga dopo tanto tempo apparire un suo redentore. Ne posso esprimere con qual amore ei fusse ricevuto in tutte quelle provincie, che hanno patito per queste illuvioni es

terne, con qual sete di vendetta, con che osti- | mistress. When the Divine Comedy had bees nata fede, con che lacrime. Quali porte se li serrerebeno? Quali popoli li negherebbeno la obbedienza? Quale Italiano li negherebbe l'ossequio?

rocognized as a mere mortal production, and a
the distance of two centuries, when criticism
and competition had sobered the judgment of the
Italians, Dante was seriously declared saperur
to Homer, and although the preference appeared
to some casuists “an heretical blasphemy werty
of the flames," the contest was vigorously mas
tained for nearly fifty years. In later times a
was made a question which of the Lords of he
rona could boast of having patronized hin, mi
the jealous scepticism of one writer would it
allow Ravenna the undoubted possession of
bones. Even the critical Tiraboschi was inc
to believe that the poet had foreseen and is
told one of the discoveries of Galileo. Lik
has not always maintained the same level
last age seemed inclined to undervalue in a
a model and a study; and Bettinelli one dr
rebuked his pupil Monti, for poring over the
harsh and obsolete extravagances of the Cu
media. The present generation having recover
from the Gallic idolatries of Cesarotti hasa-
turned to the ancient worship, and the D
giare of the northern Italians is thought even
indiscreet by the more moderate Tuscans.

There is still much curious information reb tive to the life and writings of this great pet. which has not as yet been collected every the Italians; but the celebrated Hugo Food meditates to supply this defect; and it is nat be regretted that this national work has b reserved for one so devoted to his country at the cause of truth.

Like Scipio buried by the upbraiding there.
Thy factions in their worse than civil war.
Proscribed, etc.
(p. 43. St. St

AD OGNUNO PUZZA QUESTO BARBARO DOMINIO. Ungrateful Florence! Dante sleeps afar. [p. 43. St. 57. Dante was born in Florence in the year 1261. He fought in two battles, was fourteen times ambassador, and once prior of the republic. | When the party of Charles of Anjou triumphed over the Bianchi, he was absent on an embassy to Pope Boniface VIII., and was condemned to two years banishment, and to a fine of 8000 lire; on the non-payment of which he was further punished by the sequestration of all his property.great originals of other nations, his pops The republic, however, was not content with this satisfaction, for in 1772 was discovered in the archives at Florence a sentence in which Dante is the eleventh of a list of fifteen condemned in 1302 to be burnt alive; Talis perveniens igne comburatur sic quod moriatur. The pretext for this judgment was a proof of unfair barter, extortions, and illicit gains: Baracteriarum iniquarum, extorsionum, et illicitorum lucrorum; and with such an accusation it is not strange that Dante should have always protested his innocence, and the injustice of his fellow-citizens. His appeal to Florence was accompanied by another to the Emperor Henry, and the death of that sovereign in 1313 was the signal for a sentence of irrevocable bantshment. He had before lingered near Tuscany with hopes of recal; then travelled into the north of Italy where Verona had to boast of his longest residence, and he finally settled at Ravenna, which was his ordinary but not constant abode until his death. The refusal of the Venetians to grant him a public audience, on the part of Guido Novello da Polenta, his protector, is said to have been the principal cause of this event, which happened in 1321. He was buried ("in sacra minorum æde") at Ravenna, in a handsome tomb, which was erected by Guido, restored by Bernardo Bembo in 1483, pretor for that republic which had refused to hear him, again restored by Cardinal Corsi in 1692, and replaced by a more magnificent sepulchre, constructed in 1780 at the expense of the Cardinal Luigi Valenti Gonzaga. The offence or misfortune of Dante was an attachment to a defeated party, and, as his least favourable biographers allege against him, too great a freedom of speech and haughtiness of manner. But the next age paid honours almost divine to the exile. The Florentines, having in vain and frequently attempted to recover bis body, crowned his image in a church, and his picture is still one of the idols of their cathedral. They struck medals, they raised statues to him. The cities of Italy not being able to dispute about his own birth, contended for that of his great poem, and the Florentines thought it for their honour to prove that he had finished the seventh Canto, before they drove him from his native city. Fifty-one years after his death they endowed a professorial chair for the expounding of his verses, and Boccaccio was appointed to this patriotic employment. The example was imitated by Bologna and Pisa, and the commentators, if they performed but little service to literature, augmented the veneration which beheld a sacred or moral allegory in all the images of his mystic muse. His birth and his infancy were discovered to have been distinguished above those of ordinary men; the author of the Decameron, his earliest biographer, relates that his mother was warned in a dream of the importance of her pregnancy; and it was found, by others, that at ten years of age he had manifested his precocious passion for that wisdom or theology, which, under the name of Beatrice, had been mistaken for a substantial

The elder Scipio Africanus had a tomb was not buried at Liternum, whither he had retired to voluntary banishment. This tom F near the sea-shore, and the story of an instr tion upon it, Ingrata Patria, having given name to a modern tower, is, if not trea agreeable fiction. If he was not buried, he c tainly lived there. *)

In così angusta e solitaria villa Era grand' uomo che d'Africa s'appella Perchè prima col ferro al vivo aprilla. Ingratitude is generally supposed the vice culiar to republics; and it seems to be forgets that for one instance of popular inconstancy, we have a hundred examples of the fall d courtly favourites. Besides, a people have e repented-a monarch seldom or never. Leaving apart many familiar proofs of this fact, a shar story may show the difference between even as aristocracy and the multitude.

Vettor Pisani, having been defeated in 1354 at Portolongo, and many years afterwards the more decisive action of Pola, by the Genac, was recalled by the Venetian Government, and thrown into chains. The Avvogadori proposed to behead him, but the supreme tribunal content with the sentence of imprisonment. Whi Pisani was suffering this unmerited disgrace, Chioza, in the vicinity of the capital, was the assistance of the signor of Padua, delivered into the hands of Pietro Doria. At the late gence of that disaster, the great bell of St Mark's tower tolled to arms, and the people and the soldiery of the galleys were summoned to the repulse of the approaching enemy: but they protested they would not move a step, unless Pisani were liberated and placed at their head

*) Vitam Literni egit sine desiderio urbis Liv. Hist. lib XXXVIII. Livy reports that so said he was buried at Liternum, others at Res

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