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[191]; amendment for affirming the
report of the committee, [194]; Lord
Stanley's speech, [195]; Mr. Serjeant
Wilde's, [198]; Sir F. Pollock's
[200]; Sir J. Graham's [201]; Sir
R. Peel's, ib.; amendment carried,
[204]; Report of the Dublin election
committee unseating Messrs. O'Con-
nell, and Ruthven, [205]; petition
against it, rejected, [206]; bill for
removing the civil disabilites of the
Jews, brought forward by the Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer, [207];
passed and sent up to the Lords,
[208]; Mr. Rippon's motion for ex-
pelling the bishops from the House
of Lords, ib.; which is lost, [209];
Mr. O'Connell's notice of a motion
for altering the constitution of the
House of Lords, ib.; Mr. Grote's for
vote by ballot, [210]; New Houses
of Parliament, ib.; Mr. Hume's mo-
tion for removing their site, ib.; for
a new competition of designs, [211];
Mr. Grantley Berkeley's motion for
admitting ladies to hear the debates,
[216]; lord J. Russell's motion for a
committee of inquiry into the state
of agriculture, [219]; Marquis of
Chandos' motion for reduction of
taxation in favour of agricultu-
rists, [226]; which is lost, [228];
Mr. Divett's for repealing additional
duty on spirit licences, ib.; amend-
ment against it carried, [229]; Mr.
D. W. Harvey's, for a committee on
the pension list, [230]; opposed by
Lord J. Russell, [232]; motion re-
jected, [234]; the budget, ib.; part
of the surplus revenue proposed to be
applied to reduction of newspaper
stamps, [236]; Sir C. Knightley's
motion for reducing the soap duties in
lieu of them, ib.; seconded by Mr.
C. Barclay, [237]; Chancellor of the
Exchequer's reasons for preferring
reduction of newspaper duties, [238];
Mr. Goulburn's speech, [241]; Mr.
Grote proposes that each newspaper
should be stamped with a particular
die, [245]; proposed registry of news-
paper proprietors, [246]; bill carried
up to the Lords, ib.; Lord Lyndhurst's
speech, ib.; the Lord Chancellor's,
[248]; bill passed, [250]; vote
granted for addition to the navy,
[251]; M. Roebuck's motion re-
specting the Mauritius, [252]; Sir
George Grey's defence of the govern-
ment of the colony, [255]; motion
supported by Dr. Lushington, [256];

and Mr. F. Buxton, [257]; motion
rejected, [258]; Mr. Roebuck's mo-
tion for reform in the constitution of
Canada, ib.; opposed by ministers,
[260]; Sir R. Peel's speech on the
motion being withdrawn, [262]; dis-
cussion on the interference in the
war in Spain, [263]; Lord Palmer-
ston's speech, [264]; Sir R. Peel's,
[266]; Sir J. C. Hobhouse's, [268];
Earl of Aberdeen's motion in the
Lords respecting Spanish affairs, ib.;
Lord Melbourne's speech, [270]; Sir
Stratford Canning brings forward the
affairs of Cracow and violation of its
neutrality, [272]; Lord Palmerston's
speech, [275]; Mr. O'Connell's, Mr.
Hume's, and Lord J. Russell's, [276];
discussion respecting the encroach-
ments of Russia, [277]; Lord Dudley
Stuart's speech, ib.; Lord Palmer-
ston's, [280]; the discussion re-
newed by Mr. P. M. Stewart, [282];
commercial relations between Great
Britain and Turkey, [284]; hostile
measures deprecated, [285]; Mr. T.
Duncombe's motion for the liberation
of Prince Polignac, &c., [286]; the
Greek loan and state of Greece, [288];
bill for payment of third instalment of
the loan passed, [289]; prorogation
and King's speech, ib.
Palmerston, lord, speech on interference
in the war in Spain, [264]; speech
on the Spanish affairs, [270]; on
those of Cracow, [275]; on those of
Russia and Turkey, [280]
Patents, 374

Peel, sir R., his speech on the address
to the King's speech, [5]; ditto on
the Irish municipal corporations bill,
[24]; ditto on the Irish tithe bill,
[88]; ditto in the debate on the bill
as amended by the peers, [103],
[106]; his views as to the plan pro-
posed by ministers for the commuta-
tion of tithes in England, [115];
speech on the agricultural question,
[222], [225]

Pension list, motion for reducing, [230]
Peru: the expelled president Orbegoso

and Santa Cruz, president of Bolivia,
defeat Salaverry's army, [449]; Sala-
verry executed, [450]; Callao, Lima,
&c., submit to the restored govern-
ment, ib.; division of Peru into two
independent states, ib.

Poetry: Royal Academy, the, from
Metropolitan sketches, 382; on a
painting of Zuccharelli, 385; Bolton
Abbey, ib.

tter referred by the Diet to a
mmittee, [417]; political "Young
ermany" clubs, ib.; measures pro-
osed against them, [418]; affair of
Conseil, a supposed French conspi-
rator, [419]; but discovered to be a
spy of the French police, [420]; the
matter referred by the Diet to the
French government, [421]; the duke
of Montebello's note on the subject to
the directory, ib.; extraordinary ses-
sion of the Diet convoked, [422];
committee on the duke of Monte-
bello's note, [423]; the explanation
given by the Diet, received by
France, [425]

[blocks in formation]

Texas, its revolt from Mexico, [446];
see Mexico

Tide, extraordinarily high, in the
Thames, 56

Tigris steamer, loss of, on the Eu-
phrates expedition, 64

Tithe conflicts: Richard Hudson, pro-
cess-server, murdered by the mob,
after shooting Denis Mahoney, 6
Tithe (Irish) bill, [65]; plan for com-
muting tithe into a rent-charge,
[66]; surplus of ecclesiastical reve-
nue, [68]; bill brought in containing
an appropriation clause, [70]; ex-
chequer proceedings for recovering
tithes, [294] &c.; see Ireland
Tithes, plan for their commutation in
England, [112]

Tol, lieut.-col., historian, death, 181
Trials: Delacollonge, French priest,
for murder of a young woman, 26;
R. Salmon, for causing death of Mr.
J. M'Kenzie by Morison's pills, 38;
Chaveau, Huillery, &c., the Neuilly
conspirators, 46; James Barnes, post-
office robbery, 47; ditto, second trial,
50; M. Vandegre, assassinating his
own son, 63; Alibaud, for attempt on
the life of the King of the French, 88;
W. Brownlee and others, riot at Ar-
magh, 101; Patrick and Edward,
Donelly, &c., highway robbery, 104;
Joseph Jomez Pelayo, causing an ex-
plosion by detonating powder in let

ters, Liverpool post-office, 144; John
Campbell, murder of Duncan M'Dou-
gall, 151; W. Jordan, T. Sullivan,
&c., robbery of cash at the Custom-
house, 270; Archibald Sly, murder,
278; Anne Rooney, perjury, 284;
H. Corrigan, &c., perjury, 285; H.
Roper, murder of Eliz. Tebbutt, ib.
Turkey, treaty with Russia, giving the
latter the command of the Darda-
nelles [279]; importance of main-
taining our commercial relations with
Turkey, [284]; revolts in the West,
[431]; suppression of the Albanian
insurrection, ib.; the pacha of Pris-
rend arrested, [432]; revolt in Bos-
nia by Ali Fidaah Pacha, who after-
wards surrenders, ib.; war in Kur-
distan, ib.; discontents in Constanti-
nople, [433]; Mr. Churchill, a British
subject, imprisoned, [434]; in conse-
quence of which lord Ponsonby in-
sists on the dismissal of the Reis
Effendi, [435]; influence and inter-
ference of Russia, [437]; Silistria
evacuated by the Russians, [439]
Turton, Dr., naturalist, death, 185

United States: the dispute with France
terminated, [440]; question as to the
disposal of the surplus money in the
treasury, and bill passed for its dis-
tribution among the different states,
[441]; circulation of small notes pro-
hibited, ib.; the United States' bank
obtains a charter from Pennsylvania,
[442]; opposition of the government
to the bank, ib.; and establishment of
new banks, ib.; evasion of prohibi-
tions against small notes, [443];
mania of speculation in lands, ib.;
abolition of slavery opposed by Con-
gress, [445]; Mr. Martin Van Buren
succeeds general Jackson as presi-
dent, ib.; election proceedings in
Maryland, ib.; instance of jobbing on
the part of New York senators, 71;
president's message to Congress,
338; relations with France and other
foreign powers, ib.; conduct of the
states in regard to the struggle be-
tween Mexico and Texas, 339;
commercial treaties with Siam, &c.,
340; finances, and surplus in the
treasury, 341; question of disposing
of it, 342; objections against distri-
buting it among the different states,
344; the currency, 348; reasons for
not renewing the United States bank's
charter, 350; payment for public
lands to be made in specie, 351; de-

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