Imágenes de página

of, i. 208, 209; sauroid, higher
in the scale of organization than
ordinary bony fishes, i. 223;
number of genera in sauroid fa-
mily, 209; sauroid, character of
living species, i. 209; sauroid
geological extent of, i. 210, 211;
in strata of the carboniferous
order, i. 212; peculiar form of
tail in early strata, i. 213; in
magnesian limestone, i. 213; in
muschelkalk, lias and oolite, i.
214; in the chalk formation, i.
216; in the tertiary formations,
i. 216; family of sharks, i. 218;
results from observations on, i.
222; functions of, in the economy
of nature, i. 223; form of their
crystalline lens, i. 300, 301.
Fissures, site of mineral veins in, i.
410, 411.

Fitton, Dr., on alterations in level
of sea and land, i. 43; his obser-
vations on Cypris Faba, in Weal-
den formation, i. 97, 98; his de-
scription of fossil cones, i. 365.
Fitzwilliam, Earl, cycas revoluta in
conservatory of, i. 375; trunks of
sigillaria in coal-mines of, at El-
secar, i. 353.

Fleming, Dr., on structure of in-
ternal shell of sepia, ii. 68; his
observations on fishes in old red
sandstone, i. 211.

Flints, origin of, i. 78.

Flucan, beneficial effects of in min-
ing, i. 408.

Fluidity, original theory of, i. 40,


Footsteps, fossil, near Dumfries, i.
198; preservation of explained,
i. 199; on red sandstone at Hess-
berg, i. 201; value of their evi-
dence, i. 200; reflections on, i.
201; on oolite, near Bath, pro-
bably of crustaceans, i. 199; re-
cent, of testudo græca, i. 199.
Foraminifers, species of found by
Count Munster, and Mr. Lons-
dale ii. 64.

Forest, subterranean, remains of in
Portland, i. 372.
Formations, geological, number and
thickness of, i. 39.

Forster, Mr., his section from New-

castle to Cross Fell, i. 58; on
quantity of iron annually made
in England and Wales, i. 397.
Fox, Mr. R. W., on the utility of
faults that intersect metallic veins,
i. 408; on electro-magnetic pro-
perties of mineral veins, i. 412,
and ii. 108; on electro-magnetic
action in mineral veins, ii. 107-

Freshwater, deposites from, in ter-
tiary strata, i. 68, 69.
Fries, on propagation of fungi, i.

Fucoids, remains of in transition
strata, i. 57, 340.

Fulham, Artesian wells at, i. 421.
Fusion, earliest state of the mate-
rials of the globe, i. 52.

GALLIBIS, skeletons of, at Guada-
loupe, i. 87.

Ganoidian, order of fishes, i. 206.
Genesis, ungrounded fear of incon-

sistence with, i. 20; interpretation
of Chap. I. consistent with geolo-
gical discoveries, i. 26; text of,
reconcilable with geology, i. 36.
Geology, extent of province of, i.
16; why but lately established
on induction, i. 17, sciences aux-
iliary to it, i. 17; its discoveries
consistent with revelation, i. 18;
religious application of, i. 440;
subserviency of to natural theo-
logy, 441; proofs from, of the
existence and attributes of a
Deity, 441, 442.
Georgensgemand, fossil mammalia
discovered at, i. 78.

Gerard, Dr., his discovery of am-
monites, &c. in the Himmalaya,
i. 254.

Glaris, turtle in slate of, i. 196;

fossil fishes at, i. 203, 208.
Gleig, Bishop, his interpretation of
Mosaic cosmogony, i. 32, 33.
Globe, successive changes in surface
of, i. 20; influence of animal re-
mains upon, i. 335; succession of
physical forces which have modi-
fied its surface, i. 433.
Golden Cap Hill, belemnites at base
of, i. 284.

Goldfuss, Professor, pterodactyles

described by, i. 175, 176, 177;
selections of the structure of en-
crinites from works of, 321; his
illustrations of echinidans and
stelleridans. i. 313.

Graham Island, rise and destruction
of, ii. 8.

Grampus, size and character of, i.


Granite, recent elevation of, in Py-
renees and Chili, i. 410, 411; pro-
bable igneous origin of, ii. 3;
intersecting and overlying creta-
ceous formations, ii. 5; older
intersected by newer, ii. 4; ele-
vation of during tertiary period,
ii. 4; fragments of, inclosed in
lava, ii. 7.

Gravatt, Mr., his experiments in
diving, i. 142.

Graveneire, stream of lava issuing
from granite at, ii. 8.
Greenock, Lord, his discovery of
fishes near Leith, i. 212; his dis-
covery of petrified intestines of a
fish in coal, near Edinburgh, i.


Greenstone, veins and overlying
masses of, ii. 5.

Grenville, Lord, cycas in conserva-
tory of, i, 371.
Guadaloupe, human skeletons in
sandbank at, i. 87.

Gyrodus, palatal teeth of, i. 214.

HALL, Sir James, his experiments
on crystallization under pressure,
i. 42.

Halstadt, orthoceratite, found in
oolite at, i. 175.
Hamite, character and locality of,
i. 277.

Harlan, Dr., on fossil fucoids in

North America, i. 340.
Harwich, fossil emys at, i. 197.
Hauy, his theological inference

from the construction of simple
minerals, i. 429.

Hawkins, Mr., his memoirs of ich-
thyosauri and plesiosauri, i. 134;
plesiosaurus discovered by, i.

Heat, influence of, in causing eleva.
tions of land, i. 41, 42; not the
sole cause of the consolidation of
stratified rocks, i. 52.

Henderson, on plants in Surtur-
brand of Iceland, i. 382.
Henslow, Professor, on buds of
cycas revoluta, i. 375.
Héricart de Thury, illustration of
Artesian wells by, i. 419, 421.
Herschel, Sir I. F. W., ranks geo-
logy next to astronomy, i. 19, 20;
on connexion between science
and religion, i. 439.
Hessberg, footsteps in sandstone at,
i. 201.

Hibbert, Dr. his discoveries near
Edinburgh, i. 210.

Hippopotamus, structure of tusks
of, i. 119.
Hitchcock, Professor, his discovery
of footsteps of birds in Connecti-
cut, i. 74; ditto, ii. 39, 40; on
geological evidences of a Creator,
i. 436; on consistency of geolo-
gical phenomena with Mosaic ac-
count of creation, i. 437.
Hoer in Scania, coal in secondary
strata of, i. 369.

Hoffmann, Professor, on source of
mineral waters at Pyrmont, i.

Home, Sir Everard, on spinal canal

of ichthyosaurus, i. 141.
Hook, Dr., his theory respecting

the motions of nautilus, i. 251.
Hopkins, Mr., on laws that have re-
gulated the disturbances of the
globe, i. 404; on production of
springs by faults, i. 418.
Human bones, found in no geologi-
cal formations preceding the ac-
tual era, i. 86, 87; often interred
in caves containing remains of
more ancient animals, i. 87, 88;
found in consolidated sand at
Gaudaloupe, i. 87; how mixed
with bones of ancient and modern
quadrupeds, i. 88; in caverns
near Liege, 89.

Hutton, Dr., his theory of the for-
mation of stratified rocks, i. 43;
of veins, i. 411, 412.
Hutton, Mr., his discoveries of ve-
getable structure in coal, i. 342,

Hybodonts, extent of, i. 219, 220.
Hybodus, i. 215.

Hybodus reticulatus, i. 220.
Hydraulic action, of siphuncle in

nautilus, i. 247; ditto in ammo-
nites, i. 265; ditto in belemnites,
i. 288.

Hyenas, bones collected by, in ca-
verns, i. 80.

Hylæosaurus discovered by Mr.
Mantell, i. 185; peculiar charac-
ter of, i. 185.

Hythe, large hamite found at, i.

Ichthyodorulites, or fossil spines, i.
220; uses and variety of, i. 220,
Ichthyosaurus, geological extent
and chief localities of, i. 133;
curious structure of, i. 133, 134;
number of species, i. 134; head,
partaking of the character of cro-
codiles and lizards, i. 135; jaw,
length of, i. 135; teeth, charac-
ter and number of, i. 135, 136;
how differing from crocodiles, i.
135; contrivances for replacing,
i. 136; eyes, magnitude of, i.
136 eyes, microscopic and tele-
scopic properties of, i. 136; eyes,
bony sclerotic of, i. 137, 138;
jaws, composed of many thin
plates, i. 138; jaw, lower, contri-
vances in, i. 139; vertebræ, num-
ber of, i. 140; vertebræ con-
structed like those of fishes, i.
140; ribs, structure of, and to
what purpose subservient, i. 141;
sternum like that of ornithorhyn-
chus, i. 142; paddles, anterior,
like those of whales; posterior,
like those of ornithorhynchus, i.
143, 144 concluding remarks
upon, i. 145, 146; intestinal struc-
ture of, i. 147; skeleton of, con-
taining coprolite, i. 150; small
intestine spiral, like that of sharks
and rays, i. 151; final cause of
spiral intestinal structure, i. 153;
skin of preserved, ii. 22; mecha.
nism of atlas and cervical verte-
bræ of, ii. 24-26.
Igneous rocks, various phenomena
of, ii. 5-9.
Iguana, modern, habits of, i. 186;
dentition of, i. 190.
Iguanodon, discovered by Mr. Man-
tell, i. 185; remains of, where
found, i. 185, 186; a gigantic


herbivorous reptile, i. 185; teeth
like those of the modern iguana,
i. 186; the largest of known fos-
sil reptiles, i. 185, 186; climate
indicated by remains of, i. 187;
teeth, peculiar character of, i. 188
-191; bony horn on the nose of,
i. 188; food of, probably tough
vegetables, i. 189.

Indusiæ, fossil in fresh water forma-
tion of Auvergne, i. 98.
Infusoria, Ehrenberg's observations
on, i. 336, 337; number of spe-
cies described, i. 336; their
powers of reproduction, i. 336;
their manners of increase, i. 337;
universal diffusion of, i. 337;
found fossil, i. 237.

Injection of igneous rocks at vari
ous periods, ii. 6.

Ink bags, recent and fossil of loligo,
i. 230.

Insects, fossil in carboniferous strata,

308; wing covers of, at Stones-
field, i. 310; Count Munster's
collection of from Solenhofen, i.
310; many fossil genera in ter-
tiary strata, i. 310.

Iron, ore abundant in coal forma-
tion, i. 59; quantity of, annually
made in England and Wales, i.

Isle of Wight, iguanodon found in,
i. 186.

Jæger, Professor, has found copro-
lites in Wirtemberg, i. 149; his
work on fossil plants, i. 368.
Jardine, Sir W., fossil footmarks
found by, i. 198.

Juli, supposed fir cones, are copro-
lites, i. 155.

Kaup, Professor, notice on the foot-
steps of chirotherium, i. 202; his
description of fossil mammalia at
Epplesheim, i. 78; his descrip-
tion of dinotherium, i. 110, 111.
Kepler, his prayer, i. 19.
Killery, cemetery in a sand bank at,
i. 87.

King, Captain, animal of spirula
found by, i. 274; sero!is found
by, i. 296.

König, Mr., his account of human


skeleton in British Museum, from
Guadaloupe, i. 87,

LAMANTIN, remains of, in pliocene
periods, indicate a warm climate,
i. 79.

Lamarck, his two sections of tra-
chelipods, i. 226; on geological
effects of microscopic shells, i.
290, 291; his notice of suckers
of encrinus, i. 331; theory of
transmutation associated with de-
velopement by, i. 436.
Lavas, phenomena of, i. 17.
Lead, artificial crystals of, produced

by steam of water, i. 412.
Leeds, fine heads of megalichthys
at, i. 210.

Leibnitz, his anticipation of the mo

dern Platonic theory, i. 49.
Lepidodendron, character and rela-
tions of this fossil genus, i. 350;
allied to lycopodiaceæ, i. 350;
size and character of, i. 351;
number of known species, i. 352;
intermediate internal structure of,

Lepidoids, thick bony scales of, i.
214, 215.

Lepidosteus, or bony pike, i. 209,
Lepidotus, i.. 215.

Level, changes of by volcanic
agency, i. 76.

Lhwyd, on insects and spiders in
coal shale, i. 306.

Lias, proof of intervals in deposi-
tion of, i. 233.

Libanus, fishes of tertiary era at, i.

Liblar, brown coal of, 382.
Liége, bones of men and hyenas in
caverns near, i. 88, 89.
Life, organic, successive stages of,
i. 51; organic has not existed
from eternity, i. 53, 54.
Light, essential to the growth of an-
cient vegetables, i. 34; undula-
tory theory compared with Ge-
nesis i. 3, i. 35 history of il-
lustrated by fossil eyes, i. 303,


Lignite, tertiary, localities of, i. 581,
382, 383; memoir on, by M.
Alexandre Brongniart, i. 381.
Limestone, origin of, i. 76, 77; com-..

binations in crystals of, i. 429,

Limulus, in iron stone of coal for-

mation, ii. 77; allied to trilobite,
i. 297; where found fossil, i. 297.
Lindley, Professor, his observations:
on existing lycopodiaceæ, i. 351;
experiments on the durability of
recent plants immersed in water,
i. 361.

Lindley and Hutton, their descrip-
tion of plants preserved in coal
mines at Newcastle, i. 344; ob-
servations on lepidodendron, i.
351, 352; recent discoveries of
stigmaria, i. 358; on fossil cones
of zamia from I. Wight, i. 370.
Links, in the mammalia supplied
by fossil remains, i. 75, 76.
Lituite, locality and character of, i.
275, 276.

Locke, his notice of spiral intes-
tines at Leyden, i. 153; his opi-
nion of the necessity of a revela-
tion, i. 438.

Loligo, vulgaris, structure and ha-
bits of, i. 230; fossil pens and
ink bags of, i. 230, 231; horny
pen of, preserved in lias, i. 231;
destroyed and buried suddenly, i.
232, 233; found in the lias of
Wurtemburg, i. 233.

London, Artesian wells near, i. 420,

Lonsdale, Mr., his discovery of mi-
croscopic shells in chalk, i. 337.
ii. 64.

Lophiodon, character and place of,
i. 71.

Louth, Artesian wells near, i. 420.
Lowestoffe, irruption of sea into
lake of, i. 101.

Lulworth, subterranean forest near,
i. S72.

Luminaries, celestial, described in
their relations to our planet, i.

Lukis, Mr., experiments on changes
in the stems of succulent plants,
i. 386.
Lycopodiacea, character, affini-
ties, and distribution of, i. 350.
Lyell, Mr., his refutation of the
doctrine, of transmutation of spe
cies, i. 51; his map of Europe

in the tertiary period, i. 67; his
division of the tertiary series, i.
68; on fossil indusiæ, i. 98, 99.
Lyon, Captain, on the action of the
wind in forming sand hills round
extraneous bodies in Africa, i. 104.
Lyme Regis, ichthyosauri found at,
i. 133; specimens from described,
i. 134; coprolites abundant on
the shore of, 148; plesiosaurus
discovered at, i. 158; pterodac-
tyle found at, 171, 173, 175;
bones of large sauroid fishes
found at, 211; fossil pens and
ink bags found at, i. 231; fossil
ink bags found at, i. 282.

MACROPOMA, only sauroid fish in
chalk, i. 216, 211.
Madrid, skeleton of megatherium
at, i. 115.

Maestricht, locality of most recent
belemnites, i. 280.
Mallotus villosus, i. 208.

Mammalia, earliest remains of, i.
64; of eocene period, i. 70; of
miocene period, i. 77; of plio-
cene periods, i. 79.
Man, relation of the earth to the
uses of, i. 83; all things not
created exclusively for his use,
i. 84; prospective provisions for
use of, i. 414.

Mansfeld, fossil fishes at, i. 203.
Mantell, Mr., on double convex
vertebra of gavial, ii. 26; fossil
birds found by him in Tilgate
Forest, i. 74; his history of the
Wealden formation, i. 99; refers
juli to coprolites derived from fos-
sil sharks, i. 154, 155: mosa-
saurus found by, in Sussex, i. 168;
megalosaurus found by, in Til-
gate Forest, i. 180; his discovery
of iguanodon and hylæosaurus, i.
185; his discovery of petrified
stomach and coprolites within
fossil fishes, i. 216.
Mantellia, genus of cycadites, named
by Ad. Brongniart, i. 373.
Mansfeldt, fossil fishes of, i. 103.
Marble, entrochal, composed of
crinoidea, i. 324.

Margate, gigantic ammonites near,
i. 253.

Marsupialia, extent and character
of, i. 64, 65.
Massey's patent log, improvement
suggested in, i. 264.
Matter, creation of, announced in
Gen. i. 1, i. 32; molecular con-
stitution and adaptations of, de-
cidedly artificial, i. 431; abori-
ginal constitution of, exalts our
ideas of creative intelligence, i.

Medusa, numbers of in Greenland
seas, i. 290.
Megalichthys, new genus of sauroid
fishes, i. 209; localities where
found, i. 210; further discoveries
of, ii. 43; structure of teeth of,
ii. 44.
Megalosaurus, genus established by
the author, i. 180, 181; where
occurring, i. 180, 181; size and
character of, i. 181; lived upon
land, i. 181; medullary cavities
in bones of, i. 182; habit car-
nivorous, i. 182; character of
jaw, i. 182; structure of teeth,
i. 182-184.

Megaphyton, character of, i. 357.
Megatherium, allied to the sloth, i.
113; allied to sloth, armadillo,
and chlamyphorus, i. 116; found
chiefly in S. America, i. 114; by
whom described, i. 114; larger
than rhinoceros, i. 116; head of,
like sloth, i. 117; structure of
teeth, i. 117, 119; lower jaw of,
i. 120; bones of trunk, i. 120;
peculiarities of vertebræ, i. 120;
magnitude and use of tail, i. 120;
ribs apparently fitted to support
a cuirass, i. 121; scapula, re-
sembling sloth, i. 121; uses of
clavicle, i. 121; peculiarities of
arm and fore arm, i. 122; fore
foot, a yard in length, i. 123;
fore foot, used for digging, i.
123; large horny claws, adapted
for digging, i. 123; peculiarities
of pelvis, i. 124; magnitude of
foramina for nerves, i. 124; pe-
culiarities of thigh and leg bones,
i. 125; hind foot, peculiarities
of, i. 125; bony armour, like
that of armadillo and chlamy-
phorus, i. 126; probable use of,

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