A single dot under a vowel in an unaccented syllable indicates its abbreviation and lightening, without absolute loss of its distinctive quality. Thus: a as in prelate, courage. ē as in ablegate, episcopal. ō as in abrogate, eulogy, democrat. ū as in singular, education. A double dot under a vowel in an unaccented syllable indicates that, even in the mouths of the best speakers, its as in Persia, peninsula. as in nature, feature. A mark ()under the consonants t, d, s, z indicates that they in like manner are variable to ch, j, sh, zh. Thus: as in nature, adventure. ds das in arduous, education. as in pressure. as in seizure. y as in yet. B Spanish b (medial). ch as in German ach, Scotch loch. Gas in German Abensberg, Hamburg. H Spanish g before e and i; Spanish j; th as in thin. TH as in then. D = TH. ' denotes a primary, " a secondary accent. (A secondary accent is not marked if at its regular interval of two syllables from the primary, or from another secondary.) LIST OF AUTHORS, VOL. IX. (WITH PRONUNCIATION.) Du Maurier (dü mõ ryā), George Louis Palmella Busson. Dunbar (dun bär'), William. Duncan (dung'kan), Henry. Dunlap (dun'lap), William. D'Urfey (der'fi), Thomas. Duruy (dü-rüē), Jean Victor. Dutt (dut), Toru. Duyckinck (di'kingk), Evert Augus tus. Duyckinck, George Long. Dwight (dwit), John Sullivan. Dwight, Timothy. Dwight, Timothy, D.D., LL.D. Dyce (dis), Alexander. Dyer (di'er), Sir Edward. Dyer, John. Dyer, Thomas Henry. Earle (érl), John. Eastman (ēst'man), Charles Gamage. Ebers (a'bers), Georg. Echegaray (a chā gä'ri), José. Eekhoud (ā kood), Georges. Edgren (ėd'grén) Leffler, Anna Charlotte. Edmund Kirke (ed'mund kerk). See Gilmore, James Roberts. Edwards (ed'wärdz), Annie. Edwards, Amelia Blandford. Edwards, Jonathan. Edwards, Jonathan, Jr. Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham. Eggleston (eg'l ston), Edward. Eggleston, George Cary. Eginhard (eg'in härd), or Einhard (in' härd). Eichendorff (i'ken dorf), Joseph von. Eliot (el'i ot), George. See Evans, Marian. Eliot, John. Eliot, Samuel. Ellet (el'et), Elizabeth Fries (Lummis). Ellicott (el'i kot), Charles John. Elliot (eli ot), Sir Gilbert. Elliot, Jean. Elliott (el'i ot), Charles Wyllys. Elliott, Ebenezer. Ellis (el'lis), Sir Henry. Ellis, Sarah (Stickney). Ellis, William. Ellwood (el'wůd), Thomas. Embury (em'bur i), Emma Catherine (Manley). Emerson (em'er son), Ralph Waldo. Eötvös (ét vêsh), Josef. Epicurus (ep i kūrus). Erasmus (e raz'mus), Desiderius. Ercilla y Zuñiga (är thelyä ë thôn yế Euripides (ū rip'i dēz). Eusebius (ū sē'bi us). Evans (ev'anz), Christmas. Evans, Marian. Evarts (ev'ärts), William Maxwell. Evelyn (ev'e lin), John. Everett (ev'èr et), Alexander Hill. Everett, Edward. Ewald (a'vält), Johannes. Ewbank (ü'bangk), Thomas. Ewing (u'ing), Juliana Horatia (Gatty). Faber (fa'bėr), Cecelia Bohl von. Faber, Frederick William. Fairbairn (fär bärn), Andrew Martin. Fairfax (far faks), Edward. Falconer (fâk'nėr or fåkon ėr), William. Fane (fan), Julian. Fanny Forrester (fan'i for'es tèr). See Judson, Emily (Chubbuck). Fanshawe (fan'sha), Anne (Harrison), Lady. Faraday (far'a dā), Michael. Faria e Souza (fä rēä ë sōzä), Manoel de. Farini (fä rēnē), Carlo Luigi. Farjeon (fär'jon), Benjamin Leopold. Farnham (färn'am), Eliza Woodson (Burhans). Farnham, Thomas Jefferson. Farquhar (fär'kwär), George. Farrar (far'är), Frederic William. Fawcett (fâ'set), Edgar. Fawcett, Henry. Fawcett, Millicent. Fawkes (fâks), Francis. Fay (fa), Theodore Sedgwick. |