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mava anche con l'atto 12 maggio decorso, in cui, secondando il voto de' Comitati dipartimentali veneti e del Governo lombardo, e cedendo a' vivi sentimenti di stima e di affezione, cementati dalla fratellanza delle sventure ne lunghi anni di comune servaggio, consentiva che le provincie del già regno lombardo-veneto fossero tutte a suo tempo rappresentate da una sola Assemblea costituente, ma sotto condizione che a questa unicamente spettasse decidere sui destini politici dello Stato.

Senonchè, il Governo lombardo, allegando che la guerra d'indipendenza si prolungava oltre le sue previsioni, e adducendo le impazienze manifestate dai suoi amministrati, ed altri motivi che a lui parvero possenti, decretò che, pur pendente la guerra, si votasse il partito della fusione immediata del territorio lombardo col regno di Sardegna, e la votazione si facesse, non in assemblea, ma ricevendo le sottoscrizioni del popolo in apposite liste.

L'esempio fu seguito dai Comitati provvisorii dipartimentali di Padova, di Vicenza, di Treviso e di Rovigo, i quali, di sola loro autorità, decretarono votazioni sullo stesso partito e col metodo stesso.

Ciò facevasi mentre erano già state invase del nemico le provincie di

firmed them also by the Act of May 12 last, in which, seconding the vote of the Venetian Departmental Committees and of the Lombard Government, and yielding to the lively sentiment of esteem and affection, cemented by partnership in the misfortunes of the long years of common servitude, it agreed that the provinces of the former Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom should all, at the proper time, be represented by a single constituent assembly, but under the condition. that it should be the duty of this alone to decide on the political destinies of the State.

However, the Lombard Government, alleging that the war of independence was lasting longer than it had expected and taking into consideration the impatience shown by the people that it was administering and other reasons that seemed to it important, decreed that, even while the war was going on, a vote should be taken on the immediate union of the Lombard territory with the Kingdom of Sardinia, and that the vote should be taken, not in the assembly but by receiving the signatures of the people arranged in appropriate lists.

This example was followed by the Provisional Departmental Committees of Padua, of Vicenza, of Treviso, and of Rovigo, which, solely on their own authority, decreed that votes should be taken on the same matter and by the same method.

This was done when the provinces of Udine and of Belluno had already

[blocks in formation]

been invaded by the enemy and while that of Verona was still occupied by him. Therefore, putting aside any question of right or of convenience, it is a fact that the province of Venice is in danger of remaining isolated for a shorter or longer time.

This fact is so serious that the Provisional Government, although it deplores that, while the soul and mind of every Italian should be directed to a single end, namely, independance, it should have to treat of political arguments, and thus arouse partisanship, create discords and bring about weakness; nevertheless believes that it cannot dispense with inquiring quickly, on questions that call for an immediate solution, what the wishes are of the inhabitants of this province, which is threatened with isolation.

But this Government intends that these wishes should be expressed with knowledge of the reasons, previous inquiry into the facts, previous deliberate expression of opinions, and therefore in an assembly of representatives. Not a constituent assembly that shall definitely fix the fundamental laws of the State, but an assembly elected in the summary manner imposed by the exigencies of the time, which shall deliberate on the conditions of the moment and which, changing or confirming the membership of the Government, shall strengthen it and adjust it to popular opinion.

Therefore the Provisional Government of the Venetian Republic


1. È convocata in Venezia un'Assemblea di deputati pegli abitanti di questa provincia, la quale: 1

(a) Deliberi se la questione relativa alla presente condizione politica debba essere decisa subito, od a guerra finita:

(b) Determini, nel caso che resti deliberato per la decisione istantanea, se il nostro territorio debba fare uno Stato da sè, od associarsi al Piemonte;

(c) Sostituisca o confermi i membri del Governo provvisorio.

2. Le adunanza saranno tenute in una delle sale del Palazzo Ducale, e comincieranno col giorno 18 giugno


3. Le norme per l'elezione dei deputati sono determinate in altro decreto di oggi.2

Venezia, 3 giugno 1848.

Il presidente, MANIN; PALEOCAPA: Il segretario, JACOPO ZENNARI.


1. An assembly of deputies for the inhabitants of this province is convened at Venice, which:

(a) Shall decide whether the question relating to the present political condition shall be decided at once, or when the war is ended:

(b) Shall determine in case the decision is for an immediate settlement of the question, whether our territory shall form an independent state by itself, or shall associate itself with Piedmont:

(c) Shall replace or confirm the members of the Provisional Government.

2. The meetings shall be held in one of the halls of the Doge's Palace, and shall begin with the 18th day of June of the current year.

3. The rules for the election of deputies are established in another decree issued to-day.

Venice, June 3, 1848.

The President, MANIN; PALEOCAPA; The Secretary, JACOPO ZEN


1 The date for the convening of the Assembly was first set for June 18. Postponed by a decree of June 13, it was finally convoked for July 3. (Le Assemblee, vol. 2, pp. 55 and 58.) 2 The decree establishing the electoral qualifications is not given in Le Assemblee. A summary of these qualifications is given by Dawkins, British Consul General at Venice, in a dispatch to Viscount Palmerston on June 4, as follows:

"The other decree provides for the electoral qualifications, according to which all persons who have attained the age of 21 years have the right of voting, and all those who have attained the age of 25 are eligible as deputies. Electors can exercise the right of voting only in the parishes in which they reside, and the deputies are to be chosen in the different parishes in the proportion of one deputy for every 2,000 inhabitants." British Parliamentary Papers, Affairs of Italy [1108], p. 567.

Vote of the Consulta of Venice. June 26, 1848 1

Dopo la discussione viene posta ai voti la proposta, che interessando sopra tutto che l'opinione pubblica sia istrutta e predisposta sul partito più utile da prendersi dall'Assemblea convocata pel giorno 3 luglio, la Consulta inviti il Governo a far conoscere al pubblico il vero stato delle cose nei diversi rapporti delle finanze, della marina, della guerra e del commercio, ad illuminare i membri dell'Assemblea per l'emissione del voto, che troveranno più opportuno pel comun bene, e predisporre il pubblico ad accogliere e rispettare questo voto con la sommissione e confidenza dovute all'espressione legale della volontà dei rappresentanti della provincia.

Questa proposta viene approvata ad unanimi voti.


After discussion, the following proposal has been put to the vote:

Since it is necessary, above all, that public opinion shall be instructed and prepared regarding the most beneficial course to be taken by the assembly convoked for the 3rd day of July, the Council shall invite the Government to make known to the public the true state of things in the diverse reports regarding finances, navy, war, and commerce, in order to supply the members of the assembly with information necessary for casting their votes for what shall be found most necessary for the common good, and to predispose the public to welcome and to respect this vote, with the submission and confidence due the legal expression of the will of the representatives of the Province.

This proposal has been approved by unanimous vote.

Speech of Manin before the Representative Assembly, and Vote of the Assembly for the Union of Venice with Piedmont. July 4, 1848 2

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Io ho oggi la stessa opinione che aveva nel 22 marzo, quando, dinanzi alla porta dell'Arsenale ed in Piazza S. Marco, proclamai la Repubblica. Io la ho e tutti allora l'avevano. Ora tutti non l'hanno. (Agitazione.) Parlo parole di concordia e di amore e prego di non essere interotto. È un fatto che tutti oggi non l'hanno. È pure un fatto che il nemico sta alle nostre porte, che il nemico attende e desidera una discordia in questo paese, inespugnabile finchè siamo d'accordo, espugnabilissimo se qui entra la guerra civile.

Io, astraendo da ogni discussione sulle opinioni mie, e sulle opinioni altrui, domando oggi assistenza, domando oggi un grande sacrificio; e lo domando al partito mio, al generoso partito repubblicano. (Applausi universali.)

All'inimico sulle nostre porte, che aspettasse la nostra discordia, diamo oggi una solenne mentita. Dimentichiamo oggi tutti i partiti; mostriamo che oggi dimentichiamo di essere o realisti o repubblicani, ma che oggi siamo tutti Italiani.

Ai repubblicani dico: nostro è l'avvenire. Tutto quello che si è fatto e che si fa, è provvisorio. Deciderà la Dieta italiana a Roma. (Vive e prolungate acclamazioni universali.)

(Tornato il Manin al suo posto, l'avv. Castelli e molti altri deputati vanno ad abbracciarlo con grande effusione di animo.)

I hold to-day the same opinion which I held on the 22nd of March, when, before the door of the Arsenal and in the Piazza S. Marco I proclaimed the Republic. I hold it now and everyone held it then. At present everybody does not hold it. (Agitation.) I speak words of harmony and of brotherhood and I ask not to be interrupted. It is a fact that not all men hold it. It is, moreover, a fact that the enemy is at our door, that the enemy awaits and desires discord in this country, impregnable so long as we are in agreement, but at the mercy of the enemy should civil war enter here.

Abstaining from all discussion of the opinions of myself and others, I ask, today, assistance, I ask today a great sacrifice, and I ask it of my own party — of the generous republican party. (Universal applause.)

To the enemy at our doors, who are expecting discord in our ranks, we will to-day give the solemn lie. Let us forget today all party issues; let us show that to-day we forget that we are royalists or republicans but that we are now all Italians.

To the republicans I say: "the future is ours. All that which has been done, which is being done, is provisional. The Italian Diet at Rome shall decide." (Unanimous and prolonged cheers.)

(Manin returned to his seat, the lawyer Castelli and many other deputies came and embraced him with great effusion and animation.)

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