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Minister of Foreign Affairs was present at the Sitting.His Excellency the Duke of Bassano, Minister of Foreign Affairs, communicated the following Report:


that the restoration of those important places should be made an object of compensation in the negotiations with England for our maritime possessions. -The King of Prussia had no right to discuss the gifts which he received from your Majesty's generosity, the importance of which elevated him above his hopes. The contributions of war laid on the Prussian territories were reserved as equitable and necessary indemnities for the expenses of the unjust war which Prussia had kept up.- -Your Majesty's armies were not to evacuate the territory ceded to the King of Prussia until after the entire payment of the contributions. Nevertheless, Sire, by the Convention concluded at Berlin on the 5th No

ferences at Erfurth, your Majesty consented to remit Prussia a part of her debt, and withdraw the French troops from her territory, before the payment had been made. The alliance of France with Russia appeared to have guaranteed the fidelity of Prussia. Your Majesty wished to rely upon it; but the weakness, habitual indecision, of that Court, might every moment deceive that confidence. The conduct of Prussia during the first years which followed the peace of Tilsit, was guided by sentiments very different from those of gratitude. Far from fulfilling her engagements, she appeared to watch for occasions, and wait opportunities which might permit her to avoid them. In 1809 entire regiments were surrendering to the influ ence that secret and seditious societies exercised, ranged themselves under the standards of your Majesty's enemies,—a scandal unparalleled in the annals of Go

Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, to His Majesty the Emperor and King. Sire-The days of Jena and Friedland had laid the whole of the extent of the Prussian Monarchy at the disposal of your Majesty. Powerful considerations render ed it advisable either to keep the fruits of those victories, or to place on the Throne of Prussia a Prince who would have no interest contrary to that of France-who would have nothing to reclaim from herand who, above every thing, would not suffer himself to be led away by that ver-vember, 1808, in consequence of the consatility which has, for a hundred years past, characterized the policy of the House of Brandenburgh. -But the Emperor of Russia offered, at Tilsit, to declare War against England; to concur in shutting the Continent against her commerce, in order to constrain her to wish for Peace, if the King of Prussia was replaced among the rank of Sovereigns.This perspective operated on your Majesty as a seduction to which you could not resist, you indulged the hopes of seeing the tranquillity of the world re-established, and the commerce of France at length enjoy that splendour to which it is ensured by the richness of our soil and the industry of her people. You sacrificed to such great interests the calculations of suspicious policy, and at your second interview with the Emperor Alexander you consented to receive the King of Prussia, whose presence, instigated by a just resentment, you would have avoided. -It had been formerly the general opi-vernment.nion, that the King of Prussia had been drawn to take part in the war against his own will, your Majesty was pleased to think that the experience he had lately made would for ever put him on his guard against dangerous seductions and dark illusions; in short, your Majesty, to whom generosity is habitual, easily persuaded your self that that you were going to use would never be forgotten.- The Prussian Monarchy was restored, and the House of Brandenburgh continued to reign. Your Majesty ought to have put him from the frontiers of the Rhine, and taken from him the protection of the coasts. You created the Kingdom of Westphalia, and stipulated that Dantzic, Glogau, Custrin, and Stettin should remain in your hands until peace was concluded with England. You wished

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-In 1811, when a sensible change in the dispositions of Russia gave reason for fearing that war was again about to be kindled in the North, Prussia understood that her fate depended entirely upon her foresight, that if she allowed events to take place, she could no longer be mistress of chusing a part, and that it was requisite to adopt one whilst she was at liberty to make a choice—she requested the favour of your Majesty of being admitted to your alliance. This question presented itself in its full importance. It appeared prudent and right policy to profit by the grievances which Prussia had given you by the continual incertitude of her conduct; and if war should take place with Russia, to declare it against her at the same time, in order not to leave a dubious power in your rear.Prussia did not spare her


solicitations and entreaties. The steps preach up the overthrow of all social order which he took at St. Petersburgh to en- and the destruction of the throne. Prus deavour to influence the determinations ofsian officers were sent with eclat to the Russia whilst it was yet time, bore such a Russian head-quarters. Russian agents suc character of frankness, and were so evi-ceeded to each other at Breslaw. At length, dently directed with a sense to the interests on the 1st March, the Prussian Government of France, that it struck your Majesty-consummated by a treaty with Russia what you no longer balanced-you again saved General De York had commenced. Prussia by admitting her to an alliance was on the 17th March at Breslaw, and on with you.When your Majesty went to the 27th at Paris, that the Ministers of the Dresden, the King came there to meet you, King of Prussia, officially announced their and there by word of mouth reiterated Master's having made common cause with the assurances of an inviolable attachment the enemy. Thus Prussia declared war to the system you had embraced.- against your Majesty in return for the treaty of Tilsit, which replaced the King on the throne, and for the treaty of Paris, which admitted him to an alliance.-I add to this Report, the pieces presented to your Majesty when Prussia solicited your alliance, with an extract of the letters of M. the Count de Saint Marian, on the same subject. (Under letter A.)-The treaty and conventions concluded at Paris for establish ing the alliance. (Under letter B).—The convention concluded by General De York with the Russians, and his proclamations. (Under letter C). The papers relative to the dispositions made by Prussia, on the subject of the defection of General De York. (Under letter D.)-The papers relative to the mission of General Hatzfeldt at Paris. (Under letter E).-The Extract of a Res port on the connivance of General Bulow

As soon as your Majesty was become master of events, and that was as soon as it could be effected by genius and courage, Prussia remained faithful, and the Prussian corps did its duty: but when the French army in its turn experienced the chance of war, the Cabinet of Berlin kept no longer any measures. The defection of General De York called the enemy into the states of the King of Prussia, and obliged our armies to evacuate the Vistula and fall back on the Oder. Prussia, to dissimulate her intentions, offered to furnish a new contingent. She had a sufficient number of troops, all formed, and of cavalry in Silesia, and from thence to the Oder, which would then have been so useful in opposing the incursions of the enemy's light troops. But she was resolved not to keep her promises. -The King unexpectedly left Potsdam; he aban-with the enemy. (Under letter F.)-The doned a residence in which he was covered by the Oder, to throw himself into an open city and go into the enemy's presence. Scarcely was he arrived at Breslaw, when General Bulow, who commanded some thousands of men on the Lower Oder, when imitating the treason of General De York, he opened his cantonments to the Russian light troops, and facilitated the passage of the Oder to them.- It was under the guidance of newly-enrolled Prussians that these troops came to make little skirmishes at the gates of Berlin. The Prussian Cabinet had thrown off the mask. The King, by three successive ordonances, immediately called to arms all such young men of family as were rich enough to equip and mount themselves; then all the youth, from seventeen to twenty-four years of age; and, lastly, the men above that age. It was an appeal made to the passions which Prussia had felt the necessity of reprimanding, whilst she was desirous of our alliance, and whilst she remained faithful. The Chancellor of State called around him the heads of those Secretaries, who, in their seditious fanaticism,

three Edicts for the extraordinary leviest
(Under letter G.)-The King's Ordonance,
which acquits and recompenses General De
York. (Under letter H.)-And, finally, the
Notes by which the Prussian Government
has accepted, notified to your Majesty's Mi-
nisters, that they have violated the alliance,
and declared war. (Under letter L.)-
am, with the most profound respect, your
Majesty's most humble and most obedient
servant and faithful subject,

(Signed) The DUKE of BASSANO.

CONSERVATIVE SENATE. After the Report being read, the Counsellors of State presented two projects of a Senatus Consultum, and Count Defermont explained the first, in the manner following:

My Lord and Senators,-You have just heard the communications which his Majesty has ordered to be made to you; existing circumstances render an augmentation of our military force indispensable; it is the object of the Senatus Consultum which we are charged to present to you.must regret the defection of our Ally, it is

-If we

and to strengthen the army, with men, still in the flower of their age, whose profession is arms, and who are languishing out of employment. It is even necessary to open a career for young people who are fitted for it, by the education they have received, to become soldiers; but who hav

sider themselves as being then too old to run the chance of a slow promotion in the military career.

better to see him openly in the enemy's ranks, than be exposed to his daily treacheries. The disposable force of Prussia is not such, but that the Empire may make her repent of again having entered into a contest with her; but you know, Gentlemen, that if we wish for peace, it must be obtained by successes, that will guaranteeing attained their 24th or 25th years, conits durability; and to obtain that object, it is much better immediately to employ great means, rather than gradually exhaust overtures in feeble efforts. -The first title of the project puts 180,000 men at the disposal of the Minister at War, to be added to the active armies.- -Ninety thousand men taken of the Conscription of 1814, whose levy has already been authorized, will only find a change in their destination. -Ninety thousand men are to be levied agreeably to the disposition of Title II. and III. of the Project. The defection of Prussia may augment our enemy's forces with eighty or one hundred thousand men, and it is, therefore, right and advisable to increase the army of the Empire in the same proportion.- -Title III. creates four regiments of Horse Guards of Honour, in the whole to complete 10,000 men.. The departments have demanded the formation of companies of Body Guard. This institution, necessary to the throne, can only be progressively realized.

The officers are only to be taken from the first ranks in the army, and their presence in the corps they command is now necessary. If they were taken from less elevat ed ranks, they would fail of the intended end, and be contrary to the institution, because there would not be placed at their head those who are to be especially responsible for the safety of the Emperor and his family; men who are clothed with the first dignities in the army and in the State.

The body guard is otherwise not needful for the present moment; the gen's d'armes, the troops of the garrison, and five or six thousand men of the Imperial Guard, both of horse and foot, which are now at Paris, and are composed of old soldiers, not so able to go to war, and young men, commanded by Officers d'Elite, guarantee the maintainance of good order in the capital.It is nevertheless useful to proceed to the formation of these companies of Body Guards,

It is with this view that we have conceived the dispositions of Title II.- -The men called to compose the 4th regiments shall cloth, equip, and mount themselves at their own expense, but they have the certainty of obtaining the Brevet of Officers, after a campaign of twelve months; and they shall be capable of admission into the formation of the four companies of body guards, if they shall be promoted thereto when the campaign is finished; they may even be employed in detachments of three or four hundred men, to assist in the service of the Empress, or that of the King of Rome. These regiments shall receive the pay of horse chasseurs in the Imperial Guards.

-In fine, the Members of the Legion of Honour, or their sons, if they have not a sufficient fortune to do it themselves, may be equipped and mounted at the charge of the Legion. These united advantages will no doubt lead the children of the Members of the Electoral Colleges of the Department, and Circles of the Municipal Councils, the sons of the most respectable people in the departments and the communes, and in short of all those who are depositaries of the public authority, to inscribe themselves in these regiments; and there will be no excuse left for those idle young people who complain of having no employment open for them, and who too often gives cause for reprimanding their excesses.

-Title III. makes a call for 80,000 men of the first Bans, as well for recruiting the army, as for forming an army of reserve; but from which are excepted such men as were married before the publication of the Senatus Consultum.This call will give soldiers of the age of from twenty one to twenty-six years, and consequently men in the full vigour, and capable of entering into (To be continued.)

Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-street.

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"scruple to misrepresent the history, "though so recent in the memory of their


MR. ALDERMAN WOOD and the CELE-"hearers. Thus Mr. Alderman Wood, in BRATED COMMISSION.I dare say that "addressing the Borough Meeting, said Mr. Wood, when he brought forward the" that important documents had been withAddress in the Common Hall, was not "held from the knowledge of His Majesty weak enough to imagine, that he should" in 1806, for he was sure, that if the affiescape the shafts of party malice. He," davits of Mr. Edmeades and Mr. Mills who has had some experience in such mat- "had been submitted to him, he would "not have issued the Warrant to the Four ters, must have laid his account with receiving a due portion of the venom of the Commissioners for the Inquiry. Now -His conhireling prints on both sides.every reader of a newspaper knows, that duct was well worthy of their resentment, "when the warrant was issued in May, and, accordingly, they have both attacked" 1806, those affidavits were not in existhim with great fury. The attacks of the "ence ;- they were produced by the ministerial prints I will not particularly no-" Princess in her Defence. So much for tice; but, there is one article in the Whig" the accuracy of the patriotic Alderman! 66 "But the tribunal," it seems, "was organ, the Morning Chronicle, that I can""unconstitutional." Indeed! Does not not let pass, it being at once so artful and so malignant. The faction, from whom it" this inteligent Magistrate know that it is proceeds, is become so very low in the" an essential part of the duty of the Privy public estimation; it is fallen so far beneath Council to institute an inquiry into every the serious notice of the ministry, that it" charge of high treason that shall come is now become what the Jews and Genoese" before them, and that in right of their are in Gibraltar, who, by their malice, by" office they are qualified Magistrates for the injuries which they slily do to the" that purpose? That they are bound to Christians, seek a compensation for the in- "examine on oath, and that, like the Grand sults which they want the spirit openly to "Jury, they may either send the parties to resent. Such is the state of that tower- "trial, or declare that there is no ground ing faction formerly called the Talents, and" for trial?—The tribunal, therefore, was of which faction the Morning Chronicle is clearly constitutional, since the main the mouth-piece. - This circumstance" charge amounted to high treason. will, alone, account for the following jew-""Aye, but the Commissioners went belike article, published in that paper on the ""yond the main charge." They could 26th of April.- -I will insert it entire, so "not avoid it. For the purpose of inquirthat the author shall not have to complain" ing into the main charge there was no neof mutilation. The occasion, to which the" cessity for a Special Warrant; it was writer refers, I shall more fully have to no- "their official duty to inquire into it as soon tice by-and-by. At present, we will first" as it came to their knowledge. But the take the article as it lies before us, and then" public know that all the declarations see, in a short commentary, what stuff it is made by Bidgood, Cole, and Fanny made of.- "The moderate part of the "Lloyd, as well as that of Lady Douglas, "public must have read with no little sur- were submitted to His Majesty, and it was on account of the minor circum"prise the language of some of the most ❝ zealous advocates for the Princess of "stances contained in those declarations "Wales, who, not content with vindicat- "that the King thought fit, as Father of "ing Her Royal Highness from the asper-" the Royal Family, specially to enjoin four "sions thrown out against her since her" of his confidential servants to inquire into "acquittal, go out of their way to abuse" the truth of these allegations, and to re"the first Inquiry itself, by which she was "port to him upon the whole. The four. "justified. In doing this they do not "Commissioners had, therefore, a Warrant


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❝ to authorize them to go into all the par- has produced no proof of it; and, I cannot
❝ticulars, and they could not avoid the help thinking, that his citing so weak a
"painful and delicate duty.In the dis- presumption is calculated to do the charac-
"charge of that duty, we are persuaded ter of their Lordships no good. It seems
"that all those who have taken the pains, as if he was hard pushed, which has always
as we have done, to examine their pro-a sorry look for the client in whose favour
"ceedings with accuracy, must acknow- the advocate is arguing.—Now for the
"ledge that they were governed by the charge against Mr. Wood, who is here
"most generous eandour, and that they ac- called "the patriotic Alderman," and from
68 quitted themselves with the clearest con- what sort of feeling the reader will easily
science-the proof of which was made judge. -The writer of the article says,
<manifest by the result-for it turned out that Mr. Wood, at the Borough Meeting,
*that they satisfied no one of the parties said, "that important documents had been
that were concerned."- While it is" withheld from His Majesty, in 1806;
before me, I cannot help remarking upon "for that he was sure, that, if the affidavits
this closing position; namely, that it is "of Messrs. Edmeades and Mills had been
manifestly PROVED, that the Four Lords" submitted to him, he would not have is-
acquitted themselves with the clearest con- "sued the warrant to the Four Lords for
science, by this fact: "that they satisfied" the Inquiry."For having said this,
16 no one of the parties that were concern- Mr. Wood is accused of misrepresentation.
"ed."--I wonder where Mr. Perry -I will not say that the accusation is
found the maxim on which this assertion" as false as hell;" but, I do say, that
is founded.--Now, mind, I do not say,
that the Four Lords did not obey the dic-
tates of their conscience in drawing up the
Report of the 14th of July, 1806; and, I
am aware, that one of them has asserted,
that insinuations to the contrary are as
"false as Hell;" but, what I say is this:
that Mr. Perry's PROOF is not worth
much; for, that it is possible for a judge or
jury to give satisfaction to none of the par-
ties, and yet to act with great and notorious
injustice. What does Mr. Perry think, for
instance, of the conduct of the Monkey in
the litigated case between the two cats?
The judge, in that memorable case, could
certainly give satisfaction to neither of the
litigants, and yet it will hardly be contend-
ed, that, in swallowing the whole of the
disputed property, he acquitted himself
with the clearest conscience.- -How often
does it happen, that injustice is done to a
weak party at the suit of a strong party,
and yet to see the latter dissatisfied? I
have known a soldier receive a hundred or
two of lashes upon the complaint of one who And was not Mr. Wood's assertion
was dissatisfied that he did not get double substantially correct? The affidavits, in-
the number; and yet, it was evident to me, deed, of Drs. Edmeades and Mills were not
that the man ought not to have been pu- made till after the warrant was issued ;
nished at all, and that what was given was but, their declarations of the falsehood of
given to please the complainant. So far Fanny Lloyd's declaration was made before
from Mr. Perry's maxim being generally the warrant was issued; and it was issued
true, it appears to me to be, in cases of ac- without the King being informed of the
cusation for serious offences, generally false. counter-declarations of the two Doctors.
At any rate, that which he cites as Change, then, the words" documents and
PROOF of the clear conscience of the Four" affidavits," in Mr. Wood's speech, into
Lords is no proof at all. Their consci- the word "declarations," and he is correct
foraught I know to the con- to the very letter: as his speech now stands,
Ebery clear indeed; but he it is perfectly correct as to the spirit and to

substantially it is false.The fact, the very important fact, to which Mr. Wood referred, was this: The Warrant was issued upon certain written declarations, laid before the King. Amongst these written declarations was that of Fanny Lloyd. Fanny Lloyd stated, in her declaration, that Dr. Mills had observed to her, that the Princess was with child, in 1802. Dr. Mills was called before Lord Moira, and he declared that what Fanny Lloyd had said was an infamous falsehood; for that he never had said so, nor thought so, and that such an idea had never come into his mind. Dr. Edmeades, his partner, said the same thing. And, observe, these Gentlemen were examined before Fanny Lloyd's declaration was laid before the King, and the declarations of these Gentlemen were NOT laid before the King.the declarations of these Doctors had been laid before the King, would he have been in haste to issue the warrant? Would he not have seen enough to make him hesitate?

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