Next in three books spoil'd human nature : Undid Creation at a jerk, And of Redemption made damn'd work. Then took his Muse at once, and dipt her Full in the middle of the Scripture. What wonders there the man, grown old, did ? Sternhold himself he out... Miscellaneous Prose Works - Página 155de Walter Scott - 1853Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
| Jonathan Swift - 1742 - 314 páginas
...Redeemer, another Heroick Poem in fix Books. Verfes en England' ; Arch-Poet 25$ Then took his Mufc at once, and dipt her Full in the Middle of the Scripture. What Wonders there the Man grown old, did ? Sternbold himfelf he out-Sternbolded, Made iv David fccm fo mad and freakifh, All thought him juit... | |
| Jonathan Swift - 1757 - 444 páginas
...IO Undid creation ** at a jerk, And of redemption ff made damn'd work. , Then took his mufe at once, and dipt her Full in the middle of the Scripture : What wonders there the man grown old did ! 15 Sternhold himfelf he out-Sternholded : Made David J j feem fo mad and freakifli, All thought him... | |
| 1794 - 918 páginas a ¡irk, And of ( 9) redemption made damn'd work. Then took his m ufe at once and dipt her 1'ull in the middle of the Scripture. What wonders there the man, grown old, did ? Sternhold himfelf, he out-Sternholded, Made (10) David feem fo mad and freakifh, All thought him juft what thought... | |
| Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 496 páginas
...Creation ff at a Jer^ , And of Redemption JJ made damn'd work. Then took his Muse, at once, and dipp'd her Full in the middle of the Scripture : What wonders...grown old did ! Sternhold himself he out-Sternholded ; • Two heroick poems in folio, twenty books. f An heroick poem, in twelve books. J An heroick poem... | |
| Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 498 páginas
...Creation ff at a jerk; And of Redemption JJ made damn'd work. Then took his Muse, at once, and dipp'd her Full in the middle of the Scripture : What wonders there the man grown old did! Scernhold himself he out-Sternholded; • Two heroick poems in folio, twenty books. f An heroick poem,... | |
| Jonathan Swift - 1803 - 434 páginas
...Creation ff at a jerk ; And of .Redemption {J made damn'd work. Then took his Muse, at once, and dipp'd her Full in the middle of the Scripture : What wonders there the man grown old did I Sternhold himself he out-Sternholded; Made David §§ seem so mad and freakish, All thought him just... | |
| John Dryden, Walter Scott - 1808 - 476 páginas
...Creation (g) at a jerk, And of Redemption (/i) made damned work : Then took his muse at once, and dipped her Full in the middle of the scripture. What wonders...grown old did ! Sternhold himself he out-sternholded ; Made David (i) seem so mad and freakish, All thought him just what thought king Achish. No mortal... | |
| John Dryden - 1808 - 486 páginas
...jerk, And of Redemption (ft) made damned work : Then took his muse at once, and dipped her full iu the middle of the scripture. What wonders there the...grown old did ! Sternhold himself he out-sternholded ; Made David (t) seem so mad and freakish, All thought him just what thought king Achisb. No mortal... | |
| John Dryden, Walter Scott - 1808 - 478 páginas a jerk. And of Redemption (A) made damned work : Then took his muse at once, and dipped her Tull in the middle of the scripture. What wonders there the man grown old did ! Sternhold himself he out-sternbolded ; Made David (i) seem so mad and freakish, All thought him just what thought king Acbish.... | |
| 1810 - 438 páginas
...personal anecdote, by writing his own life and the private history of his acquaintances. At length tit; took his muse and dipt her Full in the middle of the...lashed by an author, who has strained every nerve to gain a share of them, without recollecting the exclamation of Lear: — ' Thou rascal beadle, hold... | |
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