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the name of general, was the first to take
flight. This is not the first time he has
acted in that manner; he has done the same
on all occasions.-This army of 45,000 has
been thus beaten and defeated, without our
having had more than 6000 men engaged.
-The battle of Burgos had struck the centre
of the enemy, and the battle of Espinosa
the right; the battle of Tudela has struck the
left; victory has thus struck, as with a thun-
derbolt, and dispersed the whole league of
the enemy.

Twelfth Bulletin of the French Army of
Spain, dated Aranda, Nov. 28.

of a league and a half; a disposition abso- | true head of a party, which acquired him Jutely bad. The Arragonese were on the right, the troops of Valencia and New Castile in the centre, and the three divisions of Andalusia, which general Castanos commanded more especially, formed the left. Forty pieces of cannon covered the enemy's Jine. At nine in the morning the columns of the French army, began to deploy, with that order, that regularity and coolness, which characterise veteran troops: situations were chosen for establishing bat1eries with sixty pieces of cannon, but the impetuosity of the troops, and the inquie. tude of the enemy, did not allow time for this. The Spaniards were already vanquished by the order and movements of the French army. The duke of Montebello caused the centre to be pierced by the division of general Maurice Matthieu ; the general of division Lefebvre, with his cavalry, immediately passed on the trot through this opening, and enveloped, by a quarter wheel to the left, the whole right of the enemy. The moment when half of the enemy's line found itself thus turned and defeated, was that in which general Lagrange attacked the village of Cascante, where the line of Castanos was placed, which did not exhibit a better countenance than the right, but, abandoned the field of battle, leaving behind it its artillery, and a great number of prisoners. The cavalry pursued the remains of the enemy's army to Mallah, in the direction of Saragossa, and to Tarracona, in the direction of Agreda. Seven standards, thirty pieces of cannon, with all their furniture, 12 colonels, 300 officers, and 3,000 men, have been taken; 4,000 Spaniards have been left dead on the field of battle, or have been driven into the Ebro. Our loss has been trifling, we have had 60 men killed and 400 wounded; among the latter is the general of division Lagrange, who has received a bullet in the arm.-Our troops found at Tudela a number of magazines. The marshal duke of Cornegliano has begun his march upon Saragossa. While a part of the fugitives retired to this place, the left, which had been cut off, led in disorder to Tarracona and Agreda. The duke of Elchingen, who was on the 22d at Soria, ought to have been on the 23d at Agreda, not a man would have escaped but this corps being too much fatigued, remained at Soria the 23d and 24th. He arrived at Agreda on the 25th, still sufficiently in time to seize a great number of magazines. One named Palafox, formerly a garde du corps, a man without talents, and without

rage, a kind of insignificant monk, the

At the battle of Tudela, the general of division, Lagrange, charged with the attack of Cascante, ordered his division to match by echellon, and put himself at the head of the first division, composed of the 25th regiment of light infantry, which fell upon the enemy with such impetuosity, that 200 Spaniards were killed in the first charge of the bayonet. The other echellons could not come up. This singular intrepidity spread consternation and disorder among the troops of Castanos. It was at this moment that general Lagrange, who was at the head of the first echellon, received a ball, which wounded him dangerously.-On the 20th, the duke of Elchingen advanced by Tarracona to Borja. The enemy destroyed sixty tumbrils which they had at Tarracona.-General Maurice Matthieu arrived, on the 25th, at Borja, pursuing the enemy, and every moment taking fresh prisoners, the number of which already amounts to 5,000, they are all troops of the line. No quarter was given to any of the peasants who were found in arms. We took 37 pieces of cannon, Disorder and delirium have seized upon their leaders. Their first proceeding was a violent manifesto, in which they declared war against France. They imputed to her all the disorders of their court, the degeneracy of the race which reigned, and the baseness of the great, who, for many years, have prostrated themselves in the most abject manner at the feet of the idol which they load with all their rage, now he is fallen. They have very false ideas in Germany, Italy, and France, of Spanish monks, if they compare them to those which exist in these countries, We find among the Benedictines, the Ber nardins, &c. in France and Italy, a crowd of men remarkable in sciences and literature; they distinguish themselves by their educa tion, and by the honourable and useful class to which they belong. The Spanish monks, on the contrary, are drawn from the dregs of the people; they are ignorant and drun

household, charged among the Polish troops, and received many wounds, one of which is very severe.—Sixteen pieces of cannon, '10 flags, 20 covered chests, 200 waggons, laden' with all kinds of baggage, and the military chests of the regiments, are the fruits of this brilliant affair. Among the prisoners, which are very numerous, are all the colonels and lieutenant-colonels of the corps of the Spanish division. All the soldiers would have been taken, if they had not thrown away their arms, and dispersed in the moun tains. On the 1st of Dec. the head-quarters of the emperor were at Saint Augustin, and on the 2d, the duke of Istria, with the cavalry, commanded the heights of Madrid. -The infantry could not arrive before the 3d-The intelligence which we hitherto bave received leads us to think that this town is suffering under all kinds of disorders, and that the doors are barricadoed. The weather is very fine.

ken, and can only be compared to people | Major Segur, marshal of the emperor's employed in slaughter-houses. They are illiterate, and have the very manner and appearance of it-it is only over the lowest classes that they have any influence. A citizen would think himself dishonoured in admitting a monk to his table. As to the unfortunate Spanish peasants, we can only compare them to the Fellahs of Egypt; they have no property-every thing belongs to the monks, or to some powerful house. The liberty to keep an inn is a feudal right; yet in a country so nonred by nature, we find neither posts nor inns The taxes even are alienated, and belong to the lords. The great bave degenerated to such a degree, that they are without energy, without merit, and even without influe ce. We every day find at Valladol, and beyond it, considerable magazines of arms. The English faithfully executed that part of their engagement; they provided muskets, poniards, and libels; these they have sent in profusion: their inventive spirit has been signalised, and they have carried to a great length the art of spreading libels, as of late they have distinguished themselves by the fire-rockets. All the evils, all the scourges which can afflict mankind, come from London. Thirteenth Bulletin of the French Army of Spain, dated St. Martin's, near Madrid, Dec. 2.

On the 29th ult, the head-quarters of the emperor were removed to the village of Bouzealas; on the 30th, at break of day, the duke of Belluno presented himself at the foot of the Somo Sierra; a division of 13,000 men of the Spanish army of reserve defended the passage of the mountains.The enemy thought themselves unattackable in that position. They had entrenched the narrow passage, called Puerto, with sixteen pieces of cannon. The 9th light infantry marched upon the right; the goth upon the causeway; and the 24th followed by the side of the heights on the left. General

Senarmont, with six pieces of artillery, advanced by the causeway. The action commenced by the firing of musquetry and cannon. A charge made by the general Montbrun, at the head of the Polish light horse, decided the affair, it was a most brilliant one, and the regiment covered itself with glory, and proved it was worthy to form a part of the imperial guards; cannons, flags, musquets, soldiers, all were taken or cut to pieces. Eight Polish light horse were killed upon the cannon, and sixteen have been wounded.—Among the last is captain Dzievaneski who was dangerously wounded, and lies almost without hopes of recovery.

SPANISH REVOLUTION.-(Continued from p. 791). Address of the Supreme Junta of Seville to the Spanish People. Dated from the Royal Palace of Seville, September 17,


This Supreme Junta, from the first appointment guided only by its loyalty and pa triotism, has seen with no less admiration than pleasure the exertions of the other parts of the kingdom, and that surmounting difficulties almost insuperable, all have vied with each other in manifesting, that their conduct and operations were actuated by the same sentiments, and directed to the same objects. Far from conceiving, even for an instant, that it has exceeded any of them in those points, which, notwithstanding its scanty means and supplies, it has been able to realize by its zeal and sacrifices, it ardently felicitates itself upon witnessing that union of dispositions and exertions, which' might disconcert the bold and wicked plans of the common oppressor, as' soon as the respective circumstances of the several pro vinces shall permit the whole of their united" force to be directed to the single object of expelling our ferocious enemy from our ter ritory. Never did so silly and chimerical an idea enter into the calculations of this Supreme Junta, as that, notwithstanding the loss of the other provinces of the kingdom, one particular province might be able to rescue itself from the yoke of a powerful, vindictive, and obstinate eneny: but though to superficial minds this project might not appear an absolute impossibility, its attachment to its king and country, and

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excellency.'-Although such have been, and are the genuine views and wishes of this supreme junta, joined to that of the speedy convocation of the Central Janta; and al though it has not omitted, nor will omit, any means of accomplishing them, as the general defence of the kingdom imperiously dictates, malevolence has nevertheless aitempted to confound the impossibility of more promptly realizing their desires, with the nature of those desires themselves. But with what acute pain has this supreme junta learnt, both from verbal and written communications, the prevalence of a malicious report, that its members had assigned to themselves, and are now enjoying large salaries! Calumny could not have been carried to a greater pitch. Far from any of the members having any appointment, or

its anxiety to preserve the integrity of the monarchy, would have compelled it to identify itself, with the hard fite under which our fellow-countrymen in the other provinces are suffering, and to afford them those succours which they so justly solicit, and which is demanded by their distresses, and the necessity of our united exertions for the salvation of the country, the only wish of all good and loyal Spaniards.-Notwithstanding these were, and are, the principal objects attended to by the Junta, whilst it did not at the same time lose sight of the points by which the enemy might menace us, or attack us with the intention of making a combined diversion, or to try the effect of a bold movement, there have not been wanting ignorant or disaffected persons, who have imputed to it the intention of retaining in Andalusia that army which had so glorious-receiving a single maravedi, it will be seen, ly effected the destruction of Dupont, whereas all its efforts were directed towards the object of expelling our enemies from the Castiles, in combination with the disposable forces of the other provinces, after concerting such a system of combined movements as should ensure a happy issue to our operations. With this view, the Supreme Junta, on the 8th of September, among other particulars, wrote to the general in chief as follows. This Supreme Junta has long since manifested the high confidence which it < reposes in your excellency. You will therefore act as prudence directs, making such ⚫ movements and marches with the army as you shall judge expedient for delivering Spain from the French; and making it known to all, that our firm resolution is to employ all our forces in defence of the country. Repeated orders have been issued to the newly-raised troops to march for Castile, and place themselves at the disposal of your excellency. They will be furnished with clothing; and we will also make every exertion to forward some for the divisions under your command, ⚫ whose naked condition we deeply regret, though hitherto unable to remedy it, notwithstanding the clothes now making ready amount to eleven million of reals. We shall also cause the 10,000 flasks, or canteens, presented to us by the English, to be forwarded with all expedition to Madrid. Having just learnt the arrival at Cadiz of several English transports, ⚫ with about $9,000 muskets, and other military implements, we instantly resolved to send your excellency 10,000 of them, to be disposed of as may be thought necessary, leaving the distribution of them to the determination of your


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when the list of donations is published, that they have contributed, as well as the rest, according to their respective means, in supplying funds for the glorious defence of our be loved king Ferdinand VII. our liberty, and our most sacred rights. Indefatigable in the important duties of this great undertaking, the junta have devoted every day, since their first meeting, to public business exclusively, to the neglect and contempt of their private affairs, abandoning their homes and interests, and having incessantly two of their body on duty during the night, to attend to any emergency which might occur in the critical circumstances wherein we were placed.-Such is a brief sketch of the conduct of this supreme junta. It wil more fully explain it, in a manifesto which shall contain a true and more particular account of all its proceedings. In the meantime, it hastens to submit to the public this short and frank statement, in order to give a check to malignity, and to remove those sinister impressions which malice, false. hood, and ignorance, are making every effort to propagate. This supreme junta has not known, nor will it know, auy other principles than those of constantly ap proving and supporting the truly patriotic views and efforts of all the provinces, in defence of the most just cause of any re corded in the history of the world-the united exertion of all our energies to expel. the satellites of despotism from every part of the kingdom-the integrity of the mo narchy, and a complete concert in all our plans and operations, in order to plant upon the Pyrenees the triumphant standards of our king, as harbingers of the deliverance of Europe, forerunners of the destruction of the tyrant who endeavours to subjugate

it, and monuments of the immortal glory of the Spanish nation.-JUAN BAUTISTA ESTELLER, Chief Secretary.

Manifesto to the Inhabitants of Sarragossa. Dated Head Quarters, Sarragossa, Sept.

20, 1808.

The heroic defence of Sarragossa, which has been made by the magnanimous inbabitants of that city, and its vicinity, is the object of admiration to all parties, and will be so to future ages. The constancy, inflexibility, and calmness, with which they resisted the incessant assault of an enemy, who every day attacked, and who every day was conquered, shew that their hearts are animated by the most noble sentiments, and evince, that those virtues which best secure the independence of a people, are not lost to Spain, and at the same time teach us what may be done by a people resolved to be free; of their resolution and valour, I have been a constant witness, and have ever seen them as great in their resolves, as noble in their deeds; the happiest of my days will be that in which I shall inform our beloved king, Ferdinand the VII., what they deserve for their fidelity, their valour, their loyalty, and the ardent affection with which they adore him but till that day arrives, what they have done shall not remain without a distinguished mark to perpetuate its memory: therefore, reserving to myself to distribute particular rewards to such individuals as may have merited them by eminent services, as soon as I shall have received accounts sufficiently accurate to enable me to make a just distribution, I have resolved to grant as I do grant, in the name of our august sovereign, Ferdinard VII, to all the inhabitants of the vicinity of this city and its districts, that they now and hereafter shall always enjoy the privilege never to be adjudged by any tribunal in any case, except for treason or blasphemy, to any disgraceful punishment; which privilege shall be perpetual, invariable, and peculiar, to all the citizens of whatever class, sex, age, and condition, they may be without any person offering to contradict or act contrary to its tenor; but, on the contrary, all shall be careful punctually to fulfil and execute it; for which end an edict shall be passed, authorised by the royal audience, and transmitted to the hall of justice, and magistracy of the city. And that it may ⚫ be known unto all, it shall be published on the vigil of the city's most sacred protector, our Lady of Pilar, by proclamation, with trumpets, &c. in the accustomed form, and shall be fixed up in the public places, and circulated besides in all the cities, towns,

and villages in the kingdom, that to all ma be known the just reward of the valour fidelity, and constancy of this capital, which has given me the most heartfelt pleasure.JOSEPH PALAFOX Y MELZI.

Proclamation by Brigadier-General Count de San Roman, Colonel of the Regiment of Infantry of the Princess, and Previsional Commander-in-Chief of the Division of the North, lately arrived in Spain; addressed to the Troops who compose it, drawn up in Line, in Celebration of the Birth-Day of our august and beloved Sovereign, Ferdinand VII. the 14th of October, 1808.

Soldiers, The general-in chief, marquis de la Romana, on his departure from Gottenburgh, committed to me the honourable charge of commanding you; and as he has not yet been able to rejoin us, I think it right not to delay any longer stating to you, what, I am convinced, he would have done under the present circumstances -Absent from your country upwards of 700 leagues, and kept in complete ignorance of its fate, your loyalty was tried by seduction, and exposed to acts the most arbitrary, oppressive, and unjust; but faithful to your banners and your lawful sovereign, you knew how to re sist them with unshaken firmness, and to live and die, united with your country, was the sole wish you unanimously entertained and expressed.- Under these circumstances, through the interposition of Divine Providence, direct intelligence reached us of the situation of our country, and of her anxious de sire to obtain our assistance. You immediately united all to afford her your aid; but obstacles, almost insurmountable, obstructed the attainment of that end. Nothing, however, was capable to make you shrink from your firm resolve. Great were the privations, fatigues, and incessant dangers, with which you had to struggle, in order to attain your purpose, but you bore up under them al with that heroic perseverance and kind of satisfaction, which the most exalted patriotism alone can inspire.-Divine Providence could not but favour a cause so just; and guided by that Providence, we succeeded, under the powerful and energetic protection of a great and generous nation, now our irtimate ally, to surmount all obstacles, and tread again our auxiously desired native soil. When you set foot on it, you all expressed the most lively emotion of heartfelt joy; and corresponding demonstrations of your countrymen, convinced you of their joyful feelings on the happy occasion. A truly memorable day, warranted by the public expression of sentiments worthy of true


Spanish patriotism,
the memory of
which will, no doubt, be handed down
to the latest posterity with the glorious
history of its name. - We have already
ioined in his temples to offer up thanks-
givings to the Most High, who vouchsafed
to dispose this, and to implore with fervent
prayers the continuance of his support.
Now we are under arms, enjoying the bliss-
ful destiny of celebrating in our native land
the birth day of our sovereign Ferdinand
VII to restore him to his throne, and to
reign full of splendour, prosperity, and glo-
ry. Your anxious desire to march for that
purpose, and to share in the laurels of our
gallant companions in arms, who have co-
vered themselves with glory, shall soon be
fulfilled. But, soldiers, in order to secure
the attainment of your wish, you should
constantly bear in mind, that order and dis-
cipline must be scrupulously observed, and
unremitting vigilance displayed in the ser-

Spaniards!-The Central Junta of Government of the kingdom, after having taken all measures in its power to defeat the ene my, who, continuing his attacks, has advanced into the neighbourhood of Samezierra, addresses you, for the purpose of putting you upon your guard against the intrigues with which the perfidious agents of Napoleon endeavour to alarm and deceive you, by increasing the number of the enemy's troops, who hardly amount to eight thousand men, according to the reports made by the Generals whom the Junta has charged with the defence of the important post of Guadarrama.-Inhabitants of Madrid !—The country stands in need of your exertions; your circumspection, and patriotism, are the bulwarks on which it chiefly rests its defence. The Junta trusts that you will know how to support the dispositions of your Captain-General, and of the tribunal of vigilance, in order to discover and deliver to The least fault or omission on this the inexorable arm of the law, all traitors, head would no longer prove injurious to who will now exert themselves more than those unfortunate people with whom you ever to introduce disorder, and paralyse the formeryl acted, and who still groan under activity with which you must be present at the heavy oppression of the perfidious enemy all parts, which will be pointed out to you; who endeavoured to impose his iron yoke bearing in mind the 2d day of May, when, also on our country, but hurts and distresses deprived of all assistance, and even of the your worthy countrymen, your brethren, liberty to defend yourselves, you struck the in fine, those who so generously step for- whole nation with astonishment by your loyward to share our fatigues and alleviate alty and valour.-The Central Junta feels them. Every offender shall therefore be at a loss to express to you the confidence promptly punished with the utmost severity, which the enthusiasm, with which the saand deserves, besides, to be turned out of diers of the nation prepare themselves to your ranks, as unworthy of the Spanish beat the enemies of our beloved Sovereign name, because he could render himself Ferdinand VII, of our country, and cur re guilty of misconduct in circumstances so ligion, inspires them; our allies, the Enginteresting and important.-But I feel per-lish, convinced of the justice of the cause fectly satisfied that a case so disgraceful will never happen my conviction on this head, arises from your good conduct and ferveut patriotism. Fhave merely to add, that when the day so much desired shall come, to front our enemy, you shall always find me by your side, I will share all your dangers, and, jointly with the gallant and distinguished officers by whom you are commanded, we will shew the world, that if a glorious death, in the field of honour, be at all times the darling object of the wishes of Spanish soldiers, how much more so must it be for those who are fighting for a cause the most just and most sacred; a cause in which the defence of our holy religion, and of our beloved lawful sovereign, Ferdinand VII, and the dignity and independence of our native land, are equally concerned ! -COUNT DE SAN ROMAN.

Address of the Central Junta to the Spanish
Nation. Dated Nov. 21, 180S.

we defend, and, animated by the same en-
thusiasm, are invited, and ready to march
to Escurial, where they are at present to re
inforce the position chosen by our wise Go
neral, and support the operation of our van,
which must already have commenced to en-
gage the slaves of the tyrant who oppresses
all nations. Spaniards! cowardice, inspi
red by treason, will, no doubt, try means
to augment the dangers, exaggerated by the
ill-disposed, in order to frustrate the mes-
sures pursued by the Junta, which places
implicit confidence in your unexampled fide
lity and obedience.-Royal Palace of Aran-
juez, Nov. 21, 1808. By order of the
Supreme Junta.-MARTIN DE GARAY.

AMERICA.-Message of the President of the
United States to the Senate and House of
Representatives. November 8, 1808

It would have been a source, fellow-citizeus of much gratification, if our last com

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