Revolution in Poetic LanguageColumbia University Press, 1984 - 271 páginas The linking of psychosomatic to literary and literary to a larger political horizon raises the question of conservative premises to linguistic, pyschoanalystic, philisophical, and literary theories and criticisms of such. |
The Phenomenological Subject of Enunciation | 21 |
The Semiotic Chora Ordering the Drives | 25 |
Husserls Hyletic Meaning A Natural Thesis Commanded by the Judging Subject | 31 |
Hjelmslevs Presupposed Meaning | 38 |
The Thetic Rupture andor Boundary | 43 |
The Mirror and Castration Positing the Subject as Absent from the Signifier | 46 |
Freges Notion of Signification Enunciation and Denotation | 52 |
Breaching the Thetic Mimesis | 57 |
NonContradiction Neutral Peace | 140 |
Freuds Notion of Expulsion Rejection | 147 |
Heterogeneity | 165 |
The Dichotomy and Heteronomy of Drives | 167 |
Facilitation Stasis and the Thetic Moment | 171 |
The Homological Economy of the Representamen | 175 |
Through the Principle of Language | 178 |
Skepticism and Nihilism in Hegel and in the Text | 182 |
The Unstable Symbolic Substitutions in the Symbolic Fetishism | 62 |
The Signifying Process | 68 |
Poetry That is Not a Form of Murder | 72 |
Genotext and Phenotext | 86 |
Four Signifying Practices | 90 |
Negativity Rejection | 107 |
The Fourth Term of the Dialectic | 109 |
Independent and Subjugated Force in Hegel | 114 |
Negativity as Transversal to Thetic Judgment | 117 |
Kinesis Cura Desire | 127 |
Humanitarian Desire | 133 |
Practice | 193 |
Experience Is Not Practice | 195 |
The Atomistic Subject of Practice in Marxism | 198 |
Calling Back Rupture Within Practice ExperienceinPractice | 202 |
The Text as Practice Distinct from Transference Discourse | 208 |
The Second Overturning of the Dialectic After Political Economy Aesthetics | 214 |
Maldoror and Poems Laughter as Practice | 217 |
The Expenditure of a Logical Conclusion Igitur | 226 |
Notes | 235 |
261 | |
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Términos y frases comunes
already anal articulation becomes body break called consciousness constitutes death drive denotation desire dialectic différance discourse emphasis added experience fetishism Frege Freud Freudian Grammatology guage Hegel heterogeneous contradiction Husserl Ibid ideology instinctual ject jouissance judgment Julia Kristeva Kristeva Lacan lack manque langage poétique laughter Lautréamont linguistic logical Maldoror Mallarmé Marx material meaning ment metalanguage metonymy mirror stage modalities motility movement narrative negation notion object operations Paris phenomenological Phenomenology of Spirit phenotext pleasure principle poetic language poetry position precisely precondition predicate process/on trial produces psychoanalysis rejection relations representation represents revolution Révolution du langage rupture sacrifice schizophrenia scission semantic semiotic chora sense shattering signifying practice signifying process signifying systems society specific stases structure struggle subject in process/on symbolic function syntactic syntax term textual theory thesis thetic phase thought tion transcendental ego transformation translation modified truth unconscious unity verb violence words writes Young Hegelians
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