Professors as Writers: A Self-help Guide to Productive Writing

New Forums Press, 1990 - 186 páginas
Here is a proven book to help scholars master writing as a productive, enjoyable, and successful experience -- Author, Robert Boice, prepared this self-help manual for professors who want to write more productively, painlessly, and successfully. It reflects the author's two decades of experiences and research with professors as writers -- by compressing a lot of experience into a brief, programmatic framework. Like the actual sessions and workshops in which the author works with writers, this book admonishes and reassures. In the innovative book lies the path for sustained, highly productive scholarly writing!

Sobre el autor (1990)

Robert Boice received his B.A. degree in the honors program at Michigan State University magna cum laude, and later received the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from MSU in psychology. He devoted much of his distinguished career to the study and application of techniques for helping faculty to become more productive writers. He served as a Professor of Psychology at SUNY at Stony Brook, NY, and conducted scores of workshops on his and other campuses pioneered numerous techniques to include highly successful post-workshop visitations to help faculty stay on track with their writing programs.

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