La Literatura y El Mal (Spanish Edition)

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 9 abr 2016 - 284 páginas
La presente serie de ensayos, unidos bajo una misma sombra, recoge gran parte de los postulados filosóficos y estéticos que rigieron el quehacer creador de Bataille: el exceso, la soberanía, la transgresión, la libertad. Conceptos dispuestos aquí al servicio del desciframiento del lenguaje y de la literatura. De la impotencia de aquél, de la imposibilidad de ésta y de lo irrenunciable de ambas. Gracias a la perversión que la literatura, conforme a sus propias leyes, opera en el lenguaje -que sólonos hace humanos-, se logra instaurar en su seno una experiencia límite que alumbra una nueva realidad, revelando así que la auténtica medida del hombre es la búsqueda de lo absoluto. El carácter rebelde de la literatura, su condición demoníaca, arrojan dudas acerca de si estamos a igual distancia del bien que del mal, y parece aproximarnos de manera implacable hacia este último.

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Sobre el autor (2016)

Georges Bataille was a French poet, novelist, and philosopher. He was born in Billon, Puy-de-Dome, in central France on September 10, 1897. His father was already blind and paralyzed from syphilis when Bataille was born. In 1915, Bataille's father died, his mind destroyed by his illness. The death marked his son for life. While working at the Bibliotheque National in Paris during the 1920s, Bataille underwent psychoanalysis and became involved with some of the intellectuals in the Surrealist movement, from whom he learned the concept of incongruous imagery in art. In 1946 he founded the journal Critique, which published the early work of some of his contemporaries in French intellectual life, including Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida. Bataille believed that in the darkest moments of human existence-in orgiastic sex and terrible death-lay ultimate reality. By observing them and even by experiencing them, actually in sex and vicariously in death, he felt that one could come as close as possible to fully experiencing life in all its dimensions. Bataille's works include The Naked Beast at Heaven's Gate (1956), A Tale of Satisfied Desire (1953), Death and Sensuality: A Study of Eroticism and the Taboo (1962), and The Birth of Art: Prehistoric Painting (1955). Bataille died in Paris on July 8, 1962.

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