Critical Incident Stress Debriefing: An Operations Manual for CISD, Defusing and Other Group Crisis Intervention ServicesChevron Publishing Corporation, 2001 - 330 páginas From the history of Critical Incident Stress Management services to the detailed descriptions of debriefings, defusings and demobilizations, this book is filled with useful information which will enhance both the understanding and delivery of the debriefing process. It can assist new and experienced stress teams in the provision of timely and effective CISM services. The book discusses psychotrauma and its effects, a rationale for rapid CISM intervention, and reasons why CISD is successful. Entire chapters on the components of a CISD team, the establishment and maintenance of a team, and important elements of trouble shooting are included. The third edition of Critical Incident Stress Debriefing: An Operations Manual represents the latest and most advanced discussion of group crisis intervention ever written. The latest "lessons learned", research evaluations and guidelines for implementing group crisis interventions highlight this valuable text. This book is "required reading" for anyone in the crisis intervention field. |