A Bridge Between Panic and Peace: 30 Days of Inspiration and Scripture

Independently Published, 15 ago 2020 - 125 páginas
A Bridge Between Panic and Peace is a perfect little book for the reader to dip in and out of, whether needing something to meditate on during times of stress or worry, or wanting to spend some quiet time with God, you will find the MOTIVATE power quotes, the MEDITATE scriptures and the CONTEMPLATE note pages for you to write down what you receive, almost like a journal. The author, Revd. Bishop Ann Laidlow, has spent over 30 years in leadership, mentoring, church planting and shares the wisdom she has attained over the years. Ann resides in Spain with her husband Steve, where they oversee the running of Acorn International Ministries, a global outreach providing relief and support, alongside their Word of Faith Bible Training Centres, where they teach, train and equip current and future pastors, leaders and missionaries in various regions in England, Spain and Southeast Asia.

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