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inauthor:Mark inauthor:Twain de books.google.com
In this book, the Mark Twain tells of his escapades in the American West and the Sandwich Islands. Although he clearly "speaks with forked tongue," his story is informative as well as humorous.
inauthor:Mark inauthor:Twain de books.google.com
The first tale is a humorous story about fictional characters, supposedly Twain's ancestors. The second tale is about a strange power struggle in a European province.
inauthor:Mark inauthor:Twain de books.google.com
While going through the possessions of a decreased guest who owed them money, the mistress of the inn and her son find a treasure map that leads them to a pirate's fortune.
inauthor:Mark inauthor:Twain de books.google.com
In this book, the Mark Twain tells of his escapades in the American West and the Sandwich Islands. Although he clearly "speaks with forked tongue," his story is informative as well as humorous.
inauthor:Mark inauthor:Twain de books.google.com
" This Modern Library Paperback Classic is set from the Mark Twain Project edition, which is the approved text of the Center for Scholarly Editions of the Modern Language Association.
inauthor:Mark inauthor:Twain de books.google.com
An account of Twain's experiences as an apprentice riverboat pilot in the days of the great Mississippi steamboats.
inauthor:Mark inauthor:Twain de books.google.com
Other stories include A Dog's Tale, Was it Heaven? Or Hell?, Does the Race of Man Love a Lord? and many others. This replica of the 1907 edition of The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories is a real treat for booklovers and fans of Mark Twain.
inauthor:Mark inauthor:Twain de books.google.com
In "A Tramp Abroad," Twain's abundant humor waxes as freely as ever; this time, however, his amusement bears a more cynical cast, as he regards the grand tourist sights of Innocents through his now older and more experienced eyes.
inauthor:Mark inauthor:Twain de books.google.com
This jacketed hardcover replica of the original edition of Europe and Elsewhere, including The War Prayer (1905), a short story indicting war; The United States of Lyncherdom (1901), an essay against the mass lynching in Pierce City, ...
inauthor:Mark inauthor:Twain de books.google.com
This was the novel that made Mark Twain's reputation and secured his place as a children s author.